#i did thank them extensively during the mission chat so I think my appreciation was communicated well xD
prototypelq · 5 months
Okay so, yesterday I've been on my worst DRG mission yet xD
I am a very green-greenbeard (barely over 10 hours playtime), my fav mission type is Liquid Morkite mining (space oil mining, you need to build a system of pipelines leading to each morkite rift, which requires a lot of fun terrain-conquering problem-solving), because building pipelines is addictively fun. So, as a complete idiot, I see a mission with modifiers (this was a decision I would later regret-but not really) and get on it on a public server (meaning any player can join in, which normally doesn't take too much time at all).
The modifiers on that mission? Low oxygen and Cave Leeches (Cave leeches are enemy type that grab you and drain your health to zero unless somebody else saves you, Low Oxygen means precisely what the name implies, and you need to regularly come back to the mining station to refill your oxygen tanks.) Oh, and the Cave Complexity was 3 (which means, as I've intimately learned on that mission, that the map becomes much bigger, and more obstacles will get in your way, this pairs very badly with low oxygen modifier, as your mission objectives are placed further, but you constantly need to route back to be able to breathe)
So, there my lonely Engineer was, with my best boi Bosco (robot-companion while you play solo, he actually does what you ask him to so he is more useful than actual players xD yes but not really but yes), terrified of the amount of lootbug mess I just stepped into, once I logged in and realised what exactly all those modifiers meant.
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I was terrified to explore, as it would be extremely easy to get caught by leeches and Bosco can only revive me two times, and this was only the prep step of the actual mission. Very carefully, I was able to find the first morkite well, and then the real issue arose. While, I am really glad I picked Engie for this mission, as his ability to create platforms is extremely useful when building pipelines, he also is one of the classes that doesn't have innate fast mobility options. In the context of a big map and pipeline building this meant that I had to: imagine the route I can build the pipeline to that particular morkite well, figure out how to mold terrain so the pipeline route would be actually possible to build, go out and mold terrain, then immediately route back because I have no oxygen left, rinse repeat, but switch 'terrain mold' to 'pipeline construction'. Very soon the time I spent getting to the construction point and back took most of my oxygen, so I could work like 30 seconds maybe on a pipeline, before heading back, otherwise my dwarf would suffocate. Also, somehow, Nobody would join. I think I spent around 30, maybe a bit more minutes just trying to build the first pipeline. I was terrified of going outside the tried and true routes because of the cave leeches, so I didn't even have any nitra for a resupply when my platform gun ran out of ammo. I started manually digging through the rock to build the second pipeline. I mean, I started digging for 2 seconds at best, then had to run back because of low oxygen, then back to mining for my two limited seconds.
For some reason, I persisted through this, and built two out of three pipelines. Thankfully, the best route I found for the last line went parallel to my first built line for a long time, so that eased the process a little, and the middle morkite well turned out to be closer than the others, so that was a break. I only had the longest pipeline to build, the one where I had to manually dig a tunnel to place, when, THANK GOD, another player joined in. It was a Gunner, he clearly didn't feel nearly as terrified as I was of the cave leech ambushes, was I bravery or stupidity I know not, but he found us nitra, and I was finally able to order a resupply. Things went easier after I figured out that his ziplines took less time to go up the cliff that pipeline surfing, and with my reloaded platform gun things got much easier. Then another player joined in, a scout this time, and it all went pretty smooth after that. The entire mission took me an hour and a half to complete, and for the most of it I was on my own.
Bosco, I will never forget the bond we built on that mission, robot-buddy my dear,
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and the joined guys really saved my ass there,
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I would never have finished the mission without them. Remember, if you Rock and Stone, you're never alone!
16 notes · View notes
teamdoubleoh · 4 years
Rings - 00Q secret marriage AU
pt. 1/2        pt. 2/2
Q and Bond flirt and MI6 ships it. There is a betting pool.
wordcount: 2791
Many thanks to Kira for helping me figure out the ending.
007 and the Quartermaster meet.
Really, the minions should have seen it coming. So should have R and Eve Moneypenny and M and the rest of the double 0s.
