#hkp streams
hey-its-kay-streams · 3 years
HKP's Unsolicited Review of Pioneers of Olive Town
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The review will be in parts, including; Characters, plot, mechanics, graphics. Each section will get a score out of 10 and a (hopefully) short commentary.
Intro! I've played a few farm Sim games since stumbling across Harvest Moon, back when it was still ported under that title, as a teen. I had no idea what it was or how it worked but when I was looking for a new game to play, the title caught my interest and the rest is history. The Story of Seasons franchise is pretty extensive and I've enjoyed all the ones I've played over the years. At time of writing I have sunk over 600 hours into Stardew Valley and the announcement of a new Story of Seasons, not a remake, had me excited to get back to the series that had lured me into its universe of crops and companionship in the past.
Characters. 4 of 10
One of the best parts of farming sims is getting to know the townspeople, falling for one of the designated love interests, and starting a family of your own. Story of Seasons has changed how it handles the dating mechanics over the years, recently allowing for same-sex unions, and eliminating rival marriages. PoOT tries to strike a balance between concurrent Town romances and singles, ready to mingle. It does not do it well.
I have not gotten married in FoMT yet because I honestly like all the love interests and while I have favorites, the more I play, I find it harder to commit. In comparison, PoOT's selection feels depressingly flat. As I met the people who lived in Olive Town, I was intrigued by what seemed to be a bigger selection of singles than normal. Imagine my confusion when I realized that a lot of the people I found interesting were townies, and thus, not available to possibly date.
There is some appeal to some of the singles occasionally. A lot of it, for the bachelors is negated by the perception that the townies are also eligible. There are so many pale, blond townies that they just kinda… fade into one another. They all have hints of personality, nothing substantial but the potential I can see makes it so much worse that the game fails to clear the bar.
Damon has a bad boy aesthetic, Emilio is a relaxed but attentive big brother figure, Iori is foriegn and formal, Jack is easygoing and quirky, Ralph is… quiet, I guess he’s supposed to come off as silent but reliable and they don’t get there.
Bridget is family orientated, Blair is the perky waitress, Lihn is demure but friendly, Laura is a capable and amiable guide, Reina is sociable and dedicated to her job.
Lars is dating Beth, very cute background relationship, his eccentricity is tempered by her steadfastness. Jacopo has hints of something with Jeanne but she apparently moved to Olive Town because Karina did, so who knows.
Gifting is disgustingly empty. There are no disliked gifts, I can give everyone the same rock and gain friendship. There are liked and loved gifts and fortunately, reaching 2 hearts with a person gives you a definitive like but, why bother when you have plenty of rocks?
Plot. 5.5 of 10
It’s a familiar tale by now: new farmer taking over a dilapidated farm and you know nothing about doing it. Good times. Local mayor wants to utilize your outsider's perspective to help revitalize and/or save the town. After Stardew Valley, I have no sympathy for ineffective mayors, though Victor seems to be a better one, overall. Our character, Farmer, is just a yes man in this case; Victor has ideas and plenty of invested townies but our opinion is the one that gives him the confidence to follow through. While every plot event asks for 3 items from Farmer, we only have to contribute 1. It's both disconcerting and refreshing to not be the sole implied reliable person in a community.
I can't justify a full 6 out of 10 for plot but it's comparatively solid for an otherwise uninteresting game.
Mechanics. 2 of 10
After the July maker update, I was excited to get back to the game, hoping to find more balanced gameplay. I was disappointed. Don’t get me wrong, the maker update was an improvement but not enough. Makers remain needlessly large, off puttingly slow and each maker has a limit to how many can be placed. Sure, I no longer need to babysit my rows of machines to change out materials one by one and finished products stack but it’s still incredibly inconvenient to use. The crafting menu is clunky and poorly designed. It seems to just unlock as I level up skills but there’s no way to sort to find diys by type or by name. To top it off, there’s no real incentive to make things. Sure , it's nice to be able to make gifts for people but crafted items can end up selling for less than the individual materials making the extra searching and button pressing seem wasteful.
I don’t understand it. Not at all. I thought maybe I accidentally skipped a cutscene or pop up explanation, even checking the guide in the bookshelf. There was nothing. I never eat at the cafe or diner, outside of cutscenes, because I have no idea what the point is. There’s a fullness meter, apparently. And there is no clear indication of how food affects your health. Over it, TBH. I leave food to the sprites.
