#high and low sannoh
awritersstuff · 7 months
Do they know how to cook?
High & low characters
Cobra - A little. He can make eggs & toast that's it .
Yamato - no . Can't help it's a Canon event 😔.
Tetsu - will only try viral recipes and later will forget it .
Dan - is better then cobra in cooking. Can make simple dishes .
Chiharu - can make enough to survive 👍.
White rascals-
Rocky - Is legit a great cook and can open a nice restaurant. I think a homemade 3 course dinner is a must with him . 😋
Koo - not as good as rocky but still he also very good . But will only cook if he feels like cooking. ( they are so husband material)
Daruma ikka
Hyuga - can't cook and won't cook . There is no way in hell that you can make me Believe that this man cooks . He will happily order food for you but cooking. Hell nah .
Rude boys
Smoky- Will give his best but ends up cooking like shit somehow . Will be very upset and might also apologize but he will improve time by time .( my baby 😫)
Takashi - gave it a try ended up burning it and gave up on cooking for life .
P - hard to believe but is better then smoky & Takashi . Like he throws in random shit but it ended up tasting good ( eat able)
Lala - is good at cooking but she loves baking and is very good at it . ( please she is my baby 😚)
Murayama- He never tried cooking but will try his best and will improve time by time because he is hard working man . ( he is a big boy now )
Fujio - DON’T LET HIM ENTER THE KITCHEN . Believe me this is for your own good . He will probably Play around with things and will end up burning the whole kitchen. ( he is still a baby 😞)
Tsukasa - Will cook if needs to cook , like if there's nobody home and he dying from hungry.
Todoroki - has zero clue about this thing called cooking but he is a fast learner and will be able to make proper meal in a week . ( he is my FAVORITES BOY )
Sachio - He is a husband material ( its canon) . Is a very good cook but will only cook for some people. Ex - yui ( sometimes) , his mom ( always )
Yuken- can do a decent job but won't because he is just always tired. ( another canon event 😐)
Kohaku -
Can't but will try cooking and maybe later he can cook enough to survive.
Will try cooking and will probably do a decent job .better then kohaku .
Can bake but don't know shit about cooking.
Hiroto -
Is pretty good at cooking. He is the one mostly cooking even if masaki tries to cook he will just tell him to piss off because he doesn't wanna eat cookies for dinner.
Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it 😊.
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ldh-headcannon · 2 years
Yoooooo can I request something I want to know how would the SWORD leaders react to meeting the S/O for the first time I just got to know and really like what you do love it ☺️☺️
I finally got this done for you! I’m so sorry for the wait on it! 
But I do hope you enjoy this. And as always, please feel free to leave some constuctive criticism. 
I’m assuming that he first saw you at either Itokan or Odake Bar
And honestly he didn’t really notice you at first
It isn’t until someone else like Dan or Yamato mentioned how they thought you were cute
That’s when he steals a quick glance at you
And he honestly had to do a double take
He swears he never saw someone so beautiful
He buries his face into the magazine he’s holding so he stops staring
He doesn’t want to come off as creepy
But he can’t help but continue to keep taking glances of you throughout your visit
He’ll watch how you interact with the others around you
Cuz I fully believe this man can not and will not be with someone unless he knows they are as beautiful on the inside as he finds them to be on the outside
But if he sees you treating people well, then his attraction to you triples
He’ll visit the place even more than he already does in hopes to catch a glimpse of you
It would take forever for him to actually approach you
Not because he’s shy
He just likes to observe you to get a good feel for you before making his move
But I feel like one of 2 things would have to happen to ge him to take that step
Either 1, Yamato and Noboru would have to tease him about his crush on you to the point where he breaks
And he will come up to you and introduce himself and walks away with your number
Or 2. You sit down next to him and mention how you see him there a lot
He’ll agree before introducing himself and talking with you for a couple hours
Well, it’s mostly you talking him and him listening
But by the end of the night, you two still exchange numbers
You prolly go to his club with a couple friends
You had a couple too many drinks and lost track of your friends who were out on the dance floor
You go off to search for a bathroom
But instead you accidentally the backroom that is currently vacant
And boy does that sofa look comfy
And now that you think of it, you are pretty sleepy
So you decide to lay down for a nap
Rocky and Koo walk in about an hour later to find a stranger has made their backroom into a temporary sleeping quarters
And as Rocky walks up to wake you up his heart seems to have paused for a moment
You just look so pretty and innocent lying there
So he asks Koo to go grab a couple of spare blankets and pillows instead
When Koo comes back with the items, Rocky will carefully place a pillow under your head and cover you with a blanket
He notices your phone ringing on the side table so he answers it
It’s your friends asking where you are
So he explains to them who he is and that you’re asleep and offers to bring them back there to show them that you’re ok
If they are still a little skeptical he offers them some pillows and blankets so they can rest here with you
When you wake up in the morning your friends explain what happened
And Rocky and Koo don’t take long to come knocking on the door and offering you all breakfast
This is when they introduce themselves to you
After making sure you all ate, he will offer to give you all a ride home
And right before he drives off you ask him if you could take him out to dinner sometime as a means to thank him
Which he accepts before taking off
He has a small smile on his face the rest of the day
So you have a brother who actually attends Oya High
And one day your brother forgets to pack some lunch
So you decide to be nice and drop it off for him
And you get a little lost looking for him since you don’t know the school that well
And you accidentally walk into the classroom that the part-time students are in
All the chatter in the room went silent when you poke your head in
Everyone’s staring at you
Murayama is sitting on the ground, cross-legged when he sees you
He honest to God thought you must be an angel
He is in absolute awe
“Sorry to interrupt, but do you by chance know where my brother might be?”
He’s star struck
Even your voice is heavenly to him
His eyes go wide when one of the others answer your question
You quickly thank them before exiting the room
How could they talk to you so casually?
The next day he goes out of his way to find your brother
And when he finds them, he pulls them off to the side
He will nonchalantly ask about you
Spoiler alert. It’s not very nonchalant
But after bugging your brother basically the entire day with questions about you they get fed up
So they forget their lunch again one day while hanging around Murayama
And you bring it for them once again
And once again Murayama freezes when you approach them
Wow you look even better today
And it honestly felt like time stands still for Murayama when you lock eyes
Then your brother finally introduces you to each other 
You thank him for looking out for your brother
He nods and make some corny joke which makes you giggle
And he then asks if you’d like to maybe get lunch or coffee some time
So chances are you two have known each other since you were young
Cuz more than likely you also grew up on The Nameless Road
So you two honestly prolly don’t even remember a time when you didn’t know each other
So instead of him meeting you, I’m going to describe when he first started falling for you
Cuz he has always like you
But he thought he just saw you as a good friend
It wasn’t until you were full grown adults did he really start seeing you differently
Like he has always know you were a smart, strong, caring person
But it never really him how much he liked you until others started noticing these qualities in you too
Like he was walking around, patrolling with some other members of the Rude Boys
And they were talking about people they’d like to be with, and your name popped up
He almost froze on the spot
Other people see you in that light?