Introducing 007 to the Quartermaster had been the simultaneously best and worst decision MI6 had made since the founding of the double-0 program but the meeting of the youngest Quartermaster and the oldest serving Double-0 in the history of MI6 had not only been inevitable; at that point no one had really had any idea of what they were getting into.
Their fist meeting had been witnessed only by R, who was in Q’s ear at the time, and a few minions who kept tabs on the Quartermaster via CCTV, both of which was a plain matter of security.
It had been a smooth affair. Q had been brought to the National Gallery in a standard issue vehicle and entered the building with only a brief glance at the cameras above. He had strolled around for a bit, perfectly anonymous to everyone around him.
Then he had reached the meeting point and 007 had been waiting, ready to receive his papers and equipment.
»…Always makes me feel a bit melancholy. Grand old warship being ominously hauled away to scrap… Inevitability of time, don’t you think? What do you see?«
The cameras hadn’t been able to capture the slyness of the smirk in its entirety, and neither would they catch the cynicism in 007’s voice when he answered,
»A bloody big ship. Excuse me.«
Then Bond had turned away, and it had seemed as though he really was about to leave, had it not been for the very slightest of smiles on his face.
»I’m your new Quartermaster.« Q said, still facing the painting of ›A bloody big ship‹
Bond sat back down.
»You must be joking.«
»Why? Because I’m not wearing a lab coat?«
»Because you still have spots.«
»My complexion is hardly relevant.«
»Your competence is.«
»Age is no guarantee of efficiency.«
»And youth is no guarantee of innovation.«
The whole exchange had been laced with a hint of amusement that went over the heads of the Minions, whose grainy CCTV feeds and earpieces could only pick up so much.
They didn’t catch the glistening of a pair of rings on the Mens ring fingers either.
Later all present observers would agreed that, in retrospect, this was the point from which it had gone downhill. Though ›downhill‹ was the wrong expression entirely, because the Quartermaster and 007 had caught on like a house on fire.
And so it had begun.
When Bond wasn’t on mission he hung around Q-branch and tailed Q. Sometimes he would flirt in his not-so-subtle ways or bring Q fresh cups of earl grey.
Q flirted back be either complaining endlessly about Bond’s tea or not complaining at all, depending on how busy he was.
After a week of this Q branch had opened a betting pool on when and how they’d go on a date.
When Eve first found out she was close to furious - about not being told that is - and regularly joined the Minions on breaks to discuss the latest gossip.
Once Bond had brought Q Indian takeaway after returning from a mission. The wagers rose immediately.
Then Spectre happened. Bond had gone with Madeline and the entirety of Q-Branch and all of the double-0s were ready to murder Bond and incredibly careful around Q.
Q didn’t seem to care that Bond had run off but everyone at MI6 who was at least slightly invested in the matter was secretly convinced he was just putting on a brave face.
A few weeks after Bonds disappearance Eve and R - who was a mother hen to everyone in Q-Branch - told Q that he should just forget Bond; in response Q only looked at them like they’d just told him to get a job at an Internet café and asked what they meant by that.
Eve and R retold the exchange during break and again there was a major shift in the bettings. Not that anyone was having any doubts about the Quartermaster and 007 ending up together, but the predicted time for a first date moved back considerably.
Of course Bond came back eventually, as he always did.
He even brought with him all of his equipment, most of which was intact, including the Aston Martin which sported a new set of scratches but was otherwise fully functioning. When Bond entered Q-Branch - for the first time in six months after dropping of the radar as well as everyone’s favours - Q looked up from his Laptop, smirked at Bond when he laid out the equipment carefully on his desk and said with an eerie lightness in his voice: »Thank god you didn’t ruin the car. I’d hate to rebuild it from scratch again.«
Bond returned the smile and answered in his usual flirtatious tone »Don’t get used to it. I don’t think I’ll do a mission that quiet or extensive ever again.«
Q put his head to one side, and squinted at Bond and mused, »I suppose not, no. Yet another broken record, hm 007?«
Bond considered this for a moment, but refrained from answering and instead took Q’s empty scrabble mug and ventured to the Q-Branch break room to make a new cuppa.
