#i also want to work on some more diversity here especially considering i'm icing some of my darker skinned muses
mythvoiced · 8 months
HYELLO~ me again, I'm trying to do some maintenance to kind of clean this place up a bit in the hopes it will get my brain a-cooking again, and I've decided to use a BANDAID METHODOLOGY, meaning, I'm RIPPING IT OFF LIKE ONE.
Or, said in a way that isn't absolute clown speech, I'm icing a bunch of muses (again, I know--). I'm not so much removing them entirely as I am putting them on hiatus, simply because hey, who knows, one day, in the future, maybe, WHO KNOWS. I will be dropping all threads including those muses, though, because if I don't do that, I won't even be able to write for muses I can still vaguely write for (vaguely because when I tell you I have been doing SO little writing lately, I don't know if I've written up to 10.000 words in the last MONTHS, I don't even know if I've reached 5000, so, you know).
Some might continue to be available for plotting I've got going on maybe? but seeing them on the muses doc is weirdly overwhelming so I'll be removing them.
Below muses I already know I'll be icing due to lack of muse or my general dissatisfaction with their story ('cus they lack, or don't feel like Them and all that). Small details in parenthesis next, these are in no particular order (or one faithful to the muses doc, can you tell I'm in my low effort era-)
-. Anauel (low muse, might revamp 'em a lil) -. Jung-sik (no muse + can't find voice) -. Titus (in need of a revamp, he's SO COOL but??? i don't know what to DO with him, I need to change his name too) -. Es (will be removed entirely, was added on a whim and then forgotten lmao) -. Wolfwood (muse DIED? i mean... yeah-) -. Odysseus (muse died) -. Loki (will keep just for Miss Amelia) -. Thanatos (kept for one plotting with Lynnie~) -. Ajit (in DESPERATE need of a revamp, he has lore but NO story, dammit) -. Lotte (i'm tired, i'm giving up on him) -. Zagreus (muse died)
On a separate but related note, I will be changing faceclaims for Sabriel and Soleiel, I want to move even further from the kpop scene if possible (yes, homeboy for Soleiel is also an actor, but-)
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Continuing from a different post, but I decided not to reblog because this would be one long-ass reblog, plus it kinda goes off topic as well.
I also don't know how to use the "read more" so... Well, fuck. Sorry.
Apparently by "a little," my subconscious meant to dump all of my OC's designs, evolution and backstory at your feet. I'll try to summarize lmao.
I had gotten this idea at the beginning of 2019. Maybe a month after CYM was released. I really wanted a SU OC and my favorite color was blue at the time, so, naturally, I ended up researching a ton of blue gemstones and minerals. The very first name I contemplated was Blue Spinel, which I thought sounded kinda dorky written down and I preferred Kyanite. But the name grew on me and I couldn't decide on Kyanite or Blue Spinel.
Here's a referenced version of Kyanite's very first concept:
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I briefly had an idea where she was bubbled on Earth and still got hit with the Corrupting Light, but it only half affected her because of the bubble. This was because I wanted to make her design really feral and monstrous because frankly, I love those designs. Then I decided not to because that idea had too many inconsistencies for her backstory.
Instead I settled to changing her name to Cat's Eye Kyanite, - after discovering that was a thing - using this as an excuse to give her some catlike features. Cats are cool.
Kyanite gets fangs and claws.
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I know she looks a little like Lapis, and this is probably because I have some annoying drawing habits. I can only draw Peridot, Spinel and Lapis, so I tend to lapse into these habits when I try to draw anyone else.
Kyanite/Blue Spinel's main power was:
Dissolving her form into a beam of striated light, which resembles actual raw kyanite. It's kinda ironic because the beam is just a simplified, liquid version of her physical form. Raw, primitive light. She can only move in a straight line while using this attack, as light only moves forward.
This reflects off of Steven's shield and bubble. He unintentionally curb stomped her attack the first time they met; she simply ricocheted off his shield and went flying in the opposite direction.
After lately discovering Sonic, this ability has been removed since the coincidence was a little too much for me lmao.
She was a very insecure, melodramatic Gem prone to anxiety, though very protective of those she cared about. She would leap in front of a poofing blow without a second thought, and could be a little scrappy at times.
Kyanites can detect a falsity from miles away, so never lie to her. She will know.
Her full gem name was Cat's Eye Kyanite Facet-8 Cut 3YK. Quite a mouthful, huh?
