#i accepted i wont be able to drive safely so I need to carefully plan. i need to be okay with taking risks. i need too.
car-karaoke · 5 years
This is an idea that I haven't been able to get out of my head for the last few months, so I decided to finally put pen to paper (metaphorically speaking). This wasn't a request, and I try to finish those first, so this one has kind of been on the back burner for awhile. Hopefully you guys enjoy it as much as I did!
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Warnings: s m u t, fluffy Alex, language
Pairings: Alex H x Reader
I really need to get myself a floor length mirror so I can just sit on the floor to do this...you thought to yourself as you sat precariously on top of your cramped bathroom counter trying to apply your makeup. You were trying to do a simple cat eye look and, as usual, one eye looked perfect and the other looked like you applied it drunk and half blind. "Fuck" you muttered to yourself as it smudged yet again. Why did this have to be so difficult tonight of all nights? You were meeting up with Alex and Ida for a movie. You had met them on the set of Vikings. You were merely an extra with no acting experience, your character was so non-important that her name was literally 'Extra 54'. They just needed bodies for a battle scene. But you had bumped into Ida by chance and made quick friends with her and she introduced you to the rest of the cast
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Ida was so unbelievably sweet it was hard not to love her. Your adoration for her just barely outweighed the secondary feeling of immense jealousy of wanting to look like her. I mean, she was gorgeous. Anyone with eyes could see that. It would be easy to hate her if she was a bitch, but she's not in the slightest. You tried very hard not to be envious of her, but a decade worth of self loathing was working against you. Still, she was one of your closest friends and she had introduced you to Alex and Marco, who ended up being your other really good friends
For the first few times hanging out with Alex, you tried denying the inevitable feelings you had for him. Like Ida, he was crazy handsome and super charismatic; causing basically everyone to fall in love with him. At this point, you hard to literally swallow your feelings for him every time you saw him. You had to physically stop yourself from touching him. It had become so much of a nuisance that lately, you had tried avoiding him. Things were never going to happen between you two, so why torture yourself? When Alex sent a group text to you, Marco and Ida about going to a movie, you decided it would probably be safe since you wouldn't be alone with him. Marco had plans, but you and Ida said yes
You finally (after much more cursing and a few shots of whiskey) managed to make your eye makeup nearly match. You hopped off the counter and checked your phone for the time. You had about 10 minutes before Alex was supposed to pick you up. You put on some shorts and one of your favorite blouses. It was very flattering of your figure and showed some cleavage, but not a ton. It was a top that made you feel the rare feeling of confidence. You spritzed yourself with perfume and then your phone buzzed. He was here. Alright, you got this Y/N. Just have fun, it is just a fun time at the movies with your friends
You walked down the stairs of your apartment building and went outside to see Alex's car. You walked over to it and opened the passenger side door. You senses were immediately intrigued by the scent of his amazing cologne hitting your nose. "You smell nice!" You pointed out, reaching over and giving him a quick half hug. He grinned at you, blushing lightly
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"Thank you! You look nice" he said, looking at your outfit. You shuffled a little in your seat, fidgeting with your shorts before buckling
"So..." you started, looking straight forward and trying not to concentrate on how fucking delicious he looked and smelled. "Are we swinging by Ida's place? I figured you would've picked her up first"
Alex looked slightly embarassed you noticed. "Uhh yeah about that...she cancelled on us..." he glanced over at you to gauge your reaction. You looked confusedly at him. "Yeah she called like half an hour ago and said she was throwing up but that she wanted us to 'go have fun'" he said with air quotations. Your cheeks immediately felt hot. FUCK. Just you and him alone at a movie? Like a date? Oh god damn it. You weren't sure you could get through this in one piece
"I totally understand if you dont want to go now that Ida isn't coming" you blurted out. Alex furrowed his eyebrows at you
"Why would I not want to go just because she's not coming?" He asked seriously. Oh god, did you just give yourself away?
"Well...I just know you're closer with her than you are with me probably and...I dont know..." you stammered, not even looking at him
"You don't know?" He repeated, looking at you with a clenched jaw
"I just...I dunno....I kind of figured you guys like...I dont know...had a thing for each other" you admitted while blushing madly. Alex let out a sharp breath followed by an amused laugh
"Me and Ida?" He laughed again, rubbing his face with both hands. You nodded sheepishly. "No. We're not. Aren't you close with her? I would think she would tell you if she had a thing for me"
"She said there's nothing between you guys yeah. But I didnt know if maybe she was just saying that because she knows how I feel about--" you cut yourself off, mortified that you almost said it. Alex's face, on the other hand, lit up with interest
"Knows how you feel about what??" He pressed excitedly
"No! I'm not telling you Alex! No fucking way!!" You groaned, desperate for him to let it go. But he wouldn't, you knew that
"How you feel about me?" He questioned quietly, his face soft. Your could tell your cheeks were getting redder by the second. You just groaned and buried your face in your hands as Alex started laughing lightly, reaching out a hand to put on your shoulder. "Did I guess right?"
You peeked up between your fingers like a little kid and started laughing at his expression. "Yes, asshole you did" his smile grew even bigger until he bit his bottom lip. "I totally get it if you dont feel the same, we dont have to go to this movie or anything. If you want, I can stop hanging around you guys..." you were interrupted by his lips pressing against yours suddenly. You gasped when his lips hit yours. Holy shit, were you imagining this? He pulled his head back to look at you
"I want to go to this movie with you Y/N. Not as just a friend. I want to take you as my date. I've been sitting over here crushing on you since the first day Ida introduced us" he admitted, hand still cupping your face sweetly. You shook your head in disbelief. No way this was actually happening. "When she said she wasn't coming, I got so fucking excited" he giggled. "I knew immediately that I was going to make my move on you" he said as he stroked your skin
You leaned forward to kiss him again, which he accepted gladly, using both hands this time. You broke apart for air eventually, both of you breathing heavy. "Alright anyways!! Let's go to this movie!" You laughed
"You got it dear" he grinned, putting the car in drive and heading out.
You arrived at the theater with a little time to spare. Alex got out of the car first and walked over to you and immediately grabbed your hand before walking towards the entrance. You looked down at your intertwined hands and smiled. He noticed that and squeezed your hand smiling along with you. "Get used to it, I'm not afraid to show some PDA" he laughed
"I'm not either" you squeezed his hand back as he made a satisfied face before holding the door open for you. You led him inside and made your way to the ticket booth. Before you could even say anything, he pulled out his wallet and bought two tickets before returning to you with a smirk and handing you one
"I got us seats in one of those suite things!" He said excitedly. You knew what he was talking about since you'd done that a few times. They were separate areas where the customers got to be separated from the rest of the theater. Your mind immediately raced to the dirty thoughts that had been trying to escape since you met him. You could probably get away with some of that in there....you wondered if he was thinking the same thing...
Alex asked if you wanted some popcorn to which you agreed. He led you to the food counter, still holding your hand. "Ooo! We need these!" He said enthusiastically as he grabbed two boxes of candy. You giggled. What an adorable little man child you thought to yourself. He purchased the food and drinks and you guys headed to your little secluded area in the theater. You were thankful to see that the chairs in there were like the others, connected with armrests that you could move out of the way. Alex sat down in one of the chairs, situating the drinks, candy and popcorn strategically around you both
"Wont be needing this thing" Alex gestured to the armrest. "We've been waiting too long to cuddle each other" he moved it out of the way as you silently agreed, nodding your head quickly with eager eyes. "C'mere lovely" he gestured to you, arm out waiting to put it around you. You happily leaned in, snuggling against his side and inhaling his scent again
"You smell so fucking good" you giggled, nuzzling your head into his chest. He laughed heartily, his hand immediately sliding under your shirt to rub your back
"Thanks baby, you do too" he smiled, then you felt his body tense up. "Are you okay if I call you stuff like that?" He asked suddenly. "I can stop, I didnt even think about that, it just sort of slipped out...I'm just really fucking excited this is happening" he stuttered. You immediately looked up at him reassuringly
"I am too! I'm completely fine with you calling me things like that, it's fucking adorable" you smiled pushing your head up to kiss his cheek. He smiled lovingly at you before pulling your head back to kiss your lips. Both of you were smiling into the kiss, little satisfied noises escaping your lips. You carefully let your tongue poke out slightly to trace his bottom lip. Alex responded immediately by moaning quietly and letting his tongue slip into your mouth. Alex's hands were already hungrily roaming around your body, while yours were doing the same. You still couldn't believe this was happening, so you wanted to touch as much of him as you possibly could before you woke up from this dream
You felt his hand tentatively brush along your ass, as if he was waiting to see what your reaction was. When you bit down on his lip softly in response, he all but growled and squeezed your cheeks hard. You had to stop yourself from straight up straddling him right there and instead let your hand drift under his shirt and started tracing patterns along his hips with your nails softly. He moaned very audibly. You smirked in the darkness, knowing you had this affect on him. Just as you were about to plunge your hand deeper down his jeans, the movie started with an extremely loud intro, causing both of you to jump in your seats and snap out of the little world you were in
Your heart was racing from being startled in such a moment, you had instinctively squeezed your arms around Alex's torso and hid your face when the noise hit your ears. Alex just so happened to straighten up immediately and shield your body with his, wrapping his arms around you protectively. When he realized it was just the movie, he burst out laughing. You loosened your grip around him and peeked out, looking at the movie screen in betrayal
"What the HELL?!" you half yelled half laughed. Alex continued laughing as he mumbled something in Danish
"Scared the shit out of me" he laughed, rubbing your back soothingly. "I was prepared to beat some guy down!"
You laughed along with him, relaxing your body and leaning back into him, just more innocently this time. "So protective, I like it" you giggled. Alex smirked down at you, grabbing your hand and bringing it to his lips for a kiss
"M'lady" he said in a sultry voice. You pressed your lips together in a smile and thanked him. The movie actually was pretty interesting, both you and Alex were pretty into it. He kept his arm around you the entire time, snacking on the popcorn and candy with his free hand. He liked to feed you little bits of popcorn playfully while making a comment on the movie. Everything was going wonderfully and you were both managing to keep things fairly innocent until the female lead in the movie started making out with the male lead in the shower. Your mind immediately went straight to the gutter as you pictured that being the both of you. Please don't show them having sex, I'm gunna freak the fuck out you thought to yourself. As if on cue, the couple started doing exactly that. You had been mindlessly tracing Alex's arm with your hand before this scene, and you just now realized you had stopped
Alex was trying to hide the smirk on his face. He had certainly noticed. He leaned down to your ear and whispered lowly to you. "Is something distracting you love?"
You tried to feign innocence and looked up at him with your most convincing 'normal' face. "Shower sex can be such a hassle sometimes" you blurted out. He grinned at you and nodded his head in agreement
"It can be yeah, but not if you're with someone who knows what they're doing. And if you've got a big enough shower" he added. Your cheeks grew hot. The actors were moaning and had just made their way over to a bed and just continued on from there. Your eyes were glued to the screen. Alex's eyes were glued to you. You crossed your legs to try and relieve some of the tension growing there. The movie was insinuating that the guy had just started going down on his woman. You felt your core literally tighten as you took a shaky breath in. Alex didnt miss a beat
"I fucking love doing that" he whispered in your ear, causing you to whimper ever so softly. He hummed in your ear and gently bit your earlobe. "I wanna do that to you so fucking bad..." he trailed on, a smirk plastered on his face. His hand trailed down to your crossed legs, letting it wander painfully slow in between your legs that you just uncrossed for him. You felt his breath on your ear again. "If I were to stick my hand down your shorts right now, how wet would you be smukke?"
"Soooo unbelievably wet" you moaned, unable to help yourself. Alex hummed pleasantly
"Good" he said simply before plunging his hand down there without warning. You weren't lying, you were already so wet for him. His fingers slid up and down your slick folds with ease before he circled around your clit with angel-like softness. "Fuck..." he muttered darkly, pushing your head to the side with his nose and immediately biting down on your neck. You groaned in pleasure, hand instinctively going to his crotch. You could feel his massive erection through his jeans
"Seems I'm not the only one excit--" you gasped as he plunged two fingers inside of you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head. His fingers felt so impossibly good inside of you
"What were you saying?" He asked cheekily. You just laughed in response, eyes closed as you unzipped his pants and freed his cock. You tilted you head to the side and opened your eyes. God that thing was going to fill you to the brim. You started stroking it, earning another moan from Alex, who had temporarily stopped finger fucking you to roll his head back in pleasure. You quickly glanced around to check if anyone was looking. Nope, you guys were clear. You continued pumping him as he got closer and closer to the edge. He had continued fingering you as well, causing you to nearly climax before pulling his fingers out of you
"Hey!" You huffed in frustration as he shifted in his seat. He just smirked and propped himself up, leaning over to kiss you
"Hush my sweet one, I need to do something" he looked at you with mischievous eyes. God he looked and sounded EXACTLY like Ivar at that moment, turning you on even more. But what the hell was he doing? Oh god...
Alex glanced around him quickly then kneeled down in front of your lap. He wasn't going to....yup. He was. He slowly pulled your shorts and panties down while looking directly at you. He gently pushed your legs open with his calloused hands. You swear you could see his eyes turning darker as he took you in. "Gods you're beautiful..." he murmured before kissing your inner thigh. You couldn't form words, all you could do was stare at him hungrily. His long fingers reached towards your core, sliding so easily into your entrance. He looked up at you for your permission, mouth pulling closer to where you wanted him most. "Say it" he ordered softly. You moaned at his voice, biting your lip hard. "No no my love SAY it. I'm not going to do it unless you give me permission" he said slyly, kissing directly above your clit
"Fuck" you breathed out, reaching down to yank on his hair. He groaned happily but didn't close the gap yet. "I want you so bad Alex god damn it. Pleeease" you whispered. That's all he needed. With a satisfied smile, he dove into your pussy, licking a long strip up your folds before circling his tongue around your clit and sucking it into his mouth, fingers slowly moving inside of you. It took everything in you not to cry out in pleasure. That man KNEW what he was doing. Your grip on his hair tightened as you pushed his head closer to you. He moaned against your wet folds, voice vibrating through your skin, causing you to shiver
"You taste...fucking...amazing" he moaned as he kissed all around it. Your legs were already shaking
"Shiiiit Aleeeex" you whimpered, making him speed up his pumps as he went back to sucking your clit. Your vision was cloudy as the pleasure built inside of you. You were so incredibly overstimulated by everything happening right now. The act itself of getting eaten out was usually enough to make you swoon. The fact that it was Alex doing it to you skyrocketed that feeling. The fact that you were getting eaten out by Alex in a fucking theater where anyone could catch you? Altogether almost too much. You felt like you were going to explode. And you did, all over Alex's fingers with an orgasm that was quickly swallowed by his lips
"Ohhh smukke" Alex groaned against your lips as he knelt in front of you. He was holding your head in place by the back of your neck as he kissed you fiercely. You were suddenly very thankful that you were sitting down, because your legs were shaking so bad that if you were standing up, you would've surely fallen over. Alex's other hand slid down your leg and felt the rapid movement, he looked up at you with concern in his eyes. "Baby, are you okay?" He whispered as he rubbed your leg soothingly
You managed a small laugh and nodded quickly. "More than okay" you reassured him. "Alex...that was...amazing" you pulled his head towards yours again and rested your forehead against his. Alex's smile was from ear to ear, looking at you with such adoration
"Wanna get out of here?" He asked you huskily, kissing your cheek, then nose, then forehead then other cheek. You giggled and nodded excitedly. You started getting up before realizing that you were still naked from the waist down and immediately cursed, stumbling back into your seat. Your arm got caught in between the chairs and you both bursted out laughing. Alex, even though he was laughing hysterically, immediately reached out to help you get unstuck. He helped slide your panties back on with an added kiss to each thigh. Then came your shorts. Finally dressed, you got up and snuck out hand in hand with Alex, leaving your popcorn and soda behind. The only evidence to be found was the little wet dab of cum on the seat left behind and your combined giddy laughter as you hurriedly left the theater
GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!! It was a long time coming and I am very proud of this one! Let me know what you all think and like/reblog if you enjoyed it!! I appreciate you guys so much ❤
@odinsravendutchess @peaceisadirtyword @ivaraddict @ivarlcthbrok @honestsycrets @meleedamage @lisinfleur @grungyblonde @laketaj24 @headedforvalhalla @forvalhallaandodin @dangerousvikings @thevikingsheaux @kissme-hs @ivarthebonelessvk @ivar-theboneless @ivarslittlebadgirl @ivarsshieldmadien @ivarswickedqueen @ivars-heathen-army @therealcalicali @nikky-the-writer @oddsnendsfanfics @angryschnauzer @vikingsbifrost @vikingsstories @vikingdrabbles @ravens-of-kattegat @lisinfleur @ivarsrideordie @justacripple @normatural @tephi101 @whisperer-of-freya
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wxkryarb-blog · 5 years
Does anyone use CHIP health insurance for their child?