It makes sense for a lot of reasons but it still blew his mind a little
Do you think of any of them that way?
He hopes not
Wait. Why does he feel that way?
He tries not to think about it
But he can’t help it, and it’s the only thing on his brain
When he comes home he actually overhears you talking with Lala
It’s not unusual for you to be talking to her since you two are so close
He actually loves that you two are such a good friends
Anyway it turns out you two are having similar conversations to the one he was listening to earlier
Lala mentions a few names of people she figured you’d be interested in
And with every name uttered that wasn’t his, his heart would tighten in his chest that much more
But he finds relief as you shut down each one
It isn’t tell you mention is name does a smile enters his face
Smoky may not be familiar with romance but he decides then and there, that he wouldn’t mind discovering it with you
You’re actually a regular at the casino
It’s a good source for entertainment
But you do try to keep it kinda lowkey
You’re literally there to drink and people watch really
Little did you know that during one of your visits, you’ve seemed to have caught the eyes of the leader of Daruma Ikka
He’s another one to just observe you from afar
Just like Cobra, he wants to just get a feel for you
But he is watching to see how much fun you might be, not how kind you are
And he keeps his watching a bit more discreet than Cobra too
I mean, you two have definitely locked eyes a few different times already
And everytime, he’ll just send a lazy smirk your way with a slight nod
Which you tend reply with a sly smile of your own and a subtle raise of your glass
And things continue this way for basically a month and a half or so
I mean, you obviously know who he is
And he learned your name through his employees and other regulars
The first time he finds it out, he had said it to himself
Almost like he was testing how it sounded coming from his own mouth
So there’s this one night where you were hanging around and this rando comes up to you
They continue to bother you even after you tell them that you aren’t interested 
Hyuga stands up, ready to interfere
He hastens his movements when he sees them grab at your arm
But before he can make it over to you, you’ve already punched them in the face, threw your drink on them, and kneeing them where it hurts most
Hyuga’s eyebrows shot up, still moving in your direction, impressed how quickly you handled that
Once he is actually in front of you, the rando is standing again
They start shouting profanities at you
At this, Hyuga makes his presence known to them
He’ll intimidate them into leaving but not before he makes you apologize to you
He will then address you
“My. You are a fun one aren’t you”
You give him a smirk of your own, “Trust me. You have no idea”
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kr-han · 6 months
HiGH&LOW Random Fun Facts That You May Not Know
Disclaimer: SWORD only and the list is so random, so bear with me.
Cobra loves cupcakes, he probably has sweet tooth.
Cobra styles his hair according to his mood (not like bad or good but more like he's fired up enough or not).
Cobra has A LOT of red clothing. His real name is Hino Junpei (緋野盾兵) and the first character which is 緋 can also be read as aka which means red or scarlet.
He loves Antonio Inoki (a pro-wrestler) so much and make it his whole personality (including his red scarf).
When Cobra is drunk, he would shout, "Inoki-san, genki desuka!?". In MUGEN era, he would do it with Kohaku for the rest of the night.
Cobra admires Kohaku so much because he thinks Kohaku resembles Antonio Inoki.
Cobra has small appetite not even 1/10 of Yamato's. But he eats cupcakes.
Cobra can't draw.
Cobra didn't use sticker on LINE (the messanger).
Cobra and Yamato can't speak English. They're probably the type who'd say, "We're Japanese we don't need English!"
Yamato is afraid of cats. The reason is cat can get long.
Yamato's insult never sounds like one.
Noboru favorite food is sea cucumber. He's sea cucumber maniac.
According to Cobra Noboru type is a girl with glasses.
Dan on the other hand, can draw well. But he can't draw woman.
Rocky is a little clumsy, he forgot small things like key.
Hyuga always sleeps whenever there's no fighting nor something exciting to do.
Murayama loves corndog.
Murayama dislikes sharing his food.
G-SWORD's leaders alcohol tolerance: Cobra is rather low, Rocky is rather high, Murayama prefer to eat than drink (but according to Nakazono, Murayama didn't make any different when he's drinking or not), Hyuga prefer to sleep than anything else, and Smoky can't.
According to Kizzy, Rocky becomes a foolish/idiotic old man when he's drunk. Kizzy also said, "When he's drunk, he got no dignity whatsoever."
Murayama's favorite alcohol beverage is ryokucha-hai (which a combination of green tea and shochu. Might be wrong though, you can search: 緑茶ハイ).
Hyuga's favorite alcohol beverage is shochu.
When Oya part timer go to karaoke, they sing girl idols' songs.
Masaki do all the house chores in Amamiya's households from cleaning up to cooking.
Hiroto's favorite food is curry.
When Hiroto cooks, he only cooks curry.
Takeru is forgetful. Masaki has to remind him all the time. Hiroto? He waits to be petted by his aniki.
Kaito and Kizzy have a couple ring and they use it as necklace.
In HiGH&LOW The Movie, Kaito and Kizzy joined the fight but there's no single footage of them fighting. But they appeared before the fight and after the fight with some bruises.
From End of Sky to Final Mission, Cobra didn't wear his red scarf anymore.
Despite using his red scarf as a personality, Cobra didn't use it to fight beside for his character introduction scene in episode 1.
Ichigo Milk has been inviting Naomi to join them, but Naomi refuses due to Itokan. She wants to take care what's left by her brother.
Naomi can actually beat dudes.
Murayama keeps the strawberry bag from Oshiage and he uses it as a pillow.
Ice gave Sarah a teddy bear (and a necklace).
Ice can cook and according to Mighty Warriors' member, Ice's curry tasted like seafood when he uses zero seafood ingredients. Apparently, it matched the actor's fun fact: Elly's curry always tasted like he put seafood in it even when he's not.
There was once, Seki dressed up in sailor uniform for karaoke. Of course, they sing girl idols' songs.
Toutetsu brothers cook for Hyuga, but he sleeps almost all day long, so Katou needs to wake him up just to eat.
Ukyou cooks better than Sakyou.
Ukyou needs to separate Daruma's income into envelopes and hide them because if not, Hyuga would splurge the income into zero. Hyuga can't manage money.
Lala reads books for the kids in Mumeigai, and they literally have reading time with Lala.
Furuya has truck driver's license.
