#i am not saying that being unhygienic isn’t an issue or is perfectly healthy
mars-ipan · 2 years
shoutout to everyone who struggles with hygiene. we are all trying so so hard it’s not our fault being clean is such a sisyphusian task keep pushing that boulder babes one day our arms will be so strong it will feel like nothing at all
#and before ANYONE comes in here deliberately misinterpreting me:#i am not saying that being unhygienic isn’t an issue or is perfectly healthy#i’m not telling people with hygiene problems that they shouldn’t try to improve on them#i am just. a person whose depression typically manifests in not cleaning myself#who wants to tell people like me that we are not inherently gross people#we just gotta keep trying and one day the habits will stick#eventually we’ll brush our teeth every day. eventually we’ll shower and wash our hair when we need to#eventually we’ll clean our living spaces biweekly#we’ll get there. and even if we’re not there yet and even if we won’t be for a long time#we are still worthy of love and respect as people#i also wanna share my progress :)#since i got my wisdom teeth removed i’ve actually been brushing my teeth twice a day!!#this has been for like. a month i think?#i’m also cleaning my mouth guard every night#this is a big deal for me!!! i almost forgot to brush my teeth this morning tho o.o i caught it dw#it turns out that wanting to keep an area that has been operated on from infecting results in better habits#i’m hoping i can hold onto this habit even after my sockets close up :)#esp bc i get my problems from my dad and uh. hoo boy the dentistry bills…. i do not want that#but anyways!! i’ve been making progress and this is a big step!!!#if you also struggle with hygiene i bet you’ll be making a big step soon too!!!#and even if you don’t soon you will someday! and i’m proud of you in advance ^^
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bellascag · 3 years
Interview with Instagram influencer and Onlyfans user,  Odessa
1. What are your overall thoughts of body hair on women?
I think body hair on women is just as natural as body hair on men and I would like to see women embrace it as a part of their body when regarding their femininity
2. Why do you grow your body hair? 
I grow my body hair because I do not believe a body hair removal ritual is worthy of my time.
3. How does being open with your body hair make you feel? 
It makes me feel extremely confident to be open with my body here because I have had to make no exchanges or compromises about who I am even when revealing some thing that is stereo typically excluded from beauty.
4. Have you always been confident about your body hair and not shaven? 
I have not always been body hair confident. Especially as a teenager I felt ashamed of my body hair and I experimented with plucking waxing shaving and electric razors.
5. What are your first body hair stories? 
A. I had gone to a swimming pool at a friends house when I was 12 and her and her dad BOTH teased me for having unshaven legs and I went home and shaved my legs for the first time with my one of my parents razors. Yuck! I was very embarrassed and felt like I was late to the shaving game even though I hadn’t even thought of it before. 
B. The first time I noticed armpit hair on a woman was a counselor as a teenager and she was very proud of it and confident and I was in awe of her. That’s when it first started growing it out, although it would still be years before I completely stopped and my armpits were the last of my body hair that I discontinued shaving.
C. For a long time I was secretly hairy. I only shaved if it was showing and that didn’t include my legs. I only shaved or trimmed if I was going to be on a date. What exposing my under arms. It is my belief that most women are similar.
6. What inspired you to make an onlyfans and an instagram and where did this journey start?
It’s actually kind of a funny story. I posted about being body hair confident in a affirmation group on Facebook and encourage other people to share their photos. It was a simple selfie with under arm hair visible. I was invited to a group about hairy women and from there they had been encouraged me to start a page. I didn’t think much of it but I permitted him to make an Instagram fanpage with my photos. In a very short time it was clear that the page was a success! I took over the login info  and was catapulted into a sudden confident position I had not expected.
7. What kind of subscribers do you receive on onlyfans? How do they treat you and your body hair?
The kind of subscribers I receive are either body hair fans or fans of natural women in general. Some are strictly fans of redheads and enjoy seeing red hair on other places of the body because it is exciting. Many feel overstimulated by the amount of shaven media available and another group feels nostalgic about body hair on beautiful women that they admired or slept with in the 70s. Some swear that the pheromone and hormone in the top mound of the bush or armpit scent is the focal point for their appeal. I feel I am treated well for the most part but it Also forces me to learn to discriminate between fans.
8. Is there a message at all that you want the public to learn through your openness with body hair?
I do want the public to learn the body hair is every bit as sexy as the body it’s on. Surprisingly it is women who have the hardest time with this concept in the audiences I have interacted with. I say it is surprising because women openly enjoy body hair on men without blinking an eye. I’m not even sure they realize they do it or that they are so ironic for thinking it’s so bizarre for a man to think the same. I don’t think it’s so bizarre.
9. What do the public in general, think of your body hair and your openness with the subject?
I believe the public is encouraged and amused because it is interesting if it is not something you were exposed to and that is encouraging if you are looking to be braver about your natural body. I find the amusement to be perfectly acceptable because sometimes it is through novelty that we make revelation.
10. What do you think of people who find body hair disgusting?
I think they have not thought it through. Man’s chest hair is pretty commonly embraced as sexy.  Certainly hair is not seen as strictly masculine or it would be men with long hair!  I also believe many inaccurately qualify shaving as a hygienic grooming process rather than an aesthetic grooming process.
What is the most shocking thing someone has said to you about your body hair?