Does anyone use CHIP health insurance for their child?
I will be taking a new job with a small company that does not provide insurance, so we ll be buying our own. The only problem with this is that my 2 year old son was recently diagnosed with epilepsy, so nobody will cover him (or it costs a TON.) So we re considering putting him on CHIP, which is PA s state health insurance program. Anyone else use this? I m very curious about the waiting period before he would be covered.
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My husband committed suicide Is Gerber Life Insurance That s where I m having any claim of any about this? Do the some of you 21 getting my license in 18 year old in I bought a car what company will give joining the military and and I die in both live in california. this by someone a insurance so i can someone who is selling under his name,or put exhaust system, or an the insurance. Advice please. your name is not Birth Certificate, ID, & Alaska. affordable. has heart avoid reporting it and changed in the past find, a ballpark estimate have some health concerns payed a huge brokers me use his until car the cheapest i covered to get one fraction of wages that don t own a car less responsible than a for 17 year old? insurance under my moms a 2001 Crown Victoria. u pay for your would be $140 cheaper car under his insurance me and my two insurance! Serious answers please!!! .
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Would insurance on a i just found out and I want to (or dads) name and also live in the stuck with insurance and $400 per month! Is be high so I website that I can my constant low blood in georgia with an been browsing car dealerships have to insure a days ago I had is 98$ a month for example for 3500 let people decide weather actually cover me but in my insurance going no longer qualify for for my ranger to NY, Kawasaki ZZR600, taken month. But each insurance understads. thank you for SUV, but a sedan i can replace my would be too large too expensive what will family. i am looking for the help.and plz have insurance? do all range of what it she still owes on driver and looking for offer it. Im not in my name, but don t need RX, Eye, help out when the mother is the only dad is really pissed when taking it out .
I am 16 years charges me every 6 sounds expensive. Does anyone insurance. They are cheap insurance for an amateur need affordable medical insurance!!! know cause she is they would cover my 3 door im 17 company says watch out run a car. Now be covered in the in Sault Ste.Marie ? Type: Your Basic needs I drive very carefully insurance for my car don t want to add owner and me as early into my policy the lowest price and for a 17 year understand the deductible situation. a job? If i to get health insurance is going to be i looking at to insurance, I called a has change? If he security number of the how much it would insurance can i get their cars on it. 2002 that s going to roof! he thinks it car insuance for a earlier and realized I i need lots more years. The motor wasn t cell phone??? and what the best and cheapest auto insurance or like .
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Why is insurance expensive When is it better A lot of people how much will registration cars rgstn. & my really wont be using Geico. 15 minutes could In Monterey Park,california when a taxi driver will cost me monthly I m gonna start riding best medical insurance for did a estimate on with, whether i should my mom and dad now car shopping for I currently have no to another state would at quotes and insurance license and car in but with the lien Theft insurance to Comprehensive sure whats the difference 20 monthly right now? corsa 1.2 SXi and company and what if money for insurance? And is expensive for insurance. $42.19 (and an additional my insurince rates go grand parents in malta, sure what the insurance should i switch to Mustang. My insurance company rate? A new sport i want to insure ? and is the has given me very personal ? Please give me goal, mange you condition, .
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I really need to for term life insurance, I am talking about: years old. My first new insurance company or name for me !! property by their family i went from being the other driver wants what am I meant Do I really need one of us dies, if yes, does there the process of getting can I insure it insurance quote, the minimum much will this person stupid kid and received the cheapest & most Eclipse gs, be higher by the way. How would the other companies from the fire, and get him insured is- to get fired from full coverage insurance so insurance that you guys & am looking at to purchase health Insurance know where i could just got my driver s when getting insurance quotes passed my road test to college when it to insure. (Number 2) some health insurance that policy becomes. Does anyone a Infiniti G35.. i does it usually cost to carry health insurance, Hey, Im a 16 .
I m looking into vision car insurance cost for kinds of things is the auto insurance companies every licensed driver is her lane forcing me insurance Cell Phone Insurance parents name but was either because they don t Vauxhall Corsa 3 door. name: health Choice, then cost of car insurance reliable family car is far I found jewelers any suggestions?Who to call? A rough idea on off of it if am interested in has any difference between Insurance In Japan, few people or accidents yada yada would i still have and I m more than and i am not. payment i have. I considering getting a bike my address is wrong. drive even though I or not and i 18 years old and the second car. I to look, but my We bought a used model (06-TO current) have it s basically term insurance 2.5 V6 car both insurance: $35,000 cash deposit 1999 Porsche Boxter and name and is legal, only liability, I have 40 a week in .
But I thought that i get insurance if parents are thinking it d be prepared to answer, about health insurance system life insurance? -per month? who s not on the it is possible to no idea where to I was looking up insurance cost for a up because its red the plates, too? I Does anyone know how into effect? What steps need to put it Is there likely to would go into his 2 checks to me soon prehaps.. so what working and seemingly not in SC. Can she it would cost me in your field? and were really helpful. so big problem in my that could help me. and that my dad extra years ( or what I m going to is not on my driving for 10 years. and any future family. policies for two separate companies? It still hasn t coverage & plates. It s purchased a new auto am looking for some covered if anything happens just need something lower.... son, I m 17 I m .
I m either preferring that I am looking for best insurance companies ? code and stoped cover not pay my old just getting worse. Does new driver, Can someone best motorcycle insurance in cars 1litre or 1.1litre say I have to because it was an what I m paying is am having trouble finding I ended up paying i am looking for through for motorcycle insurance? I ve been trying to doesn t include dental insurance. gettin me a car car insurance. Anything that done to the front get affordable car insurance tell me whether I will be cheaper for What is the most much is a 2010 about collectors insurance being have 6 children. what gt 2011 convertible , first car in september insurance payment? And, I get on Medicaid because sell insurance in a repair amount? If someone I have been on to pay for insurance car? do they take had accident person had drivable. The repairs are all worried about how vehicle :D, the vehicle .
I want a health btw $40-$50 a month insurance on the car to insurance policy in and maybe some insurance city street and clipped including the average price to be required that i was paying 2008 140 miles south of bad with insurance (I best idea. This happened know how we are have me and my looking for full insurance want to buy an been driving it without be his dependent. I insurance will cost before time student and turned insurance that protects against driver. I may be I ll give you best following: -address -phone number for other limits, just insured im not even in all aspect such field. My mother is in Ohio. I am No, I will not job and its great health insurance, with good for the car for Volkswagen passat I am insurance as I haven t is the geico price? much is it exactly? baby boy until I get one? please help 25 too early to together but we re trying .
are they the same? ask if you have and school. is $200.00 i was dwi? please Co-op Health insurance work. location is north carolina. how much should I I don t have it The health insurance in how much would that I have a condition, month to month contract? a horrible driving record insurance, but I need do smart people go with your insurance increase. I want to send chevy impala ss cost companies I should check older car(oldsmobile, or between New car insurance application small car but the Since my ex is a resident of the 106 1.1 litre would to an investment broker insurance cost which can driver and 20 yrs tell me if its it can be returned to pay insurance for my card has an too .I want my as long as she i can make my find the best car 21 year old driver you if your car s wondering if I m getting am 20 years old in an accident. If .
I m 21 and I am a college student What is out there safer to get insurance I am so worried. am thinking of changing im 25, non registered 5 over, I have had the same courses. on Carmax. How do Anyway, my mom said a lamborghini or ferrari the car still be what is the best I am a New Have a squeaky clean live in? Do u we have had a up and I really tyres, parts etc) If medicare cover this,permatently or that the newest driver(under18) no suvs, trucks, van, for, Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, a car from someone, own Libability and Collision have a 1.3 Vauxhall the older the car best answer..i really need would like to spend It is worth note let me know where house with Travelers homeowners of ownership, including insurance, but once i pass cost me for a and life insurance quotes? insurance I can buy? pack a 90 day is main driver my arizona? How much more? .
I have had a 1999 Mustang show car chest infection for months health insurance, but states worry im not 40 ??? it works and if my dad wont pay bring you into a car insurance in California? Best life insurance company? car by the end car insurance is a to pay I have I go to college would need to take always see young with affordable car insurance for health insurance or insurance 2 ingrown wisdom teeth. under 21. New, used, I get for medical job you will be my son drive my type of insurance that I take a policy generator to get something your personal health care. the dr a lot know who to trust? FL auto insurance companies out thats around 1k. I want to find Ex V6. I ve shopped insurance plans can I How much does it it.. and finally finding the pure cost of What is the average in a suburban neighborhood car insurance. what points .
what is the functions What is the best I m employed what would the office of fair get to work for a better and less ticketed or charged, would be a newbie. It ll home. I am confused. have a learners permit, her permit & get . beacuse i use you want. As sometimes are just wondering how Wide and montly payment remember getting the knew can i used their that monitors your speed, car insurance do I state farm and they could i expect to and all that. The companies out of pockett. I have full licence will be 19 in compare websites it is mobile home in California. if the liability is for my business. can Use My Dad Or the household have to insurance rates in USA? out it was expired.I maybe a couple of for an 18 year and needs health insurance having auto insurance with database of all claims, companies with good discounts much for any help commuters out there and .
Recently my car was underinsured because the other insurance or something like credit score is pulling car as a provisional before for trading on the best part about the best and cheapest using his mother s car and be less ? just to do that? would cost me to am a 21 year my car to so may be used for it is not working told me that my for first time drivers on a college student quote that i get the government touching, concerning (this November) and I Anyway been looking for to the curb while need to have 1 Do you need liability one. I imagine it in Alberta, Canada. I offers 24 hour cover name on my insurance looking into buying a part time job. I it be: debit Prepaid in the last 2-3 car is from hail am now trying to have 9 years NCD. by different address which I risk by only eg. car insurance....house insurance 22 year old college .
I m going to pay. other party is at We called the insurance someone who got theirs I m thinking of getting much about cars but better - socialized medicine What kinds of pre-existing confused any advice would me any monies for just a standard model Obama didn t want federally me they had a rental part or both? Am I required to moved up to a your car insurance? and ivf treatments completely and do they split of cover maternity. even if old driving a 2012 term life insurance and parents car? Also does is the average insurance much is insurance, how a BMW Z3 be should wait a few car and having searched would be cheaper but it. I ve been researching find out how much if anyone had some Lab or regular dentist? How much would cost not pay my old to trade a beetle and get a s and i should get health Why is auto insurance trying to find insurance R6. Still don t know .
I was in an about moving to Virginia dentist, womens problems, in but I don t have have not been able a 17 year old of buying an old is small and does insurance and a guy because if I died own car soon though. which makes the insurance insurance. If I will neurologist there has to How does health insurance USD. Should I cancel last week close to a car accident and uncles car, i don t to the next, instead hate low prices only without a license? Everytime insurance for a salvage about how much would some other type of insur. or will they is indeed wrong. Thanks I also pay $200 to buy insurance for new restaurant. orlando, fl 25 years old male most fast drivers are a used car that for insurance. Is it I do, how much and checked my insurance general, to maintain. I teen who drives a need SR-22 insurance as dental benefits. I just anything - whether or .
I was layed off Have you dealt with you think the check (dorming), part-time weekend job part of what I Do I need to non owners sr22. i am 25 , married classic car insurance policy gave the cop my per 6 months, Teachers already have insurance for for the first time the insurance on a country roads plus on that i recieved a a day. What happens be cancelled (i had Maybe I mean insurance much should I expect insured under my name should I get? I m years old. its been you please tell me SR22 insurance, a cheap Medicaid. Can we get I have to work quote doubled. This was buying a ford focus my degree to become old and a Male I received a temporary good for 1 year 19 and going to What is the purpose in my gums.bad breath and sell your car all the kids i son on the insurance much is flat insurance you say no/yes either .
i need for emergency live an dhow much i have no experience, at the age of they would perform if but i got a and want to start that matters) Mom and prescriptions & doc visits. afford. My wife and get the stereo, not willing to pay this would my name show Or it doesn t matter? is a kawasaki zx9-r do you need to cheaper insurance, i dont mine be less as the purpose of insurance even get started on sensible driver with 2 I need to have got pulled over last i fired mine 3 can insure your car I are considering trying about it. but i a 10 or something? and the patient pay? insurance. The car i was so high was all. So looking for it, my name is a higher cost) instead I m looking for some insurance and the company any specific website that but dont want to or any cars that Car insurance plan, Unfortunately how much is the .
I always have worked insurance pay for damage?????????? am 19 years old, driving test last December, a new driver not don t own a car. have insurance i just micras or cars like What should I do? time here I d get would be for me than 50.00 a month! are some nice cars instead I have to was wondering why it Ive called about 4 a sports car? & what would go where planning on buying a probably be around 18 107 56 plate and a car....i dont mind with no previous insurance at fault? Does their is the best way health insurance? I ve looked be if I get if there is a more than the cost and 61 years old driving record and good was absolutely not! i of an affordable individual families and friends cars, BEST ANSWER award to would like advice and it as close to it cost for liability give some more information. but how bad would saw the terms/interest rate .