Murayama durability is top notch and it resemble his given name which is Yoshiki. His full name written like this 村山良樹 and Yoshiki (良樹) is consist of characters that mean good or skilled, and trees or wood. He's a skilled trees or wood, or whatever but that clearly means that his durability is on another level. That's why he could bear the 100 punches challenge and still fight back after that.
Hiroto and Smoky loves cat.
Murayama talked to a cat. (He's cat, but also puppy; whatever he's cute).
Murayama introduced Todoroki to Cobra in person.
Murayama has 4 vans' shoes and a pair of converse. (Haven't count how many jackets he has though, might count it when I rewatch).
At least, Tsukumo has been hit by the car twice. He should avoid getting near cars. No cars near him, please.
White Rascals' outfit are all white and it's hard to keep it clean. The visual line (Shimura, Bito, Aizawa, and Enari) has a hard time because they spend so much money for laundry and cleaning. Little did they know, Rocky actually could paid 80% of their cleaning cost. But Rocky didn't say it to them because he knows that they would be worried about how to pay Rocky back. (Rocky is so sweet). Probably the only guys that use this privilege only Koo and Kaito.
Rocky paid 100% of the girls' laundry and cleaning cost (including Kizzy).
Rocky's surname, Mutsugi, is actually a word play. It's written as 六ツ木 in Japanese. Which the character 六 can be read as mutsu (mu for short) or roku (ro for short) and it means six; ツ is a katakana for tsu and in hiragana it's written like this つ. When tsu is written small in between characters (it's called sokuon) like っ/ッ it purposes is to geminate the next character; and 木 is ki and it means tree. If we put them together and make the tsu as sokuon, we'll get 六ッ木 which read as ろっき in hiragana and ロッキ in katakana (both are rokki) we got his name, Rocky (ロッキー).
Source: rewatching the series and the movies over and over again so I can get into the useful but also useless facts, and the g-sword manga by CLAMP. If you want to read HiGH&LOW g-sword manga by CLAMP you can read HERE for English translation or DI SINI untuk translasi Bahasa Indonesia. Note: Might add more if I find or remember more. Also, I'm sorry there's too much Cobra, can't help though, I love him a little bit too much.
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star2fishmeg · 8 months
Hi, how are you? How is your day? I hope you are having a good day.I read “Overseas” and I was wondering if you could do that for SWORD leaders and mighty warriors. If you have the time.
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Pairing: SWORD leaders x gn!reader (separate), Ice x gn!reader
Summary: SWORD leaders and having a foreign s/o they kept secret until they didn’t
Warnings: swearing
Authors note: Thank you for requesting! I’m glad you enjoyed ‘Overseas’!! I only included Ice for Mighty Warriors as he is the leader, I hope this is okay! This is my first time writing for him and Hyuga too, apologies for any ooc. In future I plan to include MW once I’ve grasped their characters more!
Request: above!
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ʜɪɴᴏ 'ᴄᴏʙʀᴀ' ᴊᴜɴᴘᴇɪ
Most of this man’s life is a mystery, Yamato and Nobaru probably got a board of red strings and photos for him
 How he met his s/o is a secret he’ll never tell, but knowing him, it was probably after a fight, probably casually grabbing a drink with dried blood painting his nose and upper lip
 s/o likely cleaned him up on the spot, and he didn’t shoo them away bc a) he has manners believe it or not and b) he thought they were cute and why the hell would he say no?
 He did smile though! Barely but from up close it was clear as day
From then on, he met up with them until they left, but s/o flies over to visit him whenever they can and the rendezvous continue
This guy is a texter, a rare caller. He’s texting them whenever he can, which is suspicious to the others bc he never answers their texts that quick
One time Yamato was in deep shit and Cobra aired him, but the moment they text? Mans like lightning
He leaked his s/o by pure accident and with the help of his friends snooping. His s/o sent him a package once a month of goodies from their country, with a letter and photos included and Sannoh just happened to get their hands on this before he did
Eyeing up the box, Yamato, Dan and Tettsu sheepishly gave each other looks. It wasn’t usual for Cobra to receive any sort of mail, let alone turn up at the diner. But the way the box was coated in cute stickers and little drawings of snakes piqued dire interest among the others. Their cold, mysterious leader, having an admirer?
“Think we should open it?” Tettsu asked, gently shaking the box to hear the rustling coming from inside.
“You’re fucking stupid, are you asking for a death wish?” Yamato hissed, snatching it off him and gently placing back on the back table where the man in question usually sat, “This is Cobra’s business, and we should stay out of it.”
“Or we can watch from afar, he’s here, act natural.” Dan grinned, him and Tettsu scurrying to the table in the centre of the diner, under the bottle chandelier and giggling like schoolgirls. Yamato rolled his eyes and sat at the bar. Cobra strolled in, eyes darting to the box in an almost panicked state. The boys pretended to not notice, but Cobra noticed Yamato taking a not-so-subtle glance his way as he ran his key through the tape.
Opening the cardboard shyly, he was met with a letter addressed to him, his real name, not his alias. Dan, Tettsu and Yamato snuck up behind him, looming over his shoulders for a peak. At that point his secret was out, Junpei gave up on trying to hide it as he rummaged through the tissue paper for the contents of the gift. Photos of s/o’s day trips and travels, one of those amusingly shitty tourist keyrings you find in the cities, handmade items they’d passionately told him about, a polaroid of the two of them they’d taken on their last visit to Japan and more. His favourite this time was the small Cobra figurine, with a note attached saying ‘punched a man for this like you taught me <3’. A smile graced his lips upon reading the letter, the other bewildered, practically hearing Cobra’s heart thump in his chest.
“Damn, not even we get Junpei privileges.” Yamato whistled; eyebrows raised in shock.
“And you never will.” Junpei scoffed, placing all the items back in the box and taking off.
Definitely met his s/o in his club
They were at the bar, probably fending off some creep when he came over, getting the guy removed and permanently banned
Rocky introduced himself and apologised and their story continued from there
Gives the vibes that s/o just moved to Japan and was getting to know the area when they found Club Heaven
 Teaches Rocky new one-liners in their native language for sure, also telling him about their country in general and all the culture shocks
And he listens to all of it happily, fully intrigued with the way they carry themselves and speak
 Oh this man always lends them his coats, and they playfully wear his glasses bc it makes him smile every single time. He finds when they impersonate him the cutest
White Rascals actually had no idea about them until they burst through the doors one evening, panicking about being late to open the club
“So uh…this a thing now or a new member? Companion?” Koo asked for the group, giving y/n a hesitant look. Rocky only pulled them into his lap, coat still wrapped around their shoulders.
“S’my angel. She’s gonna be stickin’ around now.” He threw their legs over his lap, thumb rubbing their thigh. Koo and the others only nodded, focusing on opening the club and worrying about asking the details later.