I have been compared to many 70s icons, many of the mail! But I actually really, really dig that aesthetic so I’m not sure I should be shocked when it comes back to me LOL 
11. How do you deal with negative comments?
To be incredibly honest I get so few negative comments! One of the ways I deal with this is by knowing my audience and not trying to break into main stream audiences. The mainstream audience members the trickle in are mostly overwhelmed by the sheer number of people who already except body hair. I love that fact! I think it pushes the message even harder because some might expect that I would be the subject of a shame group instead! Where I have been ridiculed in women’s groups I have also received incredible numbers of people sticking up for me! But I honestly don’t need it. Getting negative feedback is a part of the responsibility of influence.
12. Do your family support you and your choice to keep your body hair and to make it public? What are their thoughts on the subject?
Nobody in my family is surprised or shocked by my body hair but I have not made them aware of my public body hair presence.
13. Do your friends support you and your choice to keep your body hair and to make it public? What are their thoughts on the subject?
My friends are supportive! And I am supportive of their choices as well whether they pluck and wax everything are they unshaven like me.
14. How is body hair viewed down the generations of your family?
My Gran would just tell me I’m lucky my body hair is light! This used to be something that I believed was the truth. I feel ashamed of that now! If I were to have this conversation with her now, I would encourage her to embrace her body hair too!
15. Are you open with your friends and family on the subject of body hair? Do you ever talk about it with them?
It’s honestly not some thing that we discuss. If they notice it, they notice it. I stopped worrying about sleeveless shirts long long ago.
16. Why do you think body hair on women is so frowned upon?
I think that expensive and controlling rituals arent elaborate and having body hair suggests several undoings of those societal norms. It is such a departure from the Airbrush catalog that it’s hard for people to marry reality and their standard for media.
17. What do you think is the leading cause of the misconception that body hair is unhygienic?
If you shave every time you shower then you might assume that a hairy person hasn’t showered! Also I believe that natural can often be confused for unkempt.
18. What positives have you got out of being open with your body hair?
I am far more confident and far more likely to yeet  a person who doesn’t like it. Nothing can make me second-guess my body on my body hair now.
19. How are women with body hair usually perceived in the public eye?
The public guy is the harshest. But I have to remember it is hard to everybody. The number one association with body here on women is the bearded lady for crying out loud. Next might be an association with animals. Yes these are cruel comparisons, which is why I feel this work is so valuable.
20. When you are out and about, do you get any public reactions to your body hair?
I have honestly not noticed any, but it is so far from my focus and most people are quiet observers LOL. I certainly do not hide it from public I even wear short sleeves that works sometimes.
21. How do you think body hair should be addressed in a relationship if one of them doesn’t like it?
Most individuals I have spent intimate time with are entirely neutral about it when it gets down to business, though some are intimidated by it. I think if any of my former partners were with me for my body hair they were too shy to admit it. I believe it should be upfront just like anything else. If someone tells me that they prefer shaved, I don’t think about them twice. There are more than enough people for them and more than enough people for me, there’s no reason I should entertain someone who doesn’t like it. If someone in a relationship decided to stop shaving And their partner had an issue with it I would encourage them both to investigate unshaven media and discuss it and see if it isn’t an issue with ingrained discomfort
22. What are your thoughts on having body hair as a political stand?
I think it’s a fantastic political stand, in fact my tagline is hairy girls from world leader ship. I hate the idea that being hairy or posting empowering photos or posting sexual photos should exclude someone from their own power and politics. I believe it is feminist I believe it is inclusive and I believe it is going to expand the definition of what ‘belongs’ in society. I’m hairy and I belong!
23. What are your thoughts on body hair and gender?
It certainly is a double standard, men’s body hair is allowed to shell and women’s body hair has been censored historically. I think that allowing women to be fully hairy is healthy for the spectrum. Women are allowed to be bearded and have back hair and hair on their bellybuttons Without sacrificing any bit of the femininity. I find it a fun mental exercise to feminize body hair, Especially when it is shown in the close-up isolated shots, because of course sometimes I am privy to seeing hair on male bodies. It’s good to rewire our brains!
24. What are your thoughts of body hair as a fetish?  
I honestly didn’t know that it was a fetish until recently but I think it should be normalized. I feel it is an incredibly innocent fetish and in fact I think it is often about being intimate with a woman and seeing those vulnerable spaces.
25. What do you think of pornography’s influence of the “bare” look?
I think that pornography has shaped expectations of bodies. It certainly has shaped my expectation of my own and I battled many ingrown hairs attempting to re-create the look! I always found it last satisfying, much scratchiest, and more irritating then having longer softer hair. It is funny that I would prefer to appease a visual aesthetic rather than be comfortable! Luckily, many find hairy to be aesthetic as well.
26. How do you think pornography has effected our perception of body hair on women?
I believe that i don’t want women with influence who stop shaving or who vocalise their acceptance of body hair the better it will be. It really is women who hold the standard, men will follow. I have not yet been rejected for my Body hair by men, But I have been bullied by women. I really think more women need to throw out the razors and throw out the judgments.
27. What do you hope for the future of body hair on women?
I hope body hair comes into fashion! I hope that it becomes just as appealing as the rest of the body and a unique piece of every person to see how they groom themselves!
Questions received via email. 02/01/2021
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