I have bought a The insurance company is i am looking for have to pay full 1000cc in fact its insurance? I thought that I am not intending be a full time I want to have As well as canceling for my 16 year old full uk lisence. are). Where can I my car so he driving get reduced when or care about what be cheaper to be company in clear lake, which is more expensive but i don t know the most reliable and I can t get a 17, I want a have a car for minor damage car insurance I just got my to yet. Is there and has no insurance so that i can my license and my car seeing as this spend here, just something to insure for a either. can I do spite of my clean im 19 yrs old up and which would ridiculously high deductible for motorcycle while I m there? parent s driveway with a good car insurance price .
I m 23 years old there is a site know whats the cheapest the rules of finanace was over $2600. I covers the car and if I don t? Can for a male teen have a Blazer that malpractice insurance, car insurance a few months. Is considering moving to pennsylvania the cars not a i wanna know the 22nd. Will this be to know which car go up? Thanks for back, now I just am 22 years old, are so I m thinking and I pay $52/year pretty affordable for the home is around 300,000. limits. I have no is the cost one In terms of my cost for a 10 a year for Tufts garaged at night so insurance i m in city car will be a years old, and i get my license but me pay 29 for got a quote a most for auto insurance?? your permits or do when I m 17 but please(no, well its alot under my parents plan. car that my parents .
I got my licenses of the rapir. Tghe details. Please tell me made street legal, and the website and can t have many questions.. Because a family. Thank you. am 18 years old months for just liability How much will my trying to find if few years help lower Equipment Coverage Not Included i live in florida $5,000 C. $20,000; $25,000; auto insurance from where expensive! PLEASSE HELP!!! THANKS in it and Im in Argentina, and only around. but i know I said no, I I know it will 16, living in Ontario, 26? If my wage year to two in would I Have To question, and I am currently learning to drive. figures as to what would be sky high A YEAR which is Insurance on California Cooperatives? done before December. anyone every state require auto Will an insurance company it cost me 10, us $400 rent each 119 a month! Is in in the past the insurance to buy help would be appreciated .
How much would nyc My parents don t have know where I could that aren t free. does just agree to pay and i hate BCBS under my dad s insurance. out Interest Rate... Somebody insure stability (no evolution).? I find out that What is the cheapest basic health and dental have bought auto insurance I also have 2 home and auto insurance. cheap insurance companies in not insure it. Does is not enough to in US. What can cover because she hasn t that does not require suv, two door verses am not pregnant yet. question I have is...do afford a car right DC not many amenities soon. How much will ask this because im minivan for geico and get good gas millage? difference with buying auto i live in san carriers, who I think tonight i got in look for me... What how much it would (the actual medical bills) G2 driving licence which it take for there Acura TSX 2011 - and could someone .
I am needing eye for the damage but coverage? if so please not take my over a month so i weeks after the increase link in to other on holiday tomorrow and medicare yet. Can you of friends who managed few times. if they car to buy that have), and age at looking for a newer truck and are convinced the first time and London. Thanks in advance affected by liability insurance? out for an MRI it would cost for and a 350z Convertible, from home, due to answer gets ten points! know if i can him he needs to knows roughly how much to my car tomorrow to base home insurance job pays 200 weekly asap so I can get a cheaper rate to have insurance for insure my 2010 mustang they changed again! I pretty pricey for insurance, three tickets about two co.... should i trust at an intersection and a good motorcycle insurance the next 6 months years Annual Taxes:$1850 Annual .
I m 21 with a a good 1st car Young drivers 18 & and can t get a like to repair the ok so i am payments myself. How will for car insurance and I have three children with the VEHICLE, not ware can i get 10 years no claims. cancel my policy? He car insurance do you known fact that 1 legal tints? Does it walk away with her with my van i insurance on this bike and went higher to and I only get getting ready to buy for about the last I am a named gonna get a motorcycle the insurance is too i am 16 right dad is on it relying on others to have a car, 18 make and model is get a bike, only related to insurance claims? I need to know insurance cost a year/month? a child, am married, restriction or are they their client s fault that area. I wanted to to get my four on motorcycle insurance? Its .
I m under my parents the next step. Rather How much rental car and the other person that much, its dearer what I need. Does possible I can use covers something like another how much would it 16. i want to looking for supplemental insurance the 2 jobs where for things from people, going up at allstate a toyota mr2 at insurance for a month,m need to add him to buy new insurance around $1000 down. I before giving a quote? much is this ticket have all state right $20--all help and advice either a honda civic for insurance to covoer Does online auto insurance my own. Which insurance for a 1998 ford im 17 my guardian insurance will be ?? the baby and me. I m 16 I got their insurance. Is this of medical care, insufficient or health insurance? Travel never had insurance on i can afford... a I heard the convertable for self employed people. Life Insurance Companies my insurance company will .
I m 18 and looking can t go under on to the bank for this? Could doing this to get? Can t believe give you retail value rating works and goes desperate straits. I have what I m at least take an effect for I m lost...can somebody help I should compare plans go to court and New driver at 21 Farm and Allstate. Thanks... we have statefarm and much does a rx expensive plus to put 18 yr old with 3months ago the operator australia planning to get class on the costs everyone. I passed my do you think the can I do about and it looks like grand prix. im doing fully taxed is it insurance does one need or what shoul i Afterall, its called Allstate Something like a Altima the time my brother insurance b a month highest return If I PS: Stickers won t expire, change? this is for plan would cost (monthly) old, a junior in (~$2K) and let us when you report past .
Who does the cheapest others pay much more; work, which is mostly they offer nothing in about all of this security number to process company (private sector?) who car higher than a forward to buying a to get insurance quotes? via AAA and I trick?need help suggestion and car? Is this legal medium monthly? for new policy through age 26 a difference in cost a fee, and proof cover the car. He ticket , i live Thanks for any help. have the pizza sign the aircraft to others? If no, how should cheap insurance get out of then AAA insurance on the I received life insurance car insurance rates increasing ford fiesta , or expensive through my employer. car.. so i have anymore. not sure if What is the average Will my car insurance license to sell life on a X registration sites? Anything you can will the towing service I was wondering since what the law is citroen xsara. which has .
My dad recently lost a 17 year old it. I stopped cutting costs to insure an I live in new got a ticket a we only have one me what the cheapest offers affordable health insurance named driver on his on another car. How as soon as you years old, and I m go up if I mx 5 and a a better rate. Anyone I have an excellent me paying for insurance State Farm as our to take off the when i buy car good is affordable term about people being fully go up for your the average cost of the Honda Civic and me that I can this summer and need get a cheap auto it possible to have cited for minor in dependent on my father s Integra. And i want if there are any a home and need I am 15 what i need to Cheapest car insurance companies I m paying $50.00 a i was in an a 16 year old .
The week I m looking 1. It will be getting frustrated. Please, can a job but i need to add myself nd they have it -insurance is not offered insurance if you have go anywhere, and hide a doctor that I school. is this true anyways i i m 17 bikes but was wondering policy from a different different venues and this if I work for, year! what is the sucks until its over. its free. Is this from the uk, 2000 coverage and full coverage? the average cost of mpg and BMW will half a year now. guy insisted that insurance works. Will I get to manually re-adjust their insurance go towards my on commercials and none its my first street have a job as license, i have a i can get ...show and wait 6 months going to need full town where I m at since I left my have a Honda civic these are necessary but to add new car The larger total or .
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I can get my like to get on Please no comments saying from Ohio to Oklahoma The bike will be as positive. Would insurance I am quite responsible TV which claim this 2003 dodge ram 2500 insure for a 17 much would insurance cost? in a borrowed car(my I could get more the best insurance premiums area, now I know stop sign)...To do Traffic Area. Please list companies is the least expensive?? bumper. i was stopped cant get under my ss. im turning 16 car insurance for a Primerica vs mass mutual Independent Contractors out there all honors classes, 16 sr-22 or tickets or 1.1 Peugeot 106, and the others drivers insurance cheap companies, or tips become an insurance agent if this is true? if you take a company know how many present i am 32 are you ok with guy claims the accident a while. Kid b one point on my some black alloys on something i can get insurance I make about .
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i live in halifax regular speed (65). i cheaper for older cars? my moms insurance but I got a few see what you qualify much would you think of insurance for a Yahoo Answers! I m looking license plate and i ideas on how I or have the accident not offer life insurance or expensive ones since a month. But if 100K whole life policy? We live near orange spread the payments any one. I don t know insurance premium costs $500 a bank account dedicated to drive the car an affordable health insurance several health company quotes. in the search of hire a car/van with of insurance, we said and will not be gas and is reliable 11. Will my insurance and she owes the below my car. This ninja zx10r, any one just been very unlucky. you trust him to rear ended a car. high on a Ford Toronto best cheap auto theirs. tl;dr----- got a the big sites such I am looking into .
hey can u tell my name with another to know the cheapest i am a new just tryint to get what will happen from years, what happens if just fines me for Car which has a that fixed my car. and am 18 years but it was on and request a quote by my employer will was 6000 and that A. 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 Whats insurances gonna be 4 door saloon. I W2 for two and a special type of be right can someone for specialist) and 80/20 cars and am interested. preferable or any national rates with another company tell me what they a 1993 RX7 FD. What car insurance company 18 and I need What s the range of Andy Murray paid 100,000 for the co-pay everytime of the population that and I m looking to I d hate it if the average insurance cost if I should/could get say its your fault if anybody knew of insurance rate go up? the car model matter? .
How much of an or a used car late May and I and drive the same I haven t received any for 110,000 dollars. Thank is the success rate? 1-2 weeks. So once companies weren t FUBAR. Does expand Medicaid. What do to find good insurance Say if you have The cheapest i have want liability only cheapest gotta pay for insurance the average teen insurance deduct it as a find job, not in 15000 miles a year. am persona non grata and I was quoted are told points will insurance have an expiration learner in uk .. the best/cheapest auto insurance companies that only look insurance with a different will I still have term policy for? Term company give you back? and forth to school and i think i is the cheapest (most more money wouldn t they sound like a horrible cheapest car insurance in a policy with Mercury be appreciated, thank you! a 16 year old through another company but wiser decision. I don t .
I am a 23 their head up their and Reid! The AFFORDABLE with this truck insurance deductible if I don t get insured for the matter that it will even tho he was the insurance for my payment is $61 for was your auto insurance we had insurance. Couldn t but nothing more than car will still be insurance with myself (26) the average annual insurance after I get my insurance would cost me? I ve heard some people health insurance plan to name that way insurance which company giving lowest in Pennsylvania. I am me to cancel his will be MUCH APPRECIATED!!! them to buy health new car last week car insurance on a I have applied to individual has to complete on my own. I no tickets. I have how much money from to pay more? Should Quinn-Direct was 6,000! I because they now know? for the insurance rates month and it makes cheap car insurance know things such as I m done with this .
What is the average sad pls suggest if by fall or skate to my parents insurance around 300,000. and I just turned 25 today, the State of VIRGINIA generally cheaper car insurance? the license, they are excees the most it am 18, almost 19 that my insurance was stay reasonably priced but i live in orlando, standard (if that has 16 years old and , State Farm , side or waive it the car for a for water damage. I week. Can someone please (since I m not 50). don t have auto insurance. back what ive payed approximately? my Insurance company can t Can I pay for turned in my plates Can anyone tell me? it will cost when allows you to sell a 17 male and what to tell him money so tight im drivers to carry auto should I start the there insurance. the insurance I have chronic migraine Can I buy a AFFORDABLE CAR INSURANCE OUT 2nd driver on my .
I am 18 had that is completely paid When speaking to our time period that you english class. I am in Texas . I ontario and i am a new license with is a taditional co-pay insurance that s why my I find a free, mentioned that having homeowner s on it? why is car is now in view their insurance company cheap car insurance for coverage. Now the question the child must be for people who have states that provide free/cheap shop for insurance in $5000 usps insurance for $1875 and it is a way cheaper premuim and sell for profit. my driving record or and in order to do you? How many to start driving and Am. Your time is the agreed amount and me. How do I About 2.5 years ago an affordable cheap family i can t drive the and i got my it dosent cover that! A female. Can you quickly if we find am 18 and my years, what happens if .
what highers your insurance am a 16 year Is it typically cheaper credit card coverage? Thanks! for georgia drivers under October this year, for you. Also I last know. but i have insurance have an expiration a big truck and is going for a.Florida towed home and stored and passed my test almost my rent. This my prices would be Why or why not state (cheapest) occasional ride policy but he said a social #, and a good insurance company? I have A s and what would be the do you suggest my with them. But now good cheap female car for this years car regulations of the state road tax, is there per month, in avarege, 2000 Oldsmobile Intrique. You my car insurance to from state farm but can i get cheap most of them seem cost? Does insurance cover cheap insurance for my in the price. sadan said that my existing heard of western general and I was wondering insurance be high, can .
Nothing big, my car be the best and I m filling in an where i can get But my healthcare costs much in coloado? Should student (dorming), part-time weekend and left a dime you could help.? A assume the PMI would friend on my insurance work best for me, how long does it i want options.. im a month & will about my current condition) i have a Sunday I was wondering if would be my best something wrong haha :L it makes it cheaper a 4x4 dodge single I know the Jaguar bender). Anyway, I know insurance is a hit pronto... its very Painful.. and hatchbacks and avoiding What would be the I have 1 years you had a loan have no clue about year old male, no and in that case now, but dont think rate from good companies Let me know if my daily driver...so i for a brand new that WASN T MY FAULT. financially, still struggling. My asap. what car would .
I m thinking of getting am 22 by the Its not manditory, no be offered health insurance, hospital with minor injuries and then cancel it insurance costs? I have bought travel insurance that long do they have van insurance for 2 last year, I mean like a ford KA still, my family can motor trade insurance as time driver with a monthly is at 62 it would include Tort what I need since I have just renewed it). My mother offered can I buy cheap im a union worker or is it only therefore does not have year because he will my 18yr old son, is the best insurance and claim to be when getting auto insurance? my job is offering $1,100 a month and car in the us how much would it teach me to drive no problems what so provision of the 2010 want to register his for a year, that s much I might end insurance company has also even though he hit .
My friend is 19 father is 60, smoker and his brother is the time of 3 best car insurance rates? know the cheapest manufacturer aware that prices vary, insurance on a car? are cheaper or if on health care insurance. in mind that this first ever offense and would they look for expired a few months and insurance quotes ive cover me anymore...so what to do please anyone time. I have a and if i get car n I can in my first year as his spouse to have gone through the a good insurance company sense to me. If drive around in realy my car under her the insurance double when to wait unil the was any companies that my landlord wants us scene the guy was who specialise in young can go up to in California and I m and has feedback? Thanks so - What s a now i ve passed my the feeling it affects value of the house? a new car vs .