Her original backstory is kinda janked, so after this I'll share her scrapped one that's still kinda in progress.
Basically, she was made alongside a team of cabochon Kyanites, but was a defective deep-cut. Her Gem was faceted instead of smooth, she was shorter than she should've been, and instead of being calm and balanced like all other Kyanites, she was nervous and impulsive. Despite being off-color, her defects had benefits. She was a brighter color and slightly stronger than her fellow Kyanites, so her superior ended up keeping her anyways. Though a lot of abuse was still directed at her from said superior and teammates. She also had limb enhancers.
At some point, the Kyanites' manager got sent to earth to help with the colony's construction. While the Corrupting Light was being initiated, 3YK ended up being left behind and bubbled in the Facet 5 Cluster lab. In this version of the AU, the Crystal Gems found her bubble after destroying all of the force fusion shards. They took it back to the temple and Steven convinced them to pop it in case it was an innocent Gem. After all, if it was just another corruption or Homeworld Gem, they could catch it again and no harm done... Right?
I ended up just kinda putting this OC down for a while and never came back to it, but after the movie came out, things got interesting. I never would've anticipated an actual canon Spinel, and, to my mild surprise, my own OC had some obvious similarities besides part of the same name. Some of which include a widow's peak or whatever it's called, similar stature, short hair/fur and then longer tufts, similar coloring system, personality, and some more subtle things.
But I liked both of these characters so much that I just have 2 sub-characters; Blue Spinel and Cat's Eye Kyanite. They each have their own individual AUs, I guess, as well.
Ok, for Blue Spinel now!
I have a headcanon that there are other Spinels on Homeworld, but they're not necessarily the same as the Spinel everyone knows and loves.
As you might know, spinel in real life is rather rare and as such not many people know about it. One could say it's underrated. Gem hierarchy on Homeworld seems to be primarily based on Gem worth and popularity on earth. For example, Diamonds being the highest rank gem. Diamonds are actually one of the most common gemstones on earth; and they're very well known by the community.
Ask someone what the most important gemstone is (not in the context of Steven Universe) and they'll probably answer "diamond" without skipping a beat. So by this logic, Spinels on Homeworld could be kinda rare, and not of a particularly high rank but still important nonetheless. Like Pearls, they could be considered the expensive pets or toys of the upper classes.
Take Pink Spinel. She was made for Pink Diamond, especially customized to look and behave like her. She was made to entertain and be Pink's best friend.
In the movie, Pearl sings:
"This will be fun
Aren't you the lucky one?
Her cut is perfect and she's pink, as well
She'll bring you endless entertainment
Your new best friend, Spinel!"
Steven is lucky to have a Spinel? Are they rare? Perhaps only for the highest of the elites, and most likely much more important than Pearls.
Pink Spinel is, in a way, the ultimate or Diamond quality Spinel. Like Jasper is the Ultimate Quartz.
She's the same color as Pink Diamond/Steven, but, how would Pearl know that Steven was Pink? He shows no physical traits of her, besides her Gem, which is also covered and not obviously even Pink Diamond. Pearl was also reset and completely disregarded Steven in all scenes, as Greg was her new owner.
Is there something different or special about Pink Spinels that deserved a mention in Pearl's basic description of these Gems?
These are, as it seems, in an order. Lucky to have a Spinel. She's perfect and,
She'll entertain you.
It's unlikely that these two are connected, but it could be possible that different color Spinels have different purposes.
Pink gems, as a stereotype, might be more fun-loving and goofy. Take Pink Pearl and Pink Diamond. We haven't met very many Pink Gems, but they all seem to share this trait. This could also be because they were modeled after Pink Diamond, but hear me out anyways. Blue Gems tend to be rather solemn. (Lapis Lazuli, Blue Diamond, Blue Pearl, Sapphire.) Green/yellow/orange/red Gems tend to be more sassy, energetic and/or egotistical. (Peridot, Yellow Pearl, Yellow Diamond, Ruby.)
Why wouldn't there be a trait for pink Gems?
Homeworld could've utilized this to create a naturally happy-go-lucky Spinel whose purpose is to be happy and entertain other Gems.
But are all Spinels entertainers?
Entertainment seems like a foreign concept for Gems, and within the busy hierarchy, who would ever have time for fun?
In real life, spinel is known as the copy gem. It can mimic almost any crystal because it comes in such a wide range of colors and has a hardness of 8 on the MOHs scale.
