#i did not know jay could sing like this. like i was actually shaken. taken aback
mainfaggot · 1 month
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jfastereft · 6 years
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Now that we have determined that EVEN THE DIRECTOR is liable to be a "no show," for the Community Thanksgiving Concert this evening, the poem entitled: “JESUS SHOWS,” dated November 7, 2018, is surely brought to mind!!  However, what will the fate of those errant "melodierizers" be?  Well, just this morning, anticipating the situation at The Presbyterian Church at about 7:00 P. M. this evening [when the concert is SUPPOSED to begin with MORE than one choir member!], this poem "arrived,” and I think this should quell your concerns - as to - their fate(s):   I just - call it . . .
"WHATEVER HAPPENED - TO THE   O T H E R  SINGERS IN THE CHOIR?"  a poem   a.k.a.: "The AFTERMATH!"  a.k.a.: “What Happens IF JESUS SHOWS And You Get On The Wrong Star Ship!”  November 15, 2018 (Thor's Day)  
So, Yes!  Good J-Jay-and-Jesus - (pause) sang their Thanksgiving DUET!  
And, of course - it WAS a-really-BIG, "a-really-big-shoe," you bet!
But we've-wondered often - what the fate - of-The-Others-REALLY WAS:
"Happily Ever After!"  doesn't-always-happen  JUST BECAUSE!
However-let's-hold-judgment - and-release This-GLAD-News-Flash:
[The-choir-members HAVE-returned - and they brought with them some cash.*]
This-here - is-the-account, we-have, and, I-assure-you-it's-NO-CON,
For we got-it - from choir members - like MAD-and-PENNY - JAN** & DON!
In their OWN WORDS is appropriate, as we-consider "such-other dimensions;"
Thank GOODNESS things turned about so well - we offer these pretensions:
"We climbed aboard their star ship; we headed for the skies,
And, goodness, little-did-we-know - it-was SATAN in disguise,
Disguised like-The-Blessed-Jesus - how-could-we-have-been-so-mistaken!?
Anyway!  The lot of us - was really - VERY SHAKEN!
We-were-taken to a glorious place - one filled - with lots of light,
But it was so darn luminescent, that we all just lost our sight!
And WAS IT HOT!  just burning!  with lighted coals and ashes,
And Satan told us: 'SING!  YOU FIENDS! or-you-get-one-thousand-lashes!!'
They gave us harps - and pitch pipes - and we did sit upon,
Blocks of cold, hard gold - but-remember - our sight, it was so gone!
Thus, we couldn't SIGHT READ no-thing - it was a terrible plight,
Our-Director-kept-saying: 'Follow ME!'  He-must-a-waved his hands, all right!
Anyway!  There we were!  Just-a-singin' -  For-what seemed like eternity!
And, THEN, one-day(?) - we-heard-motor-engines - What-NOT-on-Earth-could-this-be?
Well, in short-order, we thought that ships - had landed there, close by,
And, SUDDENLY, 'twas J Jay's voice!  That errant bass-singer -'WHY?'
He yelled, 'Have you abducted - The Community Choir?  You BIG putz?'
And, then, we heard a confrontation - with folks-falling-on-their-butts!
Yes, yes, J Jay - had brought (pause)  a host-of-angels - to our aid!
Jesus-and-J-Jay must have subdued - those-demonic-hordes - and made,
The Prince of DARKNESS*** release our souls - Jesus cried out: 'THEY'RE MINE!'
And SOON - we were returning swiftly - back to Old Alpine!
So HERE WE ARE - We made it back!  and we-were-really NOT GONE THAT LONG!!
It DID - seem like Eternity - BUT in-other-Dimensions  - a song,
Seems to take A THOUSAND YEARS - but we-were-gone  - just-a-day-or-two!
So we all got back - in time, Good Friends - to do THE CHRISTMAS CONCERT for you!
And - THAT'S OUR TALE!  Believe-it-or-not - The ‘J Guys’ had TRUE GRIT!!
And!  we promise - never-to-beat-J-Jay-again - if he's late**** - a little bit!”
fin  <3
* - They actually came back - with GOLD BARS!  Yea!  Real gold!!
** - pronounced: "Yawn!"
*** - OR LIGHT?!
**** - for rehearsals!
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