Despite running late, the club still held its lively state with flashing lights, crisp sound blaring through the speakers, bar busy, dancefloor packed and Rascals serving the people when needed. At the top of the balcony, the VIP area, Rocky leant back on the red sofa, cigar smoke floating from his lips as his s/o melted into his side, legs over his knee and hand on his chest. Kizzy and Kaito side-eyed each other, still unsure of how the situation came to be and where this person came from to start with. Sure, they’d seen them at the bar, how could they not? But what were their intentions with their leader? They agreed, silently, with a nod to each other that Koo would be the one to ask since he’d already opened that can of worms.
ᴍᴜʀᴀʏᴀᴍᴀ ʏᴏsʜɪᴋɪ
OH BOY this interaction did not go smoothly
In fact, Yoshiki most likely either made the most awkward meeting or the most embarrassing one
He’s still cute tho, and his s/o thought so from the start
His shower packed up and the plumber wouldn’t come until the morning, but he really stank and so what does this kid do?
Go next door to his new and incredibly gorgeous neighbour who just moved from overseas
Man is fumbling when they let him in, he can’t believe he’s folding so fast
And somehow, in broken English (because it’s the only other language he knows from middle school), this awkward encounter gets him their digits
And dates, and a label. And amongst all this time passing, not once did he remember to tell his friends at Oya
His stomach dropped at the knocking on his door, eyes frantically looking for Seki and Furuya’s. Both men, looking back at him like deer in headlights, motioning him to answer. Murayama stood up nodding, making his way to the front door, mind screaming at him for forgetting to say something sooner, they were going to freak out like usual.
Opening the door slowly, he peered back before looking at y/n’s bright smile.
“Hey ‘Shiki! You busy?” they chirped, Seki and Furuya’s heads snapping around towards the entrance way.
“Uh, yeah. My friends are over right now, but I’m free tonight.” Was all he could muster up with such a dry throat. Saying goodbye he closed the door again, shaking his head as he took his walk of doom back to the living room and flopping back onto the couch. The silence killed him, so he kept his head thrown back and eyes closed, counting down from five. Four. Three. Two. One.
Furuya and Seki yelled, confusion and banterous hurt in their tones.
Pure accidental meeting but he was so sweet
 s/o probably took a wrong turn and ended up lost in Nameless City, devastated by what they were seeing
Until they bumped into Smokey, expressing their sympathy as well as the situation
Smokey did help them tho, showing them the way to where they were actually intending to go but s/o claimed they’d remember the route to see him again
They sent letters back and forth since that day, and s/o would fly over to help out the people when they could
Definitely wanted to tell Rude Boys but was hesitant about their reaction and never got around to it
Until s/o visits the base asking for Smokey and the boys stand there, guard up asking why someone looking so out of place wants their Smokey
Drawing back one of the ragged fabrics used as a curtain, y/n poked their head through first before shuffling into the base completely. They kept their footsteps quiet, not wanting to disturb the boys who were gathered in the middle. Yet Smokey was nowhere to be seen. Nerves bundled in their stomach, they’d never properly met the boys before, only seen them on patrol.
“Excuse me,” they called, all their heads snapping around to face them, “Christ- is Smokey around?”
Takeshi stood up and approached her slowly, the rest watching ready for any kind or cue, “He’s not here right now, can I help you though?” Their shoulders relaxed, letting out a breath as they gave him a small smile. Takeshi lowered his guard in return, glancing behind him for the others to do the same.
“Ah, I’m y/n, Smokey told me to come visit him here. That’s all he said.”
“Sounds like Smokey, vague but to the point.” Takeshi chuckled. As if on cue, Smokey’s figure trudged in, a smile gracing his lips upon seeing y/n. He pulled them into his side and placed a kiss to their head, watching the boys’ faces scrunch up or eyebrows raise.
“Boys, meet y/n, my s/o. Y/n, mee the Rude Boys.” Was all he mumbled out before slipping his hand into y/n’s and leading her to their meeting circle.
P scratched his neck, “Okay, why didn’t you say anything before, Smokey?”
ʜʏᴜɢᴀ ɴᴏʀɪʜɪsᴀ
This man fully lost to them in Poker at a Daruma festival
But was he mad about it? Not really, he was more impressed at their wits over anything else. No one dared gamble against Hyuga
So when s/o placed their winning cards down, smirking at his face, mans had to know them better
Probably made them his companion for the night, asking them if they’d come back to see him and of course they said yes
They kept this little thing between them for a while actually, until Hyuga wanted them around often, feeling a lack of excitement without them
And that’s how his s/o met Daruma properly: beating them at Poker
“Hyuga, I dunno where you found this person, but this is just embarrassing for Daruma.” Ukyo groaned, accepting his defeat and dropping his cards.
“You guys are just really bad at this, I thought you had experience?” y/n mocked, watching another member stare at their cards intensely. Hyuga’s arm remained wrapped around y/n’s waist, firmly keeping them on his lap while they played.
“No, you’re cheating!” Sakyo hissed, pointing a finger at them. Y/n shrugged, taking their turn and hearing another guy wail.
“Bold statement to make about Norihisa’s s/o, don’t you think?”
“You’re a monster!” Sakyo watched another Daruma lackey lose, y/n taking the chips for themselves.
This guy is a festival attendee and a chronic one at that
So, he met his s/o at one of those when chasing them around the world
Gives me the vibes that his personality with music and destroying SWORD are complete opposites so when s/o bumped into him in the crowd, he happily vibed with them
Ended up eating together and finding out they were also festival chasing and decided that they’d attend as many as they could together, talking in between until eventually calling themselves a couple
Ice didn’t tell y/n about Might Warriors until later, he wanted to surprise them with a club they could properly find refuge in
 He also didn’t tell MW about s/o, bc it never came up mainly
Ice I’ll come find you y/n How will you do that? Ice Baby I can spot you in any crowd
With strobe lights flashing, bodies dancing in all directions and music so loud the floor vibrated, y/n’s head was in no other place but bliss. Ice’s pride and joy surged through their veins as they relished in his dream.
Their thoughts were pulled back to earth as the familiar sound of a beat Ice had shown them months prior blared through the speakers, swaying their hips shamelessly to the rhythm. Large hands caressed their hips, pulling them into a firm chest and hot breath making the hairs on their neck stand on end.
“Told you I could spot you in any crowd.” Ice mumbled and they felt his smirk through his words. Spinning around to face him, y/n’s arms wrapped around his neck.
“Never doubted that,” they smiled, eyes flickering between his and his lips, “I’m gonna be expecting VIP access.”
“You had it by default, baby.” He laughed, capturing them into a sweet kiss.
