#his female counterpart
jjadmanii · 7 months
doing the “you were a wonderful experience” “you were everything” trend with everlark just proves to me that some ppl read the hunger games with their eyes closed
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mintybloomz · 3 months
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Saiki Kuriko I love you
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
If you dont mind me asking, on which season of 2012 tmnt are you at?
It’s been a while since I’ve been able to sit down and watch but I’m pretty sure I’m at some point in season 2? So still a long way to go but admittedly I’ve already been spoiled on more than one thing haha. I like the characters a lot though, they’re very prickly and react to things a lot more realistically than I thought they would.
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funnywormz · 7 months
i go absolutely wild for genderbends in the right context. certain kinds of genderbends make me extremely happy. but the issue is that i'm also very picky so i will look at like 99% of genderbends and get mad at them bc they suck and are bad. but that last 1% which are actually good........ unbeatable. y’know. so i continue dredging through the crap because occasionally i find a diamond in there................
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hachiibun · 8 months
What does kuya mean?
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Thanks for the ask, Anon! Hope you don't mind me having these two answer it with their little language lesson!
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darkfictionjude · 2 months
We know that male Imre wants to make the mc his cum bucket but what about female Imre kinks?
Y’all have to come up with this yourselves 😭😭😭
The thing is I took time to come up with all of male Imre’s shit. I dgaf about female Imre enough to think about it long enough 😭😭😭
I would only seriously think about it if I ever plan on doing a fem!imre dlc but if that ever happens it’d be months
The only thing I can quickly think of is that she’d be dominant but not so rigid it in it as normal Imre
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hellshoard · 3 months
on a side note that i do ship alastor and adam which is SUPRISING
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radarsteddybear · 1 year
A Marya spinoff definitely could have been something
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oimoi-op · 2 months
About your tags on the Lucienne post: oh we usually aren't even half this nice LMAOOO I could be a lot meaner but like. Both our posting about her and also the anger and frustration comes from the same place of love for and fascination with her. There's so much to talk about it's insane
Literally tho like!!!!! she's such a compelling character on so many levels, yet a lot of the fandom reduces her to the "mom friend" or other similarly reductive if not misogynistic stereotypical roles so for me (someone not super involved in the fandom these days) it's so refreshing to see you and others discussing her on her own merits and not just an accessory/afterthought for someone's white slash ship lol
#ask#the sandman#sandman netflix#lucienne the librarian#like nothing against hob x morpheus it's a perfectly fine ship but i just find it suspect when fandom latches onto a#(noncanonical) ship between two white men in a way that downplays or even demonizes female characters ESPECIALLY queer and woc#i can't help but wonder how much of shipping fandom would be treating her were she white and male like her comics counterpart lol#like she is FAR from morpheus's yes man she WILL criticize and/or challenge his behavior she was a RAVEN for fuck's sake#and yet her interaction with corinthian is like yes she sees morpheus's flaws but she sees the wonderful parts unique to him too#like she knows he's not great and not always just but he's her FRIEND she RESPECTS him and there's a history there#a history that belongs to JUST the two of them#like there have to be reasons why he treats her akin to an equal/peer in that he respects and highly values both her and her opinions#meanwhile you can't say the same for other ppl he interacts with (corinthian was once considered his greatest creation and yet#it's clear they never had the relationship that dream has with lucienne!!! like he clearly was something more than a disposable servant due#to how lucienne beseeches him and how he clearly disagrees with her yet he remains respectful#p much every resident of the dreaming seems to hold her in high regard!!!! she commands RESPECT!!!!#literally she's so cool if i was morpheus i too would start reconsidering my actions so she doesn't look at me in disappointment
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samdelurvanrafigon · 6 months
I know that whenever Altus finally makes Persona 6 I shouldn’t get my hopes up that the cast will be college-aged or 20-somethings. I know the chance of a female or textually non-straight protagonist are on the slimmer side, too. But please Atlus, please, at least have the decency to give us a female punkass in the main cast
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dancefloors · 2 years
wait explain what you mean by there’s more at stake musically for harry
perhaps i didnt word that right, but i meant like. the unchanging homogenous public image he portrays takes a toll right now but will not suffer in the long term, his reputation will survive even if ppl think he’s personally unevolved or boring. what WILL suffer/what is more at stake is the homogeny of his music and the unfortunately unambitious approach he seems to be settling into.
