#i don't have enough cute kids clothing argh
plumbogs · 4 months
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i love making backstory images to put in as decoration. family album stuff yay
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I've loved him since day1 and I'll love him forever he's my sweet little baby and I didn't expect to like Manon and him together but I love that I'm wrong here bcs for some reason I love him with Manon
like I said there are sooooooooo many things I LOVED and I literally inhaled this book in a day and a half and I'm still going through everything that happened and just aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
and I loveddddd the bit where Rowan goes that he doesn't have anything to offer Aelin like land or money or his title and stuff like that but when his cousins come to this aid and he goes that his is what he is offering her his Whitethorn line or something like that and my heart just melted
and Gavriel-Aedion meet!??! my heart actually broke reading it I'm pretty sure that Gavriel didn't know that he had a son when he left Aedion's mother and now he just wants to talk to his son but AEDION??!! why?!! and I get both sides but stillll and finally when Maeve comes him back but he leaves a shield in place around Aedion and even Lysandra and again my heart just aaaaaahhhhhhhh
and Evangeline???? We've seen so less of her but I'll protect her at all costs!! Ahhhhhhh that scene what they leave her with Murtaugh and Lysandra and Eva have to say good-bye like thank god we didn't get this scene from Lysandra's pov (if I'm not wrong haha can't remember this bit) and OH MY GOD WHEN AEDION KISSED EVA'S HEAD AS A GOODBYE LIKE WHYYYYY!???!! I WAS NOT READY FOR THIS
and I've to say that out of all the side characters backstories and povs, I loved Elide and Lorcan the most and the tent scene and when he washes her clothes himself and when he comes back for her when Vernon shows up and that whole tearing up his shirt so she would have her supplies and him giving her that protective golden ring (I've forgotten the name) and the whole island thing and her offering him a home in Perranth (that's the name I guess?) and him finally accepting that he wants to come with her and their kiss like sarah would you just kill me already this couple is tearing my heart and healing it at the same time
andddddd omg when I was reading how Lorcan reacted to Elide's cycle I remembered that when Aelin got hers in the beginning and Chaol was there and when he found this out and actually RAN from her room and then Dorian comes and helps her ah man I just love him
ahh no I don't want to read ToD I simply can't read about Chaol anymore and ik he had his reasons but I just can't get over how he acted and treated Aelin in QoS
and I can't tell you how fun it is to talk to someone who knows what I'm talking about so thankssssss!!! maybe I just find that courage to talk to you non-anonymously soon hehe
It would be awesome if you could but if you can't, I love recieving your asks! I'll reply from bottom to top.
Dorian is so adorable; it's so rare for me to love a side character more than the main love interest but he's just, argh, perfect. Even in the first book, I always wished Celaena would choose him instead of grumpy grandpa chaol. I liked chaol well enough tho, even when he was such a little shit asking her what she did to deserve her scars and always being scared of her like he just loves a part of her; not the assassin, not the king's champion and definitely not the queen. I still liked him anyway for some reason until QoS but then he was such an asshole to her??? The girl is trying to save her kingdom from the evil king you served not that long ago. He keeps resenting her for it. And blaming the massacres of Endovier and Calculla on her too? That was so uncool. He thought she was just frolicking around faeries in wendlyn; it made me so mad, as if he knows anything about her. So I can understand not wanting to read ToD — also because I can't possibly read about fucking chaol when Aelin's in an iron coffin oh god. But please remember to read a summary or some things won't make sense! All Elorcan scenes were so cute but particularly the one where he left stripes of his shirt for her to use for her period. That was so un-Lorcan-like so I loved it. Also that other scene where he drops the shield when Elide is attacked so that someone can heal her and he says I wanted to go to Perranth with you. It broke me. Aedion and Lysandra raising Evangeline along with kids of their own would be the sweetest thing ever in the world. I wish Gavriel and Aedion had more time together. I understand his mother hiding it from Gav to protect Aedion from Meave but I can't help but resent it because that wasn't exactly Gavriel's fault; he just wants his son. I can't— 😭 and Rowan's quote:
There's no limit to what I can give to you, no time I need. Even when this world is a forgotten whisper of dust between the stars, I will still love you.
