#hopefully vrla will use insect plague in a scene i'll be struck w the need to draw
facetsofthecloset · 1 year
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i’ve been working on this nonstop since RWD s3 ep8 dropped and i got to this scene (time stamp is 1:56:00) (i took liberties with the dialogue but y’know). i started working on it while finishing the episode so That Thing That Happened Later in Limbo happened right when i was already screaming at myself over posing/anatomy/perspective/all that technical stuff. devastating.
i would’ve had this done probably yesterday but i made a custom brush for the very first time for the beetle swarm and that took me an ENTIRE AFTERNOON so lol
i do not do a lot of digital art so the sheer number of things i learned doing this ONE comic page is...a lot. gratifying but also exhausting
anyway way back in s1 ep1 i didn’t think dani would be my favorite but she just keeps coming in clutch in just about every situation. dani supremacy
alt one liners i was considering for the final panel:
-“I’m VRLA’s competent friend” 
-“git gud”
-*simply looks smugly into camera*
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