#how he clung to that belief of harvey ever getting better and JUST NOW after he threathened babies with a shotgun and kidnapped them
martyrbat · 2 years
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[ID: Batman flinging himself off a building and grappling through the air. His thought bubbles read, "For years I've hoped Harvey's good side would take over, once and for all... But I've begun to despair that will ever happen... This side of the grave." END ID]
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[ID: Harvey Dent and Batman standing closely together and exchanging a quick talk as Harvey gets arrested by a cop. Batman's back is to the viewer but his head is turnt to look at Harvey. Harvey hesitantly requests, "Batman... Will you tell Gilda... Tell her what I did?" Batman promises, "I will, Harvey. Thank you." Harvey is surprised and asks, "For what?!" Batman tells him, "For giving me hope." END ID]
#you ever think about how people mock batmans belief in rehabilitation being possible and his no kill rule#when its literally something bruce clings to out of love and wanting to see the best for everyone#when literally everyone close to him would be labelled criminal. hell HE is a criminal by all means just his actions reflect HIS moral code#and where HE has to draw that line.#but its hypocritical to place him higher than the same ppl he stops and for him to not give them a chance to redeem themselves/do better#how he clung to that belief of harvey ever getting better and JUST NOW after he threathened babies with a shotgun and kidnapped them#thats what makes him START to doubt if he will. then harvey does the right thing and its that sign. that little spark of hope.#B is the world's greatest detective. hes smart hes intelligent thats literally his thing and how he as a man earned his seat amongst a#league of gods. but he leads so much with his heart and that CHANCE of hope. even if it seems impossible or irrational to try -#if theres even a single possibility? hes going to try. that goes for rehabilitation and for saving people and gotham and 'hopeless' cases#hes always going to try. hes always going to have hope because its what keeps him alive and he cant deny helping others if theres a chance#hope can be such a dangerous thing. but the alternative is ever more so.#bruharvey#bruce wayne#batman#two face#harvey dent#crypt's panels#c: batman: two face strikes twice! | i: 2.2
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olympiansrpg1-blog · 7 years
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Name: Amelia “Amy” Croft Age: 27 Affiliation: Old Olympus Occupation: Head of Security/Bodyguard Faceclaim: Phoebe Tonkin Status: TAKEN by Charlotte
They call you Athena. You have always been the strong one - strong enough that not even Zeus can tell you what to do. No, you stay loyal to Old Olympus because you are unshakable in your beliefs, in what you know is right. Because you have always been your own person, a lioness, fiercely protective of all that you love. But this strength has come from a world of loss and unbearable pain, of having to play parent to your younger siblings, of not having enough for them, of having to watch the youngest die after getting too sick. Back then, you’d been a small, thin-boned nobody, but Cronus had given you a chance to prove yourself and you did just that, and more. Time has passed since then, and there is real happiness in your home now, but with your new friends dying and your old faces coming back to haunt you, your foundation is being shaken and you find yourself questioning everything for the first time in a long while. 
PROMETHEUS - You’ve never needed companionship outside of your siblings. Hell, you’ve never even wanted anything close to a relationship, but there was something magnetic about how carefree Prometheus was, your pure opposite. What began as a one-time thing has become something regular, and you know you have to stop it before it gets out of hand. You just don’t know how.
ORPHEUS - When Eurydice was still alive, they and Orpheus used to treat you like family, bringing you and your siblings into their homes for warm dinners even when they barely had a thing for themselves. Everything fell apart when Eurydice died, but you still don’t understand how Orpheus could have betrayed all of Olympus. You’ll always cherish them, but you’ve steeled your heart - one day, it’ll be either you or them.
ICARUS - You had to look twice, three times at Icarus to make sure you weren’t staring at the baby sibling you’d lost all those years ago. You don’t believe in reincarnations but there’s something familiar about Icarus (their vulnerability, their voice, you’re not sure) that makes you want to protect them. It’s not a bad feeling, to have a goal again. 