The minions, who had collectively held their breath since 007 had set foot in Q-Branch, exhaled slowly and carefully but didn’t refrain from retelling the situation in vivid, if not dramatic detail to Eve and the agents during lunch.  Eve later told M while delivering files.
Not a full 24 hours after Bond’s return everyone in on the situation had changed their bettings again.
By day three of 007’s - ‘unexpected’ wasn’t the right word, considering the bets had still run high during his time of absence - return, Bond had taken it onto himself to make sure the Quartermaster drank and ate properly and even organised a large couch from one of the waiting rooms to put in Q’s office. He denied that the sudden appearance of a bed substitute had anything to do with him, claiming he wouldn’t care how or where Q spent the night.
His lie would have been more believable had Bond not spent the better part of the last two days trying to convince the Quartermaster to sleep more.
Q only rolled his eyes so far back it looked painful and turned to work on a new project.
Obviously the information on Bond’s exact phrasing was passed around MI6 carefully and was thoroughly discussed during coffee break. By the end of the week everyone at MI6 was convinced Bond had stopped seeing other people altogether in an effort to get the Quartermaster to have dinner with him.
Then Bond was cleared for the field.
While he regularly lost his MI6 issued watches and guns, he always returned whatever communication device he was entrusted with. Q seemed to appreciate this, and always smiled brightly at the agent when he carefully placed the most recent earpiece or radio on Q’s desk. While the betting pool was often reset by a few days or even weeks it was only once after Bonds disappearance, that it was collectively delayed by more than five months.
Five weeks after Bond’s return to MI6, R checked into the google docs spreadsheet that the Minions had created to keep tract of the wagers, only to find that almost everyone had changed their wagers to an average of plus seven months until first date.
Confused she checked the minion group chat and, upon realising that something had happened during her off-shift, got Minion #22, Lake, to summarise why exactly there had been such a massive delay in the predicted dates.
Apparently Bond had come down to Q-Branch after spending his morning at the gym, which was not unusual. He had sported black slacks and a white shirt and the top three buttons had been undone. 
That was unusual. R didn’t think she’d seen 007 without tie ever. 
And Bond had been wearing a necklace, #22 continued, but not any necklace. There’d been a ring on it. It had been a simple gold band, fitted to someone with rather thin fingers in comparison to 007 himself.
The Minions had come to the obvious conclusion; Bond had been married and, whatever had happened to the original wearer of the ring, Bond wasn’t over it.
R contacted Eve Moneypenny.
To the dismay of all of MI6, while Bond kept flirting with Q and regularly fed him take-away, Q didn’t respond to his efforts any different from before. He ate and drank what Bond handed him, and even sometimes took a nap. Not once Q answered Bond’s offers to take him out for dinner with anything but an exasperated sigh.
R didn't get to see the fabled ring until two months later.
Bond was on a mission in Lebanon, trying to seduce a woman who knew something. Getting into the party had been ridiculously easy and within ten minutes of his arrival at the luxurious villa Bond was surrounded by pleasant music, thick red carpets and about two hundred strategically placed candles, that basked the crowd in golden light. 
Bond was currently talking to a grey haired man sporting a white suit, whose tongue had been loosened by the free champagne significantly since the beginning of the event.
When the target entered the room every one present turned to towards her, including Bond. The grey haired man seemed to read his expression all to easily - though admittedly the years as spy had made Bond a formidable actor.
The man took another champagne flute from one of the passing waiters - his fifth - and shook his head at Bond, when he turned back to him. "Oh that is an expression I have seen before." He slurred. 
Bond cocked one eyebrow. 
"That look on your face, Mr. Sterling. Forget it. She doesn't go for men like us."
"Men like us?" Bond asked with an easy smile.
The target was, according to her files, eight years older than him, and the grey haired man was older than her by a few years, so age couldn’t be the deciding factor, and neither could money, as Bond was ‘Mr. Sterling’ tonight. 
The grey-haired man sighed with all the theatrical expertise of a sixth grader. "She likes to go for married men -- Only for married men, ever since her husband died - the third one I mean." He hiccuped.
Q-branch was dead silent.
So was Bond, for a split second.
