#holdin’ this so close to me for realsies nia !!
satorisoup · 1 month
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!! little kou for u! hope ur feeling ok lene ^____^
SNIFFLES & SOBS !! OMIGOSH NIA, FOR ME ?! LOOK AT HIM MY PRECIOUS LIL KOU WAHHHH this is SO cute !! >//< tha lil strawberry oh my goodness my heart can’t take this </3 LOOK AT HIS FACE !! MY CUTIE KOU !! THIS IS ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE !! T^T
MY PRECIOUS PETU-NIA !! (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) SOB thank you SOSO much for this absolutely beautiful lil kou doodle oh my goodness </3 m’ holdin it sososo dear to my heart PLS !! >.< i must come to your inbox very soon with a little treat for you i fear… :3
EEEP thank you for tha well wishes ma love !! m’ sending them right back to you wif smoochies and hugs <333 how are you doin ?? i MUST know !!
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