#i can see price or ghost as mr. darcy
celenawrites · 9 months
pride and prejudice but make it task force 141
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The OCs as Jane Austen characters?
everyone is lizzie bennet, remember? lmao
quoted descriptions sourced from the atlantic, barnes and noble, the guardian, and stylist.
and yes, I realize some of these could definitely qualify as hot takes lmao
ivy: fitzwilliam darcy ("I always saw myself as more of a mr. darcy than an elizabeth bennet. we’re both more reserved, and people can mistake our standoffishness for arrogance. but mr. darcy gets the chance to prove what he is really like, and now people often think of him as the ideal romantic hero.")
meredith: marianne dashwood ("marianne is a hopeless, self-indulgent romantic who veers from ecstatic, all-consuming happiness to miserable self-neglect over the unsuitable man she has pinned her hopes on. she is, however, capable of self-improvement and learns invaluable life lessons from her practical and generous older sister, elinor.")
diana: susan vernon ("not all austen’s protagonists are morally sound, well behaved romantics. in her only epistolary novel she presents us with a vicious anti-heroine in the shape of lady susan vernon. a beautiful 30-something widow, she is charming and manipulative towards anyone she can make use of.")
dahlia: isabella thorpe ("in northanger abbey, isabella is one of austen’s funniest characters. she’s a very realistically drawn teenage girl who makes and breaks friends on a whim, is a shallow flirt and loves dancing, shopping and giggling.")
alassie: mary crawford ("in mansfield park, mary crawford is the character all men fall in love with. vivacious, worldly, musical, funny and kind, she is the ultimate femme fatale. even the dull parson edmund bertram falls for her charms, simultaneously attracted and repelled by her particular brand of sexy charisma. she’s a wonderful actress and plays the harp like an angel. she makes the filthiest joke in austen when she makes a pun about sodomy in the navy, concerning rear and vice admirals: “of rears and vices I saw enough. now do not be suspecting me of a pun, I entreat.”")
ramona: anne elliot ("she may be austen’s most hopeful character. without the native strength of emma or lizzy, her quiet character withstands her own youthful mistake to triumph in the end. since most of us blow it to one degree or another in our twenties, anne represents that painful journey to self-knowledge and courage that most of us experience.")
rhea: elinor dashwood ("on the surface, she has it together, she’s in control, she keeps her family together, and she acts like she has no need for romance. but underneath, she is a deeply emotional person. to me, she is jane austen’s most complex and human character. we all exist in layers and are neither sense nor sensibility, but a mixture of both.")
cornelia: elizabeth bennet ("she is smart, witty, charming, and loyal. I have always admired her self-respect: a self-respect that wasn't entirely vain or selfish. the self-respect that would not allow her to marry her intellectually inferior cousin, just to have a home, or save her family. her self-respect that gave her the fortitude to reject darcy's marriage proposal, though, again, it would have secured her future. Her self-respect that gave her the courage to speak her mind among men and women who outranked her socially and economically.")
kaden: emma woodhouse ("emma is rich, pretty, and thinks more of her matchmaking abilities than she should, but she is also a devoted daughter, a loving friend, and above all is someone who is willing to own up to her mistakes and attempt to right them. emma is a heroine you root for as she not only finds love (as any great austen heroine must), but also as she matures from an often inconsiderate girl to a sincere and kind young woman.")
andreia: diana parker ("diana is a homeopathic health fanatic in austen’s final, incomplete novel sanditon, written when she was dying. diana sips herbal and green tea, has anorexic tendencies and distrusts conventional medicine and doctors. she self-medicates with her numerous homemade remedies and is drawn to the other invalids who are staying at the seaside resort. she plans to take a sea bath in a bathing hut on wheels with a mixed-race girl. what a pity that we’re deprived of the chance to see how that would have turned out")
arely: fanny price ("fanny price is also an odd heroine, meek and quiet without any of the strength of her other heroines. she’s also very difficult to read, with a moralistic streak that comes across as quite judgemental. however, like anne elliot, she is very much the outcast of the family and has to endure a fair amount of humiliation from childhood. to see her finally defy her uncle in the gentlest way possible and end up with her childhood love edmund bertram is satisfying."