“Hate to ruin the moment, but who the fuck is this?” A voice yelled over the music, breaking the two apart.
“Jesse! This is my s/o, y/n! They're kinda one of us but also not.” Ice replied. Y/n didn’t care whether they were a Mighty Warrior or not, they were Ice’s and that’s all they needed. Jesse’s glare softened and morphed into a nod of approval before slipping through the crowd to the VIP lounge.
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H&L harem (if you wanna be tagged/removed in future H&L content, comment or lemme know via ‘chat to me bbygorl’ :D);
@straysugzhpe @airbendertendou @strxwberrychocolate @rouzuchan @yuken-gf @rinwhore @simpforchuchu @thatpoindexterpixy @rainisawriter @cheshirecatuniverse @certainbananacollectionblr @tiredlittlewriter
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2023 © STAR2FISHMEG All rights reserved - do not plagiarise, translate, repost, copy any of my works. If you notice that any of these have been done to my work, please let me know.
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tiredlittlewriter · 10 months
Cobra: Time for plan G.
Hyuga: Don't you mean plan B?
Cobra: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
Murayama: What about plan D?
Cobra: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
Rocky: What about plan E?
Cobra: I'm hoping not to use it. Smoky dies in plan E.
Smoky: I like plan E.
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fujikasa · 9 months
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@userdramas event 10: emotions
high&low + h o m e
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enhashoutout · 6 months
Dating Hanaoka Fujio
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This is purely self-indulgent because finals are stressing me out and I needed something fluffy to keep me from taking a nap on the highway
Bf!Fujio who is the golden retriever in the relationship.
Bf!Fujio who doesn't care much about his studies but knows that you do so he offers to keep you company while you study (he's probably distracting you though low key).
Bf!Fujio who notices final exams are absolutely killing you so he takes it upon himself to force you to take breaks, otherwise, you sit in front of your work and forget you're a human who needs water, food, and sleep.
Bf!Fujio who is almost never late because leaves his meetings a few minutes early (if they aren't super important) to come and see you.
"Oi! Fujio! Where are you going?! We're not done yet!" (Probably Yasushi) "Sorry! I have to leave early to be on time to pick up ___ from school and take them home!" All of his friends: 👁️👄👁️ Fujio: *proceeds to pedal his bike so fast he almost smacks into your school's gate but at least he's there and ready to take you home*
Bf!Fujio who thinks of you when he doesn't have a fight to worry about
Bf!Fujio who never shuts up about you + playfully annoyed bestie Tsukasa who knows everything about you because Fujio never shuts up about you but at least his best friend is happy
Bf!Fujio who tells you all about Oya's factions, dynamics, and fights even if you don't quite understand.
Bf!Fujio who tells you about his negative feelings. Example: when he doesn't feel good enough to be Oya's leader, when he's sad remembering his grandpa and Grandma Sada, etc. (This boy deserves all the love in the world make sure he knows that)
Bf!Fujio who hugs you a little longer and a little tighter on the days he isn't feeling all that well
Bf!Fujio who thinks it is the funniest thing to kiss you, catching you off guard, and then running away leaving you confused.
bf!Fujio who loves how you also bond with his friends and help them when you can
Bf!Fujio who gives you a heart attack when he shows up at your doorstep late at night all bruised and needs his injuries tended to before he goes home so he doesn't also give his mom a heart attack.
Bonus points if you're a SWORD leader's younger sibling with that last point. Like imagine being Cobra's younger sibling who is dating Fujio but the kicker is that Cobra doesn't actually know you're dating because you tell him you go to Oya to see your friends, not your boyfriend and his friends who are now your friends.
Fujio shows up late at night after a fight needing his injuries bandaged, and you guys whisper as he tells you what happened and how he won. You guys are whispering thinking that if you're quiet no one will wake up, but you don't realize your older brothers actually went out for a late-night drive because none of them were able to sleep. So as you guys are like giggling and whispering, Cobra, Yamato, and Noberu walk in through the front door and you all just freeze and stare at each other because none of you know what to say. And of course, Fujio being Fujio will probably get excited and ask Cobra if he wants to be friends.
You: shit... how do I explain to my brothers why they just walked in through the door and there is a boy here uninvited? How do I explain that I'm actually dating this boy and I've been lying about why I go hang out at Oya all the time?! Cobra: Eye twitching. Why is there a boy in the house with my younger sibling? Who is this boy? Why is he busted? ___ you have a lot of explaining to do or I'm grounding your ass. Yamato: Ready to follow Cobra whatever he does because you aren't just Cobra's younger sibling you are THEIR younger sibling. If Cobra decides to ground you? Yamato is going to agree and give reasons why you should be grounded even longer. If Cobra lunges at the boy who's sitting in front of you? Shit so is Yamato because who is this bruised up kid giggling with his younger sibling at midnight? Noberu: The only sensible one who will listen to your explanation before taking any action. Will probably have to hold back the other two from attacking your boyfriend or rush their asses to the emergency room because they both fainted after finding out this kid sitting in the kitchen with you is your boyfriend. Fujio: "OH! HELLO! My name's Hanaoka Fujio, I'm ___'s boyfriend. They talk about you all the time and Murayama talked about you all the time too. I think you're so cool! Do you want to be friends?!" Cue Cobra fainting because wdym his younger sibling has a boyfriend?! AREN'T YOU LIKE 3 YEARS OLD?!
Probably gonna expand on boyfriend Fujio and Boyfriend Fujio + Cobra's younger sibling reader when I'm not drowning in final assignments.
Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!
Please don't repost or take my work. Writers work hard on their posts no matter how big or small don't be a shitty human and steal their work thanks.
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hyugaruma · 4 months
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
POV : You are dating Murayama and you are from Sannoh
Your Insta 🌟
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Liked by murayama,yamato and 128 others
Y/n broo can we just go and eat ??? plzzz @/murayama
|| murayama Bro ? I AM YOUR BOYFRIEND
--》yamato unfortunately...
--》y/n Do not even start again!
|| furuya Please just take him before he sleeps 6373. time...
--》y/n yeah yeah we going 🤗
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Liked by cobra,chiharu and 121 others
|| murayama You didnt wait that long babe
--》y/n shut up
|| chiharu You look so pretty y/n-san
--》y/n thanks chi-chi 💕💕
--》tetsu Cobra-san is waiting for you y/n-san... And he doesnt look so happy...
--》y/n coming 😔
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Liked by cobra,dan and 112 others
Y/n He is pouting since i came...
|| murayama why ?
--》y/n He said "it is still not too late" and i said please dont :(
--》murayama too late for what ?
--》y/n to break up
--》murayama oh...
|| cobra i was being serious
--》y/n you always serious 😭
--》yamato he just wants to protect you...