So I created an adaptive theory.
Real spinels can be used to mimic other gems. Homeworld Spinels are one of the customizable "accessory" Gems, which take an appearance and personality very similar to that of their owner.
If this were the case, they would be like a higher quality Pearl with more diverse skills. Programmed to have a base personality exactly like their owner, and if their owner screws up bad, they could just be replaced by their Spinel if they're essential to the hierarchy.
Spinels can be entertainers, friends, substitutes or replacements.
Possibly, not all Spinels are solely entertainers. There could be others out there either way, and with this they could be much more relevant in the Gem society though still very rare.
Anyways, it's just a theory. I hope that made sense.
I might put that specific theory on a separate post as well since I'm rather fond of it lmao.
And now, for her backstory.
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Celestine was an important Gem. Her role was to manage a portion of Blue's court, and give reports on how her Diamond's colonies were progressing. She, along with all the other Celestines recorded everything that happened and acted as messengers for higher elites. She oversaw colonies when Blue was away and aided her Diamond in their managements. She specializes in this position of great responsibility.
Alongside their roles, Celestines in general can quickly freeze liquids and control them in their solid state or at a certain temperature below freezing. Unlike Sapphires, however, they cannot generate ice out of thin air. Celestine has a pair of ice wings she can summon from her Gem. These Gems also have construction jobs on colonies. They typically work alongside Lapis Lazulis, who use their powers to excavate Kindergardens. Celestines either froze or evaporated the excess water for later use once the Kindergarten was completed.
At some point, Celestine made an error in her job managing Earth's resources and was threatened by her manager, an overreacting Aquamarine, to be replaced. She couldn't be rejuvenated or harvested because she needed all of her documents of colonies, so her Aquamarine instead requested Blue that she be given a backup Gem as a warning. This was Blue Spinel. Blue Spinel was programmed to behave like Celestine, and replace her immediately if need be. She was also meant to record and report her behaviors to Aquamarine.
Celestine was both terrified of and hated her new little replacement snitch. Spinel had to follow her everywhere, which sometimes tested Celestine's temper. The feeling was mostly mutual. Spinel had been occasionally hit and threatened by Cryolite/Celestine, and would try not to interact closely with her. Though, Spinel had a rather calm demeanor and never retaliated.
The two Gems got sent back to the Earth Colony alongside a few Lapis Lazulis to build the Beta Kindergarten. When the corrupting light was being initiated, Celestine found an opportunity to ditch Spinel and they both took seperate ships back to Homeworld. But as they were leaving, Celestine shot at Spinel's ship and knocked it offline. She was on the ship while the Gems were corrupted.
And Spinel's been stuck in the ship for a couple thousand years, eventually giving up trying to fix it. It circled in a slow spiral pattern towards the planet before finally being sucked in and crashing.
She met the CGs and now lives in Little Homeworld or something, this most likely took place after the movie. She had nothing against Steven or the CGs aside from the fact that she had to fight in the war a little bit at some point, but it was all fine and dandy. She didn't cause any problems when she ended up on Earth.
I don't actually have a finished design for Celestine, but I expect she'd have snow colored hair in a sort of angel wing shaped bob, feathery looking shoulder pads, sorta pale bluish skin and a blue-gray dress/skirt. Sorta sharp white boots like Holly Blue. Her gem is on her naval like Spinel, and of course she's really tall.
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mulattafury · 7 years
Hey so I'm looking at starting the Keto diet. Do you have any advice for like recipes or ingredients? Like maybe a good substitute for stevia (I just don't like the taste of it)? Would honey work? Also, some favorite recipes you've tried so far? Sorry, I know that's a lot of questions ^^;
Keto Connect - Super cute couple, both of them keto, sharing recipes, tips, ingredient reviews/comparisons, and budget/meal prep advice
Headbanger’s Kitchen - awesome heavy metal guitarist makes a variety of interesting and flavorful keto recipes influenced by indian cuisine. includes some vegan stuff as well! a nice diversion from the usual stuff you see.
As far as sweeteners, a lot of people use erithrytol or stevia-erithrytol blends to sweeten things like baked goods, since erithrytol is supposedly not metabolized by your body at all so you can completely deduct the carbs from it in your net carbs. Honey is not a great alternative since a single tablespoon of honey contains 17g of sugar (according to Google, who pulls nutrition info from USDA). Not only is that p much all of your carbs for 1 day, it will almost definitely trigger an insulin response and knock you out of keto.