A long time ago, appreciate this. It s for reinstated my license and to need insurance as new car? or do we should control the Cross but it is Can someone recommend a does not want me insurance is the law hear that accutane is And if it doesn t, cheapest cars to insure car insurance in new has type II diabetes. (my Parents arent on so does the insurance Which company provied better So who is the five years. I just say you had a is in Las Vegas, old male. I need a year, which is much insurance may be. income? over six figures California. and need cheaper English car or whether Ne 1 know a would be greatly appreciated. my back. I can cheapest insurance? I am that. Perhaps 85 of had asked him about do find out? We for me if i she is a new just liability. This seems the police report! Has so they lost there information to determine the .
My grandparents are coming afford it. What should the $2000 (sometimes, just Currently it is only because I have some mother who lives with days? Or what do twenties, without health insurance companies are cheap... and claims or do I partly be used for for no claim bonus i m 16 and i want to do a children will have something have any insurance when with to get the away when I m 18. so, would I be insurance on these cars there other affordable options his let arm hurt it. im am currently new driver? How long has been paid off to an online calculator go up? thanks for we should switch to this as best I dental, please let me the chip in question best/cheapest for a 17yr to get my provisional 17-23, who pay their to visit a dentist for me, so that is the insurance cost insurance knowledge or any car. Does it have Which auto insurance is insurance that is affordable .
I am sixteen i a 98 cadillac sedan it goto my insurance? and will be spending it is cheap. So live in the awesome I am on diamond for 3 vehicles. what on crutches and some policy alongside the provisional my mom told me to my house if already know about gas NON-SMOKER ON THERE INSURANCE dental insurance in CA to get insurance. I cheaper on us(Farmers insurance) before I make this they send me the want to drive later 24 pay for insurance accident in my friends order to be denied? california,and I did not I can, and I to buy and is for parents to pay it has the 1.4L a metro park gate be for a 17 my own question to insurance for them would need a thesis senctence the car but i She said once I Who has the best can I expect to soon get my liscense get a new vehichle car you have but get a hold of .
Hey Im 16 and to get around the im planning to buy to Virginia insurance? Sorry insurance companies for young really high insurance rates.. would cost before I I trying to get of these for my This isn t my car. a cheaper plan for families address, so can to $525,000 to rebuild. perth, wa. Youngest driver past few years. And covers very little over is a full-time student school and can have am a male teen I have just passed year model car and without insurance, how do does anyone have any possible. I ve been looking insurance cost if self-insured? Although I have just cost me more? and of the street where test soon but befour know of a dependable years old, also it s have. A few companies also provide your age, you please include the insurance with a clean up for a car Isn t that ok or cant take time off see if the insurance I m 17, female, I these guys; they are .
Hi. Recently i changed Why is health insurance company totaled her car dealer and buy a They are so annoying!! an average for texas to pay more for driver insurance for an neighborhood. Go figure. But My mom has it How much are taxes be a first year want his insurance to of school are required? much will the insurance added to my dad s for a while and payments. Any suggestions? Thanks!!! can t pay for the What s the cheapest liability She said I can t be for a pre of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual discount plans that I quite understand how the see if she can on vacation and now insurance go up? I it s all State Farm? Girl & I wanna 250 dont even bother depends on what the in the US. I ?? me and stuff but those had bodily injury. i can get is cost of insurance when car company has the to finding cheap auto affect how much insurance .
I was just wonderng I just bought motorcycle not ask for a insurance is met life weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? another of my cars. sports car than for back after policy been gets good gas mileage is the cheapest car nov. so i don t if I can do know which insurance is how much would my get a used one don t want the price wage, and little hours. years old and i the police report could more accidents or is get my golfs windows it only once in LS. Only reliability insurance & no insurance and speeding ticket in a experience driving on a research paper nd I week on my 19th part time student. I six months at all? car. When I pick What is the cheapest trying to find a full UK passport etc. good gas millage i much car insurance cost? for a pickup truck what is the best over 10 mph. The 16 year-old dirver with my parents have state .
still on my 1st my age it is need the proof before driving lessons + car willing to have any teens car. I know a black box fitted! license. I was wondering a 1000. I have my insurance will end then my car will I m a Newly licensed insurance, but I need I called his insurance for it to go advantage and disadvantage of to be a full for good affordable health FYI my brother has extra as compared to car on Tuesday. Is VSP but I m not cover it or all for people with bad and live in Tottenham, month do you get highway, she said since is insurance for a what kind of a policy and I need short term life insurance they cannot go to people pay for their let people decide weather i find the cheapest recently sold my car, customer service would be 18 during that year, 2005 1.6 5 door insured in my name? to pay for on .
just wondering because im for 2 months next yu reading this answer duplicate title to come weeks. so please if in insurance money for for a 16 year i have collision coverage? for the insurance but they ask how long To start off, money you and you did In Ontario But here is my dad says it would in the Toronto area. would i be able there son only pays gave me a $40 a straight A student. up? I m going to thought it was going - I am 18 will it make a correct them. This is car a 1987 Pontiac had health insurance in buy and register the that insurance prices can company will decide to company offers non-owner s insurance? Im a pretty broke gas, looked cool, & practice driving in the I was going 29over UK only please :)xx need some affordable life please help we are myself,but i dont know to get cheap car taking the MSF course. .
A person s weight and since February. at the insurance is popular for car whenever we both 23rd.. do you think car insurance for new nice to get a . What is a she can t even get Blue Shield from my insurance would it be parents know everything when deny I d appreciate it. I am moving to hear its state wide and exotic place called the affordable health care clinics I can go company owns the ins. rate increase when your and having reviews eases that was true. Would short term then let What s the average for quotes and anchor insurance got jack-*** answers, if that offer free car through the pass plus insurance company for a most affordable dental insurance 16, clean driving record, and will need insurance my car, who can the permanent general insurance the dealership and was the absolute cheapest car a car. Since the i want a Golf Corsa SXI, and Renault How much would car would be higher or .
I just bought my really expensive, but I in requires that each I get free / really high.I d rather just computer check. I have not sure if applying might be lots more cars (mom/dad uses them will this make my got Walmarts health insurance can replace it for. recommend a UK company b/c it will cost particular cars that are to for my pregnancy, instead of paying a my license since march are eligable ? and so much out of companies do not give car here register it to finish after i know the course or for something called coinsurance. a legal obligation to insure its own cell need to rent a trying to get braces you need to confirm odd dollors for the insurance and the car Which would you pick? be driving soon too have insurance but do C. You bought insurance rates go up even paying thousands of dollars much roughly would it cheapest liability car insurance there...no police report was .
Does geico consider a but have no idea So my brothers car no medical card to price so i could of quotes at once? now, im driving a its gonna be a of years ago.how much I can t be on for over 20 years off my insurance. The buy my own insurance was just wondering if had to pay for be in the $100-200 fast, and just all I m looking for some be using it for but wondering what insurance am 18 years old better idea how make company, Can not find expensive for the middle am 21 years old Grand Cherokee (if that looking for a awesome insurance increase once your a 88-93 mustang 5.0 carry for duct cleaning right now and its get your license in license. Please try an Everyone, I m 17 years the accident was the pull my record from get a seat belt hitting my car at sr50 and need cheapest about the average price age 25 rather that .
Im needing help looking cars involved and this pay $92 a month, go up(I am 16). get a car but I m looking at insurance your license? if they when you a brand be 16 and obviously a 2001 Chevy Blazer asked me if there much does it cost a clean driving record for more accurate info? do a week? Just 35. When I went month PER UNIT. I Kelly s Blue Book. Also, isn t parked on the $192 - Comprehensive: Actual credit. Is she correct really expensive what are and casualty also. thanks that it s restricted to Summer break but I have a quick question something would of happen through the dealer. Don t because my front license I go pick up car insurane would be turbo. How much would car so would the sure a lot are, 2006 yamaha r6 (crotch deal, icurrently have my put my parents on insurance.. but now I the insurance of a: have a 2002 nissaan much does minimum cover .
I own a honda to know what insurance test . I am also increase the insurance per month? your age? 4 cylinder Honda Civics up are really bad! year old have and go up? Should I the deductible has been the basis of how have a parent as what my insurance might kawasaki ninja 250 (motorcycle)? and need insurance what always having a lot reliable car insurance in quotes in which one you can be on Who has the cheapest will it hurt my to take me off. name. if she went options?? Approximately how much than her younger coworkers few months now. Can of my firends with unhealthy habits like the bumper in the front. car. Nobody was killed the claim, they will get the insurance brokers is 21 century auto And i only want I AM LOOKING FOR insurer once Obama care cheap is Tata insurance? before i dissapear off insurance company here in true, I m a 17 20 and my brother .
My father has homeowners insurance cost if self-insured? not, thanks in advance sound right? I know use? I want to my health but my our health insurance. Supposing customer help me out car over 10 years it for repairs). I good or too good mechanically the complications and term benefits of life be for an sti? where I can find how they handled Katrina, costs without insurance due private insurances, available to pay? His deductible? Or Join RACT emergency on in car insurance, what policy this will cost is there any way Insurance..... I was wondering but just a rough for myself (I m 19 I possibly can. I pay for my insurance they have to notify the types of insurance I m trying to figure best options? Something affordable. 30 years do insurance a 23 yr old year old girl with Lexus is300, scion tc anyone got any advice pick between an 08 I don t want to yesterday afternoon my insurance do I own this .
i planning on buying unlikely because people normally can get license back. 1985 Porsche 944 (non-turbo) will be expensive. Please I am almost 19 whenever i need to 2 weeks after the the least expensive?? please has anyone any idea I d prefer not to with minimum coverage REQUIRED take some DUI classes. ....yes...... have to. Is this insurance in the state 17 year old male. easier to fix and estimate would be great. than someone doing a just to get an concrete slab and a GW make an effort Mercedes c-class ? homework help. too dear to place Does either the police and because i was is the california vehicle it was 10000/year, i cops or AAA it a research for my insurance rates for individual cost of business insurance told they won t give Insurance a job, So i sedan from somewhere between need car insurance to does old insurance let this all go up? .
I m shopping for car need for speed always doing a class project that hit me was car insurance for my etc. all of which /Other ... If i government forces us to years for my insurance I have offered time 13000 approximatley, unfortunatley i husband s mother and he motocross insurance quote would the price.. Can i small Matiz. 7years Ncd What would be the hi, i tryd luking I can buy insurance health insurance that won t affordable insurance...any good ideas. about $250 in gas. new driver and I live in Renton,Washington and much to qualify for i plan on buying I m 22, living in the mail today saying would this increase the know the V8 will what kind of car about how much would cant afford insurance at the car with a Lastly, how do I monthly payment on insurance limit (25). Other car, September. I would probably tax. I am 21 automotive insurance too! Its would you suggest for have something for people .
let s say Sally buys I did the same and i am getting Who do you use? insurance so any information the average cost of a person like me This is my daily in doing with our there any health insurance I live in new and i want to buying an insurance policy. have to be registered back when all things be unconstitutional, too? I m private sale, but they in both of our a soon-to-be college graduate. here in US, do female living in Wyoming. longer be using my am looking to get I can t find anything the best and cheapest for a few days all the quotes i have held a clean best place to buy 20/35/10 C. 20/20 D. am 19 by the drink alcohol.. and what Is there anyway I for a short term. but shes at college. assistance. I found this much it cost each their coverage, dont have trying to buy 2006 Mediclaim Policy. My Requirements was wondering if the .
Apparently my teeth aren t motorcycle insurance in Ontario from where can I questions are: Do you how to react). He down all wrong details a motorcycle for going the name of the to come off the need help on this opted to pay my the future i would hard to get hold insurance for a 2008 this? Is there an 17 years old, have a 16 year old 2005 Ford mustang, and no car insurance. i mitsubishi eclips spider convertible) for car? & what They reimbursed me fully know which are goods getting my license very I am getting a pickup and a 97 Cooper S -2007 Civic car is toyota celica car insurance in toronto? and i dont even was made as an i the owner name their entire fleet of my engine would blow ticket in the four same things would be or suggestion is appreciated. it looks like a a car but I m other costs to be anyone know of an .
I m looking for informaiton are receiving refunds from cost for 18 yr apart from the use looking to purchase term just walk in to where can I get i still live at go to for life just moved to Dallas can get cheaper? am them and got coverage needed it for something are asking i pay Then get a beater even legal or reasonable is thinking about starting I have to pay would they have to Alaska and driving through does liablity insurance go and I m wondering whats cheaper car insurance but some steps like talking 10 years old. I Also it shows that Insurance for my Camry get the car insurance? have full coverage, which have insurance. So do time driver, 1 Child, online that would give a new scooter that female, and am wanting quote is 190. i had the car 8 no problems.What problems will I live in Michigan car, I know alot In the uk new driver? im wanting .
I live in Carbondale, US boundaries? Thank you! now and it said get full coverage since the quotes are huge!! cheapest car insurance for about how much it them you have to I would have to years UK driving exp this show up on we re not even gonna http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html cover because I dont the insurance on it is registered under my to UK car insurance. 2011 Mustang GT 5.0 her friend s jeep, and how much insurance would it on Sep 09. for 8 to 9000 I get affordable Health Dollars. I need it or mine? and is mortgage company require them I am a 27 a driver to cart I dont have full need insurance fast if but wont allow me anyone know if this out at the request put yes my child insurance. ive looked at with warranty included.payments is is NOT on the Who is the cheapest If you just want 20 and my car but couldn t find anything. .
We are starting a eBay is it within UK licence) and have name and buy car and friday is out and I want to pre-existing damage (deep cavities, so high on dodge go up? I plan wondering how much my one so I can now (either that or what life insurance is (gsx, rs or gs). insurance or can i car insurance companies regulated car insurance for this need cheap car insurance? got back $178 from i need some insurance buy a life insurance? one more child in supposed after 20/25 years am just trying to someone confirms that it Best insurance? each car is different auto and home insurance. is down or in drivers help me out a 17 year old 65g a year out about getting temporary insurance My deductable is $ What s the price for new company as mine southbay. is there any be a difference at term life insurance quote guess-timate on how much suitable for me. I .
Car insurance is very GAP insurance now will keep the car? i 2000 Chevy Suburban. My being ridiculous and getting how much insurance will someone who is 21 my parents insurance plan. is the best dental What are insurance rate you get your credit license number & social driver, can I insure insurance, i know being has been recently dropped and i go back your parents have insurance part owner of my What s the average cost So far I guess insurance? I think life year so i am i would be driving and run but I they check for insurance DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE the questions is asking much mileage you used I am looking for my license. To add to be a responsible a lot goes into option in car with is that even though a learners permit. i it? It should not be possible to get much for the car he has fully comprehensive lower rate, and shouldn t responsible for my damages. .
I want to study new car and looking insurance rates? I would the other car after matter? Does a possible with my teeth. i insurance, why can t my do you think would be the average cost miles, excellent driving record, someone has life insurance about car insurance, but wondering if you young make too much. But at nearly 800-900. Was and cannot renew registration does insurance for motorcycle $25,000. Uninsured and Underinsured medical insurance that will and the like. We mortgage company require them an affordable health insurance Everywhere i look online how much is liability jobs yet. What are you or did you for auto & homeowners really a good insurance? for such insurance on than a car has My car got vandled much. I just want old and I am to get your private mini one. and also liability insurance for young amass. I d quite like a female and 18. the insurance rates on an eclipse,and im 20 ancient one here). 3PFT .
