#hzd the sacred lands
robo-dino-puppy · 3 months
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visiting the naming cliff
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gentlyrowan · 15 days
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"You wind among rocks of every conceivable and inconceivable shape and size... all bright red, all motionless and silent, with a strange look of having been just stopped and held back in the very climax of some supernatural catastrophe."
-- Helen Hunt Jackson
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mr-jaybird · 1 year
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the nora sacred lands component of my horizon zero dawn painted miniatures diorama is now complete!
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hzdphotomode · 2 years
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Random Photos from Horizon: Zero Dawn 499
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bergwerkderbilder · 2 years
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Horizon Zero Dawn endless gifs
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xamiipholia · 4 months
okay y'all seemed to like the last one so here's a few more Horizon 3 thoughts:
Aloy won’t die. It would completely upend the series’ themes and just be really nihilistic.
Since Nemesis is a gestalt entity I think it’s a safe bet that we’ll see Sam Witwer, Carrie-Anne Moss, etc again. I’m curious how they’re going to do it because at least structurally, it’s basically a reaper. Maybe it’ll use different Avatars when communicating like the Leviathan in ME3. 
It's gonna take some work to make a flashback/dream/vision not contrived but I would love to see Varl and Rost again. I think we deserve that.
Minerva is gonna have its work cut out for it blocking access to both the dormant Faro Swarm and the ZD terraforming system. 
I wouldn’t be surprised if Nemesis has some sort of corruption function that becomes the equivalent of the corruption in HZD. It would be a really fun tech showcase if GG uses Zenith nanotech for machine corruption and leans into mechanical body horror.
If we’re going to Ban-Ur I really really hope they do the work to make the Banuk less problematic and more fleshed out as a culture. A quasi-Spartan society absolutely would not survive in an extreme environment, *especially* without megafauna to hunt. The Banuk characters are lovely and well-written; they deserve a society as well thought out as the Utaru or Carja. I’m honestly fine if there’s retcons or revamps to the cultural lore because the whole “outsider barges in and becomes chief” is rooted in racist, colonial tropes and we just don’t really need that imo.
The most recent footage of Death Stranding 2 (also running on Decima) has me SO excited for the visuals. GG’s gonna knock it out. The facial rendering and animation that Kojima Productions are doing looks industry-peak and I’m sure GG’s gonna match that. Aloy’s Gay Panic™️ scene on the beach in HBS is already top-tier nonverbal storytelling through animation. Digital Foundry actually just posted a really cool tech breakdown of the current Decima engine. I’m especially excited about the environmental stuff. The ocean simulations in HFW are already incredible and I hope they increase verticality in the world. I can’t wait to see the Sacred Lands in current gen graphics. 
I really love Kotallo’s DIY arm and it’s so so important to his development but Beta and Gaia now have access to Zenith nanotech, maybe give your buddy a sick upgrade hmm?
Speaking of, I can’t wait to see Beta come into her own. She’s one of the best parts of HFW and Aloy’s character absolutely shines in a sibling dynamic. 
I wouldn’t get your hopes up for a romance mechanic. Everyone’s feelings on that aside, it would be really odd from a game development perspective to just overhaul part of how the narrative develops Aloy’s character in the last act of the story. Yeah, there are flashpoints but I would argue that the presence of choice in Horizon is smoke and mirrors- cosmetic at best. Kentucky Route Zero (which you should play) does something similar where the player is given a certain amount of control over the substance of individual conversations and scenarios and it does absolutely nothing to alter the plot, by design. I think it’s the same here - this isn’t really a choice-based RPG, the flashpoints don’t really affect anything plot-wise or for Aloy’s character development. Olin is still out of the story, Nil lives, Regalla still dies one way or another. Aloy’s character development is pretty firmly on rails (think Jin Sakai, not Shepard - you get to guide some momentary character reactions but that’s it). I don’t think HBS is a testing ground either - If they were gonna introduce a romance mechanic I think they’d just do it, and not spend two years making a direct continuation of HFW’s main quest and establishing a specific romance hard-baked into the plot, complete with multiple leitmotifs for the character relationship (which is something they haven’t done before afaik) just to introduce a side quest mechanic coming in 5 years. I genuinely can’t think of any game or dev that has beta tested a major alteration to upcoming game mechanics that way - it doesn’t really make any sense in terms of developer resources, and these games are extremely time-consuming to make. I know this is a thing a bunch of people want and I can totally empathize with that! I just think it’s probably not on the table. 
I would bet money the series will bookend itself and the epilogue will involve a) the naming of Zo and Varl’s kid and b) Lis’ pendant. 
Mostly I'm just looking forward to being surprised. One of my favorite things that Horizon does is use carefully established elements in the world to pull the plot in unexpected directions and keeping the world grounded while they lean into speculative science fiction. I can't wait to see what Guerrilla is cooking up
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foibles-fables · 4 months
Ooh I also have horizon 3 thoughts/predictions!
I think Vast Silver is gonna be involved somehow maybe to combat Nemesis, or possibly in a dlc like we had Cyan from Frozen Wilds? Since it’s the final game it seems likely they’ll finally have Aloy meet this mysterious elusive AI.
Also thinking Elysium will be the ruins location (like how we had the Alpha’s place in HZD and Thebes in HFW) since we’ve heard about it but not found it yet
I was also hoping to finally explore Oseram territory when looking for these old world weapons, seems Oseram delving could come in handy there. Depends if they’re gonna introduce more new tribes across the sea like the Quen or further explore the ones they have currently, maybe both? Like half the map is across the sea/Quen territory and half is the mainland 🤔
It’s exciting to think about anyway! Can’t wait for your thoughts!
I totally agree about VAST SILVER and Elysium. They're one of the very few oft-mentioned threads left hanging since the beginning of the series. I do think their plot relevance will be connected--VS involved in whatever befell Elysium--but even if they're not intertwined, they'll be integral.
I'm thinking we'll have to befriend VS to be a boon in our efforts against HEPH and/or Nemesis. Given 1) VS's disposition in the Burning Shores datapoint and 2) Elisabet's (therefore Aloy's and Beta's) connection with Anita Sandoval--therefore VS's potential development re: AI and the illegal Turing number--there's a lot there to be explored.