I guess it just depends what you’re using the sweetener for? Like, if it’s for coffee or something, just use whatever sugar substitute you want. Powdered versions of sugar alcohol often contain actual sugar (a fact that makes my mind turn inside-out with frustration) but if you’re using like one Splenda packet in a cup of coffee I don’t think that’s enough to make a huge difference. Or get the liquid sucralose or something instead of Stevia.
If you’re concerned with sweetening baked goods, I’d say use erithrytol, and something like sucralose or stevia to punch it up if needed(erithrytol is less sweet than sugar, other sugar substitutes are often sweeter than sugar). But i would also suggest avoiding a lot of baking and treats when you first start and re-introducing them once you’re adapted. Your tastes will change a lot.
Some shopping tips:
- Mission Carb Control tortillas are amazing- Chicken thighs are cheaper, better-tasting, and have more fat than chicken breasts. On Keto, all of these things are positives.- Similarly, buy the highest fat content ground beef you can. Usually it’s 27/73. Keto or not, this is a requirement to make a good burger. :D- Pork rinds are a good thing to have around as a crunchy/impulse snack when you first start, while you’re adapting.- Grab a pint of halo top ice cream for when u do get a sweet tooth, or arctic zero if you’re lactose intolerant.- coconut flour actually makes a pretty good deep-fry coating. pork rinds make a better one but much higher calorie- you’re gonna need more eggs- seriously eggs are like the perfect keto food- Look for sugar-free, gluten-free, and paleo-friendly products. There’s a lot of overlap of these diets with keto. For example, Heinz makes a reduced sugar ketchup that has like 1g carbs per tablespoon, vs 4 in regular ketchup, and I don’t notice the difference. Again, though, your tastes change. I’m super sensitive to sweet flavors now, but also I’ve been drinking diet sodas since i was a kid so the “chemical” taste of artificial sweeteners doesn’t bother me if i notice it at all, so ymmv- ketoers love to brag about how much bacon they eat but honestly the novelty of bacon every day wears off fast.- you’re not really going to eat as much meat as you might think -- only 20% of your calories should come from protein -- but still, stock up on meat when you can. portion it out into individual servings and pack it in your freezer
Some life tips:
- don’t just eat junk. this is something i struggle with. a lot of junk is “keto friendly” and if you eat that while managing to stick to your macros you WILL stay in ketosis and you WILL lose weight (if that’s your goal. it’s my goal), but you’ll feel like ASS. Make sure you’re getting in all your micronutrients as well, and especially make sure you’re getting electrolytes.- don’t get discouraged by the cost of some of the ingredients. once you’re adapted you eat a LOT less. i spend very little on groceries per week, honestly my biggest food cost is probably my diet dr pepper addiction and i’ve been considering phasing that out.- if weight loss is your goal, you still have to eat at a calorie deficit. i think this is something that a lot of people who don’t get the results they want from a LCHF diet don’t realize. If you are small, sedentary, and afab like moi, that can mean very few calories -- I eat around 1000-1300kcal a day (often fewer than 1k tbh) but for my size and activity level that’s okay.- if weight loss is not your goal, just stick to your macros and don’t worry about counting calories and you’ll be good :)- double quarter pounder, add bacon, no ketchup, no bun, add mac sauce- you can find a keto-friendly option at most restaurants, but be aware that restaurant food often has “hidden carbs” and higher sugar content than homemade versions- if you drink, be careful! your metabolism will be a lot more efficient and it’s gonna wreck your alcohol tolerance. your drinking options are gonna be pretty much limited to lite beer and neat spirits, but 1-2 drinks is all you’re gonna be able to handle most likely.- these things are gross but worth saying:- you’re gonna pee a lot, especially when you’re adapting, and especially-especially because you should be drinking a LOT of water on this diet (part of the reason it’s so important to supplement electrolytes). it’s going to smell like straight up acetone. this is normal.- you’re uh, you’re not gonna poop very much. and it’s... gonna take a while before it’s “solid” again. one of the taglines of r/keto is “never trust a keto fart,” and it’s that for a reason. this is also normal, and if you’re eating right will improve over time.- if you do choose to supplement fiber, use psyllium husk tablets and make sure to drink plenty of water. adding psyllium husk powder or oat fiber to your food is a good option as well. fiber supplements like metamucil often have added sugar, so steer clear of these- don’t cheat until after you’re well-adapted. be very strict for a couple months, then maybe consider the occasional cheat meal. if you’re like me, it will help keep you from giving up, and if you’re trying to lose weight it might actually help keep you from stalling by resetting your metabolism- like many things, if it doesn’t feel good, stop. if you’re doing it right but getting negative side effects, it might not be the right option for you and that’s okay too!
