#i dont think i'll ever not feel that to be honest.
kosmicdream · 18 hours
im confident enough to post FFAK, which has anal prolapse, but i dont post the true drama....... my opinions about manga. *dramatic music* sometimes i kinda want to do some reviews.. its mostly me complaining.. it makes me sound so bitter like "do you like anything kosmic!" and..yes ! i do!!! okay!! i like a lot of things. once in a while, i dip my toes into a popular series to try to see if we are a good fit. Series like: Beastars, Dorohedoro, Dungeon meshi,ect.. and i kind. well. I dont like any of them LMAO. I mean, Ok, i actually really was into Beastars for a time, but after the fight with the bear guy (its been a few years sorry) and that story arc concluded.. it just spiraled to laughable levels and did not recover. I was genuinely laughing at it at times bc it kind of felt like a desperate scramble with the like. loopholes and power upgrades.. But I was invested for a time, it had a charm to me! I also loved the art and im curious about the authors next series about santa (partly because i too, am writing a story about santa). Dorohedoro has a great visual style, fun characters, i enjoyed reading but it also kinda didnt ...land for me beyond that, which is a shame. I feel like it is a series that "should" have clicked with me. And its like, not offensive to me but.. I'll forget that ive read the whole thing. I like STUFF in it. but thats not enough for me anymore. If i had read it when i was younger tho, it might have been a diff story. idk. My most unpopular opinion of all is that... I hated Dungeon Meshi.. Sure its ..pretty! cute designs. but i found it SO painfully boring and it actually was a struggle to finish. in the end, it felt like a waste of time.. SHOCKING take i know. That is the darling of everyones heart and i like, understand WHY its popular. .. but for me, i was not fed by anything. i am unfed and starved and going to eat elsewhere oh, and i.. as a person who has read a lot of fighting mangas.. I have tried to read chainsaw man, but i dont know if I can. I did finish Fire Punch. I'm surprised to say: i kinda liked it but it took a long time to force myself to read thru it. I honestly hated many aspects of Fujimoto's storytelling/character acting that i didn't think my opinion on it would change, but I'm a little more open to it now. I dont think i could ever super be into it or whatever, but i did find genuine enjoyment in aspects of fire punch. I did not really like look back. I haven't read his other one shot(s)? Where am i going with all this..I guess im giving some unrequested reviews after all...oops... a lot of this is spurred by how houseki no kuni is one of my most fav series, not only visually/characters/story/ect.. but i cant lie.... the ending... was kind of a flop for me... gorgeous and poetic ig sure but.. AUGH! it isnt what i wanted. maybe it'll be one of those "it'll grow on me" endings but thats mostly me having to go thru the 5 stages of personal grief and gaslight myself into it, but as the like actual honest first-reaction feeling it kinda lost me. I think it did not work when i felt the confrontation btwn phos/cinnabar wasn't the one i wanted to see. i will say tho, while im dissapointed, its not like a DEEP one or anything. I know its a miracle to even get to an ending.. i guess my take away feeling from it was like "everything fit together too well, too planned" but didnt feel planned, emotionally. I wasn't sold on it. Anyway, im here to speak my truth and my hot takes which, i honestly dont even want to have that one about HnK but its the real feeling i have for it.. Once again Utena's ending just has made all these other issues i have with various stories more obvious LOL
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pendraegon · 1 year
something something about your parent who abused you all your life having the same thing that you do and when he goes through the lows you feel sympathy and yet.
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Feeling very conflicted about things 😕
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oldestking · 11 months
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     /  Cleaning my inbox !
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apathyfairy · 2 years
the 1975 is dropping a new album in october and then arctic monkeys are dropping a new album one week later it’s like september 2013 all over again 
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foreverxdaydreaming · 2 years
never realize how many useless notifications you get until you put your volume on.. all of these emails / scams / marketing have ruined the importance of calls/notifications entirely,,
#my phone lives on silent and only goes on volume/vibrate occasionally bc i just can't stand it omfg#but also so that it won't distract me. so dnd is usually my best friend bc that way if anything important comes in I'll still get it#in other words... im stuck at an appt rn that's absolute dogwater and i regret not canceling it 💀#never thought I'd prefer to be at work so bad lmao.. waste of my pto is what today has been istfg💀#and my phone keep going insane with messaging notifs that are absolute bs bc ive alr marked em all as read.... jfc#almost had a mf panic attack bc of how terrible getting here + the shitty entirely full parking garage were....#dont wanna waste the rest of my pto/miss for no reason but like.... at this point..... my gods🥴#& my bosses are as wonderful (dry af) as ever and keep asking me for drs notes every mf time i miss bc they don't believe me 'bc im young'#despite me being fairly honest about my health with em previously and now im getting shot in the foot constantly#bitch its not absentism or missing for funsies i have a bunch of fucking appts to check wtf is wrong w/ me bc no dr has figured it out yet#but anyway.... the more i think about it the more it stresses me out. and hr is the most useless thing in existence so forget them bruh#istfg if iget one more text/notif as im typing this (there's been at least 7) im gonna throw smth into the fucking wall#holy mother of fucking god#200% should have just trusted my gut and canceled. never listening to my mom about this again 😐 😒#jj.txt#/neg#vent/rant#tengo el petty resubido hoy and i can fucking FEEL it#ive got the dramatic anime fire in my eyes at this point in time
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depresseddepot · 2 years
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his name is bodie
#in other related news: i took him to the vet and saw a cat years to human years sign and it said that a 6yo cat was abt 40 human years#and toby. my special guy. is 6 years old#ive been in a downward spiral ever since lol so im not trusting myself to make decisions abt whether or not we're keeping bodie#i don't think i have the time or headspace to spend as long as i did with toby on him but its a baby and im doing it a disservice if i dont#hes so lonely and sad and tiny but i am Comorbid and hate change so so so much#this poor baby#its past my bedtime so im sure ill feel 100% different in the morning#but im just. toby is getting older :(#i don't know what to do after he eventually passes away one day. like frankly i dont think ill be doing anything else for very long#ive loved pets before but. not as much as i love him :(#he could be starving and would run past food if i sat down to pet him#he sits and waits for me to get out of the shower upstairs (a place he's afraid of)#he knows what times i get home and wakes himself up from naps to wander upstairs to see me#he gets lost sometimes and meows until i talk to him so he knows how to get back to someplace safe#he's a HUGE cat but he's so gentle and sweet. he was even nice to the baby#not to be dramatic but i don't think I'll recover once he passed away. like i think that's it for me.#honest to god need to have my affairs in order come my mid thirties because. well.#he even comes over to lay w me when I'm crying :(#sorry abt all these tags#vent
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mondaysaglitch · 1 year
seeing a lot of posts about the new harry potter game, and people saying "oh my god thanks for reminding me to buy it!" man it's almost funny how fucked up people are now-a-days.
