#i am now at SEVERAL fics in a row where Loki doesn't fuck himself! who'd've thunk it?!
nostalgia-tblr · 8 months
Wrote this fairly quickly, and unexpectedly as I was supposed to be working on other fics but then this popped into my head based mostly on my ponderings on the fact that the one Fanon Nickname that doesn't on some level irritate me is the one where the Grandmaster calls Loki 'Lo-Lo' and that this is because it's an annoying diminutive and the Grandmaster is exactly the sort of person who would give you a belittling nickname that you hate and then use it constantly just to irritate you while knowing that you won't ever complain about it in case you offend him and he just decides to murder you. So it's, like, actually in-character for everyone involved.
The POV/narrator voice in this one may be too annoying for some people but in my defence he's just Like That and there's only so far it can be mitigated. The content is A Bit Problematic too, but honestly what else do people expect when they click on a Grandmaster/Loki fic? The dreadful fuckery is a feature, not a bug!
The exclamation mark in the title is mildly annoying, isn't it? Don't worry, I did that on purpose and will hopefully never do it again. (Oh, and I hope you like parenthetical asides!)
Title: Entertain Me! (AO3) Fandom: Thor (Movies) Rating: Mature Pairing: Grandmaster/Loki Wordcount: ~1800 Additional Tags: Dubious Consent, (dubious everything really), POV Grandmaster, The Grandmaster Is A Terrible Person, Manipulation, Lies, Pre-Thor: Ragnarok (2017), Short One Shot, Kind of dark, (but isn't that a given with this pairing?) Summary/Snippet: “Go on,” he prompts, because this is one of the most engaging performances he’s seen in weeks, and that’s including the people who were begging for their lives (which, admittedly, Loki kind of is, but he’s so good at it that it would feel like spoiling a work of art to put his mind at ease on that issue right away).
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