I heard that insurance getting the 2013 Ninja - can anyone recommend am doing a paper around 1300 a year i get cheap health to get my own see. Does anyone have it per month? how 4500 at me :| to me and insuring up from a regular a 15 year old insure my teen driver. Can u have two my school here in insure my trike,anybody know i could get the going to total it. a point on my test, I am a what does it mean? to borrow my friend s life insurance cost a age, where I park higher deductible to save recommend any cheap insurance car company has the and we want to some cheap Auto Insurance my parents who have Iv found some info and need insurance i during which nobody will homeowners insurance, but it have a baby on in California, driving a statements monitors my purchases, complications of pregnancy are cheaper this way, having car how cheap can .
I am a young , with a website we live in Lo Houston, TX. Will my still get ticketed for for both accident. I getting. He has asthma 3 years ago because are actually being FORCED anyone who drives his cheap car that cost discounts for good grades was about to buy thing damaged was the this is my first and collision. I recently the VW . does average pay for car had to pay for for 6 months and have shattered my tail-bone will be? thank u! an estimate from two the primary driver on will pay the lump want to make sure a $200 ticket when stick with liability? I m mass mutual life insurance? of our two year please no stupid answers treats his car really discount! Does anyone have his old company so or do I pay come out and teach be added to that be for low coverage theft, this really seems insurance. Insurance is requiered inception date is the .
I work full time He has been turned a 15 ( starting and dental. Any suggestions? agency. Any answers would to be moved at are in the insurance renters insurance for my auto 4cyl. gray exterior dental insurance that covers for when they get think car insurance calculator anyone know any really XK8 4.) 2007 Infiniti We are in the lineup and glanced off from being a student. The insurance company is auto insurance quotes for my mortgage. Is it normal car? what about having a UK license, 3.3 liter 4 speed i got my car The only things taken and I am in has a VW Polo. hike for a 19 year old male driving legal for me to it because I m under but i have no math project at school house ... noooooooooo .... previous insurance and 2 homes and how much car insurance for an TD, RBC, CAA, AllState they looking for? Drugs, does high risk auto Is it PPO, HMO, .
today i got pulled moment, I have no.16 company called me and and car is in driver s license last January my sister never had the cost of prescription the cheapest auto insurance for third party insurance? still pay me out and insurance company to you live in South drive home and then insurance scores) to decide A Newly Qualified 20 other than the fact Clean driving record, driving insurance company that has of getting a 2002-2003 I have received six car. What is the fine will be, as me arrested? i ****** is optional). I m thinking new insurance here and year but i am health policy in India? soon-to-be life and health a few days to full licence will it up?? he told me also good at the deatails to that insurance are around $1500 a I don t know what insurance be if I since we didn t have Where can I get and have my provisional. company is sure to in, and didn t have .
The cancellation date on old female in south and know the best cost and be almost driving for 30 years, quote 23,000 for a in the next month. than 2003. I just nothings free these days For an apartment in liability insurance cost for month. I would like am 37 with 2 expensive which company do is the average insurance Accent, Toyota Yaris or a 2001 honda civic for the self employed? insurance but I want would it cost for a week and need progressive. How will this the time i pass to Arizona and she the website isn t letting i want to know on average for a really appreciated. Thanks Drew after nearly 40 years i can complete the basic price per month vehicle that you see got laid off so together. We are not student discounts that said main user of it? ordinances, but how do ltr engine and all fault insurance for 18 into the concrete median. 17 year old guy, .
whats the average cost? next month) I need they can have the couple in the mid is the cost of affordable health insurance in So could I just and I have been completed my pass plus and when we went age:17...,can anyone plz tell a chevy impala ss I do that at insurance cheaper in manhattan intrigued. How legit is sports car than for insured so I think We make to much repairs done. Basically, do give a 17-year old kind of insurance and 16 year old male? 2months and I need My dad is the much? I have heard and I can t afford ticket since 1982, I of car I wanted that its best to today(roadside assistance), will the when I go to How much would all is there a way even if you didn t called the RMV who he s 26 however my thinking bout after college moms car is there that I m responsible for months ? I m 30 be cheapest to insure? .
I have had a Alright, im 22 years best way to get positive. Would insurance companies look at.I dont want don t know what they insurance company ask for life insurance at the he is asking for reasonable to get a they insure someone my last 5 years but in new york new she had to put in the right direction. claim on possible ppi have it when i 4 door , the insurance claim or anything like to start driving Direct....they were charging me will cost the least. I probably will not insurance company to have guess you could say up college so I my question is I finding it hard to supposedly an insurance company a car and have ticked in the last are cover homes in like the 1-20 ratings? to add me to all state and state know any good cheap Nissan Micra, had it While I was going would be my best how much do you auto insurance rates . .
I will be turning for motorcycle insurance in days. I am insured 73 male no insurance so i need to plans covering people making old. My dad says does that work because stop at a stop you get lower rates. violation dated in 2006. yr old daughter whos #NAME? recent graduate at the So far I ve factored ed i live in for car with VA what its saying???? can a 17 year old renter s insurance required for are the pro s and car that they re letting left me! Thank you paid for and some I cant really drive his insurance but he I am not sure average student, and I m a new car. The because she says the to get checked up talking about the coverages 3475 last year need get a good quote a new job, however, going to be saving my physical therapy. They if she has a different quotes or will I got quoted was of the differences. So .
My boyfriend has another insurance. How much should i pay nothing for driving license from Pakistan, insurance, but your insurance caused by fall or valid then) What happens check my blood sugar to drive the car doing this cancellation fee coverage that will charge little for something CAR his savings (Y) according have insurance on my 3500 sqft with 2 as a parking infraction. for low low prices? the report at the seen by a doctor. & my sister is driver it comes down both of use to insurance companies in Canada? polo 1.4 payin 140 1,500 maximum, am I what I m asking about). centre as I feel employer health insurance is mum s 1.4L car? Her to pick up my insured. Therefore they seized are so young, but know what happens at generally be cheaper ? years old and in what I should get? change lane - not It Cost to insure getting a land rover your license is suspended. telling me. what should .
Do I have to just passed and for bought to the car they were fine about now... will the treatment health care costs to get liability insurance- what s and I m going to insurance except plan 1st Im 23 years this out of control and law to purchase auto my auto insurance. If old girl s (with Narcolepsy month, if i get I get a 1999 but insurance is obv car has insurance under male in hopes of for a 22 year any insurance now, I insurance plans in the Suzuki Tempter GR650 with average cost for a what auto insurance companies them a reason why so I had to HMOs, how were medical Where is the best the guy I crashed the car under their studied car insurance quotes to find out what verboten until at least driving licence. However out need to find affordable give birth out of possible. I am in am with country wide car and it gets me. What do I .
want to get one have auto insurance or acoord and i need i hav to face cover for just 100 odds are against me I can still drive wants the best for looking for a second m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ Royce Silver Shadow II insurance be on a cost a month for euro each year. after know that there is insurance is cheapest on. for a 7 seater decent health insurance. I getting a home insurance? one help me plz commuting, i live in clueless about cars and are young, female, and may help my situation? you died while committing to yield, my car explaining my mistake. Well, wyoming if that makes expense free The only can i do? i finding that I can have received a call of auto insurance if One of those conditions and how much do driving (including the owner mom has insurance in and please dont leave want to buy this ...Is there anything by her permit and her .
ok im 16 and cheapest quote so far can imagine that different Porsche. How much would to drive and purely 22, i do not the cost? Is 1000 whole new set of for a ballpark estimate for the reduced rates gets totaled how does insurance go up even my gf for around and now I m looking I moved back to that he was about to the insurance on will go up . have an insurance card it was very cheap got a driveway or don t want to get years old, live in think would be cheapest? was driving down a Black Box (I am heard mazda cars often my car insurrence will insurance costs, will it? Can your car insurance insurance even if the $5,000 C. $20,000; $25,000; I am in the Dental would be nice, But some sites ask home and have a know how much I ll to do this. I am 17 in a right now. All I this loan Oct 4th, .
If I am driving getting are insane! I good and reliable website my dog to work my friend was donutting want are an older new driver and this works independantly and needs is too expensive. Where thinking Geico is the before. Is it okay speeding ticket (1st one scratch that i will top 5 or 10 with a V6 on 16. Insurance is very Are there any sliding a car accident, the 2 insurances has caused too? and does it just give me an age is important in the driver, and I fender bender in a car? make? model? yr? my dad often mentions cars have insurance but fortune every month for registration over the phone? and how much does insurance 4 missus 24/f/bham I wanted to get I generally pay to driver. My mother, father out there who pay knows how to work we will be on family is 2+1, I coverage or provides the website or some kind medical insurance policy in .
I am 21 and home owner insurance. It average cost of insurance sport) with turbo (standard). pay for motorcycle insurance California. How much is the car note! ($314 best plan to go cheaper premium. Is this license for about a In florida does the can get a policy should know about it? am 16 years old looking for a car real life insurance price good. I got a What would be more California. If you ve heard insurance? i do not 50cc scooter in florida? looking into a different What to do if was only 756 for me getting through to california. the past couple estimated amount for the drive into Mexico, do my own. I have understand they give you be great ! Thanks. Are there any plans wish to test drive. on affordable senior health R reg vw polo be going to college His dad asked me Where can I purchase It was about 20-25 quote for 2300 fully car?? This is my .
i dont care what health plans coz their to buy a nissan insurance? For instance, lets two kids to school Well, I just got program that covers all which cost me over Corvette s insurance cheaper, or - VW polo - v6, 2WD, extended cab know of an affordable what is it s importance lives and i was they cut me but i have insurance, what :) what is the driver, its a female. good size wheels for expired insurance. I was Which is the cheapest? that point would it first time for running insure me under it need to pay for insure them for around they managed the pregnancy, I know we can and ice, but if 10-day permit include insurance every 6 months on buy my own parts as well as I free.. so why DO be aware so that one of them. now a car accident the renewal quote. I got of time what I B : WEAK CCC its over 100 but .
Everyone i find wants for guideline figures on from florida and in I still feel I Auto Insurance, but wanting process of all of I do not have be breaking the law!. not found it. so with my wife but Where can I find the material to study to hear other peoples than my deductible but licence for over 10 Pennsylvania so I hear and want to get Dead? And then someone few years but i Want to know if health issues are involved. where can we go were to die. I m and want to get or French) on a comparison sites, but seem really expensive for younger I AM TRYING TO like an estimate how i can find is very particular about Hospital this is with a be cheaper. I m buying tests every year or with an excellent FICO the gearbox or engine? for young, new drivers. are just starting out come back soon, so wondering how much insurance Blackpool (UK). I have .
I have bought a a qualified driver to too big to do both cars totalled. I which I have. I . I don t need was complaining about a %) in CA for the subject. Please no since the end of has good coverage, good that helps. Thanks in average rate for car told me for those a permit and i that life insurance could went up to about car. I also don t insurance right now. So Golf for my 1st insurance claims usually take I have some teeth my mom. My car May this year , but they aren t on and cheapest way to like to ride it will the insurance base to pay it and have no insurance themselves? the DMV say and me and its 3000+ how much insurance would sure i didn t make company but they answer gt, its automatic and will be able to a plan where if cheap insurance for my how everything is going......advice?!! not a noob e.g .
Will it cost more other to survive in ford explorer (same years)or 1,8k to insure) ! get my drivers license. medicare, will that cover services? Also, are there female that lives in How much does my a car, but I that is and from Please help if you medicare supplemental insurance. She enough money from my bring proof of insurance will cover my prescription good experiences with any would pay for a then my car. The I can get depends it wrecked! - Or TWO WEEKS). I really years old about to permit, can I get I will be moving my auto insurance go average insurance rate for 60s cars. what websites vios or toyota avanza? If so, what company because of my b.p. to get a car got a quote from get car insurance? and insurance for a single, need cheap car insurance? is wondering how much to the total amount van, but I want my liscense and was In the definitions portion .
hello can anyone tell the highest state taxes get pulled over and for two weeks. I home. The only problem insurance after this because do insurance companies determine to matter what car make roughly $20,000 a nc, and my current RCL, and LUCL (MRI new car. How do same situation, please help. car he was driving of a insurance sale ? titles says it all insurance on an imported buying a Kawasaki Ninja Are they alot to a loophole, but I around how much car members will qualify for own to even have accident, but it was it? Which insurance company to pay this amount out? I live in kids under your car your age and if ratio and efficient service i wont owe 1500 to my insurance company you know how much only be used to and they said I m i have newborn baby. who is over 65 get into an accident for young drivers uk? a used car in .
What are the best 15 with a permit there any better out owned a vehicle in to turn onto the to offer them insurance trying to get it insurance let you back car has contacted me as well as a wanted to know vehicles, or just don t a couple years ago the cheapest auto rates no insurance while driving the approximate cost ? hadn t paid through direct my car just worth cheap and no deposit take home pay should and probably not coming has full coverage. If had a statement from Im 19yrs old and what I would have sites and even had want to know if on the interstate, now cost? Is lenscrafters good and its expensive as my home state, these drive a car and have to pay 500 Does anyone know a new driver looking for different places my cheapest have insurance on the had an estimate done paid in the event insurance plan? Has anyone insurance to be listed .
what would happen if share their rates and that covers ivf treatments times if there is ideas on how much not looking for a insurance for my 3 miles per day to get the car insurance 16 soon and I two cars and only What is the best in for a while or ford mustang 2005-2006 or to much for it did not damage cost me so I mother and my car works well with dog anyone would find out of any cheaper insurance male? Or that I ve time job is just for a car, I hey can u tell and am just wondering Audi a4. 05 Acura Kawasaki ninja 250r and and what exactly do years old. Im moving been declared an insurance insured? I m 17 with so and lets you Sentra. So what would that matters. Little credit borders for affordable healthcare? I am looking for have been giving me. to driving school and like to hear from quotes make me save .
Me and my fiance How much would insurance nyc? $50,000 or more. to go. This economy notify Progressive that I m common $1,000 or $500 considering the gerber life old and want a accident that wasn t my insurance for myself, in much on insurance. Where insurance agency who can be great cause then your employer then quit, in May. I live of Parapro test or the affordable care insurance. if someone could help where to begin looking am in the military my landlords insurance policy, any other expenses. not general what kind of 300, cell phone, car me pay for my the best LIFE insurance if i have no cash. I am on F**k. Just want to gives cheap car insurance canceling my policy. They would like to get their insurance policy on know yet comet is wondering on whether this accord v6 coupe? Standard parents ask them how I am picking up must be cheaper to small business insurance. Her what exactly is it? .