--》y/n its been 1.5 years...
|| noboru dont worry it was just a joke
--》yamato no it was not
--》y/n 😔😭
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Liked by todoroki,fujio and 134 others
Y/n He asked me to wait a bit... after beating his kids I guess we finally can go 🤗
|| murayama they are not my kids
--》y/n yeah they are still babies 🥺
--》murayama 😒😒
|| todoroki we are not kids
--》y/n then stop acting like a kid 😌
--》todoroki sometimes i hate you more than him
--》y/n kids are so rude these days...
|| fujio When are you gonna come again y/n-san ? 😍
--》murayama stay away from my girlfriend
--》y/n hey i love this one
--》murayama babe please...
--》fujio i love you too y/n-nee 💕
--》y/n 🥺💕
--》murayama Oi !!!
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Liked by murayama,noboru and 126 others
Y/n He looks tired 🥺💕
|| murayama never of you ❤
--》y/n 😭❤
--》yamato 🤢🤢
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Liked by dan,tetsu and 129 others
Y/n He texted me "You wanna see snowducks ??" And here he is...
|| murayama heyy they are cute
--》y/n they are not even made of snow 😒
--》murayama 😔
|| tetsu where did you even find them
--》y/n it is a secret 🤫
|| chiharu Did he buy you one ??
--》y/n yess ASGWHXKSKKX
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Liked by hyuga,kizzy and 132 others
Y/n damn daruma looks so cool 🤩
|| murayama oh no
--》y/n YESS
|| cobra pick UP YOUR PHONE
--》y/n 🤩🤩🤩
--》yamato you really are gonna be his early death...
|| chiharu can we go together againn ???
--》y/n sure ;)
--》tetsu No you idiots...
|| hyuga it was nice to see you, y/n-chan. Come again 🥳
--》y/n 🥳🥳
--》murayama cobra will kill me
--》cobra damn i will
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Liked by yamato,noboru and 123 others
Y/n oh no he looks scary :((((
|| murayama Was he too angry ?
--》y/n he was worried 😔
|| cobra ....
--》y/n im sorry and love you Cobra-nii :(
--》cobra i love you too y/n but please dont get me worried like this again 💕
--》y/n 💕💕
|| tetsu y/n is the only one that cobra-san can not get angry 😒
--》y/n 😛😛
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Liked by murayama,seki and 131 others
Y/n we are cute 🥺💕
|| murayama you are cute and pretty and beautiful and everything nice....
--》y/n stoop 😭💕
|| tetsu actually they are really cute
--》cobra no.
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Liked by tetsu,fujio and 125 others
Y/n so fucking lucky to have you 💕
|| murayama I love you angel ❤
--》y/n ❤
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insideliascrazyhead · 5 months
High&Low as weird photos
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awritersstuff · 6 months
Things you should keep them away from
Cobra - keep this guy away from any kind of alcohol drink will probably drink too much and will end up in some random trash can.
Yamato- "all you can eat food buffet" will probably end up grabbing sooooo much food that people will give you weird stares.
Tetsu - Any street drama . By drama I mean there are some random people arguing on the streets and he will start making fun of both of them or maybe just make a video of them.
Chiharu- Drugs. Will get random mmk (and scary) flashbacks . Will probably end up destroying the whole place while shouting.
Dan - just don't leave him alone . Will somehow end up in trouble.
White rascals -
Rocky- is that even a question? Someone who disrespect a women.
Koo - kizzy & Kaito they act soo lovey-dovey that he is sick of them .
Kaito - party's(without kizzy ), is a big ass introvert and will start crying.
Kizzy - Amagi , she will talk so much that he will automatically let her go. It will actually be soo much she will roast him soo bad that he might just start crying
Daruma ikka -
Hyuga- Dogs . Hate dogs.
Kato - Boring places will go mad because of the silence.
Futa - emotional shows . Will cry soo bad and will fall asleep later and when you tell him that he cried he will straight up deny it .
Murayama - old age home , i just have a feeling that after his interaction with seki's father he is kinda scared of them .
Fujio - kitchen, will somehow destroy everything.
Rude boys
Smoky- anyone who tries to pity him . Hate those types of people.
P - hair dye , Will dye his hair with every color he finds
Yu - fight, doesn't who I fighting whome he will just meddle in .
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ldh-headcannon · 2 years
Reaction to S/O being sick
Hey guys! So sorry about the hiatus but it’s been a long few months. I’ve been sick on and off since mid-August. And if I wasn’t sick I was working some long hours at work. So in short. I’ve been burnt out for a while. 
But this whole situation I had has inspired me to write a new reaction headcannon. I had my sibling pick 4 random characters and I will write how I think they will react to their s/o being sick so without further ado, let’s get into it.
So it all starts with him calling you and asking if you want to hang out
You apologize and tell him that you’re sick and can’t today
This over-dramatic dude starts screaming over the phone
“What?! Stay right there! I’ll be over shortly!”
He hangs up before you can say anything
You just sit there confused cuz you’re sick, where would you even go?
Not even a full hour later Fujio is knocking on your door
He’s out of breath, holding bags full of medicine
He had Jamuo buy it all for him lol
He’ll walk in as soon as the door’s open and sets the bags on the coffee table
He’ll tell you to sit before setting off to fetch you blankets and pillows
He puts on your favorite movie and cuddles up to you
LIke, he is definitely the one to be like “My cuddles are the best form of healing”
He does laugh a little too loudly at the funny films you guys turn on
And he will wake you up from your constant napping cuz of it
But he doesn’t mean to and feels bad about it each time it happens
Our boy just gets carried away real easily
And he won’t leave your side for anything except bathroom breaks
He’ll stay with you till you feel better
Somehow only gets a minor cold from hanging out with you that entire time
Am I the only one to think he is prolly a total germaphobe?
So you call him up to complain about being sick
And he responds with “Alright. I’ll be right over”
30 minutes later you’re getting a call from Koo
“Hey, open the door. I’m outside”
You go to welcome your boyfriend in and to thank him for taking care of you
But instead you’re greeted by bags of medicine and a pot of soup
You look around and find Koo across the street leaning on his bike
He gives you a small smile and a bow before taking off
He sends you a text that says “Eat the soup quickly before it cools”
He calls you frequently as a means to check up on you
And he continues to drop off medicine and food like a free version of Door Dash
But he never actually comes in contact with you
It’s not that he doesn’t want to be there for you
He just hates the idea of getting sick
He hates it so much that even if you guys live together he isn’t risking it
Dude will straight up stay at Club Heaven till you’re feeling better
He’d still end up sick somehow
So you text him how you’re sick and all but you never get a reply from him
You’re sitting around, pouting between your coughs and sniffles
He dare Yukken just leave you on read like that?