Iman Meskini, Yuna Zara’ai, Alia Shawkat, Tao Okamoto, Alfonso Herrera, Ki Hong Lee, Rahul Kohli
Triggers: Fire, Death
Childhood should be nurtured, tended to with soft hands in hope of retaining innocence for as long as possible - but she was forced to grow up too quickly. Waking hours were spent in a perpetual state of hunger, not a scrap of food in the dingy apartment which she was forced to call a home. Her head would rest on uneven pillows, the wool inside bunched in horrible knots, forcing lumps into the fabric, all whilst attempting to deter the rats from paying too much attention to her. The start of her life was not so meagre, fresh cotton sheets lined her bassinet and a row of plush teddy-bears sat shelved in a room designed just for her arrival. A beautiful dream encapsulated within a well-dressed apartment that would soon go up in flames, burning away the hopes and dreams of a newly grown family. Little Amelia may not have been in the world when the Croft’s lost everything, but it would be the only story to touch her ears growing up. Her father always tried to make the world seem brighter, and he was never without a job - always finding work, even when there was none. He was light against her mother’s dark spirit, who clung to negativity as though it was the only she thought of. Innocence did not sparkle in the depth of Amelia’s eyes for too long, before she was faced with the harsh reality of the world. Her legs had barely propelled themselves forward, taking first steps before she watched her father take his last.
Consumed by grief, her mother paid little attention to the child dwelling around the Brooklyn apartment - not that Amelia had been swaddled in love or devotion to begin with. A series of events lead to a constant revolving door of men too drunk to judge the state of the apartment, who would later leave in disgust upon looking at the grim walls and lack of comfortable furniture. Most nights she was left alone, curled up in a ball to fight off the winter chill, wondering when her mother might finally arrive home. Nighttime created monsters, and every creaking floorboard or rustle of a decaying tree against the window, sent a thread of chills down her spine. Vulnerability plagued her, fear keeping her awake until she hit the point of exhaustion. Days were no greater, as others pointed their fingers and sneered, laughing at her old tattered shoes and unironed blouses. Clothes hung from her body, making her discomfort more apparent. Teachers took pity on her, for a while, and she clung to their company and spent large amounts of her time studying. Books were nurtured in the dark, giving light to a hopeless world.
Sired from a nameless man, twin girls gave purpose to a girl lacking all sense of self. Her two flowers, Poppy and Daisy, were not cared for by her mother, who returned to a life of drinking and debauchery, the moment she was released from the hospital. By the age of ten, Amelia was certainly more emotionally mature than her own mother, who seemed to block out the world following the devastation that had happened almost a decade prior. In crisis her mother had faltered, where she had been forced to step up to the mark. Shifting sands would not move her feet, she was steadfast in her decisions and a fierce spirit was conceived from becoming an older sister. Protecting them as though they were her own, her whole world revolved around the two babies. The moment she would enter her house, following a quick day at school, the twin’s would be dropped into her arms with her mother swanning out the door, muttering something about a can of beans and two milk bottles for the babies. Unfit mother sprung to Amy’s mind on numerous occasions, as she wrestled with the temptation to report it to someone who might have been able to help. But alas, she would not turn her back on the woman who in some ways had still managed to provide a roof over her head, even if there were constant threats from the landlord to throw them out if payment was not made.
Like butter scraped over too much bread, Amelia felt spread thin by the time she’d reached her teenage years. Frustration built within her steel chest, as she sought a release from the trails of her life. She wanted nothing more than to protect her family, but her mother was fading quickly, the lifestyle she’d been trying to uphold finally taking it’s toll. A third pregnancy didn’t agree with Diana Croft, who spent most of her time lying in bed or complaining about how unfortunate her life was - although she’d never done anything to turn it around. Noticing a poster for a boxing class, Amelia went on one of the evening’s she was free, standing in the corner as she watched with interest - desire thrummed in her veins, realisation hitting her. If she didn’t let off steam, she would break. Approached by one of the trainors who had seen her lurking, he took pity on her poor status and agreed to teach her without a cost - a mercy that she would never forget. It was thrilling, intoxicating as she felt like screaming with joy with the rush she got. Life was finally giving her a chance, but there was another burn still to come.