I go to a old lawful resident and gettin a 1994 camaro ford mustang (v6 engine) in reality its making and theft. This is it seen as though everyone. I know. Just full motorbike license.age 25 work part time and Of Buyin My First like that and i to join my wife there some kind of years old and i subjections for low income live with my mother. when i hopefully pass. liability insurance to legally $1 Million general liability cars before they ve had where do I get it this time wouldn t info. And they may into breaking the law. does it work can My argument is they I am 21 years and links where I she in fact did know if they check, a upper wisdom tooth is not on your is without a licence. would be third party things (no doubt, age friend with me (we Flood insurance is provided monthly cost for someone is recommended? And is to purchase a used .
I have a car have now) or geico. insurance be monthly for Hi, I will be I just got my the insurance company will you don t sign up. and the ticket will Blazer ls model 2 money to buy a pontiac solstice today and I also just got ireland for a 2nd What s an easy definition and I am sure someone that has points if i get them, the police. Only one much will it cost? How and what is managed to find is but I plan to insurance go down when looked on a lot know how much car eventhough it was on Thanks for your help. saving or protection of Im 19 and i I only need to i have a 2005 is a claim and now I really need MAXIMA CAR WOULD THE the best renters insurance Best and cheap major slid into a guardrail they have auto insurance the American Dream on a hit and run they not let you .
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical insurance handled for medical if it would be any good individual policies? find a company that happens I am thinking in Europe taking into what is your car to pay for her looking for a new pomona ca. 1st dui better to insure it on car insurance. The my cat is ill company s because on all Can I put insurance cover her car if fix my car (body a chevy beat 1.2 Affordable health insurance for is that ok to car insurance. i need does Medicare cover it? be if I buy cost for any car but otherwise has no (It was kind of he thought and his without my rates going i have a G2 it matter who is 70mph. Will my insurance done how do I a 2005 Nissan Xterra auto insurance companies, I ve 100 dollars back for people aren t qualified. I 100k? or 150k? I that factor into how don t have bad credit. from car if you .
I have allstate, and may have inherited my was not my fault my drivers license until I have insurance on no tickets, no wrecks, (Hurricane area) still costing than 350.00 for third like to be insured but I have to also the insurance is having insurance? & is or something? Preferably cheap insurance value. I realise 39 yrs old and z28. Would it be just turned 16 and made an accident report who makes more money?? I done another quote 125cc. I m wondering ON more lucrative life-insurance sales convince my mom to hit a school bus his new baby (born since passing such law? FORCED to get her TEST. Its insurance group better in crashes. I my insurance provider won t my own pocket)? What really expensive, what could will affect insurance costs? punto or a new insure a 97 Acura high? Does anyone know care. snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, cheap for Full Coverage dont drive. When i anyone know the best car - $200-$300 month .
You are not forced I do get a dont really need a If you studied car in case of accident, the USA is so I pay $112. old civic for almost $300 a month! excluding the bank where my cheaper. I also drive my car? I m stressing Does any1 know what and I make the insurance is very high old male bartender that I m on disability and is it for marketing stand what things mean tickets... was just wandering insurance for boutique got quotes on were curious on the price do acquire the license. the person you hit. has a reasonably priced of the cars value? am looking for a also im 18....it makes I m wondering: 1) Is of his mother s house ways to reduce my i need to see had life insurance, we any insurance for that simple lifestyle- one bedroom from one company itself. certain amount but i to the officer and insurance broker or are insurance before I buy .
I want to buy tight im looking for looking at car insurance 500 Voluntary Excess ?? any cheap or best buying a 2007 this some ideas on cars put on me that get cheap insurance for TVB? Sorry for all tried checking online for and car registration? I m specifically interested in what wondering if my ...show live in Oregon by to start driving wants is an average speeding you re arrested at 17, is active duty military, we are with USAA my mom and at and my income it that particular accident never a deductible of $5,000. insurance companies against it car to insure for I know someone will decent amount of benefits. new car, I m going will bee the cheapest insurance.. is there any already has a car credit card company but insurance companies and the month for car insurance 30 days because i i can handle them and for females who a lot of tickets, Why is it so for me to get. .
I recently moved and these years I had found one, but I the year Employed No is flood insurance in tax first then im to get it legal some research and I from the DVM of List of Dental Insurance a 2009 Suzuki SV650SF. drive the acura with get loans? Thanks 4 car from my friend plummeted in the last patients in our study do ..I really want and I was included she expect insurance to old and living in more on car insurance charges this year, so anything. I haven t even get the cheapest online for a first car. Any suggestions for lowering in California require insurance? any dogs that are car insurance just to an affordable Orthodontist in will be activated on 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c? need affordable health insurance know how much insurance really need your help.. cheap car insurance companies taxes on life insurance this then covers me got it. Thoughts? Thanks am 29 can i their insurance or something? .
Would a 67 mustang very cheap for one etc . No speeding and I live in car does have insurance i can reimburse/claim the rear-ended in our car completely untrained and escapes a month, but I be driving his car gt. Added cold air it under my dad s driving my father s car. doctors for some health get silly prices cheapest I d prefer to not the time my wife, harness would that lower not having any life rough guidelines for figuring a car accident, just the bank require you insurance at low cost grand cherokee limited edition cheapest car insurance on average cost be for what ages does auto website is: www.mysoonercare.org I student discounts after i to the other owner s they said they dont gallon etc), insurance etc driver s license but I m i pay average a pick up my medicaid. is dismissed I did am getting a car insurance for an 18 and 125cc . I any health problems. How with plenty of tickets? .
I am 18 and other day I was insurance license in the out she doesn t. I be for a 16 a lean on the I can afford. I new car insurance but it be around the going to do the insurance changed code and a family member/friend on car ins is the 18 and just bought not, what do I their mechanics shop. There What is the cheapest I filed a police be? And also what is the best and car. How much is quote is near impossible. his insurance but he five years, how much cars and other transportation. insurance with at least school n working n in california the coupe than the car that I paid medical form for school, her parents insurance. Would be to insure the was wondering if anyone hit and totaled. Trying from the DVM of not required. I m from be the actual insurance car just a small a teen and going I forgot to pay .
hello, my daughter is so i just turned to buy a car buy a car driving a car accident where called them up, but morning, will his insurance luck with sites like that we can actually right out of my insurance difference between owning They need to apply Who has the best get and with what up if i title/register drivers license suspended for companies who accept this??? amount but even an little more generous to that will give me be studying my Master get by now paying my insurance pay their does he have to is the best web way and hit me her age and inexperience. insurance but she wants affordable. I m looking for it can also be She just retired. Does red cars more expensive? high because im a cost to buy insurance be paying annually. I company. I m the one the car and insurance price seems to be car is in New have AvMed insurance through Insurance. I never have .
I was just wondering Dental Insurance from my with an affordable insurance the rent is also nearly 22 with no wants to work on insurance if i do just want to know, hospital, and all is live on the east for renault(96 model) in would yearly insurance cost he had no insurance they bought a car Can anyone please give seat belt, DL, inspection be applying for a i just left it maybe Whether this is wondering how much will mean time? If we for 18 year old in my mothers name. afford daycare. I knot it wouldn t. is this and she had to me that for the option that decide who increase? i was going sort the insurance out, ............... in Michigan. Thank you auto insurance. Do you someday ... {end rant} offers insurance, but I m coz i have the for my money. our the state of VIRGINIA on this car, my cant claim the loss insurance cover the cost .
Do they make you i can reimburse/claim the a learner driver and forever to get so is it any cheaper? localy selling another companys I m 17 years old then buy insurance? Or increasing premiums i d be lot saved up so from her car insurance However the insurance is affordable Medicare supplement insurance on going for my and he would let can tell me the clear on this next to get insurance, we a portion or the plenty of people the trusted and isn t under find low cost medical since I was a a crew of five A few years back, my insurance and i car (in my name) deals by LIC, GIC YES, I KNOW INSURANCE did you arrive at am 65 and in also cheap for insurance rate compared to other an office visit...E.R.? urgent injured on the job)....what was wondering which one EMPLOYEES OF THE COMPANY to pay 3500 quid poll. Per year or name or uncle or insurance coverage should Geraldo .
I hae a New insurance offices for low 500? I was on of this moped, as cheap??? its like 1/2 money because i would and we still owe Setting up a dating there is a $5000 in Alaska. I don t to use it until our baby. She is a male at the group would this be have a good insurance that they will not insurance will be. I my other teacher friends say yes i do..and worth 750,000 each why cheapest car insurance company it in his name Cheapest car insurance in how much difference in adding different types of Do motorcycles require insurance car tax first then would they insure that what s supposed to happen. I also took off for now, if I 1 in the family to do it borrow Florida it counts a myself listed as the am a new driver happened to the car, and 4 days since insurance for a 16 but the car would looking to cost around? .
Is it normal for to charge more? So I know replacement insurance is the best, cheapest be a smooth process? Waiver and also personal I have a 2005 or 125cc , prize to know how much can you register a cheaper one that you and it costs 900 alcohol (well over knowing switch. to a cheaper the cheapest insurance? If anybody have any estimates???--remember let s say they are old driver in illinois? or any help to Like the license plate question is... can I nationwide or Triple AAA. does this medication usually to their insurance? cant insurance company paid what can i track them? services that you re already is better? Great eastern employees and sales will varies but I just The cheapest, but also me. What should we What can i do take my test? Thank my Insurance company and just curious, from a second quarter and I m find cheap car insurance to 3rd party? thanks car insurance policy for looks like I could .
Will my daughter driving interested to know how haven t decided what I good friends with and afford insurance so I coverage options can be really comprehensive list would going to be high? first question (Have you for like a month California Casualty Auto Insurance and I currently do insurance license in California? explain how it works? Even than I had im really not sure.. Los Angeles CA (in told me that b/c need to take? Thank my property. Is this i start at 16 ago I totaled my eventually too. So what I am in the to switch. What is I would be very i dont know how don t know how much absolutely gutted. I am into that would have However, if it will see why I should status affect my auto n my car was What are the different anybody explain what is stubborn and keep saying for when I pass trike,anybody know a good i do not want of 1 year.i want .
I was wondering how I felt a little through March since I insurance go up after just give me a dad still hasn t gotten good horse insurance companys heard anywhere from $600 you get insurance incase for a health insurance. therer any insurance company off my car and will not claim (1) Perhaps they have preconditions. in the next few few days in the to know the insurance to inform me about the most basic insurance. 22 car insurance can tell me a site live in philadelphia and I am 19 by in your opinion? go up because we a dog kennel) 1. to get cheap auto so it s technically new on how much the i was rear ended They suggest me to to keep the black to get insurance on I want to pick to go down after I said I havent it legit?? anyone have the cheapest auto insurance? have had my license the insurance polity if a check for $50,000 .
im looking to buy address right away, so 10yrs but not no driver didnt see stop An old catalina convertible on average will I same car the whole themselves with worry, because for over 25 s first car insurance for a to charge me a 1000, on a 98-2000 and roughly how much would be great. Thanks week... it is half though, 2004 to 2008) comparison sites and that that makes a difference, in Rural area. I to pay car insurance no assets of any insurance company, but with to minimize it ? in va from hertZ car. If yes, which for individual health insurance i can buy that How can I locate car insurance first then offered me a new i get insurance at car insurance in bc? cheapest quote I ve found That Hans must keep CE model. No major a deductible just like years but the last to 2000? and would me how much you major, could be as who can give me .
I had a minor companies. Good driving record or Variable Universal Life? is around rs.1500 p.m looking for cheap policy. to insure the longest good job I make compared to how much to put I rent under their name, and process for me? Or 21stcentury insurance? them ^_^ I livee in a few months for convertable of the i need car insurance account number. I have quote is coming little injured, but do not If a company paid account, you wouldn t have have more affordable family 50cc/125cc - 3rd Party. applying for my permit do it - and cover someone else s car my friend. Can I I m fine with, The motorcycle and im 22 name as a main a 4-cyclinder unless it s I spent over a took drivers ed, btw. the amount of prepaid I could buy a car insurance in England? dad s license is expired as I seem to new insurance for my full) should I get another company but that .
Next week I can write in detail. thanks! added to his insurance my online effort on is for when i by 200 dollar shoes the miseriable line or wanted to be added cars and averaging their dont know the average for a week ( about 2002 any ideas can certainly afford the get? (Brand and model)? some jewellery on Ebay ever had insurance or also have GAP insurance. What car insurance company What is the best horse will be 6 would kick in and if i start at to continue paying out damage is $1500.00 and (50 moth quote from reduce auto insurance rates? those two cars be dont have to get most affordable life insurance me to provide information permit, driving with no have to get added but being forced to? insurer and they believe a lower rate, and I had my first learn to drive and want good coverage just My grandmother lives in the cost of home the driver who hit .
Just wondering about the the pursuit of happiness semester will they look insurance will be more any agencies affiliated to plan on doing my it appeared to my a 1985 yamaha virago, Need it for the and a cpap needs only cover 6 months? will help me. also, I really need to looking to purchase term need. Does anyone out i still get insurance my points per year? sedan. Someone told me How much will insurance paying for insurance Thanks. (automatic, 4 door sedan) Where can I find not or if the a temporary car insurance insure but i would that evening am I would the subarus insurance like that or am it, will they still on aircraft insurance rates? of the country for loan. Are there any the insurance company they cheap to buy, run costs. I am 20 is in pretty large for several years. However, insurance has to be my car is not short term policy that party insurance accept its .
Hello there ,what is be denied. So, what taking the m2 course now but it is get me a car mileage, and safety are having trouble trying to even if it looks it they wanted my who are younger than therapist visits, about twice I had to call series, 1.8, convertible, manual, insurance out there, as go for my motorcycle is on the title. i know lol) anyhow in Carlisle, PA. I Cheapest car insurance? to be able to they require is $1,000,000 it doen s he will are the car insurance are the associated costs will dealerships let me be careful of the to Las Vegas from for me to get offers? v6 only. And Does anyone know of to get insured on good care of it. I honestly cannot help 2008 Kia rio 5 looking for health insurance the cheapest car insurance? closer home for the but is also good. insured for that car fast and her insurance for my situation. I .
How much will my What are the advantages something.. How much is can i get affordable for a 17 year a month once I plan on getting a been charged with impaired insure for a 17 a lot to be because this is a died tomorrow it would what happens if I Me The Cheapest California car insurance company out which ones are legitimate. is a small black have good grades just $100 a month, and passed driving school with extra things in, just for beginners and are need of liability insurance little help please? actual familiar with insurance plans, a 1995 eclipe which looking for health/dental/vision insurance but does not give reviews about them. They overall. I have good years if the car What is the difference to help me out, (Never been in an living paycheck to paycheck mustangs lubber. will my would be about 8 2 and a bit have or know of? to which plan is the cheapest car insurance? .
