#hopefully this isn’t an annoying post at all I really . like plushes!! and wanna share em !! so I hope thats okay !!!
seawing-vibes · 9 months
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Some images of my Tsu plush from Creep Cat Toy Co. !!! I love her lots one of my fav plushes <3 !! Her glow spots are glow-in-the-dark fabric ,, its super neat !
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idolizerp · 6 years
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NICKNAME(S): fairy princess, pixie, thumbelina. INSPIRATION: having discovered a love for the stage in high school, eunjo knew that walking the flowered path of an idol was right for her. instead of chasing fame, all she wants is to do what she loves, and have that be that. furthermore, she’s inspired by plenty of former girl groups that have since disbanded, and that still exists, and hopes to leave a mark on the world much like they did, too. SPECIAL TALENTS:
pansori: eunjo can perform contemporary songs in the beautiful pansori style, and though she finds it really pretty naturally, she mostly does this for comedic purposes.
voice acting: during free-time in middle school and high school, eunjo used to take the time to practice doing voice impressions of many famous characters in animation. some of her best, and most notable, include: jigglypuff from the pokémon franchise, princess peach from super mario bros, most of the disney princesses, and now, all of her group-mates. this, too, is utilized for comedic purposes on tv and in fan-meets.
high notes: eunjo is often the winner of ‘who can sing the highest note’ challenges.
eunjo graduated from school of performing arts seoul in 2013.
some of her musical inspirations include ariana grande, beyoncé, and mariah carey.
she has an extensive collection of hello kitty merchandise, but mostly plushes.
eunjo has the dream of one day being a voice actress in an animated film or series.
some of eunjo’s short-term goals include expanding her singing range in order to perform higher belts on title tracks, begin the process of writing her solo début with midas media’s writing team, and after doing so, hopefully landing a leading role or two in a stage musical — in korea, or in america. she truly wants to be known as a competent singer, someone with an outstanding voice, as opposed to only someone who only possesses top-tier visuals and a swan-like grace.
after a hopefully lucrative and extensive career as a vocalist, — first as the main vocal in aurora, a solo artist, and later, a star of stage musicals — eunjo hopes to settle down with a husband and children. most of her younger years were spent at work, so she plans on traveling for pleasure in her later life; eager to learn more about the world around her. while she appreciates the recording industry and all it’s done for her, she’d want to live a more humble life in the future; one where she can look back fondly on her life as an idol and feel glad that she did it, but feel equally happy that it’s all over with now.
poise, grace, elegance, ethereality… all are words that one young eunjo beautifully fits: the length of her princess tresses that spiral down the length of her back, the curled tips of her eyelashes, the pearlescent alabaster hue of her fair skin, the posture with which she stands on red carpets, and the soft hums that lilt from betwixt roseate lips as she listens to another person speak; each syllable sinking into her ears as she digests the information that is given to her. all of this radiance, all of this glitter and glamour, was passed down to her from her mother — one that was known to not only be physically captivating, but almost angelic in nature, too. all of her relatives dote on her for that reason, and though she’s the youngest in her family, she’s the closest thing they all have to the woman who birthed them. however, the love that’s given to her in droves doesn’t stop exclusively at those she’s related to, no. after all, it’s hard not to fall for someone so soft, and so bright. there’s a sweetness about her; one that’ll give anyone that’s around her for long enough a toothache, but the pain felt is always endured. it’s strange how one girl can carry so much celestial energy, but it’s what swathes her, and it’s also what’s guided her to the life she leads today.