I didn't like Dorian and Sorscha; it seemed like that ship was being forced down my throat. So when Manorian started seeming like a possibility I didn't expect to like it as much as I ended up liking it! I loved and hated empire of storms' ending in equal measure for the whole whitethorn bunch turning on Meave, all their allies getting together, etc etc. And Aelin-Brannon interaction lmao this girl really be antagonizing everyone. 😂
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deiaiko · 4 years
A New Life #2
< Part 1
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It's morning, Khun got up first. He looked to where Bam is and seems like he's still in a very deep sleep. Khun got out slowly as not to wake him up and went to the bathroom to wash away the sleepiness off his face.
What was he thinking last night?! Brought home a homeless kid? That's not like him at all. He splashed the cold water onto his face. Maybe because he was really tired last night that his emotions took control of him. He splashed the water again and wiped his face with a nearby towel then stared at his reflection in the mirror. This will be so troublesome, he thought, but he can't just throw him out, can he? What done is done, he sighed.
Khun walked to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. He measured some rice and put it in a rice cooker pan, might as well add half more cup cause he won't be eating alone this time. He rinsed the rice and pour the appropriate amount of water before turning on the rice cooker.
Then he placed a pan on the stove, heated some butter and cracked an egg then sprinkled it with salt and pepper to make a simple sunny-side-up. He repeated the steps again, and while doing so, he thought about what he should do with Bam.
He has no experience with kids, he won't be a great figure for him. Maybe he can report him to the police station? No, if he recall correctly, Bam despised the idea. Orphanage? No, he was there once, not that it's bad but he prefers not to be there, it reminded him of his old home and it's not a pleasant memory.
About time, the eggs are done and Khun put it on separate plates, he turned around to put them on the dining table just in time to see little Bam already got up and watches him curiously behind the wall.
"good morning", Khun motioned Bam to join him, but Bam quickly ran away. Khun was about to ask what he's up to but it's quickly answered as Bam came back with the cushion.
Bam placed the cushion on its original place but he sat on the floor instead, hoping Khun will use it this time.
Once again, Khun felt that warm feeling growing inside him, it won't hurt to keep the kid for now right? Maybe he could use a company.
They ate breakfast in silence, enjoying the meal and each other presence. It's weekend morning, and that means Khun is free today, he decided what to do. "let's get you a haircut", he suggested, "and then we can buy some new clothes and stuff for you".
Bam smiles and nods.
 They were just from the barbershop and Bam got his hair cut. His hair is now short and fluffy, Khun fought the urge to ruffle it, not to mention that he looks way cuter than before because of his big golden eyes. Now he only needs some new clothes and he'll be perfectly cute.
Bam stood in awe as he entered a huge shopping mall, like it's his first time going to a place like this, or maybe it is, Khun didn't comment or ask about it.
"here", Khun offered his hand, "so you won't get lost".
Bam gingerly took his hand but smiled afterwards.
They walk around in the clothes shop for almost an hour. Bam got some shirts, pants, underclothes and shoes, and Khun also insisted to buy him a jacket with animal ears hoody.
It's fluffy and warm, and Khun also said he looks cute when he wore it. Bam will surely treasure that jacket.
Khun is pleased, Bam's happy face is all he needs, the money that he spent was worth it.
Next is equipment. Bam needs a place to sleep but mattress is too big for his room, so they settled on sleeping bag instead, and Bam is perfectly okay with it. Might as well buy him a pillow, a blanket and a towel too.
When they about to get to the cashier, they passed by the kids section which is loaded with toys and dolls, and one particular doll caught Bam's attention. It's a. . .crocodile? But it's brown with red eyes, wearing a red shirt and navy blue short, just as big as a soccer ball. Nothing special about it but Bam couldn't get his eyes off it.
Khun noticed this as well, "do you want it?"
Bam quickly shook his head, he didn't dare to ask him for more, though his eyes betrayed him as he kept stealing a glance at the doll.
Khun stared at him before picking the doll and put it in their shopping cart.
Bam was surprised, happy, but also troubled. "is okay?", he asked shyly.
"of course", Khun gave him a smile, it's a relatively small price to buy his happiness.
Bam's eyes twinkled with joy and he smiles brightly, "thank yhu!"
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They passed by a bookstore when they're about to leave the mall, and Khun thought it'll be very beneficial to give him some books to spend time with. "let's work on your vocabulary and pronunciation".
"vokabyulery? Prenensea—uhm?"