ANYWAY this post is turning into a monster so I’ll end it here with a yeast bread recipe that was a game changer for me. Good luck!
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rainbowravioli · 7 years
Let me share with you this one thing I'm currently thinking about. Okay, so at first I'll start with this: remember how at some point in the anime community, there was some big hit anime? Be it Naruto, Bleach, One piece, Fairy Tail, or even SAO (and more)? These shows have their flaws, and people still love it, no doubt. But they're still somehow imperfect. And yet popular. These kind of shows get usually popular because while they may not bring an absolute originality, they can still 1/?
catch an attention ‘cause people love the topic they bring (FT - magic, SAO - virtual reality and so on). These shows are directed to a mass of people, and usually a big mass of people will be intrested in it, because of the themes they brought. I wrote before these shows don’t have to bring an absolute originality (the character may be so blank enough so people can relate to him, for example), but they still explore something that wasn’t explored before. And 'cause of that, they’re popular. 2/ These shows are made to bring a lot of profit to their creators. They also may seem to “not die yet”. You’re probably asking now why am I talking about this. Well, these shows happen to have a huge fandom around them, a huge source of profit for the creators. And as I wrote before, these shows don’t have to be perfect. The characters can be blank, yet people relate to them in some things. 5 episodes can be about exploring some cave (just an example), but they still interest people… 3/ because the timing of bringing these shows (with new topics) alive are settled good. Now to the main reason why am I talking about this. Don’t you think, even just a little, that YoI could be becoming like one of these shows? Now, I know it’s too early to make assumptions. But think about it. A new topic? Checked - figure skating wasn’t there before (plus a character with anxiety…unfortunately, creators may be not aware about that). Now, the originality. I wrote before these kind of shows 4/ may be not original at all. Let me explain it more - these shows were original AT the time they CAME OUT, 'cause there was nothing like them before. They may seem uninteresting to us now, but back at the day when they were airing, they were something new. YoI got popular 'cause well, it holds its originality - an actual plot (not some queerbaiting), a well-thought characters (with an actual development…well, until the finale happened). And a huge fanbase? Checked - YoI did catch interest. 5/ Also important fact: these shows are so beloved because they brought new people to the anime community. And because it was someone’s first anime, of course it’ll have a special meaning for them. For a lot of people, YoI was their first anime. And probably the biggest reason the finale happened the way it happened is because well, the show got popular, we all know that. Sorry for such a long message, but I like to talk about this in the form of an ask. I’m also prepared for a long answer 6/ ('cuz don’t tell me this won’t turn into a meta, I’m certain it will, there’s so much to talk about). In your YoI critical metas, you were mostly focusing on why the finale didn’t work from the point of the story and characters. The story was already decided and then changed before midnight, so ofc it doesn’t have a sense now. While changing the “protagonist-always-wins” cliché may be interesting, from the point of the story, it makes no sense in the end. Thanks for answer in advance c:
Really only time will tell but I truly believe that Yuri on Ice is a game changer. It’s just way too huge of a phenomenon not to have lasting changes on the anime industry and community. Just in numbers alone…
Just the first BD/DVD sold over 70k copies. And that was just the first one! That’s absurd! I can’t even imagine the total sum of the sales by the times all the volumes come out. It’s already one of the best selling animes ever. The soundtrack also sold exceptionally well, and that’s not even mentioning all of the official merchandise and continuous collaborations with real brands and companies. Numbers and money speak very loudly. Not only can we be sure there will be a continuation (expect an announcement on the 29th), but Yuri on Ice has certainly left a mark already.
It’s not even just numbers. Yuri on Ice actually manages to distinguish itself from the animes you mention in a very specific thing: its audience. As we know, Yuri on Ice was made with a very niche audience in mind. Making an anime about figure skating was a risk and Sayo had been trying to make it happen for years before she succeeded. Yuri on Ice was not made to appeal to a wide, broad audience, but it actually succeeded in captivating said audience. All sorts of people are fans of the series. I’ve personally witnessed many people who didn’t even watch anime or had not watched in years become fans of the series. General audiences, critics and reviewers alike, many people even express surprise at how much they came to enjoy it. Because nobody expected YoI to be what it actually became. Then there’s the fact that real figure skaters watch and love the series, which ended up culminating in such things as an official collaboration with the ISU for Worlds 2017 (x) and a Japanese news broadcast playing History Maker over footage of figure skating (x).