however, not all are bewitched by her myriad of charms, no. there are individuals who find her positive energy irritating beyond belief, and who possibly cannot stand her strange, syrupy disposition that she deems is natural, but in truth, that isn’t necessarily accurate. she bends over backwards for people and flitters about like a sprite because she so desperately wants to be liked; her need for applause and praise like tinkerbell in j.m. barrie’s ‘peter pan’ — she needs them to live. being given so much attention as a child has left her insatiable for it as an adult, and its hard to for people to tell the difference between manageable cane sugar and saccharine artificial sweetener when beholding her, but the one upside to this downside is that, for midas media, she’s easy to market out the general public, and whether or not she’s positively annoying is subjective to them; so long as she’s able to turn a profit, she’s good in their books. the korean entertainment industry is a growing business, after all. with that in mind, they’ve decided to portray her as the untouchable girl that men and women fall in love with in films — the high school crush that ends up with the protagonist at the end of the movie, the stunning damsel in distress in need of saving, the princess who’s hand is being competed for, but most of all, the manic pixie dream girl. all of this is not only due to her delicate disposition, but for her effortless beauty, too. luckily, this is an image that she’s able to convey to the public well, but the longer that she’s bathed in the limelight, the more daunting it’s becoming to uphold what’s been laid out for her. while she might look like a perfect doll, and while her personality is easy to warm up to, she’s still human; she still has feelings that end up being stomped on due to her unfortunate lack of a back bone, her quirks don’t sit well with others, and like everyone else, she still makes countless mistakes that she tries her best to learn from. however, she feels as though she’s held up on a pedestal of flawlessness, one that she, too, has taken part in convincing people of, and if she were to make one wrong move, or say one wrong thing, she’d have all eyes on her. it’s as if she’s being watched beneath a microscope, and she can’t help but feel mildly anxious about all of this. it’s almost as if she’s allowed to have no bad days, or to become emotional about much of anything. lately, it’s been noticed that she’s appeared more quiet than normal on variety shows, or that her presence on social media isn’t nearly as active as it used to be, and all of that’s boiled down to the fact that she fears the day where she’s caught; where she’s exposed as a fraud for not living up to the standards that midas have held her to. however, on the other hand, maybe it would be beneficial to her if she cracks under the pressure? maybe people around her wouldn’t see her as this unbreakable individual, but as someone that’s just as real, and just as valid, as everyone else is? maybe being seen as a mortal would serve her better than being considered a seraph, an angel without wings.
>  tw. parental death, alluded post traumatic stress disorder, and anxiety.
curious pupils watch as the events on television transpire before her — an embrace shared between a mother and her daughter burning into young eunjo’s blossoming memory. she’d known women in her life that have adored her, but she only remembers little bits and pieces of the woman who birthed her. all she had were photographs, and stories told by her father and her older brothers. all of them would constantly fill her mind with comments and sweet words; often stating that she was not only identical to the former matriarch of their home in appearance, but also in personality, too. how on earth such a marvel was possible confused all of them, but they were fortunate to have her in their lives; not only as a reminder of one byun eunbin, but because raising her was simply a joy to all of them. though, despite all of their love and adoration, none of them ever felt compelled to tell her the truth of what had happened only a few years ago, and due to her memory not retaining much of that horrible day, and thanks to resilience for protecting her still-developing mind, she’d lived in a state of blissful ignorance. however, her thoughts would get the better of her sometimes, and in the midst of watching television with her father, she leaned up against him; long lashes blinking up towards his stern visage. this wasn’t going to be the first time she’d asked, and it would not be the last, but she still felt it necessary in this moment to at least try to get an answer.
“daddy?” her gentle, melodic voice cooed over to him; the singsong way with which she spoke signature to her personality. “i know you don’t wanna tell me, but where’s mommy?”
at the query, young taekwoon sighed and held her close. “your mommy’s in a special place, jo-ah. i promise that, when you get a little bit older, i’ll tell you everything you need to know.”
though, even when she did grow older, she still wasn’t let in on this secret that the men in her life were protecting her from, and though she never truly forgot all of the questions she longed to ask, she seldom brought them to attention; knowing that, even if she did, and no matter how much she begged, no one would inform her about the whereabouts of her mom. so, instead, she decided to stay focused on her studies, on her extracurricular activities and whenever the time came, she’d be happy to know what transpired. until then, though, eunjo remained closer than ever to her family, and years later, more specifically around her twelfth birthday, her twin brother began to divulge to her his longing to explore foreign grounds; to become more acquainted with the world other than the small town that they lived in. though she was intrigued, his master plan made her nervous, but being that she was usually more timid than he was, she knew that following him would be the best decision for her. he would often tell her that she needed to be stronger of mind, and not in a negative sense, but more so for her own good. she knew this, and she understood, so when he tried to convince their father to allow them to take part in this, she took his side; framing it as she’d go with him to protect him, and to look after him. it took sometime, but they were finally given permission to go, and not long after, she and taekyoon were aboard a plane heading for the usa. she cried a lot on the way there, but what this experience would bring to her would be far, far greater than the anxiety and the fear that she felt, and she’d discover that very soon.