As for Elysium, I'm betting it'll be part of The Claim. Since The Claim was originally intended to be part of HZD, there's an overwhelming chance that it'll be involved in HFW. Petra for ealdorwoman PLEASE. Also, there's hints that point to Elysium being there. It's "within miles of" GAIA Prime, per HZD datapoints, which could put its ruin in The Claim.
As for new tribes--I genuinely hope we don't get any. At all. We already couldn't give all of the existing tribes their due in HFW (where were the Banuk?) and to add more in H3 would be unnecessary bloat, given the scope of what the game has to accomplish.
Related to that last point--and potentially a very, very controversial opinion--I don't think we'll be actually seeing Quen lands. Londra's data at the end of Burning Shores gives us five places to investigate, some we've seen, some we haven't, all in the same geographical vicinity as the regular map. (One of the looks to be near Malmstrom Air Base...HELLO BAN-UR!) Given that we have to deal with HEPH and Nemesis and bringing together all of the existing tribes--to handle the Quen revolution just doesn't fit. Plus the decentralization from the last two games is dissonant, to place half the map there...not to mention some of the continued problematic optics that would come up if the revolution turns into Aloy's Doing. Save that for a future spin-off.
...or, more likely, I do believe a contingency of the Quen will be coming to us as H3's primary human enemy (as the Eclipse or the Rebels). GIVE ME LOYALIST FEDERA.
I personally think the map will be centered on Meridian, extending to the Sacred Land in the east, with a somewhat condensed map of the West to Legacy's Landfall--with new areas of The Claim and Banuk to the north.
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cha-mij · 3 months
Ok having played them back to back and then back again I have to say as much as I love the music in HFW, the music for HZD was SO MUCH more haunting and at times more energy inducing.
I really wish they'd carried over more of the Leitmotifs developed for HZD.
Imagine hunting those stalkers that were attacking the Oseram camp near Thornmarsh or the Tremourtusk in the Bulwark mission with "To the Hunt!" ringing in your ears (because honestly that piece would SO suit the Tenakth), or a faint reprise of "Motherland" when Varl mentions the Sacred Lands (or when Zo mentions his grave facing east towards his home.
When it comes to "To the Hunt" I also don't know why that didn't feature in the Hunting Trials for HFW either. I REALLY missed it.
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kobbers · 2 months
Been poking at this list a while, for my favorite Solid Guy. It's a reflection of our time with Varl, largely constructed of Vibes but also laid out chronologically.
Song choice/vibe notes under the cut.
[Here I Am] - Just... baby Varl running around the Embrace. Out in the wilds, learning everything he'll need to grow into the warrior he becomes. I also like it in context of the Nora people in general, coming out into the world for the first time all those years ago.
[Hip to Be Square] - a cheeky nod to the fact that Varl is the exact flavor of dedicated, mostly-serious Good Dude that I'm drawn to in fiction.
[War] - Both in the matter of winning vengeance for his fallen sister and the decimation of Nora lands late in HZD, Varl is deeply grateful for Aloy's spear and bow at his side when things were at their worst.
[Let Me Try] - After Aloy saves the remainder of the Nora and asks for their aid on the Alight, Varl is eager to answer the call.
[Fatalis suite] - The Battle of the Alight, a fight against terrible odds and an enemy almost beyond comprehension.
[Into the Unknown] - Once the battle is won, the rest of the Nora gratefully return to the Sacred Land, but... Varl feels drawn to Aloy's side, to back her up no matter how far off the map she goes.
[I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)] - Seriously. You're not going to be able to shake this golden retriever off your heels.
[Someone to Fall Back On] - Rebuffed, but not willing to give up. He knows he's not up to Aloy's level, but that doesn't mean he's useless as an ally.
[Hey Brother] - the sibling language makes me happy here - I like to think that Varl mentally takes Aloy on as a sister once he gets past the whole Anointed thing.
[Battle Scars] - Especially appropriate for Aloy being injured post-Latopolis. Varl "carries her home," but also reminds her they both carry scars and are going to need each other.
[Count on Me] - Also good for Aloy recovery context.
[Accidentally in Love] - suddenly, T-boned by the most incredible Utaru woman.
[Shivers] - giddy infatuation ✨
[All Love Everything] - Varl as wife guy. I just. it's so cute to me.
[Conquest of Spaces] - Establishing the Base.
[Children of Planet Earth] - Study group begins. I'm devastated that in canon he wouldn't have made it to having access to the Voyager golden record.
[Count on Me] - a softer reaffirmation that Varl's got you - this time for Beta.
[Never Look Away] - Things are getting tougher and more complicated, but he's still dedicated to being the anchor point.
[Saturn Return] - More vibes than a literal match to anything specific, but things continue to get rougher and more dire leading up to the big mission.
[The Final Countdown] - Throwing a bone to myself here with something a bit silly, referencing the big Gemini mission and the fast approaching... end. There's also space imagery, which is a bonus. The aliens are not friends though :(
[Saturn] - Somber mood, reflecting on the beauty of life, a decent bookend to the opening song. Incredibly bittersweet. My boy didn't deserve this, in or out of fiction.
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boobaloof · 2 years
I know this is way early but what your predictions for horizon 3?
Hello anon!! Ooh what a nice question. It is early, indeed, but with Horizon forbidden west fresh on our minds its the perfect opportunity to talk about them possibilites ✨
Hold on because this is gonna be long!
(Spoilers ahead)
Lets start with tribes:
I don't quite expect Aloy having to personally visit ALL the tribes to rally them, since it would take a massive amount of time and it would be a little repetitive. So, I have this sort of idea of how it would be:
If a horizon dlc doesn't touch upon it soon, I predict Aloy might travel to Quen lands sometime after defeating the Zeniths, in order to talk them over to help with nemesis (And just because I want more of Alva. I want to meet Federa so bad and I'd love to see if the food issues are still going on over there. ALSO her actress uploaded a pic on her insta of her wearing a mocap suit some time ago, so I'm 👀 LOOKING)
That might be the closest next thing, seeing as a DLC about the Quen could be the perfect opportunity to touch upon the new tribe. I'm super curious about them!
Nora, Carja, Utaru and Tenakth:
In general, I have this silly idea Aloy will want to travel back east first to rally the hzd tribes.
