#hi elias i know you sent this ask. i hope you enjoy my insane ramblings.
ssozo · 2 years
Noa what do you think about that art of Volo?
giratina had abandoned him, arceus ghosted him, the plates shattered into pieces around him. volo had nothing- was nothing- and as he lay among the ruins of the temple of sinnoh his heart was empty.
what could he do now? by now the child in the survey corps had told their story to the entirety of hisui, and no man nor woman would accept him. volo watched the sun set and willed any sort of emotion to find him.
the stars winked and shined above him mockingly, daring him to dream of godhood again. he did not look up.
volo had no idea how much time had passed when he finally heard something that wasnt his own breathing. it was the clattering of rocks, over by the base of the cave that lead to the rest of hisui. maybe an alpha pokemon was on its way to put him out of his misery.
he was not so lucky.
fuck. he recognized that voice. it was matli. why was he here? what could he possibly want from volo? was he here to rub salt into the wound, to scream in his face and say how much he deserved to lose?
"volo? are you here?" the smaller man scaled the steps, wheezing as he did so. exercise was not a favorite of his, which made his trek from jubilife village all the more impressive. matli spots volo hidden among the ruins and lets out a sigh of relief.
"oh thank sinnoh, you're alive- i was so worried. shit, i should have brought more bandages, i'm sorry." matli doesnt hesitate as he beelines to volo's side, fussing over his injuries and pulling things out of his satchel. "i brought some potato mochi, some of the rejects beni said we couldnt sell. theyre still tasty, although they don't really look it-"
matli continues chattering mindlessly, and to be completely honest it goes in one ear and out the other. volo is more stunned by the fact that he's here, and helping him, when surely the only reason he knew volo was here was from hearing what volo had done.
"-and i'm not entirely sure how mickey got out in the first pla- huh?"
"why are you here?"
matli shrugs. "i told you i was worried."
"you know what i meant."
the other man finally turns his head away, stops touching him. volo continues.
"i'm the reason you're here. i opened the rift, cursed hisui, i lied to you-"
"i know."
tears well in the blond's eyes. "then why are you looking at me like i'm anything more than a monster?"
"you're not a monster. you're a man who made mistakes."
volo scoffs. "'mistakes' is an understatement."
"let me finish, volo."
matli stands. the sun rises behind him, creating a halo effect that blinds volo. he reaches a hand out to the man on the ground.
"you're a man who made mistakes. but your biggest mistake was putting your faith in the wrong god. you should have been worshipping me."
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