despite the language barrier, the difficulty making friends, the slight bullying for being the odd one out, and only truly having her brother to hangout with, a year into their stay, eunjo began to finally find her footing. upon encouragement from her father, she signed up for the choir club that her school offered. she’d always enjoyed to sing, even if it was only a hobby, and some of her earliest memories were going to see musicals with her mother, or watching singalong tapes to learn nursery rhymes. though hesitant at first, when she finally got the courage to join, it didn’t take too long for her to realize that this was a great idea, and it was then when her life changed for her. at the time, the classroom was filled with students who were often misunderstood in one fashion or another, and due to everyone’s more understanding nature, she fit in like a glove — creating relationships with them, getting better at speaking the country’s native tongue, and even brushing up on her singing skills. she wasn’t perfect, but she learned how to better navigate her way through a song, and being that she was placed in the soprano category, she and the others who belonged to the same group were often tasked with carrying out the higher melody portions of the choral arrangements they’d rehearse. seeing potential in her, the instructor offered her private lessons during weekend afternoons, and she accepted with a smile; happy to know that her favorite pastime was something she could be good at in the future. so, after months of hard work and finding comfort in music, she was given a solo in the end of year recital. it was daunting to stand on-stage in front of an audience, much less to sing before them, too, but when the time came, she discovered that the attention and the applause she received was a high unlike any other, and at the end of the year when she had to return back home to korea, she cried once more, too; happy to go home, but sad to leave all of whom she grew to love, and all of those happy memories, back in cerritos, california.
after spending her fourteenth and fifteenth year going to school, continuing her adventures in choir, and taking voice lessons, at sixteen, young eunjo often wondered if she could someday make a career out of her voice. after all, ever since she and taekyoon started to attend the school of performing arts in seoul for high school, many of her peers would discuss their long-term goals. many of them wanted to star in dramas, some had an affinity for live musicals, a lot wanted to be choreographers, but the majority seemed to want to walk the flowered path of being an idol, and she definitely fell into the latter. that, or she’d long to relocate to a different part of the world so she could make her voice acting dreams blossom into fruition. overall, a good amount of research went into discovering all she could do in the future, but being that she was so far away from either of places in the west, or even to japan, where voice actors truly found the best work, she thought that starting locally would be her best, most wise, plan of action. so, after keeping her eyes and ears open for potential opportunities to arrive, only a few weeks later, she had heard of an open casting call being held by midas media — home to some of her favorite groups and soloists, especially diamant and su.grr. being that she had spent time in class learning to prepare for auditions into companies, she had a few tricks up her sleeve, and in order to better utilize the few weeks she had left before she appeared in front of a panel of talent scouts, she had help from her teachers, her friends, and her family so that she was sure to impress.
so, when the day finally came and she was asked to begin singing by the casting team at media media, she nodded her head, waited for the song to start, and delivered a really sweet, soft cover of diamant’s ‘into the new world.’ she had an inkling that that would be a popular choice amongst many of the girls aiming for a trainee slot, as well, so she endeavored to make it her own in some fashion — turning it into more of a ballad with some alterations to the original’s melody; all of which were thought up by her vocal coach. as she worked to get through it with a smile, nerves got the better of her sometimes, and she didn’t resonate every note perfectly, but what was most important was that she showed promise, and a likable personality that made them feel smitten with her. when they asked to see her dance, however, there wasn’t much to judge… and they knew they’d have to start fresh with her there, but other than that, weeks later, she was offered a coveted trainee slot amongst a few others, and she couldn’t have been more excited.
upon entering the trainee program, she was told by a lot of her peers that she’d more than likely be there for more than five years before getting a chance to début; midas being known for their long periods of training as they often strive for sheer seamlessness. accepting her fate, she was prepared to work hard; her father and brothers telling her that she couldn’t take these experiences for granted, especially if they were stepping stones for how she’d spend the rest of her life. so, she kept her head in the right place and continued to excel at whatever she was given to do. however, what was obvious in the audition process was that she had more knowledge of singing as opposed to dancing. so, earlier on in her time under the care of midas media, she was often berated for appearing too stiff or uncomfortable while she moved, and she would end up in hot water for taking a longer time than most to learn choreography. truth be told, hearing such negative feedback was soul-crushing to her; her life full of encouragement, compliments, and adoration up to this point. were all of what she was told in the past lies to make her feel better? was she really as bad as they all made her seem? her mind began to spiral ‘round and ‘round with doubt, and she found it hard to believe that she even thought she belonged on television, or on-stage in front of thousands of audience members. what made all of her woes even worse were the rumors that began to circulate about that the next girl group that midas was going to unleash; the one that she was vying for a spot for, the one that would either make, or break, her dreams of a career.
many claimed this all-girl collective was going to be heavily dance focused, and all of whom who would later make the cut had to be extremely talented in that area. how on earth was she going to improve by when announcements were to be made? although it was years into the future, at the time, it seemed as though it was out of reach. she often felt a loss of hope whenever she had to perform carefully crafted routines for evaluations, and she was always given low marks for dance, but rather high marks for whenever she sang. idol groups needed not only be skilled in stage performance, but also in vocals, right? so, even after the myriad of phone calls to her father and brother — who had dreams similar to her’s — in tears, she knew that she’d regret giving up far more than she would failing. after all, she wanted to be someone that would do the young name proud like taekyoon planned to do, so she couldn’t throw in the towel no matter how desperately she wanted to at times.
