#huh is tumblr no longer supporting transparency?
maykitz · 3 months
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parchment held by a down-and-out adventurer
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chrly-works · 4 years
Soo... it's been awhile, huh.
Well this feels like seeing an old friend I've wanted to see but have been kinda avoiding for a long ass time, but here we are. Damn, has it really been almost a year since I last updated?? At the same time it feels like it's been way shorter and longer but alas.
Anyways, I should probably explain myself: So I love my hero academia more than my own life (it literally saved it so..) and I love this character, this storyline, everything. But I have always struggled with getting motivated to do things, even if I want to in the long run, I don't know why I can't other than I suck. Even though that hasn't really changed, I feel like a completely different person from when I was writing this, cause when I was I had just dipped my toe into the world of knowing what confidence was and now, sure I have my insecurities and my depression will never *fully* go away, but I do have some self-worth, and honestly that's worth more than gold.
So what now? This is the last chapter I have from when I was fully engulfed with this character. Am I gonna forget about all this? Am I gonna stop writing this character and leave everything on the cliff hanger of "what was this story meant to be??" Well, I hope not. No, I don't think I'll go back to posting once every two weeks, but I wanna continue. I have an idea of what this story is gonna be shaped out to be, and honestly I think once we hit were season 4 is, imma go off track since when I came up with the storyline it was pre October 2019, so very little of everything after season 3 will be apart of this. Right now, I'm feeling super into getting back into the swing of this, but I know myself and that feeling's gonna pass real soon.
Another thing: because its been so long, and I've changed so much, I've got hella regrets about some of the things I've written. Don't get me wrong, to me it's iconic, but things like language patterns, grammar\misspelling (omg, those errors were a bitch to go through..), and details that only later I found out weren't how things worked (but then again I couldn't have known better).
One last thing, the main reason I'm picking this back up is from the support I've received from this silly little fanfic is honestly so heartwarming and insane to think that people actually respond, like, and even read something I did\do just for fun. Like, the smallest things really are so sweet, just by seeing how many 'hits' and kudos there are on archive of our own, or even just one reply on Tumblr saying they enjoy reading the story, or in real life. I showed my story to my friends on school trip, and one of them got inspired to write their own story (shoutout to Dagmar <3!!)
okay, last last thing, so I was rereading the chapters and in one part Tsukira was talking about how beautiful Momo is, and I gotta be transparent here, that was 1000% me projecting because I fucking *love* her, and honestly all of the girls in that class are the pinnacle of beauty CHANGE MY MIND 😤!! ...anyways, ya im obsessed. Also, yes I mean romantically, not platonically, bitch im fuqin gaie (just kidding, im polysexual, but still)
K, love yall ❤️
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