It sucks, fullstop. It’s limited to 12 to 15 storage boxes, same huge size as the makers. The boxes on special areas count toward the limit. Personal inventory is expandable but I still find my inventory filling up during daily gathering, making me run back and forth to put stuff away. Between animals, crops, harvesting and stocking makers, I rarely make it to town which leaves me less interested in getting to know the people who live there. Hovering over an item in storage to box menus gives you no information beyond the item name. When looking for spring seeds, I have to take everything out, and view it within my bag to see what's in season and then go back into the box to put away the excess.
Again, the mechanics escape me. There's no clear explanation of how quality works and it is not intuitive at all. If not for dedicated YouTubers and guide sites I would not have learned that I need to make seeds from grown crops to get quality higher than whatever my field maxes out at. The only reason I have to buy seeds once unlocking the seed maker is because the maker is very slow.
Once you plant something, there's no way of knowing what it was until it sprouts, at the very least. There's no map indicator or pop-up when you pass over the item. I like the random varieties that can occur; giant crops, different shapes. I always feel like I should hold onto them, but there's not much redeeming benefit done because of it.
One thing I actually like. Shows store hours and villager locations, thank the Harvest Goddess. While I rarely use it, I appreciate having it, should I want to track someone down for a birthday gift or something.
The first two mines are okay. The third mine, once you get to orichalcum levels, have the most annoying baddies, mole creatures, with an AOE impact and further static electricity. The 1 room areas with 3 baddies are the things of nightmares, rage-inducing, even. Screw that hydroculture plant.
They changed the sprite game up. Why? I can't tell you. Instead of the familiar elf-like creatures, we get egg-like creatures that act as interaction points to fluffy lint balls that we encounter while working on the farm.
Graphics. 4 of 10
I feel like this is the type of game that would be acceptable on the DS line. We have passed that moment in time. Animations are limited, designs are clunky, there is a lot of cosmetic empty space, the dlc areas make the realization of that worse. All wander room, nothing to hold your attention unless you like fishing. The limited voice acting is not necessary, it comes off as synthetic, artificial. Character portraits would have gone a long way to add personality, the perspective of characters emoting in game isn't bad, however, it's just... lacking. I think the flatness of the game overshadows what little charm it has.
Overall. 3 of 10
In conclusion, I'm over this game. If it wasn't a gift from a friend who knew I was excited for it, I wouldn't have bothered finishing the first year. I admit, I'm actually quite disappointed. Right now, I'm not interested in playing further, or even getting married. I feel compelled to at least max all the skills but, I honestly don't see a point.
Here's hoping for a major overhaul update soon. The scores average out to 3.875 out of 10 but I can't bear to give it higher than a 3. In the meanwhile, I'm going back to FoMT, Stardew, and Portia.
If you enjoy the game, please feel free to let me know what you like about it. I’d love to know, honestly, where your favorite parts are.
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awsexchage · 5 years
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Ant Media Serverを用いてWebRTCによる超低遅延ストリーミング配信 https://ift.tt/2oPfAVf
入社して3ヶ月半しか経っていないのに体重が6キロも増えてしまいました。幸せ太りなのでしょうか。どうも、streampackのfadoです。最近AWS Elementalのセミナーなどで新しい技術を学ぶ機会も増えてきてWebRTCについても触る機会がありましたので簡単ではありますがそれについて記事を書きたいと思います。
Ant Media Server Enterpriseは料金がかかりますがFree trialで5日間無料お試し頂けます。
m5.2xlarge (Edge/Origin) , t2.micro (mongoDB)
Auto Scaling機能は利用していません。
AWS環境でAnt Media Serverを構築します。
Ant Media社が記載してくれた記事を参考に手順を説明していきます。
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MongoDBサーバー :Originサーバーからのストリーム情報を格納し、必要に応じてEdgeサーバーにその情報を提供します。
■MongoDBサーバー 1. AWSマネジメントコンソールからAMIとしてUbuntu 16.04を選択します。 2. ディスク容量はデフォルトの8GBにします。 3. セキュリティグループは Inbound 22(tcp) と 27017(tcp)を許可。ソースは対象VPCにします。 4. インスタンスへのログインが確認できたら、下記コマンドを実行し、MongoDBをインストールします。
$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 9DA31620334BD75D9DCB49F368818C72E52529D4 $ echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 ] https://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu xenial/mongodb-org/4.0 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-4.0.list $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org
/etc/mongod.confのbind_ipの値を に変更します。
sudo service mongod restart sudo systemctl enable mongod.service
■Originサーバー 1. AWS MarketplaceよりAnt Media Server EnterpriseのAMIを選択します。 2. インスタンスタイプは推奨されているm5.2xlargeにします。 3. 「高度な設定」→ユーザーデーターの欄には下記行を追加します。 {MongoIP}は先ほど設定したMongoDBのプライベートIPに設定します。
#!/bin/bash cd /usr/local/antmedia ./change_server_mode.sh cluster {MongoIP}
1.セキュリテイグルーブはAMIデフォルトの設定に加えて、Inbound 5000 – 65000(tcp)を許可する必要があります。これはOrigin/edgeの間のreplicationにtcpプロトコルが使われるからです。
■Edgeサーバー 先ほどのOriginサーバーと同じ設定にします。
■ALB 1. Edgeサーバー用とOriginサーバー用1個ずつTargetグループを作成します。 2. リスナーは下記のように設定します。 http: 80 と http:5080    転送先:Originサーバー用ターゲットグループ https: 443 と https:5443  転送先:Edgeサーバー用ターゲットグループ
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ユーザー名:JamesBond (default) パスワード:インスタンス ID (Originサーバー)