Khun chuckled and patted his head, "haha yeah, you have a lot to learn".
 They got home. It's past noon and Khun went to the kitchen to make lunch while Bam tries his best to tidy up the groceries. After they ate, Khun helped Bam with the remaining stuff.
It's a tiring weekend, when was the last time he walked that long? Khun flopped himself onto his bed and sighed in content as his body sank into the soft mattress.
Bam watches him curiously, holding his doll tightly in his arms. His face told Khun that he wants to say something.
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"you should try to speak more often", Khun suggested, "it'll help you learn faster".
Bam nods, then followed by "okay". He approached Khun and asked him with a low voice while avoiding eye contact, "uhm, what shuld I call yu Mr. . .?"
Right. If he's not mistaken, he only said his name once, no wonder he forgot. "Khun, just call me Khun".
"well, I guess that works too".
Satisfied, Bam smiled. Now that the question that bothered him since yesterday was answered, he yawned as the tiredness finally took over.
"tired too, aren't you?", Khun sat on the bed edge and lifted Bam up, 'he's very light', he thought. Then Khun placed him down next to him on the bed, 'only this time', he told himself. And they both fell asleep.
 Khun slept for about 2 hours before his phone decided to wake him up. "hello. Yeah. Yeah. Huh? Isn't it— Wait, why don't you—. Argh, okay okay", he hung up. Why can't his team be responsible for once? It's weekend darn it. He sighed and started to work on his laptop.
Luckily he only needs a few hours to fix it, just in time when Bam woke up.
"good evening, Bam".
"good ifning", Bam replied, still half asleep.
"are you hungry yet?"
Bam shook his head. He yawned and got up while Khun closed his laptop. Then they settled on taking a bath first before dinner. They take a bath together because Khun wants to make sure Bam does it right.
"no, it's not like that", Khun facepalmed internally and smiles at the same time. And yes, apparently Bam did it wrong, so he must teach him from the start.
"close your eyes", Khun pour some water on his head and Bam reflexively wiped his face with his hand. Khun took a white bottle, "this one called shampoo, it's to clean your hair".
"yes, that's it. Now give me your hand", Khun poured a little shampoo on his palm, "there, now put it on your hair and rub it until foamy".
Bam slapped his head with his palm and laughs when he did, earning a smile from Khun. He rubs his head in a weird and funny way that makes Khun couldn't contain his own laugh. The shampoo smells nice, Bam likes it.
"you don't need to do this everytime though, once every two or three days is enough".
Bam nods, some foam trickled down his forehead. Khun helped him wiped it away.
Then Khun took something from his side, "this is soap, give it some water and then rub it like this", he demonstrated, "after that, rub it all over your body", Khun gave Bam the soap, "make sure you didn't miss anything".
While Bam slowly but surely covering himself in soap, Khun works on getting himself clean as well.
And then Khun got a childish idea that Bam will surely likes. "hey Bam, look at this", he took a tiny bit of shampoo on his palm and gave it a few drops of water, he rubbed his hands and blew a bubble from between his fingers.
Bam looks in awe at the round rainbow floating thing in front of him, "pretty!".
"it's called a bubble".
"ah!", it popped.
Khun blew another one for him. He might regret this later, but now it doesn't really matter because Bam's reaction was priceless.
They eventually rinse themselves, Bam is excited to use his new towel, it's so soft and fits him well. And he's really thankful.
Khun started to cook dinner, and this time Bam finally has a chance to watch him from close by. Khun decided to make fried rice that they still have some rice left, he put some ingredient on the sink, "Bam, can you name some of this?", he tested.
"um. Eggs, onyens, carrots, meat, vejetables", he said while pointing at them.
"not bad", Khun praised, "but to be specific, these are sausages, these are mustard greens and this is cauliflower".
Bam took a mental note and nodded.
Khun prepares dinner while explaining to Bam the step-by-step. From rinsing and cutting to cooking and seasoning.
Bam's eyes twinkled as he stares at the fried rice, it looks and smells delicious and he realized how hungry he is when his stomach growled.
So they ate. Khun noted that the food tastes more pleasant than usual, somehow. Maybe it's because he's looking at Bam's pleased expression while eating, maybe because there's someone he can share the moment with, someone who radiates happiness over some trivial things. And Khun wants to keep it as long as he could.
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