#i also found out lore by having moon read the pearls rather than the wiki and that was really fun too
fivepebble · 3 months
I'm so glad i got to play rain world blind. i saw a gif on twitter, went "Oh a survival game with procedural physics, I'm in" and bought it. i got to experience exactly what it was like to be Survivor. i had no idea what the fuck i was looking at when i saw Moon for the first time. i went to Pebbles backwards because i missed the intended entrance and entered his can before the rest of his structure and i was totally stunned but got so excited when i got the mark. i had no idea about Unfortunate Development. i played the whole game thinking it would end with me finding my slug family but started to doubt it as it went on. i got halfway down the void sea, realized it was the end of the game and swam all the way back up because I was hoping there was another way. i hope now that the game is more popular there's still some people who can enjoy it that way
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