suzy: catherine morland ("catherine is a dramatic, gothic-novel-loving teen who is desperate for drama and tries to turn her own life into a ghost story, offending and upsetting her friends in the process. throughout my teens I did my best to make my life something in between a fantasy novel and a sofia coppola movie—I can relate. she’s funny, outgoing, and magnificently stupid. but catherine, in her ridiculousness, just wants to make life a fun story. she is the angsty suburban girl who invites you to join her book club with a message written in invisible ink. I would join in a heartbeat.")
samuel: henry tilney ("funny, good-natured, and forgiving, tilney’s even ready to defy his boorish father’s wishes to marry the woman he…loves? this novel lacks the intense romanticism of austen’s later works, but that doesn’t mean henry isn’t a peach.")
bianca: charlotte lucas (sensible and intelligent, does what she has to do for a successful life)
archibald: george knightley ("he is the epitome of kindness, an underestimated heroic quality. he takes care of a vulnerable woman like miss bates, and steps in to dance with lowly harriet smith when he sees that she has been snubbed by the awful mr and mrs elton. he represents the perfect english gentleman and sets himself firmly against french affectation. he refuses to play the conventional hero and talk the language of love: “I cannot make speeches, emma. If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more.” perfect!")
raphael: charles bingley ("this charming, gallant gentleman wouldn’t hurt a fly, but he would let his chilly sisters talk him out of proposing to the woman he loves, in an era when dancing with her all night has already got half the neighborhood writing up the wedding banns. but who doesn’t keep a spot in their heart for bingley, who’s glad to dance with even the homeliest old maids (we’re talking 27-year-old hags here). he may be suggestible, even a touch weak-willed, but he’s also got a heart of gold. (and if he had a bit more spine, he’d top mr. darcy.)
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ladyeowyn · 5 years
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truthbeetoldmedia · 5 years
iZombie 5x06 “The Scratchmaker” Review
For the duration of the show, iZombie has primarily been from Liv Moore’s point of view. In earlier seasons, her voiceover was heavily used, but as storylines became more ambitious and formats got more playful, the show moved away from the narrative device. This week, however, we heard the voice of a new character — Blaine DeBeers. Disgraced and dejected, his kingdom is finally, finally crumbling down. His voiceover opens the episode, telling us that we “all know the drill” per the murder-of-the-week. This week, however, “This isn’t her story, it’s mine.” Despite his insistence, it’s another character that stands out this episode: Don E.
When we were first introduced to Don E in Season 2, he was a textbook minion. Never particularly smart or independent, he was a comic relief sidekick. Over the seasons, we’ve seen Don E grow into himself, starting to take more responsibility in Blaine’s businesses, and feeling ownership over the bar. A good chunk of this episode is devoted to showing how Blaine’s latest circus is finally the last straw, and Don E is finally ready to strike out on his own. Because of Al’s expose, Blaine is basically out of the picture. His assets are frozen, his “rainy day” funds are “running on fumes,” he’s lost public face, his estate has burned down, and Fillmore Graves is in emergency mode because of the loss of brains.
After raging out and killing Tanner for losing the last remaining cures, Don E is finished. He goes into cahoots with Stacy Boss. They have a somber conversation about cutting Blaine out of the middle, and we see a side of Don E that we’ve never seen before: he seems defeated, but there’s a new seriousness and maturity to him. “Would Blaine be as loyal to you?” Mr. Boss asks him. The answer is devastatingly clear. Frankly, it’s surprising to me that it’s taken this long for someone to steal Don E away from Blaine. There’s only so many seasons someone can go as a designated underling to a vicious mobster.
