#hecula analysis
hecula-propaganda · 7 months
Every interaction between Hector and Dracula
or the two's feelings for each other :)
Prelude to Revenge
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A place to cling to...
The ability to rebel and blaspheme against the Divine Providence Is accepted without blame A place where we are allowed to exist.
[We] respectfully obeyed, to cling to.
Why yes, I am perfectly normal about Hector and Isaac clinging onto Dracula because he's the only thing they have in this world :')
I'm not sure if Hector is speaking also on Isaac's behalf or only for himself, but I choose to believe it's the former because it makes sense.
But what's important here is that they are in the same position. It's easy to imagine Isaac, irrationally loyal and perpetually insecure, latching onto Dracula. But even Hector, in his icy pride, did the same :) he cared. Just not to the point of self-nullification.
And also look at that. Dracula gave a piece of his power to Hector. In the game itself, Zead says that the Devil Forgemasters are "suffused" in his magic (or "Devil Forgemasters are always with my Master's power" in Japanese). Part of Dracula is literally in them.
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“What did he wish from me, that he even rebelled…? Unforgiveness is my nature. The more precious things are, the more they resist and are lost…”
I've spent enough words talking about that one word, 惜しい :)
Of course, this happens right after this lovely scene:
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“Please, I beg of you I am human too!”
“My nourishment is human life and mistakes. I will disappear when humans perish…”
There’s no need for me to be chased away The disposal of my body Can’t even happen here... Anywhere...
So, hm. First you gravely injure your rebellious general without even listening to his concerns, then you wonder why your precious thing doesn't love you anymore. I don't think Kojima intended for him to look like a stereotypical abuser, but that's the vibes I get. it doesn't help that this is more or less his attitude with Alucard...
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It is said that my former master was destroyed by the wielder of the holy whip. However, the devastation of the human world will not end...
Nothing major, just for completion's sake. This is the only time, as far as we know, that Hector calls Dracula his "master".
Media Factory manga
Unlike with the PtR manga, I need to talk about Isaac here, because he can't be separated from either Hector or Dracula.
i swear that the mf manga is a long long draactor propaganda, the love triangle here is insane
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Isaac is the one who warned Dracula of Trevor, and the one who begged him to be sent to kill the Belmont. And yet...
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Hector was sent instead. Hector was the one deemed worthy of facing such a big threat. Look at Isaac's eyes. He's so not happy about this blow to his fragile sense of self-esteem.
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And Dracula once again puts Hector over Isaac, by ignoring his concerns, ordering him to go find the lost General and leaving himself unprotected well technically there's death but no one mentions him here. Even Isaac's own underlings aren't so convinced by the Lord's actions, and they chalk it up to sheer favoritism, which triggers poor Isaac. Everyone knows that Hector is Dracula's specialest boy :)
Of course, this line matters much more in Japanese:
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In case you're wondering, there exist other words that imply unfair favoritism and nothing more, such as 依怙贔屓.
Now, unlike with 惜しい, it's a third party that uses 可愛がる. But then this means that Isaac's underlings were sitting there, joking that Dracula loves his Hector so very much... within Isaac's earshot. Bro. No wonder he found the first excuse to kill them off 😂
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I said enough about this nightmare in this post. It's hard to judge where memories end and inner feelings begin, but I do believe this has actually happened, and I chose to interpret this scene as Dracula leaving Hector behind, a display of both humiliation and favoritism.
(I also choose to believe that this episode happened some time before Dracula ordered Hector to kill Trevor. Ah, if only Isaac knew...)
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Kinda interesting that Hector's last thought as he's about to die isn't for Isaac, but for Dracula :) could it be the power of the Curse seeping inside him? oh don't worry honey, this is far from the last parallel you two have...
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Nothing major, but once again confirmation that Hector "got closer to Dracula" than Isaac did. Whatever that means, beyond the acts of favoritism we have seen...
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When he's sealing away his dark powers, made strong by Rosaly's love (the proof of which he's holding in hand), his mind goes to Dracula again. I'm still emotional over this. He felt joy at serving Dracula, at being "recognized and needed" :')
Curse of Darkness
Hector, who has spent the entire game calling all the men kisama (except for Zead, whom Hector trusted and so called omae), refers to Dracula as anata, a neutral-polite pronoun. Zead and Julia call Hector anata, and Isaac uses it for Dracula in PtR, which speaks of the amount of respect it can convey.
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It is not your (あなた) place to judge the worth of humans.
However, his lack of any kind of honorific and body language convey disrespect. While he's not being aggressively antagonistic, he is not even remotely intimidated by him anymore. It's been three years since they've last seen each other, and Hector has changed immensely since then. Plus, at this point he's just too tired to give a single shit lol.
(in English, Hector calls him "Lord Dracula". Actually, Trevor is the only character who simply says "Dracula", but of the other characters, two are devoted to Dracula, and two might simply respect the Count's power. What is Hector's reason? Does he still respect his former master, to a point?)
I also love the way Hector humiliates Dracula as a last kick in the teeth. He uses his own Devil Forging powers to transform the curse. Look at the first pictures I posted here: that power was given to him by Dracula. Hector was the best student of the two. He is using Dracula's own power and teachings to free the world of his influence. He's not the only protagonist who defeats Dracula with his own powers, Shanoa did the same and it is poignant in its own way, but with Hector it simply is more personal.
