#i do have scoliosis tho
mysicklove · 8 months
Oh my gods all your kinktober stuff has been amazing, but don’t forget to take breaks and unshrimp your back love
LOVE U!!! anmd dont worry i write with super duper good posture on my bed
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mishkakagehishka · 9 months
They had me do knee push-ups today bro idek how to do a normal push-up
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raininyourblackeyes · 10 months
My dad is starting to take my ankle problems seriously since we went running today and I had to stop after only 1200m because the pain in the left one was so bad I could barely stand
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noturmuse · 2 years
Kinda sad to know I won’t ever be able to wear pointe shoes
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angryborzois · 7 months
i joked about it for years but I may actually have scoliosis
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weirdchurchgirl · 11 months
restaurant jobs are not for the weak. maybe one shift a week i get to sit down for 2 minutes, otherwise every day i’m standing/walking for 7-9 hours straight…
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roylustang · 1 year
trying not to go insane bc my shin be hurtin during the last few miles of my long run
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merriclo · 2 years
it’s my modern au and i get to give legend minor scoliosis
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motheyes · 2 years
my body hurts so bad from cleaning cupboards
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trollbreak · 2 years
Also does anyone wanna see my bad terrible spine
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scremogirl · 8 months
HII LOVE UR WRITING,, MAY I REQUEST (if no, pls ignore! :')
so theres this thing i do,,, as a clingy partner,, was wondering how ur yanyans will react?
Whenever reader wants some quiet quality type, they sit on the floor near where yandere's chair is, and lays their head on their lap and js continue scrolling on their phone...yanderes reactions??
How my yans react to you putting your head in their laps
GN! Reader, ❤︎︎!!! Your words are in italics theirs are in bold. Check out their stories here ✩ ✰ 𖤐. I LOVE U FOR THIS ANON(•̀ᴗ•́)و
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✩Does not know what to do
✩Literally will freeze like a deer in headlights when you show him any kind of affection.
✩Wants it so bad though!
✩Will act slightly like a tsundere if you call him out on how much he’s blushing
☆The head in the lap thing tho? You’re actually trynna kill him
He’s yet again invited you over under the guise of a study session. You knew this because A, you're not stupid and B, you’ve finished your work for the week. It was Friday and you had nothing better to do, so why not? The chance to lay in his large bed plus free snacks and fast internet? The chance was too good to give up. So here you are. Splayed out in his bed as he sits hunched over his desk to engrossed in his studies. You’re kinda scared he’ll get scoliosis from how long he’s been in that position. It’s been about an hour and some change since you’ve been here and you’re starting to get bored. And hungry. Your stomach growling over the video playing on your phone was enough to get you up and moving.
You call out to him and in an instant he drops the pen in his hand and turns all his attention to you. Before you get to tell him why you interrupted him so abruptly, your stomach answers for you. With a teasing smile it clicks in his head what you were gonna ask him and he asks you to grab some of those disgusting kale chips he likes on his way up. His house is basically a maze so you have enough time to think about the many ways you could clear your boredom.
Finally arriving at the kitchen you grab a handful of snacks and wave at the butler who's already stocked up once he learned of your arrival. This dude is loaded so he won’t miss anything, besides he got ‘em for you anyways. Speak of the devil, he hasn’t paid attention to you not once since you got here, it was his idea in the first place! Making your way upstairs you finally decide on the perfect way to clear that thought.
Handing him his snack of choice he thanks you before immediately returning back to work. However, he doesn’t get through much as he notices you haven’t moved. He’s about to ask what you're up to before you drop down to your knees and place your head in his lap.
“He-hey! What’re you doing? I can’t work like this,” you ignore him completely before whipping out your phone and opening your bag of chips. He’s about to continue his questioning when you raise your arm up and hover a chip close to his lips. He shakes his head to the other side but as soon as you see it snap back you shove it past his soft lips. You make sure to press down on his tongue just a little before pulling back and whipping the remaining saliva in his lips.
“Shut up,”
Not another word was spoken from him the rest of the day. You could feel his bulge against your head but didn’t pay it any mind. Who knows, maybe if he finishes fast enough you’ll finally get the attention you wanted.