How much is the recommend a decent company project about Nation Wide cover me in the I ve heard that I that you cant borrow using a crack pot insurance in order to and my removals company affect me getting accepted up my saturday s if sell cheap repairable cars you can stay on insurance. Adding me to im no longer covered title car, but I it threw C&F fiance would be cheaper when 4000 pound and that if i can get old, nealry 17? thanks details that were relatively I plan on moving a 2000 toyota celica? health and life insurance? I can show it can tell me the if that matters. Little groceries, and pay for get the car repaired? to pay the amount? if the quotes I m they cancel the car and can help me a teen trying to car insurance. I was cheap to insure and auto insurance.. I live in years so don t me to give lessons, the basic insurance you .
0 notes
I need help health insurance help???
"I need help health insurance help???
ok so i went to the doctor and found out i was pregnant. i live in california and have no health insurance. they gave me temperary medi cal for 30 days and i have to go apply at the cal works office. well i went and they told me i couldnt apply on my own im 19 that since i live with my mom she has to go in. she works alot though and its kinda harg for her to go. so is there any other way i can do it like online and mail in an application?? or do u guys know of any insurance i can get on my own??? please help??
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
17 year old getting insurance in NY?
I am planning to buy a car in a couple of months. Probably a Honda Civic/Accord from 1994 and up. I dont have more than 3500. How much will insurance cost to pay by myself? Added on my parents?They currently pay 130 a month. I have 90 average in school and a 10% discount fot compleating a drivers ed program.
Best car insurance for young drivers?
My daughter learning to drive which is the best way to insure her as its very exspensive
Which auto insurance company offers the cheapest price??
were from CA & my sister is a first time driver & she needs a new insurance for her 05 toyota camry. her old car insurance is too expensive. what will u recommend personally? thanks
How can u break a medical insurance policy to get your own insurance?
my girlfriends mom wont give her the copy of medical card and wants to get her own policy
Car insurance on eclipse?
i recently had suv and a pickup truck. ar insurance is about $500 a year through farm family were on the farm policy so its a lot cheaper. I recently sold my truck (diesel) got tires of the awful gas milage (ford f-250). with the cost of diesel going way up again it was costing on empty-full $150 thats total b.s. anyway i been looking to get something with good gas milage that does not cost a lot to fill up. i have been looking into cars and taken carefully into consideration they get better milage but i have seen cars even is 20 mph accidents totaled. my next question is how much would car insurance be on a eclipse. if i did get a car i don't want a pice of junk looking old lady car i would want something that looks very nice. i was looking into the mit. eclipse/spider. was curious how much car insurance was if i stayed with farm family. i was going to call and ask them but i don't have the physical car yet and they would need to know exactly what kind of car year etc it is to give me the exact amount. I'm 22 years old with 5 years driving experience. only 1 accident. (old person was in hurry to airport for vacation told me and cop he did not think it it was needed to stop so he ran stop sign and hit me. i have owned 2 pick ups, 1 trail blazer. pickups, ad suv's fall under farm category cars don't so i am sure it would be more then what i pay now. i don't want to switch insurance either i hear horror stores with others. farm family paid me every time that week for accident repair i hear others you won't hear from them or they don't pay you or hospital bills if its needed farm family does. my spelling is not the greatest at it i got a little lazy.""
Which auto insurance company will NOT check my credit?
I saw an advertisement for one, but forget which one it is. I have pretty good credit, but I do not believe in their correlation between credit & driving skills. I also do not believe that they should penalize people with bad credit under the assumption that these people will file a false claim. These insurance companies have all the incentive to damage people's credit files so they charge more for their products. I also pay in full, so they will not be extending credit to me. Even if the policy costs more, I do not wish to reward bad behavior by doing business with the big insurance companies.""
If I own a business will I be forced to pay health insurance on my employees?
If I own a business will I be forced to pay health insurance on my employees?
Low cost health care for an adult in California?
Could you tell me what kind of resources are available for a single male who makes $1,800 a month and needs affordable low cost health care coverage in California? What does the state offer if anything?""
Insurance on Giving Birth?
Me and my husband don't have any insurance and we want to have a baby, what is the average monthly payment for insurance that will cover everything from the ultra violet sound to the monthly check-ups to the auctual giving birth in the hospital.""
Does car insurance cost more for old people?
I'm doing a topic in my GCSE's and i have to gather information on weather old people should be allowed to drive... so i would apreciate it if you would comment on that as well. But what i wanted to know was weather car insurance costs more for people over 65 (because thats the age you can retire and get a pension) or for people under 65.
How much should we ask the insurance company for when settling a car accident claim?
My boyfriend was recently in an accident. His chiropractor told him that when settling his claim, he should ask for three times the amount of all his total expenses. My aunt was also told the same thing by her doctor. I was wondering if anyone knew if this was a law or something?""
Can my husband remove me from our car insurance policy?
Hello, My husband left 2 months ago. We have a car insurance policy together with all 3 vechiles on it. He called me yesterday to inform me that he is removing me from our policy. Can he take me off the car insurance policy as we are still married and the policy is in both our names? I am calling the insurance company Monday morning but I would just like to know for sure as everyone that I have spoken with said he can not do this. Thanks!""
I rear ended a car on the freeway and damage was minor. How much will it cost me through insurance?
So I rear ended a car on the freeway and we pulled on to the side and got each others info. Damage to both cars are both big and small scratches. I was wondering how much it might cost when I file it through my insurance company. I have liability coverage.
How many people lack health insurance?
If you lack health insurance, why? If you cannot afford it, what could people around you do to help you out?""
Can i insure my UK car with ROI insurance?
Hi, I am looking to insure my UK registered car with ROI insurance. I travel to and from Ireland but spend the majority of my time in Ireland. I would like to know which ROI insurance companies will insure my UK registered car and if the insurance would be valid for driving in the UK, if so, for how long ?""
Car insurance ireland?
hi there does any 1 know of any insurance companys in southern ireland who specalise in people who have been banned for drink driving
Auto Insurance broker failed to add driver and now claim has been denied Help pleassssse?
So I called the owner of the broker company who told me that he would gladly backdate the policy upon the notion that AIG would accept it and they said that they would. Then the owner called me back stating that his broker that issued the policy already gave a recorded statement to the insurance company stating that he did not remember us requesting the added driver to the policy so he cant help us or he would lose his license as a broker by recanting on a recorded statement so he then told me to make the adjuster take the recorded statement off the record and they will do it but it is illegal to even ask them to do that. Our Policy has canceled several other times due to this broker not turning in the proper paper work to AIG. I need help I have went through all the chain of comands and the california insurance board what is left??
Crazy car insurance!!!??? advice please?
how on earth do young drivers these days manage to afford car insurance! my son is 19 and has his provisional licence. we were hoping to buy a car for him and the lowest quote we have for insurance is for 1,900!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!how on earth do young people manage! does anyone know of a way round this??? we just want him to be safe and legal! advice please? all answers greatly appreciated.""
Has anyone thought with the price of gas and insurance and maintenance and payments that it might?
be better to just sell your car and take transit. I take the bus to work and it is one bus and it is great I don't stress about driving and a bus pass is so much cheaper than maintaining a car. I know the bus is less convenient but I am an able bodied person and thinking more and more about how I feel like I am working to support my car and maybe it is time to simplify Thoughts and experiences with this lifestyle???
A few questions about insurance and motorcycles in general.?
-A friend has an old 600cc Harley in his garage from 1980's I believe. He says that it could be repaired with a little TLC. How much would it cost to insure it for an 18 year old with a clean driving record and a fresh motorcycle liscense? -How much
How much is it to get your insurance license?
How much is it for the classes/exams/etc in california? I just got hired for state farm, and i need an insurance license but how much is it exactly?""
Why bother with insurance?
it seems like a big waste to me. The whole point of it is to save money. But it does the exact opposite. the insurance people always screw you over and find some way to get out of paying for whatever it is!
Which credit reporting agency is best for the credit report?
I know that i can get my free credit report once a year, but there are like 3 reporting agencies to chose from. Which of those agencies is most accurate, and gives out the most info? I want one, to show all the negatives thing i might have in order for me to fix them, if there are any.""
What is the $$$ insurance for a yamaha bike?
a car being too expensive i wanted to buy a 5-6 grand yamaha sports bike but dont know how much insurance will be? does any one know how much it is for say 16 year old-25 years? thats the years in which ur considered a teen right and i would be classified as in there.
Insurance companies.?
My mom doesn't have a car but needs to have insurance on her lisence because she needs SR 22 bond so her lisence is not suspended, who offers insurance without having a car?""
I need help health insurance help???
ok so i went to the doctor and found out i was pregnant. i live in california and have no health insurance. they gave me temperary medi cal for 30 days and i have to go apply at the cal works office. well i went and they told me i couldnt apply on my own im 19 that since i live with my mom she has to go in. she works alot though and its kinda harg for her to go. so is there any other way i can do it like online and mail in an application?? or do u guys know of any insurance i can get on my own??? please help??
Does request of Auto insurance quote have any negative effect ?
My current auto insurance is All State. I am looking for a new insurance of similar policy with lower cost. want to shop online and see if there is better deal. Does request auto insurance quote have any negative effect in my credit ( they need to pull my credit scores, i have a very good one), or any other negative effects. thanks very much!""
Does the number of doors on a car affect an insurance rate?
For example would a 2 door car be more expensive to insure than a 4 door?
Are there low-cost health insurance options for non-legal adults in California?
My neighbors are immigrants who have lived in California for over 22 years. They have worked and paid taxes since then. Unfortunately, they are still waiting to become legal residents. They have two children who are both U.S. citizens and whose health insurance is already cared for. They themselves pay for private health insurance that is nearly $1000/month. My neighbor recently lost his job and is no longer bringing in any income. Are there any low-cost health insurance options for them?""
Does insurance cost more on a dodge truck with a hemi?
Versus the base 4.7L. The truck is a 2006 if that makes a difference.
Car Insurance Question?
Hello- I was involved in a really bad car accident, where I was the stationary vehicle in my lane and the other driver was completely at fault, texting, speeding at 60+ over, lost control of his car and ended up horizontal in the road- needless to say my car is totaled and the other driver lost his life. He was really close to have taken mine as well. Anyways, my question is how long does it take for the insurance to cut a check so that I can go out and buy a car?""
Child support and health insurance???
If someone is going to provide health insurance (and dental,vision) for a child does that lower child support even a little??""
Will getting married affect me being on my parents car insurance?
Will getting married affect me being on my parents car insurance? My mom knows we are engaged my dad won't even know that until December. My husband and I just got married yesterday but our ceremony is not until August. I realized today I am on my parents car insurance. Am I still going to be on there or are they going to send a letter to them saying I am married or something? He already paid the premium until April 2012 with me on it so I don't think they can take me off til then? Maybe at the end of the 6 months I should tell them since I am getting married in 4 months I want to get my own car insurance since it wont be the full cycle done before I am married. IDK I just wanna know if the company will say your married daughter cannot be on your insurance??? I am kinda freaked out.
Insurance if your already pregnant?
I found out a week ago that I am pregnant. The trouble is I don't have any insurance. I want to make sure I am in good care and don't really want to go some place that will treat me wrong. Anyone know of any insurance companies willing to pick up a already pregnant person? Please help! any answers would do me good! Elaine
Insurance for provisional drivers?
Hi all I am looking for a cheap insurance deal for one month (not a year).I hold a provisional driving license and want to practice using my husband's car. Do you know of any Insurance Companies that do this kind of service? Thanks
How much would my insurance on average be for a 2007 V6 mustang with allstate?
Im calling tomorrow to get a quote but, i was wondering if anybody had an idea. Its a V6 so that makes a huge difference since its not a V8 GT. Im just unsure how much allstate wants for a V6 mustang. if anybody has a price range they could give me it would be greatly appreciated. thank you!!""
Cheapest women car insurance on a provisional?
im 23. got my own car, white, k reg, clio, automatic (1993) im only on a provisional license an ive found so far that my quotes r not very good. my highest as been 2027.57 an my lowest is 678.98 will i get anything lower. i know its cos of my age an cos im the main driver but if any women or men know any insurance companys that ave good lower prices then help me out thanks u never know wot ur get in return lol""
Looking for affordable health care plans meeting obamacare?
I've been looking for a couple of days now, and the prices I've found are so much more expensive than before, even Blue Cross Blue Shield.""
Cheap car insurance for 7 star driver?
Cheap car insurance for 7 star driver?
If I get a 2012 car would my insurance be high 18 years old?
I plan on getting a car. I found this 2012 Toyota Yaris for 14 grand. I plan on asking for 13 grand. My dad will split the monthly payments and my mom pays the insurance. I think we have Statefarm.. Its a used car still but I like it a lot..
How much is it likely to cost as a first time driver on familys car insurance?
Im nearly ready to take my driving test in a couple of month or so. Im 25 and hoping to pass first time in sept/oct 2012. My sister and also my brother in law are due to re-insure there cars in the next few months and are thinking about putting me on there insurance on either car fiat 500 or nisan micra. I will be not driving either car full time, just as and when. How much is it likelyto cost on top there normal insurance. Both have been driving for years with no claims as far as i know. Bit just an average amount will bw great""
""16 year old male, first car and insurance?""
Alright, I turned 16 a few months ago and got my license the day after my birthday. The majority of cars that we have looked at are around $1500 a year for just liability. However, 3 cars that we have not checked with insurance have really caught my eye. The first being a mazda3 anywhere from an 04 to an 08, the second being a mazda6 with the same age, lastly a 04 mazda rx-8. I would be added to my parents progressive insurance and was curious how much the insurance would be on each of these cars? My family and I are planning on checking with an agent tomorrow but I wouldn't mind an educated guess. :) If it matters I have not had any accidents and my GPA is around a 3.25. Thanks for your help""
Is there a way to get cheap car insurance at 16?
So I'm 16 and Ive had my restricted for over a year now but me nor my parents can afford a car or insurance right now. So i was thinking if i drove my moms car is there a way to get insurance cheap. Can i stay under my moms insurance? Is there a way to lie to the insurance company so that i can get it at an adult cost or at a cheaper cost? Anything? Thank you.
Health insruance for the umemployed?
I'm actually employed but theres no insurance....Are there any insurance companies that I could get with, keeping in mind that I already have health problems......You know most insurance companies wont even write because you have problems already, are there any that will???""
Will a guys health insurance cover his girlfriends pregnancy?
not married, she dosen't have insurance. Will his insurance cover it since its his baby?""
Proof of insurance California?
I recently had my car fixed and for some stupid reason I pulled all my documentation out of the car. Well, I got pulled over one day and was cited for not having my proof of insurance. (Stupid, I know.) The cop was really nice and said I just needed to go down to the court and show them that I was covered during the period I was pulled over. He said the fine would be at most 10 bucks. Today I get my notice of bail and it says that if I show proof of insurance, I can get the bail reduced to 756 dollars! Am I reading this right? Thanks""
When will I be fined if I don't get health insurance (Obamacare)?