Then he turned away from his conversational partner and took a step into the crowd.
R, who was on CCTV duty for the night, could see him open his mouth to speak-
"Not a word James." Q unceremoniously cut off what ever Bond might have said. The place had excellent cameras, R found, as she watched Bond smile innocently.
"I don't know whatever you could mean, dear Quartermaster."
Q groaned and shoved up his glasses over his forehead to pinch the bridge of his nose. "Oh, grow up 007 -- Just do it."  
Bond reached in the inner pocket of his suit and pulled out a chain with a ring on it.
Judging by the reaction of the minions - a collective intact of breath that was so blatantly obvious that even Q briefly looked up from his laptop in confusion - this was the necklace Bond had been wearing a few months back.
Bond, unaware of the consequences of his actions to the betting pool, opened the chains fastener and pulled the ring off. Then he carefully placed the chain back in his pocket and slipped the ring on his left ring finger where it fit surprisingly well. He straightened his suit jacket and made his way across the room to their target.
The rest of the mission passed in a haze.
Bond seduced the woman, who was convinced that he was a married man and thus more or less openly spilled some secrets MI6 had been after for weeks -- as well as some no one had had any idea about, but they weren’t going to complain about that, were they.
The intel was transmitted via Q-branch to the recipient, 004 - R's fiancé, currently on mission to snuff out a child trafficking ring in the north of the united  States - and Bond, for once perfectly following his orders to return immediately, managed to grab the first plane to England the following morning.
What MI6 personnel found much more interesting than the gathered intel was the fact that not only was Bond apparently over his marriage - or at least had no problem using it to his advantage - but Q had apparently been well aware the spies former engagement.
Within three hours the betting pool was fully reset once again.
Bonds flight -Beirut to London, almost 2000 kilometres -  took four hours which he spent sleeping. When he arrived at Heathrow, still quite tired, he found that Q had already organised a non descriptive silver car to take him back to MI6. Yet, by the time Bond finally reached the steel doors of Q branch it was 10 am and the day shift had taken over again. The only thing he wanted now was a warm bed with a Quartermaster in it, and since Q had worked even longer than he had he woudn’t object to James taking him home. If you asked James he slept way too little anyways.
Bond put his Hand on the scanner to his left and waited till it had picked up his handprint - something Q branch apparently had an obsession with - and stepped through the opening doors.
R sighed. Deeply. She was supposed to be at home by now, enjoying the off time or sleeping, yet here she was, sitting at her desk, working on a project. And it was all Bond's fault.
Well technically.
She just wanted to be present for 007 return - usually the best time to pick up fresh gossip about the Agents budding relationship with the quartermaster. Unfortunately she now could barely keep her eyes open. Time for another coffee then. She stood, cup in hand, when the for opened and Bond strode in. Fucking finally.
As usual Bond went straight for the Quartermasters desk at the back centre of the room where Q was sitting, typing idly away on his sticker covered laptop.  
As usual Q looked up at the sound of Bonds steps on the cold concrete floor, a smile forming on his lips. Since Bond hadn’t been equipped with anything more than a com system for the mission, only carefully placed the small device on Q’s desk.
“You know 007, I might just start equipping you with only a com. At least if I don’t give you any tech, you won’t be able to loose it, hm?”
“Aw Q, you wouldn’t do that to me.” 
Q didn’t answer. 
“Would you?”
Q wasn’t listening. Even from R’s position pretty much all the way across the room it was clear that he was staring at Bonds hand. The one with the Ring on it. 
Now even James noticed that something was amiss. 
Q stood from his chair and extended his hand towards 007. “James, Hand over the Ring.” There was something in his voice that was a perfect mix of annoyance and fondness - which confused R a great deal. 
Bond liftend his hand and pulled the ring off. It must have been a little too tight because he struggled quite a bit before dropping it in Q’s outstretched hand. 
R took a step towards Q’s desk, to have a closer look. By now the attention of the entire room was in Q and 007.
Q rummaged with his free left hand through the pocket of his cardigan and pulled out a gold ring that seemed - to everyones surprise - to be the exact same Bond had just handed him, safe for the size. Bond’s ring was narrower, while Q’s looked like it would fit comfortably on the Quartermaster thumb. 