インスタンス IDはMongoDBサーバーにて下記コマンドで確認することも可能です。password フィールドをご参照下さい。
$ mongo > use serverdb > db.User.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5d31612a4c79142df7c71914"), "className" : "io.antmedia.rest.model.User", "email" : "JamesBond", "password" : "i-1234567890abcdef0", "userType" : "ADMIN" }
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の「Start Publishing」で配信を開始できます。デフォルトストリーム名は stream1 です。
の「Start Playing」で配信の視聴が可能です。
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Auto Scaling機能と組み合わせればより耐障害性と可用性を高めることができます。
Ant Media Serverはあの有名なRed5から派生し、Java,C,C++で開発されています。
英語のみとなってしまいますがAnt Media社のサポートチームの対応はかなり早いです。
https://webrtc.org/ https://antmedia.io/scalable-ultra-low-latency-streaming-service-on-aws/ https://qiita.com/daitasu/items/ae21b16361eb9f65ed43 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebRTC
「Ant Media Serverを用いてWebRTCによる超低遅延ストリーミング配信」
October 01, 2019 at 04:00PM
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globalmediacampaign · 4 years
Profiling slow-running queries in Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility)
Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) is a fast, scalable, highly available, and fully managed document database service that supports MongoDB workloads. You can use the same MongoDB 3.6 application code, drivers, and tools to run, manage, and scale workloads on Amazon DocumentDB without having to worry about managing the underlying infrastructure. As a document database, Amazon DocumentDB makes it easy to store, query, and index JSON data. AWS built Amazon DocumentDB to uniquely solve your challenges around availability, performance, reliability, durability, scalability, backup, and more. In doing so, we built several tools, like the profiler, to help you run analyze your workload on Amazon DocumentDB. The profiler gives you the ability to log the time and details of slow-running operations on your cluster. In this post, we show you how to use the profiler in Amazon DocumentDB to analyze slow-running queries to identify bottlenecks and improve individual query performance and overall cluster performance. Prerequisites To use the Amazon DocumentDB profiler, create an AWS Cloud9 environment and an Amazon DocumentDB cluster. You use the AWS Cloud9 terminal to run queries against the cluster. For instructions on setting up your environment and creating your cluster, see Getting Started with Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility); Part 2 – using AWS Cloud9. Solution overview The solution described in this post includes the following tasks: Turn on the profiler for your cluster to profile slow-running queries Load a dataset and run sample queries Use AWS CloudWatch Logs to analyze logs and identify bottlenecks for slow-running queries Improve performance of slow-running queries by adding a missing index Turning on the profiler To enable the profiler, you must first create a custom cluster parameter group. A cluster parameter group is a group of settings that determine how your cluster is configured. When you provision an Amazon DocumentDB cluster, it’s provisioned with the default cluster parameter group. The default settings are immutable; to make changes to your cluster, you need a custom parameter group. On the Amazon DocumentDB console, choose your parameter group. If you don’t have one, you can create a cluster parameter group. Select the profiler parameter and change its value to enabled. You can also modify profiler_sampling_rate and profiler_threshold_ms parameters based on your preferences. profiler_sampling_rate is a fraction of slow operations that should be profiled or logged. profiler_threshold_ms is a threshold in milliseconds; all commands that take longer than profiler-threshold-ms are logged. For more information about parameters, see Enabling the Amazon DocumentDB Profiler. For this post, I set profiler_sampling_rate to 1 and profiler_threshold_ms to 50. Select the cluster you want to turn on the profiler for, and choose the Configuration Choose Modify. For Cluster parameter group, choose your custom parameter group. If you’re already using a custom parameter group, you can skip this step. For Log exports, select Profiler logs. This enables your cluster to export the logs to CloudWatch. If you have already enabled log exports for profiler logs, you can skip this step. For When to apply modifications, select Apply immediately. Alternatively, you can apply the change during your next scheduled maintenance window. Choose Modify cluster. You now need to reboot your instances to apply the new parameter group. On the Instances page, select your instance. From the Actions drop-down menu, choose Reboot. You have successfully turned on the profiler and turned on log exports to CloudWatch. Loading a dataset For this post, I load a sample dataset on to my Amazon DocumentDB cluster and run some queries. The dataset consists of JSON documents that capture data related to the spread and characteristics, case count, and location info of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Download the dataset with the following code: wget -O cases.json https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws-samples/amazon-documentdb-samples/master/datasets/cases.json Load the dataset using mongoimport: mongoimport --ssl --host= --collection=daily_cases --db=testdb --file=cases.json --numInsertionWorkers 4 --username= --password= --sslCAFile rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem Use mongoimport version 3.6.18 with Amazon DocumentDB. If you don’t have mongoimport, you can install it from the MongoDB download center. To install mongoimport 3.6 on Amazon Linux, run: echo -e "[mongodb-org-3.6] nname=MongoDB Repositorynbaseurl=https://repo.mongodb.org/yum/amazon/2013.03/mongodb-org/3.6/x86_64/ngpgcheck=1 nenabled=1 ngpgkey=https://www.mongodb.org/static/pgp/server-3.6.asc" | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-3.6.repo sudo yum install mongodb-org-tools-3.6.18 To install mongoimport 3.6 on Ubuntu: echo 'deb https://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu '$codename'/mongodb-org/3.6 multiverse' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.6.list sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 2930ADAE8CAF5059EE73BB4B58712A2291FA4AD5 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org-tools=3.6.18 For more information on using mongoimport, see Dumping, Restoring, Importing, and Exporting Data. To export a log to CloudWatch, I need to run a query that is longer than 50 milliseconds. To do that, I run two queries on my dataset, using the mongo shell on my AWS Cloud9 environment. For installation instructions, see Installing the mongo shell. Run the first query: db.daily_cases.find({"Cases": 1068}) Run the second query: db.daily_cases.aggregate([{ $match: { Cases: { $gte: 100, $lt: 1000 } }}, { $group: { _id: null, count: { $sum: 1 } } } ]); Analyzing slow-running query logs in CloudWatch To view the logs of your slow-running queries, complete the following steps: On the CloudWatch console, under Logs, choose Log groups. Select the log group associated with your cluster. The log group should have the following format: /aws/docdb//profiler. It can take up to 1 hour for the log group to show up after enabling the profiler and turning on log exports. Select the log stream. Typically, every Amazon DocumentDB instance has its own log stream. For this use case, because you only have one instance, you only see one log stream. Set the time period filter to your desired value. For this use case, I filter it to 1 hour; in the following screenshot, you can see the two queries I ran earlier. It typically takes 1–2 minutes for your queries to show up in the log events. You can now analyze the logs. The following two screenshots are EXPLAIN plans for the queries we ran. The plan outlines the stages and times for a query, and helps you discover potential bottlenecks. Looking at the logs, you can see that the first query took 485 milliseconds, and the second query took 559 milliseconds. Because both took longer than 50 milliseconds, they showed up in the profiler logs. Improving performance by adding an index When you analyze the query logs, you can identify bottlenecks. The profiler logged both queries we ran earlier in CloudWatch because the runtime was over 50 milliseconds. From the logs, you can see that both the queries perform a COLLSCAN, which is a full collection sequential scan. COLLSCANs are often slow because you read your entire dataset. To reduce COLLSCANs, you can create indexes on fields that have a high degree of uniqueness and are queried frequently for a certain value or range of values for the field. For this use case, we can reduce COLLSCANS by creating an index on Cases. See the following code: db.daily_cases.createIndex({Cases:1}) For more information about indexes, see Working with Indexes. You can now rerun the queries to observe the new times. Ideally, the queries should run faster because the indexes prevent collection scans. To view the query plan and the amount of time it took to run at runtime, you can add explain("executionStats") to your query. To rerun the first query, enter the following code: db.daily_cases.find({"Cases": 1068}).explain("executionStats") The following screenshot shows the query plan. To run the second query, enter the following code: db.daily_cases.aggregate([{ $match: { Cases: { $gte: 100, $lt: 1000 } }}, { $group: { _id: null, count: { $sum: 1 } } } ]); The following screenshot shows the query plan. Instead of COLLSCANS, the query now uses IXSCANS and IXONLYSCANS. Instead of sequentially scanning the entire collection, the query optimizer uses indexes, which reduces the number of documents that need to be read to answer the query. This improved the runtime for the queries: the first query went from 485 milliseconds to 0.35 milliseconds, and the second query went from 559 milliseconds to 70 milliseconds. Conclusion In this post, you learned how to turn on the profiler in Amazon DocumentDB to analyze slow-running queries to identify performance issues, bottlenecks, and improve individual query performance and overall cluster performance. For more information, see Profiling Amazon DocumentDB Operations and Performance and Resource Utilization. If you have any questions or comments about this post, please use the comments section. If you have any features requests for Amazon DocumentDB, email us at [email protected].   About the Author   Meet Bhagdev is a Sr. Product Manager with Amazon Web Services       https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/profiling-slow-running-queries-in-amazon-documentdb-with-mongodb-compatibility/
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hey-its-kay-streams · 3 years
did a test stream yesterday, mostly annoyed my cat. will do another before the week is over!