i understand he likes working with familiar teams and retaining traditions but i feel like he will sometimes hint at showing a side more eclectic, vibrant, daring (mfasr lyricism, adore you concept and video, hslot1 styling, fine line album shoot, even random adlibs or playing pots and pans in carolina) but often tends to draw back into whats safe, never into reinvention, never dedicating to creative 'performance'. his coachella set stood out most for me with this because i feel like there was unbelievable potential for him to do something bold and creatively conceptual
its all so unfortunate because i feel like the cards are all stacked in his favour!!!!!! everyone is ready for him to do something weird, daring, fresh, new, offbeat!! there's very little room for failure imo. plus times where he's pushed the envelope a bit more have been undeniably the most enjoyable so i hope he goes for it more
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sysig · 1 year
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Dislike of fancy clothes? This calls for a fashion show! (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#The Captain#ZEX#More scratch stuff that I'm too pleased with to sit on lol#I'll get to all of it eventually! Eventually...#But for now some more human!ZEX ♪ Because he is always the handsomest regardless of species#Still working a bit on his proportions as a human tho :P I think I've mentioned it in passing that I had a headcanon about humanized VUX#That they'd be curvier than their started-as-human counterparts - much less curvy than VUX of course!#Chests and hips more pulled in and slightly thicker waists - though I suppose humanized female VUX would look a little more consistent lol#Just observing each other's bodies like ''Why did YIK keep her proportions?'' haha ♪#But that's why I'm still working on it! I think I made ZEX's hips a little too wide in the first one give him a more svelte top-heavy look ✨#Still with that waist tho ♥#And the rest some clothes silliness! More headcanon stuff actually lol#The idea came from one of my first doodles of ZEX actually! Being annoyed by wearing fancy complicated clothes over a simple uniform#And then there's the reasons Why he'd be dress fancy - like his wedding for example#Reinforcing unpleasant feelings upon unpleasant circumstances a uniform is at least neutral#There is also something funny to me about ZEX just going ''Ugh'' lol - he's honest!#Obviously had to lead to human fancy clothes tho! Where else ♪#Give the Captain a bowtie he'll look super cute haha#ZEX a bit overcome with how handsome he looks hehe take every opportunity to fluster his human ♪#His own handsome face and fancy clothes are probably helpful on that front hehe
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spongebob-connoisseur · 7 months
im sorry but why are you obsessed with slappy (peter lorre fish)
Simple answer: he's my favorite character and deserves all the love he can gets! :)
Long answer: idk he clicked in my brain years ago. He's like a parasitic disease of the brain. Eating away until nothing is left.
I always find it ironic the first time I watched Spongebob's Big Birthday Blowout, I didn't care for Slappy much. Though I was catching up on the show and was weary of how weird the show was. The 2nd time I watched the episode, I was more accustomed to how weird modern Spongebob can be so I ended up liking him a lot. Something about the eyes, his sleepy demeanor, its uncomfortable but silly. I joked back then it was likely a remnant of liking Salad Fingers beforehand. Now I have a mutual who likes Slappy who ALSO liked Salad Fingers a lot. So there's a chance that there's a Salad Fingers to Slappy pipeline jk.
Idk slappy is just adorable. The begining of the Patrick Show REALLY made him adorable. And I guess I always had an affinity to creepy things so it clicked. I think he's silly. I remember in the beginning I thought it aas funny I should like such an ugly and disgusting character and I enjoyed bugging my SB followers about it. But overtime I grew more obsessed because that's how my brain works. Part of it is indeed exaggeration because it creates a distance between me and my followers and I prefer that, kinda like playing a character. But he genuinely is my favorite. I vibe with how he is a weirdo and doesn't care and deliberately weirds people out for his own enjoyment.