The Tenakth are almost already in, that tribe and Aloy are in great terms after she helped uniting the clans, so all there is to do was is let Kotallo some talking with Hekarro and we're IN, baby. The Utaru chorus is still a lil bitter but I'm sure Zo will manage, too. Both Zo and Kotallo are stationed on their respective tribe settlements after the ending of hfw, so rallying them could be a 'in between games' thing.
On the way to the Sacred Lands, Erend could drop by Meridian so he can brief Avad on nemesis and give focuses to the sun-king, Marad, Uthid, Vanasha and Talanah while Aloy continues further east with Beta and Zo to visit the Nora. (If Erend didn't like, send his resignation letter via Aldur and Joruf lmao. It would be akward as shit.)
Once they're with the Nora, Aloy could tell Sona about Varl's death, and have Zo meet her, too. Zo could tell Sona about her being pregnant with her son's child, etc. (I'd LOVE to see what Sona's reaction would be, since the Nora Matriarchs have to give their blessings before couples have the right to bear children. 😬)
Also as a side note I hope Zo's pregnancy isn't developed enough for her to get shelved for hz3. I want her to be able to follow everyone for the last fight!
I hope to see Teersa and Teb again, too. Teersa was honestly such a great help to Aloy back in hzd, I'd hate it if that was the last thing we saw of her, she was so nice! And, Aloy could make a quick stop to pick up more focuses over at Eleuthia-9 and check on gramma and introduce her to Beta, too. (If Beta does want to venture out of the fucking basement, of course.)
Not only that! But the hz3's tutorial could be Aloy teaching Beta how to use the focus to hunt, and if it were in the same place where Rost taught Aloy to hunt, it would be just DELICIOUS writing.
(Also... there's this thing where every character that stars with Aloy in the tutorial bit of the game uhhhh fucking dies? So lets not do that guerrilla.)
They could visit Rost's cabin and resting place one more time, then after telling the Nora about nemesis they could head back, pick up Erend from Meridian (and Talanah too if given the opportunity. There's one more empty bunk at base so 💅. We're lacking a Carja member at base to complete the set.)
I don't have any clue as to how they will add the Banuk in, but I hope they don't leave them behind.
After the Carja, Utaru, Tenakth and Nora are in, (and maybe the Quen, if that has already happened) there's only one more place to visit.
Listen. LISTEN. Why the candles, you ask? Its bc Im praying. MANIFESTIN.
The claim is the only tribe territory we haven't seen yet, and Im foaming at the mouth at the idea of getting to see them.
The Oseram npcs have been a delight all over the map in both hzd and hfw and just makes sense for Aloy to go to 🕯️ The Claim 🕯️ in hz3.
And I think they'll be next because after Singularity, if you talk to Erend over at Hidden Ember he will have some voice lines that hint at the Claim, like:
"You know. One time I'd like the two of us to go on an adventure where angry Oseram aren't trying to kill us." OKAY SIR.
"There is a lot of work ahead of us. But we'll make sure my people stand with you when Nemesis shows up."
Aloy could not only go to rally them, but like a friend pointed out on the Ereloy server I'm in, there are a LOT of new possible ruins and other old ones stuff we could see, too.
Elysium, Vast Silver, more cauldrons where Hephaestus could be hiding. The possibilities are endless.
Its no secret that I love the Oseram, so the possibility of seeing more of them? Delightful. Straight up buffet for me.
And all the mischief and disaster that Aloy could make when she meets the old, stubborn, and patriarchal ealdormen of the tribe?
Finally, with all the tribes rallied, I imagine having a huuuuge map for the third game, a mix of the hzd one and the hfw one (plus the new places we'll visit for hz3.) Having the possibility of traveling via sunwing from the start, of course.
Next, Characters:
No more deaths. Thats illegal now. The first two games had enough of that, and grief showing up again in hz3? Nah, I'm good. (Plus I love them all pls I want them to be happy.)
There are many different ways for Aloy's arc/ writing could go in hz3, like how she hasn't had a decent cry like, ever. I want her to have a huge breakdown, to finally process everything she's gone through, to think about what she wants to do when its all over, etc. She has friends by her side now, what if she's scared from losing them, and everything she's worked so hard to achieve? Man, the possibilities. I think we all can agree that by the end, she deserves nice things. I hope she gets to choose what she wants next, instead of having to run from one side to the other all the time.
Then, for Beta I'd love her to get her own arc, learn how to live in this new world she's in. To have fun and learn and go out and see sunsets and waterfalls and deserts and everything this world has to offer. If she stays hidden in the Base for all the game amma be mad. Beta meeting Aloy's other friends from outside the base would be incredible! Seeing everyone's diferent reactions would be nice. When the game ends, I'm sure she and Aloy will stick together. She has a family now!
Then regarding the rest of Aloy's companions, i think the stage is set for Erend, too. With the possibility of going to 🕯️ The Claim 🕯️ and seeing as it seems he's Aloy's second in comand now there could be nice things for his arc, because I can tell guerilla isn't quite done with him yet! (Also blorbo brainrot, haha.)
In my opinion his writing in HFW was kinda lame but I'm just jotting that down as covid related issues the studio had, bc John Hopkins (Erend's va/face model/mocap actor) didn't even get to do any of the scenes himself with Ashly Burch, so that could explain why his character was kind of shelved/all over the place. (Erend's base dialogue my beloathed.)
Also... did he resign from being Captain of the Vanguard? He sounded bored of it when you meet him at the Daunt, so thats a thing. He literally just left Avad a message that he'd be gone for a while to help Aloy but like, he's supposed to be the king's personal guard..? Boy has his priorities straight it seems. I'd love to see a little bit of Aloy questioning him about that in hz3. Same with his relationship with the claim and his family bc the hzd guide mentioned him having an abusive father so I'm looking out for his backstory.
Also where the fuck is his helmet guerrilla??Give it back!!
Then Sylens. SYLENS. I love him. He has so much potential. I like that he stayed at the end, he's one of my faves and I would love it if he had a major role for hfw. He'd be super helpful when Nemesis arrives, and seeing as he's has a certain change of heart, I wonder how that will play out, too.
Like I said earlier, I hope Zo doesn't get left behind at base because of her pregnancy. She was such a great character in hfw and I just want to see a bit more of her in battle! I have no idea of how long hz3's timeline will be, but if she has her kid at the end and names her Vala I'll cry. Also I'd love to see some Auntloy!!