Yuri on Ice works and it works really, really well. Now, we could discuss exactly what is it about the series that made it work so well as to become a worldwide phenomenon that has seeped into real life. I will attempt to be brief.
First it’s something you mentioned: originality. There’s been nothing like Yuri on Ice before. Not only in the sense that it’s an anime about an unexplored topic, figure skating, but because of how it handles said topic, its characters, how it handles emotion in its narrative and, of course, Victuuri.
I’m always a bit amused when I see people criticizing YoI’s portrayal of the sport considering you have actual figure skaters loving it and saying it’s incredibly realistic in what it does at least until episodes 11/12 cough those scorings that stamina cough. You can tell from watching the series that Sayo truly has a deep passion for figure skating and tried to portray it as lovingly as possible, not only as a sport but as an art. YoI as also managed to create a widespread interest in real figure skating, from having people want to try it for the first time, people who stopped and felt the urge to get back on the ice, or simply people who started watching competitions and getting invested in the real athletes.  
Then there’s the characters. And here’s where I’m going to make a bold but accurate statement: Yuri on Ice wouldn’t have worked half as well if anyone other than Yuuri Katsuki was the protagonist. I’m serious, go read positive YoI reviews and see how most of them mention Yuuri specifically as something that makes the series great. Yuuri is a very realistic and unusual protagonist. All the reasons he works as well as he does and why he made such an impact on most of the audience would be its own meta so I’ll refrain. I’ll just say that the way Yuuri’s anxiety is portrayed is also a big plus that YoI has in its favour. It’s not just Yuuri though, and it’s not even just how surprisingly endearing Victor was or how Yurio went beyond his rival role - YoI has a very good cast. Even though they have limited screen time, everyone feels unique and memorable. The ethnic diversity is also excellent, especially with how it doesn’t rely at all in stereotypes to portray characters from all these different countries. Even the few female characters we have, unlike their treatment in most sports anime where they serve as cheerleaders, managers, or love interests, feel like fully realized characters in their own right. They all have their own personality and their own life going on, it’s very refreshing to see.
The relationship between Yuuri and Victor is also a huge source of praise for the series in nearly every positive review I’ve seen. Again, we could be here for ages explaining in detail why it created such an impact, but let’s attempt to be brief. Keeping in mind, of course, that it’s not perfect and could have, in many ways, been handled better.The relationship is tied to the development of both characters involved and progresses very naturally over the course of 10 episodes. They have their ups and downs as they get to know the other, but ultimately the relationship is based on trust, mutual respect and support. Victuuri made many people feel represented. And all of this happening in a turned-mainstream series about figure skating. I like to watch reaction videos and such, and I’ve witnessed straight guys progress from laughing uncomfortably at Victor and Yuuri’s interactions in the first episodes to getting downright emotional over the kiss. At this point, Victuuri is a big selling point of the series and I’m hoping that the overwhelmingly positive reaction it generated will make for some future changes in the industry as far as representation goes.
There’s a lot more to talk about on why Yuri on Ice achieved the success it did. We could talk about the soundtrack, the story, we could talk about things like how real a lot of little details feel or deeper themes like how it played with gender roles or how it portrayed love or even how it has one of the better executed plot twists I’ve ever seen.
Regardless of the reasons, Yuri on Ice created a deep emotional response in its audiences. I was a fan by the time the teaser aired and I watched how the series grew from week to week. So many things about it already reached an “iconic” status in people’s minds, I’m sure we’ll see plenty of scenes and lines being referenced in the future across other works of media. It has left a mark on people and in the real world, and it will most likely leave a mark in the anime industry as well. It’s a flawed series, and I and many people have concerns about how it will go forward from here. Particularly, I’m afraid the staff is not aware of their own winning formula, as we see with things like oh, the entire episode 12 and everything that came after. YoI is very popular and beloved right now but it’s very easy for it to be ruined if the staff isn’t careful from her on out. But no matter what happens, Yuri on Ice already made history. Now let us hope and wait it can get better.
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