✰A common occurrence between the two of you tbh
✰It’s usually from him but he obviously doesn’t mind being on the receiving end; prefers it actually.
✰Can actually be quiet for once. He just loves to sit in the silence of such an intimate moment.
✰You on the other hand just wanted a comfortable place to take a nap.
“(Y/nnnnnn), I’m boreddd,” jeez can this guy exist without making noise. It’s not nothing you didn’t expect though, that’s just Micah is. You’ve known him too long to be annoyed by things like this so you just sigh.
“Put on a movie or something,” you don’t give him the. You don’t even give him the courtesy of eye contact seeing as they're closed. The bags under your eyes and slug of your shoulders as you lay down on the couch don’t go unnoticed. Yes! The perfect excuse for a cuddle session. Rising from his spit across from you he moves his way over to the kitchen, not forgetting to hand you the remote first already knowing he’d probably spend 10 min just looking for a good watch. Opting for YouTube instead you quickly put on some random try not to laugh in order to provide you some stimulation, resisting the cusps of sleep. Your eyes shift to the soft snow falling past the window, the cold not helping as you snuggle deeper into your blanket making you even more tired.
He returns with some hot cocoa and cookies as he takes a new spot next to you. You sit up and take the surgery treats as your eyes refocus onto the screen. His eyes stay on you though, enchanted at the thought of you. Ever since you were kids he knew he was gonna make you his and nobody would get in the way of that m. Not even you.
Too absorbed in la la land he fails to notice that you’ve already chugged down your drink and eaten your full of the cookies. He only snaps out of it when he feels pressure on his shoulders. As he lets you lay him down on the couch, he’s watching as you readjust the blanket to cover your whole body. You scoot your body down and lay your head on his lap snuggling closer into his warmth. Smoothing his hand through your hair (or scratching your back if your hair’s too short/thick) he listens to your breathing become more even. So happy that his sweet little angel finally catches some z’s.
✫I really CANT decide if he or Micah like it more.
𖤐The thing is with Micah, he’s been able to have his hands on you for years so he’s more used to affection.
𖤐Miylo on the other hand, before you “truly noticed” him has only ever been close enough as sharing a desk with you. There was that time when he had to help you out of a sticky situation(insert anon of him helping you become unstuck), but other than that he’s never felt your skin. (Besides the time he broke into your house and wacked his shit to your sleeping face before stealing your underwear (●’◡’●)ノ )
𖤐After you got over the fact that he wouldn’t leave you alone/became popular, he will never stop touching you
𖤐Putting your head in his lap is only sending yourself down into a long rabbit hole
You’ve been putting off this project for god knows how long. Being in various different clubs, applying for colleges, and the stress from your parents did no good for your health; physical or mental. The student council have all been divided for the purpose of a fundraiser you’re putting on for donations to various types of charity’s. You got satlled with the easiest so you couldn’t be to mad but the exhaustion from life was killing you.
“Finally! Now I can finally get some rest,” Christ, if you knew being apart the council gave you this much work you would’ve opted for something more functional. You hear a chuckle from beside you. Oh right… he’s here too. He wouldn’t stop bombarding you with his assistance, saying that “two heads are better than one,”. Luckily, you were able to block him out for most of this project but now you can’t. There’s only so much about his rambles on quantum theory and the newest Spider-Man movie you can take. What a fucking nerd. No matter though, all you're worried about is flopping down and living in your own world for a while and he wouldn’t stop you from that. He tries to say something but you're not having any of it.
Grabbing him by the tie, you yank him towards you. You feel just a little bad for how aggressive you were but knowing him he probably likes it. The blush in his cheeks and rubbing of his thighs only emphasizes your point.
“Listen close, all I want is to lay down and not have to worry about anything. So do me a favor and shut your mouth for a while and read a book or something; got it?” The nod you receive from him is timid but filled with obedience, that makes you smile a bit. You reach up and pay his head a little “Good boy,”
You shift him so he’s sitting up straight and shove his discarded book in his hands before laying down with your head in his lap. He’s frozen and shaking slightly but you don’t care. He realizes that and snaps back into himself probably realizing he won’t get you to be so willing to touch him next time. Getting comfortable he decides that maybe you wouldn’t mind him reading to you. And you don’t. His voice doing justice as you rest your eyes and continue to listen to the story.
