#hmm this reads a bit copy pasta to me idek
sailorsally · 14 days
This quote is wrong “jensen is pretty attracted to me” https://twitter.com/livelyackles/status/1784211881252528196?s=19
this is the correct one
"he said he finds jensen really attractive"
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Honestly, its not always easy to understand what an actor is saying into a mic at a packed event but I have seen two dif people say he said that JENSEN is attracted to him & from the structure of the joke and what followed after and because that's I-like-to-be-on-top Misha, I think that he was talking about Jensen being into him. Not that the reverse wouldn't be just as insane. I mean there are several instances of people complimenting Jensen's looks and calling him hot and Misha saying stuff like 'tell us something we don't already know!" So yeah, that man has eyes obviously
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