Plans had started to be made, mind constructing a view of what the future might look like. One more child had joined the Croft family, who was barely crawling by the time she blew out eighten candles from the metaphorical cake. He clung to her often, cradling his head in the crook of her neck, as his mother ranted and raved, as always. A better life was on the horizon, Amelia knew that she had the strength to provide more for her family than what they’d had in the past. Working long hours, she starved herself to make sure that her siblings could eat. Her mother’s death came sudden, an illness sweeping over the woman’s body like rapid fire. There was no time to grieve, although not even a single tear was shed. Where a few had lined up for her father’s funeral, no one attended her mother’s.
Life was tough, but so was Amy. Even when Daisy went through a rebellious stage of dying her hair darker in spite of her twin, and throwing tantrums, she did everything to keep the family above water. Bills mounted up, the hunger in the children in her life swelled and with every dinner she gave, it was another one she lost. Most of the time, Amelia was just too busy to eat, and when she did, extra offerings would be given to her siblings, who looked far too frail for her liking. It was a vicious cycle, but she always bounced back. Always a fighter, refusal settled into her bones like an iron rod. Taking every job she could find, she left her brother in the arm’s of Poppy, hoping that the young teenager could be dependable. For a while it worked, the family moving in synchronicity, with the only one faltering being the rebellious twin who simply screamed for attention. When her little brother was struck with illness, his young body worked hard to fend off the virus. Night after night, Amelia sat beside his bed and prayed to God for a miracle which never came.
Tears froze on her features, a hole carved in her chest when her little brother was laid to rest, it was an event which she had not seen coming. Just days before, his cheeks had swelled with laughter, tears of joy sparkling deeply in soft eyes - pure unadulterated happiness. The world had made the features of her own face harden, her outer shell becoming cold, although she still held within her heart a fierce love for her family, as she always had done.
Choosing to fight for a life that Samuel would have deserved, Amelia set her aspirations higher than ever before. A chance meeting with Harvey Johnson changed her entire life, but that determination which guided through life still remained, and she fought to prove herself worthy of the opportunity granted to her. She’d been a mere slip of the thing, all the muscle tone which she’d gained from her boxing years prior diminished, leaving a weak girl with a fierce spirit. Thirst left her hungry, she was out for blood. A mad dog she was not, but a woman ready to rain down war on those who threatened all that she held dear, they would always suffer. Darkness liked the way her flesh tasted, and the hardness which had transformed her porcelain features to steel would never leave her. A woman grown, Amelia learned that the only way to survive, was to constantly fight. Days felt like a challenge, Cronus demanding only the best from his employee’s - which she more than delivered. Everything she applied her mind to was well thought out, until sweat ran down the back of her neck and her breath was so laboured she felt certain she'd’ collapse.
Life’s many trials gave her a break for a while, and she was allowed to take a breath without fearing the worst would inevitably happen. It felt liberating to feel in control, something which she’d battled with since birth. Large parts of her life had been so far out of her grasp, it was a wonder she made any decisions for herself at all. Her entire life had been ruled by her mother’s melancholy, the siblings that she could not do enough for and the hardships which constantly delivered a painful blow. When she’d finally saved up enough to rent a house, she moved in with her two sisters and they could barely fathom the security and space which was granted to them. Days, weeks, months laters and she would still lay awake at night listening for anything that might threaten the life of her siblings. The loss of Samuel haunted her often, and in her dreams she saw only his face - although no photographs would ever line pretty frames.
With her sisters granted the chances unavailable to her, and her finding a purpose within Mount Olympus, Amelia became to determined to protect her life and family,  - a lioness always guarding it’s cubs. After so much devastation, Amelia vowed to make sure that what happened to Samuel, would never happen to her sisters. If there was one thing in her life which would go untested, it would be her undying love and devotion to the family which she helped raise. Though she is not without fault, she could never be accused of loving too little. Others may have welcomed her in, and the loss of Eurydice and Cronos was certainly felt, she kept her eyes focused and her heart steeled. Her decisions would always be for the good of her family, choosing blood over honour. She would be the immovable, the strongest one to protect all the rest.
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