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hey-its-kay-streams · 4 years
I will probably address #AnimalCrossingNewHorizions next week. I will attempt to be polite. #NoPromises http://twitter.com/itskaystreams/status/1294386622096650242 August 14, 2020 at 05:33PM
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hey-its-kay-streams · 4 years
Due to completely foreseeable circumstances, I start my last semester on Wednesday. This Wednesday, still not sure how. Content and updates will continue to be a bit sporadic until I figure out my schedule 🤦🏾‍♀️ http://twitter.com/itskaystreams/status/1297995297734512642 August 24, 2020 at 04:32PM
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hey-its-kay-streams · 4 years
Content will return, I watched #theumbrellaacademy2 twice within since it it dropped. So ready to get back at it and figure out my 8bitdo for stardew valley pc http://twitter.com/itskaystreams/status/1293303818629849089 August 11, 2020 at 05:50PM
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hey-its-kay-streams · 4 years
Update: my switch dock did not abandon me in my hour of need, it was a cry for attention. Indirectly related, my work hours are shifting rn so more screenies. Probably taking too many classes this fall but let's go, semester starts soon. http://twitter.com/itskaystreams/status/1290370680635170818 August 03, 2020 at 03:35PM
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hey-its-kay-streams · 4 years
Ahhhhhh, want to add this when I start my pc run of #StardewValley, might be soon with my switch dock out commission https://t.co/KFTiCxqoR9 http://twitter.com/itskaystreams/status/1288903997382959107 July 30, 2020 at 02:27PM
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hey-its-kay-streams · 4 years
#NintendoSwitch #FoMTSwitch #heykayplays #SanguigoFarm gotta say, hope the festivals get better later https://t.co/31u26QR9kQ http://twitter.com/itskaystreams/status/1284872868828860417 July 19, 2020 at 11:28AM
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hey-its-kay-streams · 4 years
Mayor Lewis could never https://t.co/ZPHa8iA1t5 http://twitter.com/itskaystreams/status/1286360608040988673 July 23, 2020 at 02:00PM
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hey-its-kay-streams · 4 years
Single dad with a beard? My one (of multiple) weakness. https://t.co/8j42DGPMCY http://twitter.com/itskaystreams/status/1286361730621243394 July 23, 2020 at 02:05PM
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hey-its-kay-streams · 4 years
#NintendoSwitch #FoMTSwitch #SanguigoFarm for real... whats up with the kappa? https://t.co/4hbHZmm52X http://twitter.com/itskaystreams/status/1286852178724843525 July 24, 2020 at 10:34PM
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hey-its-kay-streams · 4 years
Omg are there rival marriages in #FoMT? Whose heart will I have to break? http://twitter.com/itskaystreams/status/1284895780050833408 July 19, 2020 at 01:00PM
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hey-its-kay-streams · 4 years
#NintendoSwitch #heykayplays #FoMTSwitch #SanguigoFarm the surprising bachelor cut scenes, if only cuz i dont talk to anyone but gray https://t.co/zDSzl0h8UN http://twitter.com/itskaystreams/status/1287044196247851013 July 25, 2020 at 11:17AM
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hey-its-kay-streams · 4 years
#NintendoSwitch #heykayplays #FoMT #SanguigoFarm settling in nicely, i think. pic.twitter.com/gxMmN0No8n
— Kay (@itskaystreams) July 19, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/itskaystreams
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