Kotallo and Alva... I gotta admit Im kinda worried for.
Alva could have some major role if the Quen are involved, but that depends if its a DLC or in-game for hz3. If they get a DLC, then great! But what would she do in hz3? Same with Kotallo.
I have no idea what their roles would be for the next game, I can only think of Kotallo rallying the Tenakth, at most? But other than that, not much. Maybe he could be a Tenakth ambassador to the Carja, but I don't know if the tribe's alliance will have a major role or impact on the story just yet.
Overall, I hope they don't shelf neither of them. Both are great characters, and I gotta admit that Kotallo and Alva's dynamic is just so good.
But anyways, thats all I can think of for now!
I just hope guerilla focuses a bit more on their story writing and their characters, hfw's gameplay was incredible, It'd be amazing if the story got the same treatment. (As in better, not bigger.) Now that covid is more manageable, I'm sure things will only get better and better.
My hopes are definitely up, I am super excited as to what comes next for Horizon, and maybe soon we'll get a dlc, too!
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discar · 2 months
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network
Chapter 19 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
DIVINER: Varl, I had a question about the Nora, if you don't mind!
BoyNextDoor: Of course.
DIVINER: Aloy mentioned that your people never leave your homeland. You are an exception, because you were made a... Seeker, I think she said?
BoyNextDoor: Yes, that's right.
DIVINER: My question is, how common is that?
BoyNextDoor: It used to be rare. VERY rare. Aloy was the first Seeker in a generation, sent to find the foreigners who massacred our people.
BoyNextDoor: When HADES and the Eclipse were marching on Meridian, the Matriarchs named every Brave we could spare as a Seeker so we could help.
β: and did they just never rescind that honor
BoyNextDoor: They never had a chance. Aloy ran off the night the battle finished, and I ran after her.
FlameHairSavior: CAN they rescind a Seeker blessing? I'm not clear on the protocol.
FlameHairSavior: I know if Death-Seekers survive, they can't just say everything is fine now.
BoyNextDoor: Honestly, I don't know either. Like I said, Seekers used to be rare. Death-Seekers were more common, though not by much.
BoyNextDoor: Why do you ask, Alva?
DIVINER: Weeell...
DIVINER: Aloy mentioned that there's an intact Cradle facility in Nora lands! The only one we know about!
DIVINER: I was thinking I would really like to see that, BUT just asking to go inside is probably a big deal!
FlameHairSavior: The tribe thinks it's a goddess.
DIVINER: You mean... the whole facility??
FlameHairSavior: Honestly, I was never really clear on that.
BoyNextDoor: The point is, the facility is sacred. The only one ever allowed inside was Aloy, and the High Matriarchs believe that means she is the Anointed daughter of the All-Mother.
FlameHairSavior: They basically rewrote the religion because I opened a door.
FlameHairSavior: What? It's true.
BoyNextDoor: [LokiExasperated.gif]
DIVINER: You used my gif!
BoyNextDoor: So, Alva, what does this have to do with Seekers?
DIVINER: I just thought that a cultural exchange might go over better! You could send someone to Quen lands, or at least our outpost in the Sunken City!
BoyNextDoor: Last I checked, we still didn't even have an ambassador in Meridian. The Nora do not like thinking about anything from beyond the Embrace.
BoyNextDoor: The Oseram don't have a tradition of treating anyone who leaves the Claim as if they died, though. Our laws are clear.
β: in legal terms descriptive means the laws outline what is already happening
MARSHAL Kotallo: The Tenakth had no laws for unity and an inter-clan police force before Hekarro made his Vision a reality.
Zo: I believe Varl already touched on it: They created a large number of Seekers at once. Perhaps they could do something like that, a coming of age ritual beyond your normal Brave trials, to allow adventurous youths to leave your Sacred Lands?
BoyNextDoor: I... really wouldn't be comfortable bringing that up to the High Matriarchs.
FlameHairSavior: The Matriarchs, or your mother?
BoyNextDoor: Both.
Chapter 19 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
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robo-dino-puppy · 2 months
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revisiting childhood memories
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gentlyrowan · 13 days
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Mother's Crown defends itself. During the war, it survived fifteen assaults, broke three invasions. We will endure.
--- Marea, Horizon Zero Dawn
We did visit the actual location of Mother's Crown - Colorado's Garden of the Gods - but this photo we took at Arches National Park in Utah (which is actually in the Sundom) just reminded me so much of this game location!
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amatchinwater · 1 year
Getting Fuzzy
Pairing: Ereloy (Aloy/Erend)
Characters: Aloy, Erend, Beta, others mentioned
Warnings: not spoiler free, post hzd, mildly possessive behavior (but Aloy is okay with it)
Words: 3366
Happy Ereloy Day!!
Ao3 link Masterlist
It’s been a long time since Aloy felt like she could call a place home. Even the Sacred Lands was a bit of a stretch because she was never welcomed by her tribe. The Nora and their obsession with others left Aloy almost completely alone. The closest thing she would have even considered home was Rost. But Aloy lost that too.
Then she stumbled across the Base.
A safe haven where Aloy can relax. Unwind from the immense stress of her life’s mission for once. What’s even better, her friends are there too. It’s still amazing to the huntress that she has friends in the first place. Growing up an outcast really did a number on her in terms of social skills. With all of the love and work from her companions, Aloy is catching up pretty quickly. 
It’s great that she has people in her life that care about her as much as she does them. 
Her friends, who all have their own tribes—their own homes—have made the Base their home and hers. Nothing can quite compare to how it feels after a long mission to come back to smiling faces waiting for her.
GAIA, with all of her knowledge, ready to help her companions learn as painlessly as possible. All the plants and flowers Zo has brought helps to fill the space with so much life. Kotallo is always willing to spar or talk strategy to ensure everyone is ready for what’s coming. Even Alva has taken lessons from the Tenakth, her sponge-like tenacity for knowledge is starting to catch on with fighting rather than running. The kind smile of sense of familiarity is always there with Varl. Sylens is…well, he’s there. Being greeted by Beta is something special. Having family waiting with welcome arms is so heartwarming. 
