#hunting spears (qpr)
thehappiestgolucky · 10 months
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Quick comfort doodles because brains being weirdly mean for some reason
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doctorwhoisadhd · 2 years
For the character opinion bingo: Are there any Fridays players you haven't talked about yet? Your choice, beyond that
hmm i was thinking of a few others as well (spears, bates, cordula, and lady matsuyama) but ultimately i had to go with beck n val. i got a lotta nostalgia for the era in fridays history that they sorta started.
they both joined during the s14 election AND were BOTH complete accidents, actually! beck got an accidental revoke will and roamed to us, and val was a VERY unintentional fridays plunder (our wills were.. messed up that season, our other one was a complete sabotage lmao), and we were fucking ASTONISHED bc suddenly we had just gained not one six (SIX!!!!) star batter, but TWO of them! which, at the time, was absolutely HUGE — across the league, there were only 34 players whose visible stat (batting for lineup, pitching for rotation) was 5 or more stars.
So what that means is we by total accident wimdied getting literally HALF of the top four best batters in the entire league. which is fucking insane obviously. we didnt think either would stay for more than a season! we thought for a few seasons that theyd leave at the end of that season and kept getting proved wrong. then once we rerolled becks roamin mod we stopped treating them as temporary. those two were basically the entire foundation for what would become the fridays "vibes row" — which for a very long time was our name for a section of our lineup basically only broken up by spears taylor. (it also reached a point where it was ONLY spears taylor who wasnt a part of it, which was hilarious. also, spears getting shadowed actually ended the vibes row entirely, bc after that we no longer had any players on our lineup that were NOT part of the vibes row. i miss it dearly.)
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im still a little :/ about the mills using beck as bait to get the flowers to stop trying to get castillo back (like why dont u just give up on stealing the cactus what is your problem lmao?????) but ultimately i feel like it works for her character arc. i really love the idea of beck and val being in a qpr, so it would make sense for beck to try to move on after val got vaulted (esp bc of cali). i also like the idea of val being, theyre aro and its a good thing they do romantic relationships because everyone's COMPLETELY in love with them. obviously as a friday im sad about them getting vaulted (SUCH a waste ugh) but i remember reading some writing somebody did about beck and val in the leadup / aftermath of val's vaulting where fenry gave one or both of them a pep talk that was really sweet... i should hunt that down.... oh and i also remember getting a lot of, once we had hoops, a lot of lady matsuyama slam dunks on beck homers <3
oh yeah. also. unfortunately i cannot find literally anything to link to that would explain this but i CANNOT just not mention it.
Never Forget: Beck Whitney Faxed a Baby
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thehappiestgolucky · 10 months
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Oh boi I am in far too deep already and I regret nothing I like it here actually
Anyway, I’m not giving Arti her original pups back but it’s ok! She gets to heal with funky pups of her own again! And there’s an eldest kid and two extra parents, and a whole found fam group that can keep the tiny beans safe this time
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