Mr. Boss is ready to take advantage of the dire brain situation (Major estimates they have 48 hours before they run out), and plans to jack up prices and run away with Blaine’s monopoly. Major forces their hand last minute by bringing in some new smuggling competition, a deal with a shipping company called “UFreightEze” to rebrand the brain business as legit. While Mr. Boss gets caught off guard, Don E doesn’t hesitate to take Major’s deal for a lower price. When Blaine finally can show his face again back at the bar, Don E tells him that his image is bad for business and to lay low. He uses the UFReightEze operation as a cover to tell Blaine that they were out of the brain business, instead of admitting that they are just cutting him out of the operation. While Don E has been making strides all episode, he does make one mistake — assuming Blaine will take his advice to lay low. Remembering the article that leaked, Blaine goes in search of a Freylich brain. He’s gone full Big Bad now — offering a half a million dollars to a young college student named Darcy. It turns out that Ravi’s concerns about an ethical extraction of a zombie cure were warranted, and Blaine is willing to go back to his old gig of child murder. His voiceover closes out the episode — “So if I’m a monster, maybe I am. But sometimes they don’t leave me any choice.” If the voiceover was meant to lend sympathy to Blaine and that he was somehow pushed to this edge…they are going to have to do a lot more to convince me of that.
I liked that the brain was kind of a fun add on top of the plot this week. Liv made a few coy comments to Major (“Matchmaker brain? Nailed it,” he smirks), and notices a sweet moment between Clive and Dale...and that’s about it. iZombie has always been committed to small character moments, whether it’s Liv, Major, and Ravi teasing each other in the living room, or Liv helping Clive move into the lieutenant’s office. Sometimes the brains are essential to the plot, sometimes multiple plots, and sometimes they seem extraneous in an overstuffed episode. This episode, the brain was like sprinkles on top of a cupcake, and I’m okay with that from time to time.
Meanwhile, a few crucial things did happen. Our blackmailed teacher friend Graham from a few episodes ago is back. For reasons unknown, he helps smuggle in a zombie named Riley to be one of Liv’s coyotes. To “prove” she’s human, they take a shot of ghost pepper, and she pretends to cough. (Anyone else feel like that was a strange detail? Also, I didn’t know that all of Liv’s coyotes had to be human.) Major goes toe to toe with Dolly, confronting her at her food truck. We find out that one of Major’s cadets, Murphy, is Dolly’s son. She’s disowned him over becoming a zombie. Murphy tells Major to be careful, because Dolly “really hates zombies.” Yeah, buddy, so we’ve heard. Dolly has spoken into every single microphone she can get her hands on, on every TV channel, multiple times a day. She’s got sneaky food order codes that have killed people. She knows what she’s doing. I’d be very curious to find out why, however. Her hatred seems to have existed even before her son became a zombie, so I do wonder what the root of it all is. Major had better find out a way to get through to her soon, something tells me that Dolly won’t wait much longer to strike again.
Stray thoughts:
Malcolm Goodwin directed the episode, is there anything he can’t do?
UFreightEze is a brilliant pun. Despite this show’s ups and downs, you can always count on it for grade A wordplay.
I’m dying to know who the matchmaker was going to set Don E up with! A love interest for him could be cute.
Dude, talk about a conflict of interest. What a twist that Al is Mr. Boss’ niece.
The US government has officially named Fillmore Graves a terrorist organization. Both parties have earned one Big Yike for that.
Don E admits that Dale scares him so he “steers clear.” I would pay good money for Dale to roast Don E.
“Oh, no you are not taking credit for me and Peyton.” Rahul Kohli’s delivery was perfect here.
Major’s little wink at Dolly ended me.
Beanpole? Davinci of Utopian? Are we talking about Shady Zombie Man?
Don E stage whispering “Tanner’s capable” is one of my favorite Don E lines this season.
Haley’s episode rating: 🐝🐝🐝.5
iZombie airs Thursdays at 9/8c on the CW.
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