Y’all I am so mad because I was writing in tumbler and my phone shut off and all my shit got deleted. I had to re-write Kenya's whole part and deleted most of the earth. N E WAYZ hope this what you asked for my love, ENJOY( ˘ ³˘)♥︎!!!
-Sos ❤️
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skaiplana · 4 months
Read Harrow the Ninth. Went insaner. Read As Yet Unsent. Shitpost and thoughts:
- God's name is John. He makes dad jokes.
- I am glad this is a universe where God can be: a) killed b) fucked. We have empirical evidence
- on that note, let's do dios apate minor three but make it a foursome with me baby. Let me get that ancient pussy and/or dick
- rip Mercymorn that woman served cunt was a cunt and talked!! In an amazing! Way!! Do you think she would fix my scoliosis?
- rip Augustine he was a cunt too. Trying to send god to hell is iconic. Of course Ianthe would kill him.
- Mercy and Augustine... they hated each other. They worked together to kill god. They had a suicide pact. They wanted to be burried next to each other. They died only a few minutes apart.
- Ianthe that gay little pathetic snake.
- is Gideon (2) biologically Mercy's or Wake's kid? I thought she was Wake's because everything Mercy made died but I've seen some people say otherwise
- so like. Wake is evil virgin Mary. Gideon (2) is space lesbian Jesus.
- Gideon (1) is OUT, Pyrra is IN! What that entails I do not know but she seems cooler than him
- how do you get in affair with a commander of your enemy. How do you not use a condom or like kill your sperm. Why were you afraid it's your kid Gideon (Pyrra?).
- when John asked if Harrow and Ianthe are using protection what did he mean. Is he implying that there is a possibility of pregnancy? Is he concerned about infections and stds? They could just cure those? Is he saying that there are like dental dams somewhere on mithraeum
- Harrow. What can I say? She did a diy lobotomy. She's haunted. Every woman wants her. She's in love with a dead body. She made a soup out of her own bone and tried to murder someone with it. I want to hug her
- yk I'm starting to think that the Emperor Undying is a wretched liar a dick and a colonizer. Just a hunch.
- now I don't believe anything he's ever said and I'm thinking that Harrow probably did open the tomb
- Camilla is alive and well!!! Sex Pal is almost alive an fairly well!! Can we get him out of the bones
- Coronabeth is realizing how fucked up the nine houses are! Deuteros is not!
- Abigail!!! Magnus!!! I'm glad I got to see more of them. Abigail is actually so cool I want them to adopt me
- the actual Dulcinea! She's so cool too
- the alive Protesilaus being a poet udhdhehhehe and Ortus having internal beef with him
- Ortus is an interesting person now! Also the way everyone likes his poetry except for Harrow is peak comedy
- they actually summoned Nonius. Then he killed ghost Wake. Then they made a dnd party and went to to fight the Resurrection Beast and they WON I guess. These series is a comedy
- I actually understood everything most of the time except for some obscure words (please explain gall on gall tho)
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AITA for not coming out to my boyfriend?
i (18afab) am genderfluid. i present pretty feminine and default to she/her pronouns because 1) its hard for people to keep up with how frequently and inconsistently my pronouns/gender identity switches up and 2) i have pretty extreme anxiety surrounding coming out and being proud of my gender (related to feeling like a burden and like im not horribly important, stems from my childhood, im working on it in therapy).
i have been dating a guy (18M) for a few weeks now, but we've been dancing around each other for months and have known each other for nearly a year. we met at work, though i dont work there anymore.
at work i didnt come out to anyone but i wore "she/her" "they/them" "he/him" and "ask my pronouns" pronoun pins almost every day because it felt like a small win for me! it was as much as i could show my gender identity without inducing nauseating levels of anxiety. he has almost definitely seen these pins because i wore them for the nearly ten months we worked together.