Q took the larger ring and slipped it onto Bond’s outstretched finger, where it fir perfectly. Bond smiled, not fazed in the least. 
“I was wondering why it was so tight.” 
Q scoffed. “Oh yes, it’s almost as though there was a reason they get fitted, hm?” 
Bond’s smile only widened as he picked up the smaller ring to slip it onto Q’s ring finger, apparently completely unaware of the minions shocked expressions around them. 
“Join me for dinner then, Quartermaster?”
R chocked on air, but Q only rolled his eyes and shut down his laptop, carefully placing it in his messenger bag. 
“James, for the love of god. It’s 10:12 am and I just completed a 38 hour shift.“
Bond’s smirk only grew as he offered his left arm for Q to take. “Bed it is then.”
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beatsfortheillperth · 7 years
Words with Weirddough Part 2
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Francis Zapanta aka Weirddough out of Las Vegas, USA is an all-around blessed beat-smith and individual whom inspires us to continue expressing the love here at beatsfortheill. His positive essence and compassionate ideas make listening to tracks like “flowerz” and “reup” that little bit sweeter. Not to mention how Francis makes one appreciate the ever adapting and growing beat scene of our generation with a little more integrity.
Currently studying to become a Social Worker and working on his next album Elevatormuzik pt. 2, Weirddough is a creative that is showing no signs of slowing down and we love it. Creating music that inspires a warm heart and a mellow vibe, Francis is a genuine example of musical greatness.
So relax and enjoy words part 2 with one of our favourite beat-makers here at beatsfortheill Australia.
Inspire, Love, Relate
Hey, Francis, it’s great to chat with you again, so many releases since we last had words with you. How about we start off by asking what hip-hop means to you and what inspires you most within the hip-hop scene?
Glad to be back, thank you for having me.
Aw man, it's a culture. A way of life, an art.
I've always admired it from a young age and am forever a student of it. There are so many forms of hip-hop and it branches out into so many concepts and can fuse with almost any style.
I have always loved sampling, as to where, like in hip-hop; in other elements like b-boying, or graffiti, there are rudimentary basics and fundamentals that you follow. Once you’ve got the tools down, you can freak it in your own way.
You find that formula, your own bounce and groove. I like how people express themselves in their own way, hearing their soul in their music, as an extension of themselves.
Away from music what do you spend your time doing, and what are you drawn to on a general basis?
I've had 9 to 5's, I recently worked at a poke restaurant not too long ago. I'm currently studying to take my board exam to become a licensed Social Worker and I eventually want to go back to school in the future.
For those who are new to your sound how would you describe your music and for fun which one of your tracks would you recommend one to tune into?
I would just say it's Instrumental Hip-Hop. A reflection of what I'm feeling at the time. I would recommend “how did you know” off of Love Spells.
Who are you vibing of art and life wise as off lately that you feel our readers would love?
When it comes to drawing and painting, definitely Katsuya Terada. He freestyles huge ink drawings and they're ridiculous. I just love his line quality and his style.
Check out his Instagram @katsuyaterada.
Also, Boy Kong. He is super ill. Super talented individual. He does graffiti, murals, installations, and even tattoos. I love his vibrant colour choices and the way they pop.
Check him out, his Instagram is @boykong.
There's always a book I love reading called The Law of One by Ra. It's a book written about the universe which contains exact transcripts recorded by people while they were channelling Ra, who was an extraterrestrial being from another planet that was trying to help mankind.
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You’ve been linked up with beatsfortheill as a collective for a while now, but away from beatsfortheill what other collectives and labels do you represent? Can you share them with our readers and the mission each represents?
The first label which I was really surprised hit me up was Paxico Records. I had the honour of dropping a project with them. They are a movement representing so many talented artists that I listened and looked up to.
This is quoted from the website, www.paxicorecords.com:
"Rare & recent worldwide. We create works of art with their own mythology and folklore. The slow-growing, idiosyncratic collection of handmade records and art is an ongoing study of futurism and folklore realized in a series of releases. Each release is organized to show the special rapport between its audio and visual components."
