#hmm time to research how prostetics work
eiraeths · 5 months
hmmm i want to write soap medically discharged and having to learn how to be a civilian again
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hezraela · 2 years
So, Ponk’s lore stream leading up to the Egg finale pretty explicitly ends with them going down to the Egg. When they show up next, at Puffy’s party, they have both arms.
HOWEVER, I do think it would be incredibly devious for the Egg to have pointed Ponk in the direction of Sam’s machine, instead of just poofing in an arm out of nowhere. Because, as you’ve said, we’ve never seen the Egg deliver on its promises in a physical way before, so maybe it’s more of a “giving you what you need to help yourself” type of situation. And then that opens up a world of possibilities - does Ponk even know the machine was Sam’s? How did they manage to operate it? Did the Egg do that part for them? And if the Egg has access to that technology, what kind of mayhem could it have planned using it? What will/would Sam’s reaction be, when/if he finds out? Is this an entirely new clone of Ponk, or did they just use the machine to make a replacement arm? If it’s a new clone, where is the original Ponk body? Does Ponk know about the ability to switch, and if yes, do they plan to use it? How / for what? Did the bank explosion destroy this new body? Do clones have one life, or three? SO MANY COOL QUESTIONS!!
Hmm in fact in fact so many good questions !!
Your idea of the egg leading ponk to the machin is actually genius.
That would make so much sence, cause we know Ponk went to Sam for some help getting his arm back (maybe at that time he thought about a prostetic or something of the kind) but Sam sent him away and that alone is a full can of worm of it's own.
Was he so disconected from reality that he did not remember his condition and the clones machine OR did he just not wanted to help him as a form of retribution for the prison key card incident? or, maybe even a bit of both : the fact that he would still be salty about the key card would make him unconsciously not think about his contraption.
Anyway, knowing that Sam was definitly not the one pointing Ponk to the machine (neither at the time he asked for help nor before because Ponk would have know about it when asking for for his arm back) and the fact that we never saw Ponk interact with XD (correct me if i'm wrong )
He turned to the egg, the entity rederidecting him to the contraption. Good thinking !
So first he saw that sam is not in the same machin he showed phil at the begining and at that time he said that he would not destroi it so can we assume that this first instrument to still be up and running. And in the case it 's what happened then Ponk would not have the capacity to have multiple bodies at once since that first version is known to not have that fonctionality.
Which lead to your question : "How did they operat it? " Well if we believe that Ponk uses the first version, there might be researche about it aroung, letting Ponk figure out the way it work ! and maybe Ponk figered out it was sam by them maybe not !
I don't think the egg has acces to that technilogy simply because the egg can apparantly just be stopped by some iron so i'm not sure it has the mental capacity to comprehend the complexity
And that post is getting awfully long so I'll divide it here to keep the really speculative ideas on an other post !
so 1 we don't know if Sam remember about about Ponk's state at that time, 2 we don't know if Ponk will come back and if we come back if he will have his arm again or not (if he will use the machine again)
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