Of all her friends, none of their greetings quite compares to Erend. To the feeling of coming home to him. The Oseram is a constant that Aloy never knew she’d need. Not with the way they first started. All it took was one mission with him, and everything changed. Then she found him in the Daunt and even more changed. Feelings bloomed in Aloy’s chest like her heart was a field of flowers—blossoming for the strong, goofy Oseram that truly showed her what it means for a person to feel like home. 
He showed Aloy what it feels like when your heart chooses your person. Because when it comes down to it, he is. Erend is her person. Even if he has no idea Aloy feels that way.
It’s common knowledge at this point that Aloy is exceptionally strong. For fuck’s sake, Aloy has fought and army of Deathbringers, Sentinels, and the literal Prime Sentinel. But ask her to talk about her feelings, or Forge forbid confess them, suddenly Aloy forgets every word she’s ever known.
Every time Erend flirts with her, Aloy clams up as though he’s never done it before.
Aloy would love nothing more than to flirt back. Make the Oseram turn the same shade of red he makes her. If only she wasn’t so nervous. Erend could be staying in her room with her, holding her while she sleeps. Instead, he falls asleep on the bench. Occasionally, he makes his way to his shared space with Kotallo, but that’s pretty rare. What she wouldn’t give to fall asleep in his arms. 
She would bet good shards that he’s a fantastic snuggler.
Climbing up the ledge outside the Base, Aloy can’t help but smile at the thought while she warms her hands at the campfire before stepping inside. Before Nemesis gets here, she should really figure out if she’s right. Provided Aloy can find the courage to ask, that is. For now, she will have to live with her imagination; one day, it’ll become reality.
“Aloy, you’re back.” Beta smiles at the counter. “How’d it go with Morlund?”
As nice as it is to see her sister, Aloy can’t help the way her heart drops a bit not seeing Erend sitting by the Strike table. “Well, we got shot out of the sky, then attacked by the Stormbird that did it. So that was…eventful.” Her brows furrow. “Where is everyone?” It seems like Beta is the only one here, it’s awfully quiet.
Her sister taps her Focus off, sliding a plate of seasoned meat and greens her way. “Kotallo and Alva are sparring by the river.” Beta pops one of the cubes in her mouth, encouraging Aloy to share with her. 
Aloy removes her gloves, grabbing the offered food and the flavor immediately explodes in her mouth. Her sister doesn’t cook, or rather can’t, so- her heart hammers in her chest. Is Erend here? Did she miss him? No one but him and Kotallo add this much spice to their food and the latter isn’t even here. 
“Sylens is with GAIA trying to formulate a plan for Nemesis,” Beta continues.
Aloy clears her throat, trying her best to sound nonchalant, asking, “And Erend?”
“Right here, Aloy.” the deep voice startles her.
Aloy nearly chokes on a piece of lettuce when she turns to see him. Having just come from the shower, Erend has only his thin, brown trousers on. Droplets of water still clings to his chest as he pulls on a clean shirt, which didn’t stop Aloy from catching a glimpse of his tattoos or the short hairs peppering his torso. Her throat constricts tightly, not even allowing Aloy air to breathe.
“Miss me, Darlin’?” Erend teases, sitting on the stool beside her. 
“Um,” Aloy mumbles. Or at least, she thinks she does. To be fair, she isn’t so sure her mouth even opened. Her brain broke momentarily seeing him with his shirt off. That’s never happened before. In fact, she’s been very careful to make sure it hasn’t happened. 
Beta giggles, saving her from having to formulate a response. “We definitely missed your cooking,” her sister notes, eating more of the meat. “Varl and Zo went out hunting and foraging for more. Supplies are getting low.” 
“Oh.” Aloy’s shoulders slump. “I would have hunted for something on my way back had I known.”
Erend throws his arm over her shoulder. “Ah, don’t feel bad about it. They offered. Besides,” the Oseram winks at her, “I think they wanted to spend some time alone. They deserve that much after everything, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Aloy agrees, unconsciously leaning into his arm. She imagines Zo would want as much time with Varl as possible after Gemini.
It’s silent for a moment before Beta pipes up. “Right! Well, I’m going to go check on GAIA and Sylens. Make sure he’s not running her ragged.”
Aloys goes to get up from her stool, “I’ll come with you.” If Sylens has figured out anything of substance, she should know about it.
“No!” Beta throws her hands out. Erend looks just as confused by the outburst. “Um, I mean.” Her sister slides the plate closer to them. “Eat! I’m sure you’re both hungry from your travels. Eat, if there’s something important, I’ll come get you.” Beta smiles and scampers off.
“Okay,” Aloy draws out the word, slinking back to her seat. “That was weird,” she says, hesitantly grabbing more of the vegetables. She’s been living off of quick game and stew, so food that has an actual crunch is a nice welcome. 
"Hey," Erend chuckles, "If it means I don't have to deal with Mr. High Horse, I'll take it." They both pause and share a similar look of trying to hold back a smile. But they break, bursting into laughter, the sound warming Aloy's heart. The Oseram collects himself, still holding a grin, "Man, I missed you, Aloy." He squeezes the arm around her, brushing her face against the side of his head. 
"I missed you, too." Aloy allows herself to say. She did and he said it first, so it's not like it gives anything away, you can miss a friend. "Though you're getting kind of fuzzy on me." She reached up, giggling, ruffling his mohawk. "Pretty soon it won't be a mohawk anymore." 
Aloy freezes. 
She's never touched his hair before. It feels just as soft as it looks, carding delicately through her fingers. Her face burns scarlet and she drops her hand with a chuckle. Grabbing a piece of meat so it looks like she didn't yank her hand away. 
If he noticed, Erend doesn't comment on it. Just rubs the back of his head. "Yeah, I know." The Oseram turns a bit to look at her better, giving Aloy a better look at the steel blue eyes that haunt her dreams. "With Asera and helping out at Hidden Ember I haven't had a chance to cut it."
"I could do it for you." Aloy suggests before she can stop the words. 
Why? Why did she just do that? One simple touch to his hair and her brain shorts out. Offering to do something for Erend that some would consider an act of intimacy. She's two seconds away from finding a Burrower hole to crawl into. Aloy’s stomach is on a warpath, threatening to upheave everything she’d just put inside of it as anxiety and possibly embarrassment bubbles to the surface. Her fingers twitch against her thigh as Aloy tries to rid herself from the sweat on her palms.