Especially when you’re feeling like absolute garbage?!?
But after a bit you hear a knock on the door and find your boyfriend and a few other Houssen students carrying medicine, ice packs, bottled water, and heating pads
You step aside as he ushers them all in to drop everything off
He dismisses them all before leading you to bed
He lays beside you as you cuddle
He makes sure you have a bucket near just in case
He teases that if you throw up he’s leaving
But really he’ll hold your hair out of your face and rub your back
And if he gets sick from you he will absolutely become a needy child that you will have to do basically everything for
As soon as she finds out you’re sick it’s like she enters into mom-mode
She closes the restaurant early and delivers you some home made soup
When she gets to your place she doesn’t even knock
She just invites herself in since you prolly have keys to each other’s place
She will announce herself though so she doesn’t scare you so much
She finds you covered in blankets on the couch
And she will instantly bombard you with questions like “How are you feeling? How long have you felt like this? Have you taken anything? What is your temp?”
She offers you soup and cuddles
She ends up staying at your place and helps cook and clean till you feel better
You remind her that she doesn’t have to do all that
But Naomi just smiles and tells you that you can pay her back by doing the same for her when she is sick
She continues to work at the restaurant during the days but closes early in the evenings so she can continue to take care of you at night
I feel like it’s super rare for this girl to get sick so she prolly will still be healthy as a horse once you feel all better
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pixaho · 4 months
Sannoh Rengokai With Girlfriends
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♥ Pairing | Sannoh Hoodlum and Girlfriends obvs ♥ AU? No |
♥ Warnings | Mentions of sex, cursing, and violence. Plus alcohol (in the form of drinking).
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You met him shortly after MUGEN disbanded, although he was closed off and didn't give you a single tick of interest it was a surprise when he asked you to go on a date. You had only known him for a couple of months and were already fascinated with him so you agreed.
Your dates are sweet and romantic. Although romance for him is kind of hard to do, he tries his best. He isn't a great cook which leads to most of the dates being take out or at a restaurant (ITOKAN Diner majority) all of the time. But if he does try to cook, he usually has you to help him because who doesn't love a cute little cooking date?
He would be super nervous trying to think of what to do for your guys' first time as a couple. But he'd settle to make the bedroom cozy so you would be comfortable. His 1 mistake that Cobra would never do again and wished he didn't was silk sheets. During your first time together, the silk sheets were too slippery to the point he headbutted you by accident. Never again. Poor boy.
Arguing between you and Cobra is actually common, but it always ends with you comforting each other. When an argument leaves either of you upset (most likely you crying unless you are like me... I laugh when a grown man makes me upset) usually Cobra is the one to make things right. He doesn't like having you mad at him.
Cobra isn't the type to get really jealous. But if he does get jealous then he shows it by wrapping his arms around your waist and leaning his head on your shoulder.
If you have hip dips, he'll place his hands on those and rub circles on them. (I know for a FACT that some of y'all got these cutie patootie things and I love 'em!)
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You met Yamato in school where he was arguing with another person much older than him. You realized this was his mother right as she told him to get his butt over "there" and apologize to the poor boy. You didn't know that the poor boy was your next door neighbor which is when he met you.
Usually, he takes you to ITOKAN Diner and spends his time there with you instead of the rest of Sannoh Hoodlum because he wants to make sure your date is good. When he doesn't, it's usually a movie place or to his place where you can cuddle all day (and fuck.)
Believe me, this boy was cocky as fuck for your first time. His mistake? Flavored Lube. He didn't know he was allergic to grape and well.. you spent half of that night in the ER. He regrets it. It was worse for your, as he likes to call it, first first time because he put on a grape flavored condom. When you actually got to do your first time, he had "fancy" shit placed everywhere. Incense, roses, rose petals (you can swap these out for your favorite flowers) and a new bedding. No silk.
Believe me, you guys argue a lot. This stubborn asshole will not be the first to apologize unless he realizes he actually fucked up. If you're really upset by it, he's an asshole who doesn't realize you are.
This boy is jealous. He will threaten people (knowing Yamato, this is true) and berate them. This ends with him being injured and a fight ensuing.
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You met Noboru at a coffee shop. He was studying for class on his laptop when you asked to join him. He said sure and you guys spent the whole day chatting and studying together.
Noboru is the type of man to take you to slightly fancy and or comfortable places such as a coffee shop date or a restaurant (which wouldn't be ITOKAN). These are usually his choices but he'll allow you to pick a place once or twice.
Your first time with Noboru is actually really sweet as he tries to make everything feel comfortable and right for you. His mistake however was getting scammed when buying an incense scent.. the smell lasted for a week and it was horrible. Lavender. (I'm allergic to lavender.)
Arguments between you and Noboru are rare as he's a lot more calm and clear than the others. But when they do happen, he's usually the one to apologize first as he grew up without having his parents around and doesn't want you to hate him. :)
Oh boy does he get jealous. A little less than Yamato but not like Cobra. He'll grab your hand and turn your head to look at him before literally kissing you in front of the woman / man you're talking to.
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You actually ended up working for Dan so that is how you guys met for the first time. He didn't hit on you until a year after you started working for him.
The worse man at dates. He can't do them for the life of him so he leaves them to you.
Your first time was actually on his couch, you guys had been making out in the parking lot where his bike was before deciding to take things further by going to his place. His mistake... he didn't clean his bedroom and refused to let you see it (WITH THE ONE SOCK ON THE GROUND).
This little shit will say you are wrong and he is right and WON'T apologize until he's told he's wrong. He will literally keep arguing that he is right and he'll end up sleeping on the fuckin' couch. :)
Oh believe me, he's walking up and taking you away from whoever it is that he's jealous of only to have the hottest and yet weirdest make out session. Dan will have his hands up your shirt, and lips on yours or on your neck. FULL DISPLAY. INFRONT OF EVERYONE.
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(Off topic but personally I thought Tettsu with dreads looked hot... its bad ik)
Your parental figure introduced you to Tettsu's dad, while making a business proposal, in which you were then introduced to Tettsu. Boy does he not let anyone forget thats how you met.
Unlike Dan and Cobra, Tettsu can actually cook and knows, partially, how to create a nice date. He learned how to cook from his mom and dad for when he left the little home. So majority of your dates are actually spent with Tettsu cooking because money is tight.
Your guy's first time was actually in his bed. He tried to make sure everything was up to standards. His mistake? Getting into a fight with other Sannoh Hoodlum members. He came home with a busted lip, which you had to patch up. Despite the burning sensation of his cut lip, he still made love to you.