(and, you know, you can steal his throne under his nose :P)
Dracula, of course, can humiliate Hector as well if the player isn't careful :)
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yeah you know this was coming. Just sayin' that of all Belmonts and affiliates, Hector is the only one that he attacks like this. Bet that curse tastes good.
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beevean · 4 months
Passing this on ~
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love! 💞
Aww, thank you! 🥺
Let's see...
Remember: this was a ton of fun 💖 the idea of Black Doom rewriting Shadow's memories wouldn't leave my head for the sheer implied horror, made even worse in the game as you can choose if to let BD win or resist. I used HTML (and replayed the stage more times I'm comfortable to admit lol) to convey Shadow's fragmented state of mind. I'm still proud of this one :)
Let Go: the power of spite compelled me lol. This was basically me putting my money where my mouth is and rewriting IDW #50 to make Sonic more IC and Surge less of an author's mouthpiece and more of a genuinely tragic character, who is aware of being brainwashed but can't do nothing to fight it. Writing from the POV of a character you don't like is a surprisingly useful exercise. And I still like the idea of Sonic (wind) and Surge (electricity) creating a storm while fighting.
Grip: I will finish it. I promise lol. While it's a little outdated in terms of headcanon (thankfully I can still adjust the draft of the third chapter, but it's not going to be easy), I am proud of my first in-depth analysis of Hector and how he'd suffer from the trauma of living in the Castle for most of his life. It was meant as a very simple contrast between Isaac and Rosaly, but, uh. It ballooned lmao. I just love Hector a lot :P
What We Lost and What We Gained: a sort of fix-it fic, but made with love lol. I poured a lot of personal feelings into this one so it's particularly dear to me, but I also just like how I managed to find a, in my opinion, more suitable happy ending for Hector. Also I like writing Julia <3 i have a fluffy wip from her pov but inspiration isn't coming to me :<
Anima: yes it's very recent lol. Of the uhhhh about to become 20 Hecula fics I wrote (jesus what's wrong with me), it was a toss up between this one and Cold - you can see how much my perspective has shifted in less than a year lmao. Anyway, I think this one has nearly everything I enjoy in my vision of the ship: an obsessed Dracula whose love is intense but self-centered, a sassy Hector so painfully victim of grooming but trying his best to push boundaries and break free, uncomfortable wholesomeness, power games, vague ties with canon (my idea that Hector will soon grow brave enough to openly challenge his beloved Lord), a warped version of the soulmates trope, bottom drac...
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hecula-propaganda · 8 months
Dracula and Rosaly accepting Hector in a world that doesn't, and protecting him from commoners who mistrust him. However, Dracula cared about what Hector was - a powerful cursed human who could learn the most forbidden of dark arts, while Rosaly cared about who Hector was - a mysterious yet kind and helpful person.
Dracula denying Hector's humanity to allow him to live among demons, and convincing him he is one. Rosaly appreciating Hector's humanity, but ignoring his dark past.
Dracula filling Hector's head with notions about how God hates his own creations and won't be there to help him (he will :) ) and how power is the one thing that matters. Rosaly being a full, devoted Christian that believes in the strength of mankind so much that she manages to convince Hector as well.
Dracula caring so much about Hector's life that he organized an expedition to find him again, although with the suspicions that he may have betrayed him. Rosaly caring so much about Hector's life that she searched for him when he ran away from home and was nearly dying after fighting Isaac.
Rosaly's sole presence dispelling Dracula's curse, his nefarious influence from beyond the grave. Hector musing that he was going to die together with Dracula, until Rosaly saved his life.
Hector being the best General on Dracula's side. Hector being a common househusband to Rosaly. Both of them cherish him, but in such different ways.
Hector being used as a tool and ordered around by Dracula. Hector being free to be whoever he wants to with Rosaly.
Hector giving his life for them without hesitation. Hector serving Dracula out of gratitude for being allowed to live. Hector saying that he would give his life for Rosaly "without forgiveness or atonement", and technically doing so when he goes on a revenge quest for her.
Hector attempting to pay Rosaly with what little he has, his belt, because he can't conceive someone being kind to him without reason - Dracula requested his services in exchange for being allowed to live, after all.
Hector clutching Rosaly's ribbon as he thinks one last time about Dracula.
Hector dressing with his old Devil Forgemaster uniform in the game, the one given to him by Dracula and complete with the crest, but completing it wrapping Rosaly's ribbon to his waist.
Hector rejecting the notion that his old Master was right about humans and judging them, because Rosaly showed him what humanity is actually made of.
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hecula-propaganda · 8 months
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I have Thoughts swirling in my head about this, but I can't find the proper words.
Something about Hector still sparing a thought about his dead Master, as he's sealing away his Devils. Him remembering how he felt joy at being appreciated by him, being needed, having a place in the world. Him feeling pity for how low the vampire had fallen - echoing the somberness with which he realizes at the end of CoD that Isaac was just a victim of the Curse. Hector does feel compassion for the people that hurt him, when he's in a clear mind. A small act of recognition for the first person who impacted him, before turning a page in his life.
We get very next to no crumbs on how Hector felt for Dracula, how much he cared for him, but I will take anything I can get.
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