"Really?" Erend’s face lights up. He always seems so surprised when people offer to help him."You'd do that for me? Since Ersa, I've been doing it myself. Can never tell if I get the back or not." He sighs, averting his gaze back towards the nearly empty plate. As much as Erend tries to hide them, his emotions are clear in the slight slump of his shoulders and the way his face falls. His body saying more than his mouth could, or rather would.
Aloy softens instantly—putty at his feet. All because of sweet puppy eyes and a cute grin. "Yeah." She tries to sound as nonchalant as possible. "I used to do it for Rost all the time,” she points to the side of her head, “he had these stripes that I had to precisely shave." Aloy shrugs, "I'm sure I can manage a clean slate." 
The Oseram beams. "Whenever you get a minute, just let me know."
His smile is infectious, and despite the emotional tornado inside of her, one curls around Aloy's own mouth. "I have a minute right now." She leans in, like they're sharing a secret. "Maybe even two."
Erend chuckles, "Two? She likes me." He grins. A sexy curve of his mouth that ignites Aloy's insides with blaze.
That will honestly never get old to her, or him by the sound of it. 
"Come on." Aloy gets up from her seat. "Let's go." 
Erend gets up, still smiling. "Lead the way," he says, gesturing for her to walk ahead. 
He's not incredibly taller than her. But those few inches when Erend stands at his full height? This close? Hits Aloy all the right ways and never ceases to make her blush. 
Turning to hide the red hue singing her freckles, Aloy heads for the shower room. Probably best to let all the hair just go down the drain. If the Old Ones did one thing right, it was plumbing and electricity. They made do with fires and lights made from sparkers in place of electricity. Metal bins- or tubs, if you're lucky enough to be at the palace in Meridian- and streams aren't terrible for bathing, but water pressure is amazing. 
Aloy didn't notice that the Oseram grabbed his wooden chair on the way until he set it down under a spigot in the middle of the wall. 
And then he kills her—right where she fucking stands. 
Erend reaches behind his head and yanks his shirt off. One second he's in a shirt, then in the time it takes Aloy to blink, she's staring at the Oseram's chest. The intricate, bold black lines covering his biceps and most of his chest. Even the soft hairs on his torso do very little in obscuring the designs on his tattoos. For a painful moment, Aloy isn’t even blinking. 
Fucking- Aloy nearly short circuits. The Nora chokes on her own saliva, having to cough to clear her throat. 
"You okay, Darlin'?" Erend asks with a smirk, balling up his shirt and sitting on the chair. Legs slightly spread, leaning over with one hand on his knee. 
Can someone kill you twice? Aloy wonders, trying to regain control over her breathing and erratic heart.
"Yeah! Fine." Aloy squeaks, coughing one more time for good measure. "Just a tickle." She gestures to her throat. "Do you have any balm? Or oil?" Water would work fine, but she remembers how much easier the blade slides when there's something slick. 
"On the sink in the other room."
Aloy nods, stepping out to not only grab the items, but to calm down. It's just Erend, for Forge's sake. Shit, she's even cursing like him now. Okay. Okay! Okay. It's fine, she can totally do this. She takes a deep breath, picking up the clean blade and the small jar, heading back to the shower room. 
"Ready?" Aloy asks, handing him the knife. 
He nods, so she pours a generous amount into her hands, giving the jar to the Oseram too. It isn't until she's lathering the oil on her hands that Aloy realizes she'll be rubbing his scalp. The Nora takes a deep breath before just going for it. Massaging the oil into all the small hairs. It smells minty and smoky at the same time, must be something he picked up from the Tenakth in the desert. 
Erend sighs, shoulders deflating, almost whispering. "That feels nice." 
"Good," she says. Meaning it too. Her fluttering heart aside, Aloy is happy to take care of Erend. Not only being the captain of the Vanguard, without Ersa, he probably hasn't felt like this in a while. 
So she quickly rinses her hands off, not wanting the blade to slip from her fingers. Filled with determination for this to be relaxing for him. Show him that he's worth relaxation and affection. That he has worth period. Something Aloy thinks Erend forgets a lot. 
Getting the blade back, Aloys gets started, carefully dragging the knife across his skin. As the hair is shaved away, Aloy rinses it off, continuing her work. One hand rests on his broad shoulder as she makes her way to the side of his head. 
Erend's hand comes up to cover hers, gently rubbing his thumb along the Nora's knuckles. "Thanks for doing this." He drops his hand. "I really appreciate it." 
"You're welcome." Her voice comes out much more casual than she feels. A novelty if you ask her, inside she's screaming. If Aloy wasn't holding something sharp near his head, she would have flinched. "Do you—" She moves her hand to the side of his face so she can do his temple. "Do you mind?"
"Not at all." Erend leans into her hand.
Aloy carefully holds his face, moving it the way she needs and returning to her task. When she moves the blade away to rinse it, Erend grabs her hand again, slowly bringing it to his lips. Kissing her fingers softly. 
She's going to combust. Erend doesn’t do this. Sure, he’s thrown some flirtatious comments her way or has hugged Aloy for a bit longer than anyone else. But never, not once, has Erend put his mouth anywhere near her. The closest he’s ever come was whispering a joke in her ear about Kotallo having a crush on Alva when everyone was in the Base one night. Aloy is cold and hot at the same time and simply doesn’t know what to do with herself. 
Aloy isn’t sure how to react. She wants to ask Erend what he’s doing, what this means. But all her brain can process is the way his mouth feels on her fingers, sending her stomach into another round of flip flopping. There’s no denying that Aloy likes it, if only she could find her voice. Or her body, Aloy feels like she’s watching this happen from afar rather than being in it. 
"I'm really glad you're back." Erend asks, his voice full of relief, but so quiet. As if he’s afraid that if he talks too loud, the dark thought in his head would come to fruition. Something Aloy herself has done on multiple occasions.
"What?" Aloy asks on autopilot, her mouth supplying a question while her mind tries to recover from her hand being kissed. Because in truth, she didn’t fully hear what he’d said.
"You sent out a call with your Focus when you were with Morlund." Erend explains, kissing her knuckles again. "I watched you fall out of the sky. It cut out for a minute, just to see you being attacked by a Stormbird when it came back online." The Oseram shakes his head, giving her a third kiss. “Scared the shit out of me. I haven’t felt that since—” He sighs.
The last time she thought she was dead. 