the issue arises in that he is straight, and i am not a cis woman. im not sure how he would feel about being with someone genderfluid, even tho i prefer that he calls me his girlfriend and i generally present feminine.
of course, hes not homophobic in the slightest, and he knows im pansexual and supports me, even making jokes about it with me (ex: when i mention my back hurts he'll say "your spine is straighter than you and you have scoliosis", its all fun and games). i dont know if he's transphobic or not, it hasnt come up in conversation yet, but im pretty sure if i came out he would support me. im just worried he would no longer be interested in me.
we've only been together for about three weeks but i can feel it getting serious and i really like being with him. if i can help it i'd like to stay with him, but i can also be realistic and understand that we're eighteen and might not stay together long enough for it to matter whether or not i come out.
but if we do, then someday i WILL have to come out. i cant and dont want to hide my identity, but i am so anxious about coming out and i really dont wanna lose him. i guess im also afraid it might not be fair to him for him to be under the impression he's dating a cis girl when he's not. i don't really know.
long story short, AITA for not coming out as genderfluid to my straight boyfriend?
What are these acronyms?
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atomic-rattz · 7 days
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Meet the artist!! Dont ask why im slumped down i have scoliosis leave me alone/hj (i do just not in that direction tho)
btw im 14 rn im not gonna put it there bcs i do not wnanna update it :P
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triptychofvoids · 3 months
hey doc would you be intrested in a one time offer of a very S shaped spine? cause i happened to have one right here! it evens out at the top and bottom so when you look at me you can barely tell anything is wrong and so doctors go "oh it cant be that bad" and get jump scared by my x-ray. funny every time
maintainig it and making sure it doesn't shatter like glass is a pain tho so i would love to donate it if you have any use for that
ohh lovely do you have scoliosis? yes i would be very happy to take your spine off your hands!! or out of your back i suppose would be more accurate aheh.... maybe we can get you a new less s-shaped spine in exchange.
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blaiddfailcam · 2 months
OH HELL YA I was tagged by @lovthievs for this particular tag game thingamajig! This one looks fun lol
When did you last cry? I feel like I always want to, but it takes a lot to actually get the tears jorkin. Def when I lost my health insurance and had a panic attack that offset my anxiety for like 6 months after tho lol
Do you have kids? In THIS economy? No and I don't really have any desire to, but I don't mind hanging out with my friends' kids and making sure they're up to speed on good music and movies lmao. I am soon to be an uncle which slightly terrifies me but it is exciting nonetheless!!
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Absolutely not, sarcasm is the mark of the devil
What sports do you play? Cornhole
What's the first thing you notice about people? The Vibes. And I do that weird thing where I try to match them so I can attempt to better communicate but the mask slips and I reveal I'm a fukon weirdo
What's your eye color? "Hazel," but I still don't know if that's true. They just look like, green to me.
Scary movies or happy endings? Scary movies, but I also love to hate them lol
Special talents? I'm weirdly good at memorizing geography and navigating. I like overanalyzing art (particularly movies and video games) to the point I tend to crack open The Lore in ways that sometimes makes headlines, which is either cool or way too dorky depending who you ask..
Where were you born? Same place that I'm still trying to get out of 🥲 There are Amish,
What are your hobbies? Video james, drawing/painting, worldbuilding, pretending to be a screenwriter, discussing fiction with others like we're trapped in a monastery together and we only have a day to converse before the next year of silence, primatology, setting up fundraisers for animal conservation, going to concerts
Do you have pets? Our cat Evie, her son Grayby, our fox hound Passion (we didn't name her), and our jack russell, Pebbles!! Evie's the eldest but most spry, Grayby's technically an old man but perpetually a baby, Pash is getting older, and Pebbles ages backwards
How tall are you? 5'8" (5'9" if I didn't have scoliosis!)
Favorite subject in school? Art, literature, then randomly biology
Dream job? Always wanted to work in film, whether screenwriting, cinematography, DoP. I Can Be Your Gaffer. But not with the way that industry's headed lmaoooo
I TAG..... uh. Shit. @amygobrrr @blugoos-corner @fairygodbomber @leftyllama fuck it up!!!!! if any of you feel up to it haha i'm not a cop
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