days turned into weeks, weeks to months, and months to years, and young eunjo was still diligently working towards her goal of becoming an idol, and as the time went on, she naturally began to progress in all avenues of performance. while her strongest suit would always be her voice, her dance skill had seen great improvements, too. of course she wasn’t the best in the company by a long shot, but for a vocalist, she was passable. while her movements were sometimes sloppy, what really set her apart was stage presence and charisma; the aura that radiated from her rivaling that of the stars above as she stood on-stage. while she was still marked low for mistakes during dance numbers, what helped save her was that she didn’t ever give up and break-down, especially now that she’s grown older, and has become more mature. instead of taking constructive criticism as an attack to her, she’d digest it, and work hard to make it happen, especially since, at this point, taekyoon had gotten his big break by being scouted by another entertainment company, and starting as the main rapper of ‘imperial.’ even though she was glad for him, she couldn’t help but feel almost jealous of him — his transition into stardom much simpler than her’s had been. she knew that, though born of the same womb and at the same time, the two of them were remarkably different. maybe his strength of character and his individuality made him more appealing? she wondered how she could be more like him; how she could earn everyone’s love and respect how he was doing. it was after much thought that she decided that she’d multiply all of her positive traits by a thousand; not really allowing herself to be anything short of a girl that everyone would want to know, or aspire to be like someday.
despite all of her struggles in the past, her final evaluation showed extreme development, and the creative team at midas media were thrilled that her four years with them did a lot for her. so, when the time came, she was one of the five lucky girls selected for début, and as she expected, this sparked hellish rumors between the others competing for a spot. many claimed that she was only given a chance because her brother was growing very famous with imperial. others thought it was due to her past popularity as an ulzzang and the the buzz that surrounded her as a trainee, and most telling of all, there was a group of people that were enraged that someone who donned such a fake personality was allowed in. all of those concerns were valid, sure, but what it genuinely came down to was her singing voice, and how she showed such strong resolve throughout her training period. even though she’d come a long way, she still worried about how she wasn’t the best dancer out of the others, but she tried to keep her head held high. after aurora débuted, those who hatched an unusual hatred towards her early on pointed out whatever flaws they could on her fan-cams; her confidence levels waving back and forth whenever she decided to read comments online. all of those severely harmful opinions could’ve been a fatal blow to her if she got too lost in them, so instead of paying mind to the heinous words that were spilled for her to read, she focused on the kind comments given to her by those she was close to; that being enough to keep her going.
however, as her career started to take off even more, and aurora was slowly becoming a household name throughout all of asia, her stress levels were increasing tenfold. while she loves the music that her group releases, she feels extremely burdened by each concert. being in charge of most all of the top notes in all of their title tracks, all eyes are on her when those iconic moments come, and though she hasn’t stumbled too hugely yet, she hates to even think of what would happen if she were to severely mess something up. not only that, but midas media has begun to trust her with her own solo endeavors, and though it’s only been one month-long musical production of death note, there’s talks of her embarking on an adventure into pop music as her own person. while she appreciates their trust, she sometimes wonders if she truly is her own person. sometimes, she finds it hard to believe that her aspirations in life were so closely in line with taekyoon’s. did she decide all of this on her own, or did she do all of this blindly? after spending a lifetime following carefully in his footsteps, it’s possible that she became comfortable with melting into him, in a sense. has she lost herself, or is she only letting her inner demons win this internal conflict?
as the amount of pressure she feels continues to escalate, and all of these queries she has that only she can answer go unexplained, her mental resilience that’s clouded her memory has begun to fade away; memories of what truly happened to her mother beginning to slowly creep up on her. even though the picture hasn’t been painted in full, she remembers the waves crashing on the shore, she remembers the feeling of the hot sun against her sensitive flesh, she remembers loud screams, and she sadly remembers taekyoon shielding her from a grim sight; his chest blocking her eyes from being scarred from a gruesome image. it often keeps her awake late at night, and she has no idea how she’s going to cope with this onslaught of anxiety. luckily, she has work to keep her busy most of the time, but what happens when all of that stops and she’s given a break? will the truth come raining down on her in heaps? will she discover that she’s on a path that she really didn’t want for herself? will she suffer a breakdown? no one truly knows but father time himself, and he’s keeping it a secret until that time comes.
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