“Since Gemini.” Aloy whispers, her heart aching from the memory.
Where they temporarily lost Beta and almost Varl too.
Erend only nods, squeezing her hand.
Aloy gently shakes his head. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily. I’m gonna bother you for a long time.”
But he doesn’t chuckle at her humorous tone like usual. Instead, still holding her hand, Erend turns his head, looking at her with incredibly soft eyes. “You mean it? Aloy, I—” He pinches his mouth closed, like he’s torn with what to say. “Fire and spit, I’m just gonna say it. Aloy, I’m in love with you. Have been for a while now. I don’t know if you—”
There’s zero thought or hesitancy, Aloy leans down and kisses him. She is bold in all things except this. Romance, kissing, she’s seen it before, but it’s nothing Aloy has done herself. But Erend is sweet and he said he loves her, so she can push her anxiety to the side for the sake of making sure he knows that his feelings are absolutely reciprocated. 
Erend is stunned for a second, but his arms wrap around her waist, pulling Aloy into his lap. He groans low in the back of his throat, licking along her bottom lip. When Aloy doesn't react immediately—surprise still coursing through her veins—Erend squeezes her ass. Making Aloy gasp, allowing his tongue to slip into her mouth. 
Aloy's heart is going off the rails in her chest. She's making out with Erend. Something she never thought would happen because she was stuck in her head. Too scared to admit her feelings because she didn’t know how to express them. But here she is, in Erend's lap with his tongue exploring her mouth and his facial hair tickling her cheeks. 
She breaks off the kiss for the sake of breathing. Gasping for air, hooded hazel eyes marvel at the red staining the Oseram's cheeks. "I'm sorry I worried you," Aloy says, her free hand stroking the short hairs on his chest. Toned with a layer of softness that makes her mouth water. 
"It's okay." Erend curls his hand in the back of her hair, bringing their lips together again. "You're mine now." He grinds her against him. "That means I will go with you from now on. I won’t have to worry about wondering what’s happening on a random Stormbird attack, because I’ll be right there helping you take it down. I know you can take care of yourself, but I'd like to keep an extra eye on my woman, if she’ll let me." 
"I love you too." Aloy smiles, tenderly cupping his cheek, knowing that's what he's trying to say. “I’d be more than happy for you to join me on my missions. Now," she quickly says, before she can distract herself even more. "Let's finish your hair. Then we can continue." 
Erend gives her one last peck, "Whatever you say, Darlin'."
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hzdphotomode · 2 years
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Random Photos from Horizon: Zero Dawn 504
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pikapeppa · 1 year
Brin's machine dreams in Horizon Zero Dawn
Acquired Taste is one of my favourite little sidequests in HZD. Since Brin clearly made it to the Forbidden West and was heading to the place of flames and brine", I'm really hoping we'll see him in the Burning Shores DLC so I thought I'd upload a transcript of his dialogue with Aloy, for anyone who wants to refresh their memory of the best Banuk desert gremlin and his prophecies!
Transcribed from this Youtube playthrough of the sidequest.
 B: Tribal girl! You are a hunter. Machine hunter. I can smell it on you — their oils and fluids. Your hands are stained. Can I just scent your fingers—?
A: Uh, no.
B: Of course not, no. Forgive me. My head – it’s addled. Heavy with the taste of metal, and lightning, and prophecy. Do you dream of the Metal World, huntress? That’s what you Nora call it?
A: The ancient world?
B: Yes. You’ve almost touched it. You hunt the machines, strip the parts, reach into the guts – let the sacred fluids run out! Spilling away into the earth, wasted. Open your mouth to insight. Drink up. That’s what I did. I am Brin.
A: Uh, yeah… Looks like it. Those wounds: A Sawtooth gave them to you on the hunt, didn’t it?
B: Not just any Sawtooth. Not just a hunt! I was low, quiet, in the long grass. Spear at the ready to bring it down. Then the scent — the taste — of its blood overcame me. I pounced, wrestled it down, bit into it – so close! A shiver through my teeth as they ground along the wires! But its teeth won out.
A: you’re lucky to be alive… I think.
B: Until the wounds mend, flower into scars, only my mind can wander. But… why not trade, huntress? You bring me the blood, I tell you what it reveals.
A: You really want to drink the blood of machines?
B: I heard tales of a tribe from the land where the sun goes at night. They were suckled from the machines — no, it’s true! Took wisdom and strength from it, grew closer to them! And then the tales go dark. A whole tribe, disappeared.  
A: Maybe because they all died? Drinking machine blood can’t be good for you.
B: First, it made me sick. Then came to visions, for days and nights – machine dreams, huntress!
A: You’re Banuk. Is this… normal for your tribe?
B: My tribe? No tribe! The other shamans said: you’ve drunk in the machine spirits’ madness. They said: this is not the way of things. Stripped me out on the ice and left me to die. Said: that’s the way of things. Cold unending.
A: They cast you out. But you survived.
B: Perhaps. I remember the chill pressed in slow, spear-tipped. Tallnecks gathering, their great dark heads over me, like a garland! Then I was walking again – walking back to my once-tribe. To return is to be forgiven, but I kept on walking. No one stopped me.
A: These dreams you have…
B: You’re curious. Good. It will give you a long life – I wish that for you, that’s my blessing. Now we’re sworn. I’ll tell you how the visions began. 
B: All is silence. The sky is dark. I gather up the world and peel it back, expose the ancient metal beneath — like skinning a rabbit. It’s warm to the touch, warm as the sun. Pressed against it, I feel sound! My heartbeat is the thunder of titans rising. Machines bigger than mountains — stronger, too! The Metal World carried on their shoulders.
A: I’m not sure I like these visions of yours…
B: They’re an answer! But to what questions? I must know. I’ll share…?
A: It’s been… interesting. But I should be on my way.
B: Roam far, huntress. And remember, the blood is precious! To me, yes. Good hunting at the Ridge of the Veils – if you fell a Sawtooth, bring me what spills, won’t you? Not enough metal in the rainwater, not for my taste.
A: Or maybe too much.
Sawtooth dreams:
B: Huntress! You brought me the blood of the Sawtooth. Yes. I smelled it a hill away.
A: Don’t make me regret it.
B: Wait here. It takes time, and the visions… are strong. No matter what you hear – what screams – keep your distance.
