#i didnt actually imagine dr coomer in crocs but my friend insisted
spaceistheplaceart · 2 months
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Bubby dragged a hand down his own face. “I don't care what your name is, we don't need to strip you in our foyer. Doesn't matter if there’s an undersuit, it’s– this isn't– there's a time and place!” 
Gordon sputtered. “I mean–! I’m probably not naked? They didn’t– they wouldn’t build the game with a naked Gordon Freeman under this. Or a clothed one. Shit, I– please don’t pull on that, I don’t want to find out if I’m just a mass of missing texture under this.”
Coomer rested his hands on his hips. “Well, I highly doubt they lovingly modeled the nude body of a flabby old cybernetic scientist, but I’ve been able to get into my pajamas at night all the same.”
@blacktobackmesa updated their streamman series once again and I had to draw something for it! If you haven't already, READ IT! It's so good
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