#hey (dm)? why does a warforged artificer not get rolled up with tinkers tools?
nihiltism · 1 year
let's hear about poor That Guy
ok so prefacing by saying that all of the events that befall my poor dnd character today have the rough comedic timing of This Video.
that's a good sign. anyway our team gets ambushed by goblins, this is our second actual combat encounter.
we all roll initiative. that guy gets a Two.
because they do not have time to distance themself (they are a ranged fighter generally) the closest goblin hits them with OVER HALF THEIR HP.
they distance themself and try to fire back. MISS with a fucking. 12. best roll that session.
their next turn they use arcane weapon to give their pistol a buff and roll to fire. They Roll A One.
this guy's pistol misfires, blowing up Straight In Their Face for not only 1d10 (+2!) piercing but ALSO 1d6 lightning damage from the spell they just fucking used. killing them instantly (they were fine)
god. bless.
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