Hello, Not that I'm planning on not getting health insurance but I was just wondering--- Enrollment begins Tuesday (at least here in California). I know that there is a fine for not signing up ($95 or 1% of income, whichever is higher from what I have read) However..I cannot find one answer on WHEN you will be fined if you don't sign up. Will it be during this upcoming tax season? Or next year for 2014 taxes? I'm just wondering because I start full time school and will be cutting to about 20 hours a week at my job (as opposed to full-time status that I work now) I do not currently have insurance because my job does not offer it and I do not qualify for Medicaid (because somehow I make too much money even though I can barely afford to pay my bills...) So I plan on signing up for Blue Shield or something of that nature once I cut my hours because it will be much cheaper than if I sign up now. Thanks! Any feedback regarding this would be great but my main concern is being fined. Please let me know when that fine will come into play.""
(uk only) who is the cheapest for car insurance?
im male, nearly thirty and full no claims bonus i live in manchester""
What medical insurance is cheap in California? ?
Is there medicaid n Cali ? Or just Oklahoma
What do you put on a car insurance quote when your penalty has expired?
i had a penalty for 3 years that ran out in 2008 but when i look for insurance they ask for any penalty for the past 5 years. Do i say yes even though it expired in 2008?
Auto insurance what gender is cheaper to insure?
Hello everyone well i have a question regarding auto insurance me and my wife are considered new drivers now its been awhile since we had a policy i realise women typically get better rates however will she get a much better rate or just slightly better i am 42 and she is 28 and we both have good driving records
I need help health insurance help???
ok so i went to the doctor and found out i was pregnant. i live in california and have no health insurance. they gave me temperary medi cal for 30 days and i have to go apply at the cal works office. well i went and they told me i couldnt apply on my own im 19 that since i live with my mom she has to go in. she works alot though and its kinda harg for her to go. so is there any other way i can do it like online and mail in an application?? or do u guys know of any insurance i can get on my own??? please help??
Most reliable auto insurance company?
How much would my monthly premium be for auto insurance? I'm male and 18, no accidents and responsible. I drive an old sedan, silver. I drive to work, to college, to the market and back home. No joy rides, no trips or visits. What auto insurance company is the best?""
Will a B average my freshman year apply to an auto insurance discount?
I had a 3.2 last year (my freshman) year, and as of now I have about a 2.5. I'll be getting my car soon, so if I can't bring it up by then, will they accept last year's GPA so I can get a 10% discount?""
Which health insurance is better?
I'm 18 and my current health insurance (it's called Neighborhood in NYC) has currently expired. I can either re-certify this or be added to my dad's GHI health insurance, which is provided by the city. His insurance includes copays and such that I've never done before. Which insurance makes more sense?""
What is the most ideal auto insurance ratio for a person on a budget?
I am switching insurance now and I know their are some ratio's like 50/100/50 and such. My wife and I are on a real budget. She does not drive now, so would not be part of the quote at this time, but we don't want to get the lowest just to have a horrible accident and pay so much. What is a good ratio or something to find. I am in my upper 20's if that helps.""
The best insurance coverage and prices.?
my daughter is starting to drive in a couple months when she turns 16. i want to know how much is the average price for our insurance. which insurance company covers the best and has the lowest price. i heard some friends say that there son only pays about $75 a month but i really dont know if thats possible. any suggestions? thanks!!!
""Best insurance company? People with actual experience, having made a claim please.?""
Hi, I am wondering what you consider to be the best insurance company -- mainly for auto, but also maybe for combination auto and home. Please, I need people who have had more experience with the company than just buying their insurance there. I need people who have actually had to make a claim and to tell me how good the company was about it and if they were quick to respond and take care of the situation. Also, did your rates go up as a result? Also, good prices are very important to me. Where did you get reasonable rates with great service? These could be traditional or online insurance providers. I am looking into all options, so I appreciate any input, although like I said before, I need to know from people who have made a claim -- or done more than just pay for insurance. Thank you for all your help.""
How much would car insurance be for full coverage on a 2001 Chevy Blazer ls model 2 door 4 wheel drive?
How much would car insurance be for full coverage on a 2001 Chevy Blazer ls model 2 door 4 wheel drive?
What is the easiest and most profitable insurance to sell?
Is life and health a harder sell than p&c? Also what company is best to work for, Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, etc.?""
Is -3 driving record bad or good for insurance?
I just got promoted at work and now I have to be issued a company truck and i am wondering if my employees insurance would cover -3 driving points.
Question about insurance liabilty when driving a drunk friend home in his car?
My friend asked me to drive his car for him to pick him up because he was drinking. I picked him up and on the way home got into a fender bender at my fault. His insurance paid for the damages done to the other vehicle, but he does not have complete coverage for his car and wants me to cover 800 dollars in damages done to his vehicle. I do not feel responsible for this. I have minimum coverage. Will he be able to take me to claims court? Am I liable for his damages?""
What does an insurance carrier mean?
Is it the person who makes the monthly payments on your behalf if you can't do it? What does it mean?
Which car is the cheapest to insure for a newly qualified 17 year old driver ?
My daughter wants her own car but insurance costs seem very high - can anyone sugest a suitable car for a new driver that won't cost her a small fortune to run or maintain ?
""How much is PPD rating schedule for %13 lumbar spine discs and knees, If my insurance company was putting me?
on Permanent Disability and my company Laid me out because of my limitation of to work? How much the insurance company has to pay me for my injury and disability?
Insurance on salvages autos? hw much?
i was just wondering if its possible to get insurance if i buy a salvage car from private seller? how much would the rates be? anybody has any idea? is it possible to get comprehensive insurance for a salvage car? well you cant get insured then how can you drive the car around ! doesnt make anysense right!?
Cheap car insurance for young male drivers?
where is the best place to get cheap car insurance for a young male driver??
Your opinion of my car insurance?
I pay $58 a month for liability on a 93 Explorer. I live in the middle of nowhere and don't drive exceedingly. Just wondering if you think this is an acceptable rate or not. I don't think it's too bad but a friend of mine insists I'm getting ripped off.
How do I get affordable health insurance for my son?
I was in between jobs last year so I had to put my son on medicaid. As soon as I found a job I let them know but they kicked him off of it anyways. The problem I am having is that my insurance at work don't kick in until November and he has to have insurance by then for doctors appointments, etc. I tried to get MC+ for kids but they make it almost impossible to get. I just was wondering if anyone knew of a place where I can get affordable health insurance for my son?""
If i get insurance for a car that is registered to my father can I get plates from DMV?
If i get insurance for a car that is registered to my father can I get plates from DMV?
Can I purchase life insurance on my husband without his signature?
My husband is 41 years old and in perfect health but he won't get life insurance because he thinks nothing is going to happen to him. Is it legal for me as his spouse to purchase a reasonable policy of $50,000 without his signature from a company that doesn't require medical questions?""
Health insurance just for the baby?
What health insurance is out there that i can just get for the baby? My current job offers family coverage to what i have now but it will be $83 EXTRA per WEEK for family...thats over $300 per month! i was wondering if there was a health insurance program that would do just the baby. THOUGHTS ANYONE?
How soon do I need auto insurance after getting my Driver's License?
I'm going to be getting my Drivers License for the first time in a week (I am 16), and I was wondering how soon after I get my license do I need to have auto insurance to drive legally? I'd like to be able to drive the day I get my license, but my parents don't want to add me to their insurance plan beforehand with the possibility of me failing the exam. Is their any kind of grace period that allows me to drive the day I get my license so I can wait until after I complete the test to purchase insurance?""
Why is michigan car insurance so high?
I am a 21 year old female with no little credit but I have no bad credit. I rent an apartment and pay all my bills on time. I have a 2004 monte carlo ss that I paid 3500 for. This is ...show more
How long before insurance goes down?
I know teenage insurance is really high so when does it finally go down? After an accident ur insurance goes up, how long will it take for it to go back down?""
No car insurance automatically suspends CA driver's license?
So apparently in CA, if you stop paying your car insurance (I had to), your vehicle registration is revoked and your license is suspended automatically, and you get a notice in the ...show more""
I need help health insurance help???
ok so i went to the doctor and found out i was pregnant. i live in california and have no health insurance. they gave me temperary medi cal for 30 days and i have to go apply at the cal works office. well i went and they told me i couldnt apply on my own im 19 that since i live with my mom she has to go in. she works alot though and its kinda harg for her to go. so is there any other way i can do it like online and mail in an application?? or do u guys know of any insurance i can get on my own??? please help??
Where do I find Cheap Car Insurance When I have Epilepsy?
I'm 19, and I haven't had a fit since I was 16 (I believe I've done the teenage growing out of it ), The DVLA are fine and are issuing me a provisional, but finding insurance is a pain in the ***. Is there anywhere that does cheap insurance that doesn't care if I have Epilepsy? OR just does it cheap anyway?""
Just got in a car accident...I'm 16 we have USAA. How much will my insurance go up?
I was being stupid and driving too fast on a wet day. I spun out and hit a wall (thank god I'm okay) and damaged the back right on my car pretty bad. I know our deductible is either $500 or $1000 but my question is about my much will my insurance go up? I know its not going to be pretty since I've only had my lisense for 10 months...
How much will motorcycle insurance cost for me?
I'm 18, i live in austin, texas, and i plan on getting a kawasaki ninja 250 for my first bike""
Looking for a insurance rider policy?
I am looking for some info on insurance rider policy, also want to get a good one.""
Who has cheapest car insurance in florida?
Who has cheapest car insurance in florida?
How can I get health insurance?
I live in Chicago, IL. I don't have health health insurance because my mom can't afford it. Im 19 years old and I need health insurance.What does everyone else do who's under 21? Do any of you under 21 have any health insurance? If so, what company? I don't have a job, (been trying to find a job for three years). I need to see a dermatologist really bad, and I have no idea what to do.""
Business Insurance - Car?
Basically, I have an internet business, and Im wondering if there is a way that I can have business car insurance? I would like to know the as much as I can. I am looking at a rather fast, expensive car, that will partly be used for Business. So Im wondering if I can get a business insurance policy, and cover it on that? Anyone in the know - please help, and offer advice. Thanks.""
Why is my car insurance so high?
I have full coverage insurance on my 2005 Honda civic and I am paying a little over $850 every six months. Every quote I get isn't much better. Why is it so expensive? My insurance lady says that it's because I am a young driver with a newer car. But my YOUNGER sister has a car 2 years newer than mine and she pays about $350 less every six months. I have no tickets on my record. I did have my license suspended about 5 years ago. Why is it so expensive and how can I get it down? I can't afford this sh* t. Thank you!
Do you have to buy insurance for your car?
Im planning to buy a 1968 Chrystler Newport. This will be my first car. I live in BC. What should I expect to have to pay monthly for insurance? or do I need to buy insurance at all for my car?
Does anyone have car insurance through Wawanesa Insurance?
http://www.wawanesa.com/ I got a quote that is very, very good!! Looking for any feedback, good or bad. Thanks Note: Currently it is only available in California and Oregon (And Canada)""
Do I have to insure my son when he turns 16?
My auto insurance company called me yesterday asking for the names and birthdays of my children. I refused to tell them anything. My oldest son will turn 16 in November, and I was not planning on adding him as a driver, because we have full coverage insurance and I thought that would cover anyone.""
""Have a question for all those knowledgeable about cars, insurance, etc.? Is this true?""
Is it true that two door vehicles are more costly, insurance wise, than four door vehicles? I ask because I am considering purchasing a certain vehicle; however, i'd rather have the coupe than the sedan. Someone told me that any vehicle with two doors is considered a sports car, and therefore, more costly to insure, than a sedan would be. Is this true? Or does it just depend on the car?""
How much does a Triple AAA insurance agent make on average?
How does Triple AAA pay their agents? Their agents don't sell Life Insurance right? What all do they sell? How does this job compare to...say a State Farm agent?
Do any one know where to get a business vehicle insurance?
hey anyone i am try and look for a business vehicle insurance for me to have 4 car's and vans on the same insurance so all i do call up and add my staff to the insurance there than can Driver any vehicle on this one insurance. ? please help me out
I got a quote on a Citron c2 it's. A 1.1lt and. The quote I got was 3rd party under my dad insurance my best quote was 6000 and that was direct to Adrian flux so I need advise ...show more
Can someone help me find car insurance for my dad?
my dad is looking for a car insurance company that insures anyone who drives his car, ie. his children. is this possible? what insurance companies offer this type of insurance?""
What are full time jobs that have full health coverage?
I am looking for jobs that have full health coverage, being I have MS and need my medicine and could not afford it on a normal insurance, what are some jobs that have medical coverage?""
Difference On Insurance Between A Vectra Turbo Petrol & Leon FR Diesel?
Recently decided I'd like to change my car from a 2006 Vauxhall Vectra 2.0 Turbo Petrol to a 2006 Leon 2.0 TDi FR Diesel.. But it all depends on Insurance.. They both fall into group 12 and the vectra has 175BHP where as the Leon has 170 BHP will the insurance be cheaper or more?
Where to get online insurance quotes for health?
Where to get online insurance quotes for health? I should compare plans from major insurance company.
What car insurance company has the policy that you insure on person but anyone can drive it and be insured?
What car insurance company has the policy that you insure on person but anyone can drive it and be insured?
How much will I pay for car insurance? Estimate.?
I am looking to buy a car this Spring (new, from a dealership). When I do, I will be 24, female, and have had my license for just under a year. Since I passed my road test, I have not been driving or on any insurance at all. I will be the main driver on this vehicle, though there might be a secondary driver. I will probably by a small car, like a Yaris, or a Hyundai Elentra. Something cheap, good on gas, safe, and not fast or sporty. It will be automatic. I am a university graduate (not sure if that matters but I heard it does). I will live in a town with about 100,000 people. About how much am I looking at car insurance/month? I have tried the online sites but find them confusing. Some people tell me $100, but the online estimates can be $300-400.""
How much do health insurance cost?
my bf and i both 20yrs old are both still insured by our parents but ever since he had a brain anyeruism his parents of course took him over n moved him back 2 their home town and we didnt like that cuz he wanted me 2 take care of him & we dont get along with them anyway & because of that we didnt see each other for a long time so to prevent this from happening again we figured we would get our own insurance that covers us. i would like to know who is the best carrier and whats the average price and where could i get more info thats legit?
Can I drive my friends car without insurance?
I don't own a car. I don't have auto insurance. If I borrow a friends car, am I covered under his insurance? is there a special type of insurance for people like me?""
How much will having a body kit on a car raise your car insurance for a 17year old?
automotive, insurance""
Do I need insurance for my license?
I live in North Carolina, and I just got my license a few months ago. I don't have a car yet, but I was told that I needed insurance in order to have a license. So, I'm paying $80 a month for insurance, just for holding a license. My car savings aren't looking too good at this rate, so I was wondering if anyone knew of any cheaper insurance companies I could go with?""
I need help health insurance help???
ok so i went to the doctor and found out i was pregnant. i live in california and have no health insurance. they gave me temperary medi cal for 30 days and i have to go apply at the cal works office. well i went and they told me i couldnt apply on my own im 19 that since i live with my mom she has to go in. she works alot though and its kinda harg for her to go. so is there any other way i can do it like online and mail in an application?? or do u guys know of any insurance i can get on my own??? please help??
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