I am also part of a collective out in Las Vegas called The Rabbit Hole. It's a group of producers and DJs. We tried expanding the scene out here through throwing monthly events every last Thursday of every month. Come through if you're in town!
This was taken from therabbitholelv.com:
"The Rabbit Hole holds monthly events as a music experience that takes our audience on a wild trip with performances by producers/DJs showcasing styles from left field bass, hip-hop instrumentals, and experimental beats. Our sounds are combined with live visuals by the best VJs in the city to elevate your senses and push the experience that much further. We aim to raise the community by establishing a profound music culture."
Paxico Records on Instagram @paxicorecords
The Rabbit Hole on Instagram @therabbitholelv
You’ve been creating beats for years that have inspired others to keep creating and sharing their own sounds, much love. What do you feel keeps you going within music?
At first, creating something really helped with my condition and it was a form of therapy for me. I used to reach out to other artists and told them that their music really helped me get through things when times were rough.
When other people started reaching out to me, doing the same, it felt like a synchronicity that I had to keep in momentum. It became more of a selfless ritual.
There is nothing more rewarding to me than helping others, in any way. It's more than music to me.
What gigs have you performed at that you find have ultimately helped you connect with your fan base on a deeper level? In saying that what do you love most about performing your music to a live crowd and how do you feel listeners react to your music?
The first time we performed out of state was in Arizona. The people out there are so chill and humble. It was all love that night. A real cool cat approached me and told me how my music inspired him to be a better person among other things. I almost shed a thug tear haha. That meant the world to me.
We shared so many laughs that night and now he is a real close friend. Shouts to Jamar for everything and the hospitality.
If I play an all original set that night, the best thing about it is seeing and hearing how people resonate with it. Also, playing like a 90s joint or some James Brown and seeing everyone dance and have a good time, I love that.
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You released a track called Baby Steps through Paxico Records, though it’s only a minute and a half it somewhat takes the listeners on a journey through time dabbling in so many genres, basically it’s beautiful! How did Paxico Records get a hold of you and what was it like putting this track together?
Thank you. The homie Chris hit me up through Instagram and complimented me on one of my drawings. I was honored he was feeling my beats too. We eventually started chatting about doing a release and that Baby Steps joint was a track off Love Spells that dropped around Christmas 2013.
I just chopped it and tried to keep the arrangement simple and similar to the original. It was one of the last joints I made while I was working on the project.
Last time we shared words you mentioned enhale as being your favourite track that you’ve put together. A few years have passed since then and I was wondering, is enhale still your go-to or do you have a new favourite track that you’ve put together?
I think I have a different favorite haha. That itsu track off of Conversations.
I made it during the beginning stages of using the SP. I love that sample, and it was crazy because I found it online from like a radio station from the 80s that used to play funk and rare grooves.
What is your favourite part about experimenting within music and how do you feel your music has grown since we last linked up?
I feel like it's grown a lot. Just the way I approach it now, and how it sounds. I've definitely started experimenting more within my work. Also with other genres.
My favourite part about it is discovering a new technique that you didn't know before or making something out of the ordinary actually sound decent.
Messing with other genres almost made me feel like I started over again. It's refreshing to feel that hunger when you first start making music.
Staying on the topic of genre experimentation, you've been working on some new material as of lately. Stuff I was privileged to hear, you're dabbling with house music too. Can’t wait for you to release these tracks as I feel they will without a doubt take their listeners on a soul-soothing journey. In a way that I feel your new projects somewhat show an alter to your usual approach, much love. Can you share what inspired you to put your new tracks together and what message are you trying to humbly portray through your newer releases?
I just always had an idea of making something more uptempo. I originally wanted to make juke, but I had no idea how to make it. I started messing with house drums and added loops to it and it didn't sound too bad.
The other beats I shared with you are from a new project which will be a continuation of a past project. It's still in the works. I'm trying to go back to that sound I started with, in just a more evolved manner.
Have to mention your tracks “greeninblue” (that piano is so damn healing) also have to pop in your track “floating”. Those vocals literally have one upon a cloud in awe, intertwined in that subtle sax, I'm definitely refreshed with each play, much love! 
