#i did my best gkdjfgdf
cat-arsenal · 2 years
Sweetheart x Sam x Darlin’ x Milo
For @ask-redacted-actor-au ! Hope you like it <3
Accents and sassiness galore
Sweetheart seems like a pretty forward person, which flusters the more reserved Sam (and possibly Darlin’)
Especially when they make spicy suggestions, which is often
Likes having sex in risky places: Sweetheart, Darlin’, Milo
Wishes they would be a little safer: Sam
Sam starts cooking again now that he has mortal partners, at least some of whom don’t know how to feed themselves
Many cute kitchen adventures, including helping each other, “helping” each other, dancing, feeding each other, flour fights, etc.
Darlin’ definitely has trust issues, so their partners carefully help them build it together
I headcanon Milo as being excellent at self-care routines, so he ropes the others into at-home spa days and things like that. Neither Darlin’ nor Sam are used to being fussed over or wearing facial cleansing masks or having their hair tenderly washed and styled by a loved one. Might be some tears
Darlin’ and Milo sparring like when they were kids, but half the time it ends in making out
Milo teasing Darlin’ by sharing stories about their past with the other two
Darlin’ trying to do the same, but Milo isn’t as easily embarrassed
I feel like wolves like sleeping in piles. Big cuddle puddle with two shifters, a stealth, and a vampire and sometimes the shifters are shifted and it’s very cozy
Sam, Milo, and Darlin’ racing while Sweetheart cheers them on
Darlin’, being bad at expressing their feelings with words, instead shows affection by gently headbutting their partners and bringing them gifts of their favorite things
Lots of stargazing, drinks on the porch, talking softly about the future
(Sam tries not to think too far into the future)
Obligatory scar comparison!
For wolves, scars are usually a mark of pride, a piece of storytelling. But some of them--like the ones on Sam’s side and certain ones of Darlin’s--have painful stories, so they avoid those, focusing instead on the “badass and sexy ones”
Sweetheart mostly keeps the spooking to Milo what with Darlin’s jumpiness, but they occasionally get Sam
Sam Is Probably The Oldest
Related, the others tease/flirt with him about his Dad Bod/Personality
Just. A lot of teasing and snarking that ends with very soft, sweet promises of love and devotion
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