zombie-honeymoon · 6 months
For the @narutoversevacation Day 2: Kirigakure
After months being apart, Hidan manages to take time off to visit his boyfriend, Kisame, in Kirigakure and see the local sights.
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hidanbitch-blog · 12 years
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I approve. 
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kakuzuko · 12 years
fffffffffffff you're an ass
Here was that HidaKisa 
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zombie-honeymoon · 1 year
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In which Kisame gets a new roommate to help cover the rent and bills, and quickly learns he may have got more than he bargained for.
Kisame looked up from his phone as the doorbell rang. Several times. In rapid succession. Frowning, he thought it might be some kids playing a prank and wanted to ignore it, but he was also supposed to show the extra room to a potential roommate. One he desperately needed to help cover the rent and bills that were coming up.
It would be impolite not to answer the door, Kisame knew, but he was seriously considering it. One reason being if it was his potential roommate (who was late by nearly an hour), he hoped the lateness and annoying manner of ringing the bell wasn’t a sign of other things to come that would no doubt annoy him to no end.
After a moment of going back and forth about it, Kisame got up from the couch with a sigh and went to open the door. Through the peephole he saw the back of what had to be an older man judging by his head full of gray hair. It was slicked back, probably to cover a bald spot, Kisame thought with a smirk.
A senior citizen wasn’t quite what he had envisioned having for a roommate but what did it matter? It wasn’t as if they would be be sleeping together. Having a cute old man living with him might be kind of nice. Sort of like having a live-in grandpa. With that in mind, Kisame opened the door.
Read the rest on AO3...
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zombie-honeymoon · 2 years
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Chapters: 1/1 Rating: M Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hidan/Hoshigaki Kisame Summary:
It's Kisame's birthday and Hidan has planned a surprise for him, but things don't quite go to plan.
For the @kisames-corner​ birthday bang! 
Prompt: Birthday [redacted] 
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zombie-honeymoon · 3 years
Some KisaHida for the beginning of summer
Kisame and Hidan have their first date and end up hitting it off, so they go back to Kisame's apartment afterwards for some fun.
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zombie-honeymoon · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Naruto Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hidan/Hoshigaki Kisame Characters: Hidan (Naruto), Hoshigaki Kisame, Mystery Snail Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Pet Store, Fluff Summary:
Hidan has been to Kisame's fish store so many times within two weeks, Kisame is sure he's not there for the fish, or the snail he’s currently purchasing.
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zombie-honeymoon · 2 years
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Did this for this months event from the Creative Lounge server. Thanks for putting this together!
Everything is under a read more for length since there's a lot of stuff here.
1 - Favorite Trope Alternate Universe- Modern Setting. I have 47 fics posted that use that tag. Modern AU’s are my absolute favorite to write.
2 - SO Much Research That would be Honeymoon at the Clown Motel. I’ve done so much research I spent the night there recently. It’s haunted, can confirm. Something locked me in the bathroom and was walking around the room at night. I’ve researched a lot of strange, morbid things for this one, too.
3 - Smallest Thing You Made Chapter 4 of my Naruto three sentence fics, coming in at just 52 words.
4 - Created During a Weird Rush of Energy Anything from before winter of 2020. But more specifically this fic: Hitchhiker from Hell. No idea how I managed to write the whole thing before posting it and actually finishing it in such a short time, (it was written in only like a few weeks) but I did! I wish my writing energy and inspiration would come back…
5 - Uncommon Fanwork I knit and made some things inspired (colorwise) by my favorite ships and characters. Here’s a link to the fingerless gloves, and socks I’ve made. The yarn I used for the socks reminded me of Hidan in a subtle way and I just finished the second sock over a year later… And here are a couple of moodboards I’ve made for Suna and Takigakure, and here is one I made for my Hitchhiker from Hell fic.
6 - Biggest Thing You Made So far it’s my Honeymoon at the Clown Motel fic, it’s the longest with 25,847 words and counting.
7 - No Beta, No Regrets Most of my fics are not beta read, though I’m not sure about the no regrets part.
8 - Successfully Wrestled into Submission Smoked Sugar. It was supposed to be just a one shot, then I was going to end it at chapter three but felt bad for Kakuzu and Hidan so I wrote a final chapter for it. That final chapter was written and rewritten several different times and all of them were very different. It wasn’t an easy chapter to write but it got done. Finally.
9 - Made my FBI Agent Nervous Have to go with Honeymoon at the Clown Motel once again for this one fjfdkd
10 - Was Supposed to be a One-Shot/Doodle Long Distance Love. It was just going to be a drabble but I decided I really needed to continue it.
11 - I Invented this Rare Pair So, I wouldn’t say I invented the pair, but I did make the ship tags on AO3 for them- HidaKisa, KakuHidaKisa, Jashin/Kakuzu (but Hidan is Jashin… so) and of course Hidan/12 Foot Skeleton (they are deeply in love you guys)
12 - One that Haunts My Dreams (finished of un) It’s pretty much all my posted wips. Host, I so wanted to finish this one… I probably never will. Intarsia, this one haunts me, too… I want to work on it but never seem have the inspiration to.
And lastly are Long Distance Love and Honeymoon at the Clown Motel. These two definitely haunt me, they should have and could have been finished by now, and are the most likely of all my wips to get finished (excluding the three sentence fics, which are just for fun and I feel no pressure or haunting from them which is very nice).
13 - Lastest-Minute Finish There’s more than one that came to mind and I find it amusing they both have Sasori in them and he hates being late. First one is Muse. This one sat in my google docs for a very, very long time and until I decided to finish it for an event. It was late for the prompt day but that’s ok.
The second one is Bold, or Incredibly Stupid. I wrote it for MultiSasori Month for the Mortician AU prompt but was pretty late getting it finished so I ended up using the Free Day prompt instead.
14 - AU/Crossover No One Asked For
I feel like no one asked for a fic where Hidan was de-aged to five years old and taken care of by Kisame and Itachi but I wrote it anyways. It was actually really fun to write. At least I made sure he was old enough to be out of diapers fsdlkjds.
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