My obsession for Slappy also lead to other things, discovering he's a Peter Lorre characters and eventually the actor himself. Its genuinely interesting how much stuff this bug eyed Hungarian actor ended up influencing such a large portion of animation. You can find an imitation of him in nearly EVERY cartoon. Spongebob fans like to claim Slappy is just ripping off Looney Tunes but that is such a lazy idea. If you had any idea hOW MANY Peter Lorre caricatures there is, you'd know that Slappy was inevitable lmao.
Slappy is just a pleasant character. I'm really happy it introduced me to so much. I REALLY enjoyed going through Peter Lorre's discography and the fanbase he has on tumblr. I've learned so much and it wouldn't have happened if I didn't become obsessed with Slappy. I think that's also a big thing too, I really hope Slappy does push people into getting into Peter Lorre movies because they're genuinely good. I've already had a handful of mutuals who ended up getting into his movies cuz I pushed Slappy so hard. So its working >:D
I don't really have much energy to post on this blog as much anymore. Chronic zero energy eepy gurl syndrome. I feel like I said as much as I could say about spongebob and I don't have as much time as I had during the pandemic. I do enjoy having mutuals and socializing through this blog but I often have a hard time keeping up with things and I am scared of my ask box because it's too much to go through,,,, if I do come on here then its to gush about stuff I like in the show like Slappy.
But also my more cynical opinion: I think fandoms have always had this thing where people obsess over male characters and give them attention that is sometimes not even deserved while also neglecting the female characters.
Often times it's male attracted individuals who do this because they are likely somewhat crushing on the characters and they are the majority in fandom spaces, thus end up over prioritizing male characters. This isn't exclusive to being male attracted tho but sometimes does influence opinions. In general fandoms always tend to over-humanize the male characters and overlook the female characters because brain worms that you probably already know what I'm referring to. Starts with a P and ends with a Y.
I've seen this all the time and I know I'm guilty of it too, I'm aware.
Come on, I'm in a fandom, I'm a girl who's also male attracted. Would any of this had occurred if this was a female character? I can notice my own biases.
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He so silly <3
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jarotopal · 2 years
*shows up incredibly late to the 2012 tmnt fandom*
Donatello is a he/him lesbian.
*drops mic*
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vixendoesstuff · 10 months
Guess who just downloaded Honkai : Star Rail and did an all nighter playing the game.
Hehe me.
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x-i-l-verify · 2 years
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「 Dream SMP Daemon AU 」
An adaptable, opportunistic, resourceful species of duck, mallards can be found almost anywhere in the world, to the extent that in many places, they are considered invasive pests. They are self-serving and independent sorts, as male ducks play no part in rearing their ducklings and abandon their mates once she’s laid her clutch to go find and mate with as many other females as he can, forcefully if need be. However, mallards are not averse to working with others if it benefits them; they will lay their eggs in other mallards’ nests, live in flocks for safety, and forage with other dabbling ducks, as more ducks foraging in the same area stirs up more food. 
These persistent, ambitious, resilient birds do not shy away from risk; to combat the high mortality rate of egg clutches, females lay anywhere from twelve to eighteen eggs at a time, more than half her body weight, and if she loses her brood, she will mate again to replace it. In addition, mallards are filter feeders and will eat basically anything, taking up water and mud in their bills and filtering out inedible bits, though this can sometimes lead to them getting poisoned with pollutants. 
As prey animals, they are highly alert, paranoid, and anxious; even when sleeping, they always have one eye open, with half of their brain remaining active so they’re never caught unawares. When they are faced with predators, their first instinct is to display defensive manipulation behaviors such as feigning injury, playing dead, or outright fleeing instead of attacking head on, though they will do so to defend themselves, their mates, or ducklings.
Q is exploitative, judgmental, and dramatic, while Jaci is their more cooperative, tolerant, practical side.
NAME MEANING “Jacinda” is the Spanish feminine form of Hyacinth, from water hyacinth, an invasive species of aquatic plant. Hyacinths mean jealousy in the language of flowers, but they can also be symbols of playful joy/mischievousness, mourning, or requesting forgiveness.
SOURCES https://daemonpage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=25061
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