#i dont know what tags are correct to use for bokuto :(
nishi-noyas · 4 years
i saw that you were looking for some haikyuu requests,,,,how about something for our energetic babies lev and bokuto (you can pick whichever you are more comfortable with or do both lol) maybe them being their usual balls of pure of chaotic energy and their s/o has to calm them down but it's like rlly happy and fluffy 💓💓
A/N: Hi! Thanks for your request. I'm so sorry this took so long! I just needed to get an idea of what I wanted to write for this prompt. I hope you stuck around to see this. I'm sorry if you didn't. Also, I just noticed that I write a lot of my stories, with the reader being a team manager. It's just easier to get the whole team to interact with Y/N. 
Title: Energizer Bunnies
Bokuto K. x manager!Reader
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You were Akaashi's favorite person.
He was pretty good at wrangling Bokuto already. Still, he has appreciated the help he has gotten ever since Bokuto started dating you. You and Akaashi joined the volleyball club simultaneously as a new manager and as reserve setter respectably. The two of you quickly became Bokuto's new favorites. As Bokuto made sure to take the two of you under his wings, it didn't take long for the three of you to become best friends.
Although, it did take forever for Bokuto and you to finally start dating. Every day before that was hell for Akaashi, by the way. He had to deal with two of his best friends moaning and groaning about how much they were in love with each other and about how there was no way they had a chance.
Akaashi almost cried from relief when the two of you got together.
"Babe! Babe!" Bokuto ran towards you as you walked into the gym. You couldn't help but giggle as he swept you off his feet and twirled you around. "Did you see that? Did you see me make that cross-shot?"
"Oh no, baby," You said once Bokuto placed you back onto the floor. "I didn't. I'm sorry."
Bokuto pouted, and his hair did that droopy thingy when he was going into his emo mode.
You cupped his face in your hands and gave him a peck on the lips. "But I know that you can easily do it again so I can see it." That immediately lifted Bokuto's mood. 
"Yeah, you're right! You're so smart, Y/N! And pretty!" Bokuto said, kissing the tip of your nose and making you giggle. He continued to give you compliment after compliment as he littered your face with kisses. As he did that, your laugh bounced around the gym.
"God," Konoha rolled his eyes at the scene playing out in front of the whole team. "How can they be the cutest couple and the grossest one at the same time?" 
"You're just jealous that you're still single," Komi teased with a shit-eating grin on his face. 
"Am not!"
"But they're both good for each other," Akaashi said, the lovey-dovey from Bokuto and Y/N. "They make each other really happy."
"Do you want to get ice cream after school?" Bokuto asked. "We can go to your favorite shop, and I'll buy you your favorite flavor."
"But it closes before practice ends, remember?"
"Oh yeah...well, we can just go to that Icecream shop Kuroo told us about! But that one that's like an hour away, and I have to get you back home on time, or your parents are going to get mad."
"Bo, it's okay. We don't-"
"We can go get some cake from the bakery!"
"But, I think they're still mad at me about dropping that wedding cake that one time."
"OH! I know! I can just run and go buy it for you right now!" 
"KOTARO!" You yelled, managing to stop your boyfriend before he ran out of the gym. Bokuto's hair drooped, and he looked at you with wide-eyes, looking like the puppy dog he was. "Babe, you have to stay for practice." 
"Oh yeah," Bokuto laughed. "Sorry, I forgot."
"I know," You said, giving him a peck on the cheek. "Now go. The boys are waiting."
"Y/N also helps control Bokuto-san," Akaashi said to the team as Bokuto ran back towards them. "And I will forever be grateful."
Haiba L. x team manager!Reader
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Everyone was surprised that Lev came to practice one day with his hand in the hand of their first-year manager. You were kind of the shy and quiet type and seemed to be scared every time Lev tried talking to you.
"We're dating!" Lev proclaimed proudly to the team while you kept your eyes down to your shoes.
"What? No way!" 
"How'd you manage to get Y/N to agree to date you?"
"Oh, dear God," Yaku said. "Are you blackmailing them? Y/N blink twice if he's forcing you to date him."
"Of course not!" Lev yelled over your giggles. Poor Lev looked absolutely offended, which just made you laugh even louder. "Why is it so hard to believe that they're dating me?"
"Because it's you," Shibiyama smirked.
Lev was so angry and flustered that his response was just random splutters. He had just gotten his bearings back and was about to make a comeback when he felt your hand on his arm. He watched as you took a step towards the team. 
Now the Nekoma team liked to shit on each other a lot, but they made sure to never ever make you feel upset or insecure about yourself. They wouldn't even look you in the eye when you first joined because you were so scared of them.
"I, uh, I," You said. Your face was flushed red, and you twiddled with your fingers nervously. "I was actually the one that...asked Lev out."
"Aww..." The whole team cooed.
"Makes sense," Yamamoto said.
"Yeah," Kenma said from where he was still playing his game. "There was no way that Lev would have gotten brave enough to confess to Y/N."
"Alright!" Kuroo clapped his hands to grab the team's attention. "I would love to continue this "Let's shit on Lev" session, but we have a tournament to practice for." 
The rest of the volleyball practice went as generally as it usually did. The boys went through their drills and divided the team into two, so they could practice their sets and hits. It was in the middle of this makeshift practice game where Lev started to act up. 
Yaku had insisted that Lev was absolutely not allowed to spike until he managed to make a decent receive. At first, Lev had stuck to Yaku's rules and tried his best. After the sixth messed up receive, Lev starts to whine. 
"But whyyy," Lev groaned from where he laid on the floor, sweaty and out of breath. "Why do I need to be good at this?"
"Because if you're going to be the "ace" like you said, you were, then you have to."
"But why!"
You and the rest of the team continued to watch Yaku and Lev go back and forth with one another until you decided that you should probably step in. 
"Lev, can you please try your best?" You said, your voice a little more confident than the boys had ever heard it be. "Or...or I won't let you walk me home."
You tried to make your face look serious and threatening to try and get Lev to understand that he has to go back to practice his receives, but you just looked like a cute toddler who was pouting after being told they couldn't have their favorite snack. 
Kuroo didn't think it was going to work because there was no such thing as a threatening bone in your body, but to his surprise and everyone else's, Lev relents.
"What? Nooo," Lev whined. "But what if you get hurt! You wouldn't really do that right y/n-chan?"
"Only if you listen to Yaku-san and practice your receives."
"Ugh, fine."
"Yay!" You smiled brightly at him and made him a little heart with your hands. "Thanks, babe!"
Lev had to deal with his team teasing him to near death from how red his face got from the fact that you had called him Babe for the very first time. 
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