A: Starting to regret it.
B: Before the time of the Sawtooth, the machines ran as one pack. Metal drumming on metal, keeping pace out to the lightning's edge. The rumble of low storms, that’s them in motion. And then, a confusion. Something has changed. The great direction breaks, splits off like a dead branch! They are tumbling now. When they recover, violence is what they know. Now, metal screeches on metal. A death dance, learned from wars before our eyes learned to see. The Sawtooth, the Ravager, they hunt in the long shadows of others. Jagged shapes, old shapes, with bloody eyes. And the machines no longer rise and swell as one thing, an all-thing.
A: You’re quite the storyteller. But what’s it mean?
B: The meaning is not for me to say. Only what I saw.
A: And you saw all that?
B: Yes. Doesn’t it make you wonder? The machines that drive other machines mad — Corruptors. It’s their venom. I must taste next.
A: Do you have any idea what that could do to you?… Oh. You’ve drunk it before. Of course you have.
B: I found fallen ones on Coiled Canyon’s cliffs. Under the sun, it boiled inside them. The vapour — intoxicating!
B: [if you talk to him again] You don’t fear knowledge – you reach into its flame!
A: It's always an experience with you.
B: Change comes, it rushes, huntress! Like time around an arrow.
Corruptor dreams:
A: So did you smell this blood coming? It stinks.
B: The richest is not always the sweetest, huntress. In the jungles of a Jewel, fruit grows, but reeks of spoiled meat. Taste it, though: honey to the tongue! [drinks corruptor oil] No, this is disgusting.
B: These corruptors never belonged to the herds. They crawled. From beneath desert or rust, from the bones of old machines. Sickness to spread. That’s how they came. Cold metal runs hot, buckles with thorn-cuts and tail-stings. A fever of obedience. My ears are ringing, I grasp at my tongue — an ingot falls out, stamped with circles and lines! Directions. Instructions. To break a machine’s will — I heard the metal screaming, huntress! I leave the ingot where it falls. This isn’t for us to know. Corruptor after Corruptor tramples it in their greedy tread.
A: That is how they work… kind of. How do you know these things?
B: It’s not what I know, huntress. It’s what the blood knows. Am I the singer, or the song?
A: I don’t know what you are. Maybe get some rest.
B: No rest when there’s unknown journeys to prepare for. Do you know of the hidden machines that hunt men, deep in the Jewel?
A: Stalkers? Yes, I know of them. Oh. Stalker blood next? Sure, why not.
Stalker dreams:
B: It’s a clever trick they have. No need to see what you can scent! This blood is sharp, huntress, flint-sharp! The last time I took it into me, they say I slept the sleep of death, and sweated dark oil.
A: All right. Try not to die.
B: A Stalker, watching us, watched by us! In red eyes, I thought to see ourselves reflected! No – they were dull, and set. Set with a purpose, precise from their machine-mother foundries. They prey. They will not flinch. They are indifferent to the wild, they are…final. They are weapons, that’s all. My heart drops. Why look for understanding in the axe the moment before it splits your skull? No. No, there is more. The axe does not remember its smelting. These machines do, and pine for the Metal World.
A: It’s hard to know what to make of you.
B: Then open my mouth and look inside. A cave of echoes and memory, but not my own.
A: I mean, you’re tough-skinned, I’ll give you that. Especially on the inside.
B: I first drank at the spring of a fallen Thunderjaw. The cables cried out like water birds! But felling giants is short work for you.
A: Trying to appeal to my pride?
B: No! To the inevitability, huntress! The tremor of their tread – can you feel it? Tugging you to the eastern valleys?
A: So a Thunderjaw next, huh? But of course.
Thunderjaw dreams:
A: I hunted that Thunderjaw you asked for. I should be the one telling the story this time.
B: You carry it with you. Beamwire-burns and bruises. The salt-lines of your sweat. See, on your skin – tiny metal flakes!
A: You mean it was a hard fight? How perceptive.
B: What signs you have shown me, huntress! But now the blood.
B: I followed red trails through a green world. Thunderjaw, striding with the majesty of an old god. These wicked parts, fashioned to kill men – this great whole, made to haunt the sleep of children. And I realize: it is a young beast. It was not there to see the first strange birds roost upon a metal skull! It came because of us. Hunters. I saw many, of tribes gone and yet to come. I even saw you there, fiery-haired, fierce, bare—
A: What?
B: Bared of metal, huntress! Bared of what we tore from their hides to be strong like them, savage like them. We built our world in the machines’ shadow. Called them out with every strike of rock and hammer.
A: You think something – some machine made the Thunderjaw because of us?
B: When you’ve tasted what I have — in the blood, there’s change. Such a change. It’s colder than Ban-Ur, hotter than the Carja sun!
A: Does any machine walk or crawl that you haven’t drunk from?
B: In the mountains north, the Stormbirds. Even the air in their passing crackles with potency. In the sweep of their eyes, they see all!
A: Don’t get too excited. I’ll get Stormbird blood — maybe. We’ll see.
B: They must know how the orbit slows, feeds, falls, decays. And yet, returns to more than zero.
A: Uh-huh.
Stormbird dreams:
A: Maybe I’ve spent too much time with you. I can almost feel the lightning in this.
B: And the taste of metal, striking sparks along a sharpening stone, lingering! Here, touch it to your tongue—
A: No, that’s your thing, not mine.
A: You look… startled. Are you okay?
B: I must leave. You should, too.
A: Without a story? I brought down a Stormbird—
B: You did. You’re very able. And you’re right, owed is owed. But no more stories of the past – all told! All done. Future stories. I saw an onrushing storm. The future comes hungry, for men and machine. It will catch me, I expect. Catch us all! So enough hunts, enough visions. I’ll run – chase that teasing sun to the Forbidden West. 
A: I don’t understand – I mean, not that I ever understand – but are you saying we should fear what’s coming?
B: Oh, yes. Jungle on fire. Machine-blue light dying out in the eddies of ashes. You, fallen, pale as snow-flash, eyes staring open. The Metal World, but not the one I sought! The future is a frightful dream, huntress!
A: My name is Aloy.
B: I grew fond of you, your curiosities and disbeliefs, Aloy. If you weather the storm, look for me. I’d like that.
A: Where? In the west? In the storm?
B: In dreams, yes.
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