#hmmmmmmmm not sure how i feel abt this being seen by the public eye
sodascribbles Β· 1 year
hello would people like sly cooper gender and sexuality headcanons bc i have figured out the truth and as we all know the truth is lava-proof /ref
slyfox is t4t sly and carmelita told me themselves /j
sly (he/him + neos) is transmasc and bisexual (hes just like me fr) though personally i also think he's grayromantic possibly demi. he doesnt think abt it too hard tho! trades neos w bentley like pokemon cards
carmelita (she/her) is transfem btw also. bisexual queen we love to see it.
murray (he/him) is like the only cis one of the cooper gang but hes also like canonically gay (bi at the very least) hes a gay man ok
hot take but. trans girl bentley (she/they + neos). also under the aro umbrella i think and i think shes ace. penelope and them are qpps. them and sly trade neopronouns around like pokemon cards
penelope (they/she) is also transfem actually. demigirl <3 theyre aroace her and bentley are qpps still. they had a whole sexuality crisis over sly but NOPE it was the aesthetic attraction come to kick them in the ass
HOT TAKE. dimitri (he/it) is a trans man. hes gay i think. possibly aro and homosexual but is not opposed to being in a relationship.
tbf im aro so maybe im just projecting onto these guys but who's to say. :3
nb panda king (they/he but rlly doesnt care) for the win im an agender panda king truther. does not mind any gendered terms or pronouns. doesnt label their sexuality but does have a wife (er. used to have a wife)
also nb guru (any) but in the other direction. hot take pangender guru. tends to use masculine terms for herself but switches it up every once in a while. i think they're also aroace but again IM aroace so maybe im just projecting. either all or nothing w it i think either pan or aroace /hj but hes probably the one ive thought the least abt
and a bonus round of just me speedrunning other chars and not explaining
raleigh is transmasc and transphobic and also gay and homophobic
muggshot is a closeted gay w a lot of internalized homophobia
i think mz ruby is a lesbian
youve heard my opinion on panda king
clockwerk stopped thinking about it after version 2 i dont think they care
youve heard my opinion on dimitri
rajan. cishet i think. probably not intolerant but not an ally just indifferent yknow
contessa. aroace i think. married her husband for money and money alone. cis i think?????? but i could also see her as transfem
jean bison is a homophobe and i just think that's canon
we dont see enough of arpeggio for me to get a good read on him but based on like the way he talks alone i think hes cis and gay but i can also see him as transmasc whoops
neyla i think just doesnt care. aroace and agender made one choice and it was No but is not above flirting/whatever to get what she wants
octavio is either gay or homophobic w no inbetween
also fun fact i think bentley figures herself out as trans tm between sly 2 and 3
anyway what's the 2nd villain
the mask of dark earth is. end sentence
ok uhhh 3 is the black baron that's just Penelope boymoding /hj
homophobic a transphobe AND a misogynist
dont ask how much trouble i had spelling misogynist
id call him a terf but hes not a feminist of ANY kind thank you
lefwee is a pirate and that's pretty gay in general. pansexual. the most accepting villain of the bunch /hj again
dr m is again either homophobic or gay w no inbetween. probably a transphobe tho
using that tag a lot
update apparently the species of bird that he is only the females are red w black beaks so hes also trans heart emoji
"cooper?? no you must be the coopers daughter!" "yyyyyyyyyeah about that" <- real conversation between him and sly /j
you get exactly 5 comments on 4 bc i know exactly 5 new characters
el jefe is a homophobe i think
rioichi is cishet but an ally
toothpick is gay sorry not sorry
tennessee is a trans man and i will die on this hill
le paradox. is a terf i think. ive met him exactly once and know little to nothing about him but just based on Vibes
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