Both tracks are actually available for download via your ep good juju that was released in September. 
What inspired good juju as a whole and what was it like putting the tracks together for this deeply beautiful release? Also, what’s the reason for the name “good juju”?
When I was working on stuff at that time, it was a bit after I started sampling some newer music, like after the 2010s, and I eventually made a few songs that sounded kind of cohesive. I struggled with coming up with a title for the longest time and that delayed the release haha.
Then I remembered a time when I was in the hospital, another patients and I were on a smoke break. Someone did something that was off in etiquette, and the dude said, "Nah, that's bad juju. Do it this way for good juju."
After he said that I always liked the phrase and what it encompassed. I felt like saying it, portrayed it nicely, and I wanted the project to reflect good karma, fortune, and luck.
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good juju - released September 1, 2016  
Over the years what have you learned most about collaborating with other like-minded artists? With more years of experience behind you, what do you feel you enjoy most about the process as of now?
I have learned that collaborating is not for everyone haha. I'm honestly not consistent with collabs, but when it works out it's amazing. I love how each person's flavour is in the collab, and if you flow together it ends up sounding like the best version of each artist. Sometimes, you get surprised like, "Damn, I wouldn't have thought of that." And you always learn new methods from one another.
Any gigs or new release coming up that we should keep an eye out for?
A record with the Virginia rapper DooF will be coming out on vinyl. The gawd KVMI and I will be dropping a collab tape in the near future. Also, that solo project I mentioned earlier will be coming out this year.
Be sure to cop the Fuzzoscope Earwax Shelf Life Compilation that recently came out. Available in digital, cassette, and vinyl: https://fuzzoscope.bandcamp.com/
The next event I will be playing will be a Rabbit Hole Show on June 24th with artists Cecil Purihin, Illathnmst, Linafornia, and Samiyam at the Bunkhouse Saloon, Downtown Las Vegas. You don't wanna miss this!!
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Musical Inspirations?
My all-time favorite producer is KanKick. His album "Acid Massive Musical" inspired me to make beats.
Everyone from Oxnard, Madlib, Oh No, etc. Everyone in Green Llama, Dibia$e, selfish., Van45, Fluent, etc. Luke Vibert, Boards of Canada, Inland Knights. Kool G Rap, Black Moon, Cru. There's so many.
Newer producers like Ohbliv, Mndsgn, Devonwho, and LowKey that's also in Green Llama. This kid is the truth!! So young, and such a beast.
Everyone at Paxico and Dirty Tapes, I really love what they're doing. My local homies, Bhonstro, Oneonthebeat, Lwkylky, Mayneframe, Jeb, Supreme-O, Mute, PhillyZane, Monro, somanyfeels, david.cuf, shouts to the family.
Thelonious Monk is my favorite pianist because his style was so unorthodox. I can go on, I'll stop now aha.
Music Recommendations?
If you haven't heard of him, check out Roddy Rod. He's crazy on the chops.
Benny B. Blonco! His kicks shifted my lungs.
Van45, he's super slept on. He used to go by Varan back in the Myspace days, he was one of my favorite producers when I started.
Shouts to the homie lastnamedavid, he put me on to Steve Lacy who is the guitarist for The Internet. He recently came out with a project called Steve Lacy's Demo It won't disappoint.
Any Last words?
Thank you again for having me. Shouts to beatsfortheill and much love to you Sophie. I appreciate the opportunity.
Thank you to all my listeners and supporters, you keep me going. I love all of you.
Shouts to the music homies online, hope to meet you all one day. You know who you are.
Love to my family and friends out here in Vegas. Always got my back no matter what.
Special shoutout to the wifey Shana. She hasn't left me yet hahaha just playing. You're all the support I need, thank you for supporting me with everything and helping me be a better person. I love you.
Shouts to you for reading this, I enjoyed this time.
Hope you have a great day.
Much love and many blessings! Peace!
Support Weirddough Here:
Soundcloud- https://soundcloud.com/weirddough
Bandcamp- https://weirddough.bandcamp.com/
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/Weirddough-188034481246489/
Twitter-  https://twitter.com/weirddough
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