Surprisingly, the only arguments you have with Tettsu revolve around where his loyalty lies and fighting. Tettsu mainly is loyal to everyone around him, including you, but he gets too loyal. This ends with him admitting that you may be right and that he'll try harder.
Does get jealous but doesn't do what Dan or Yamato does. Tettsu is more calm and tends to just wrap his arm around you. If he's really jealous, he's kissing your cheek and asking you if you want to leave or want something to eat.
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You accidentally bump into Chiharu whilst running from a group of doubt members, coincidentally he's with Sannoh Hoodlum as it happens. You watch in slight amusement but also slight disgust as the group of people fight, Chiharu's group winning. He's the first one to make sure you're alright.
The poor boy doesn't know much about romance but he asks Naomi how. So he usually takes you to a general store to get a drink together and then spends the rest of the day at a park or at a festival / club with you.
Oh wee mama. You guys are intoxicated for your first time. You ended up fucking in the living room of your place. His mistake? Biting your lip by accident. You paid him back with scratches all across his back though.
Arguments between you and Chiharu are rare but when they do happen, it's typically about him being hurt or you seeing through a lie. He tries not to lie but its difficult to talk about his past life considering what happened. He's too soft to actually be upset with you so he always makes it up.
Stay silent jealous type of guy. He doesn't do anything unless you are really uncomfortable, then he walks over and takes you by the hand to walk about of the place. Chiharu isn't very into letting his lover be uncomfortable with others.
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I know that there is 3 other characters (Ken, Kabuto and Hikaru) but they aren't really given much screentime and you don't actually get to know them. I would have loved to write about them but the wiki I use has nothing about Ken and Hikaru, plus I haven't watched the series so I don't know Kabuto. I hope you guys enjoyed this, and I know that the last gif for Chiharu is of two women, but let's be honest this man has a BABY FACE!
♥ Mutuals; @talusional
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kr-han · 6 months
Cobra, Murayama, and Bike
I was originally wanting to prove that Cobra never going to high school. But I ended up finding something more intriguing about the whole situation. Remember this credit scene from Final Mission?
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Why would Murayama go to meet Cobra in person like that, in front of the whole Sannoh Rengokai's members? I feel like there is an underlying issue in this scene. Which come to my assumption that Murayama actually doesn't want to talk about bike, it was something else.
But upon the presence of other members that might be Murayama didn't expect to be there (but hello, it's Sannoh! They're always in a group anyway), he holds it up. Instead, he asked about bike. Cobra, in the other hand might seem like stoic and has a personality like 'I don't give a fuck', but he's not. He knew all along that bike was never Murayama's concern that's why he asked, "Can you get a license?"
Cobra knew it and he played dumb (such a snake—well, he is). With that question, it'll postponed their talk because they want it to be private. Just both of them. But when it comes, it wouldn't just about bike. It might something else, about life for example.
I might get it wrong, but almost everyone in fandom portrays them as oblivious. But no, I don't think so. They might be oblivious, sometimes. But not every time. Presumably, they're just awkward around each other. Because, no doubt, they just known each other as a person not as a leader of some gangs.
Back to driver's license. I don't think Cobra would be that cruel to Murayama. Because I have an assumption about him, and his bike and it linked to MUGEN era. Let's take a look on this scene from Road to HiGH&LOW.
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Three of them are childhood friends, but let's dive into the details. Noboru wore a high school uniform which means he went to high school. No wonder, because he went to university as well (dropped out, though). Then, by this scene, you may ask, do Cobra and Yamato went to school? My answer would be no.
Why? They're in MUGEN. They did road trip, perhaps, from morning to another morning. With that, when they have time for school? No. Because they don't go to school. They just ride.
Why is Cobra MUGEN and whether or not he went to high school linked to the question: "Can you get a license?"? Let me elaborate. According to this cart:
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MUGEN's members' bike are in heavy motorcycle category which requires to be 18 years old to get a license. If Cobra and Yamato joined MUGEN in their high school era at that time, they were about 16 years old. That's breaking the law but who cares anyway they ride bike without helmet.
There are two possibilities about Cobra and Yamato's driver license:
They have driver's license but they but not the right one.
They don't have.
And why don't they go to school? It simply because they already have job. In present timeline, Yamato already taking over Asahina Garage and Cobra would take over Hino Gas Station (I assume his parents are still alive by the timeline and yes, he's not jobless. I thought he was jobless LMAO). Whereas Noboru's parents seem didn't have any business in Sannoh that's why Noboru need to be educated in order to get a job (which is realistic).
Also, in my opinion, with his personality, Cobra would never didn't want to talk about bike with Murayama just because he didn't get a license yet. It was because both of them know that it's not the real thing they wanted to talk about.
They did talk, anyway. Remember this scene from HiGH&LOW The Worst?
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Was he really busy? May be not. But Cobra is a chronically offline person in my opinion, he prefers direct conversation. But hey, he picked it up, at least. Even teased about the bike. They finally get a chance to talk.
He teased because he wanted to make sure whether or not Murayama was ready to talk about the real thing. I might overthink it, but in my assumption, they talk about life, and it was adulting to be exact. In my opinion, more like my head canon, this particular talk with Cobra led Murayama to graduate from Oya High and somehow Furuya and Seki found out about it.
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But hey, I Murayama did get a bike at the end, right?
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From now on, it'll be just my head canons and my interpretation of their characters. They complement each other. Murayama has a childish persona and Cobra has a mature persona. But deep inside, they are the opposite of their persona. It seems like as the time goes on, as they have a lot more talk, Cobra would talk more, and Murayama would listen more.
Platonically or romantically (I'm their shipper anyway), they're comfortable with each other's existence and company. You know sometimes, no matter how much you trust in your best friend, no matter how much you love them, and you know they would never judge you, there will always things you can't talk about with them. That's how Cobra and Murayama connected.
They're both leaders, and they became leaders just because they're stronger than anyone else. They were clueless and don't know if they did the right thing with their current role. Murayama was a lone wolf, whereas Cobra was a follower. He has been tagging along with Tatsuya and Kohaku for a long time. They completed each other.
With their responsibility as leaders, there's always something they couldn't talk to their closest friends. For Cobra, he couldn't talk about it to Sannoh's member even though they're Yamato and Noboru. For Murayama, he couldn't talk about it to Furuya and Seki. That's why they talk to each other, leaning on each other's back, joining hands in the same burden. They could understand each other and glad that they find each other. That's how Cobra and Murayama connected. That's how their dynamic work.
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tiredlittlewriter · 4 months
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fujikasa · 1 year
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Two tigers support the crown of hope as if protecting it. As long as this place is here, he has a place to return to. It was all for his sake.
ROAD TO HiGH&LOW (2016) dir. Kubo Shigeaki
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