we're on a rock hurling through space, and we're all hurting in ways nobody else but us can truly understand, yet some people make the concious decision and put foward effort and money to add onto the suffering of others.
why is the message "don't be a dickwad to people" so controversial? why is basic human decency a thing that people are outwardly proud about lacking?
furthermore, why do some people boast about lacking the brain power to even conceptualize the fact that just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean it's a personal attack against you and you have to do everything in your power to hurt them to get back at them.
formal language and any political issues aside; if you enjoy the suffering of others who exist in real life, get the fuck away from society until you re-learn how to be kind to others. if you derive any type of joy from the agony of others, especially agony that you've directly or indirectly caused? you need to be rehabilitated for a lesson that's supposed to be taught in kindergarden.
and to clarify, no i'm not talking about something like wipeout that's meant to be entertainment. i mean if you watch gore videos for entertainment or buy a game that monetarily supports a transphobe just to get back at those 'troons'. if you get any sick kicks from people who are genuienly suffering and DID NOT sign up for said suffering? you're worse off than a literal child in terms of decency.
i get that end times are coming and violence is more prone than ever, but the fact that there's a group of humans who are downright prideful about the fact that they find pleasure from the pain of others makes me think that society deserves to collapse now more than ever.
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mrfoox · 1 year
For someone who's autistic and thus like... Struggle with social situations etc, I sure do... Love a lot of people like a lot...
#miranda talking shit#I dont even think i like people overall. Im an introvert so social stuff tire me out but like damn#Those handful of people who are my friends id all do everything for tho. If we've talked more than 10 times in the past#Youre my friend and im willing to lie for the cops for you among other things.#Its a bit dangerous for me sincr i know im such an... Ride or die person plus with my asd i can be taken advantage of very badly#But so far in my life ive never had that ... Not to fhe point its like... Actually a huge problem. Ive gotten scammed in the past bc#Im too trusting. But not by a big amount or something i will be truly broken up over losing? But like yeah. I dont often say the fact id#Do like anything for people i love bc that is probably scary but legit. I care for you... I'll gladly do a lot of shit for you. No one have#I understand why people are somewhat scared of me and bc i feel too much bc sometimes it scares me too. I'd go through so much#Absolute shit for someone i love if they needed that of me. Id comprise so much of myself for others and it is kinda scary#I guess i should be glad i haven't... Attracted the type of people who would take advantage of my kindness.. I know many dont#Have the luck i do with people. But somewhat i think im also a decent person feeler. I dont give my time to people i get bad vibes from#Thats why i dont think ive ever had a problem with... Fake people or two-faced people? I think everyone in my life. Friend wise#Are all very honest/genuine. Thats a common trait among all people i cherish that and that they care. All do care and love in different way#But all have a caring side to them. And im glad. Those traits i value very highly and im glad that everyone in my life basically share that#I havent gone out of my way to find 90% of them but still they have found me/we found each other and i love that
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the desire to be the kind of person that can love myself vs. the absolute shame i have over the nature of my existence as someone born and raised into such horrible evil groups
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s4pphoiduser · 1 year
love hearing people offhandedly point out things they've noticed about me and saying "oh really? oh i didn't know i did that" because i like feeling seen and known, as if i haven't been doing it purposely the entire time because i practice everything i say before i say it, i practice all my mannerisms and expressions, i say and do things that will get certain responses, not in a gaslight gatekeep girlboss way but in a i used to be teased and mocked for being awkward and kind of an outcast so i practiced how to smile and what to say to fit in and be liked and even to be hated way because im thinking what if this is who i really am and i think maybe if part of these actions are real then these people actually know me. maybe if i keep doing these things enough that it becomes a habit then it's just a habit i picked up naturally and it's just because i'm a #real person and not some Thing playing at being one.
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okidenshi · 2 years
I see HBO’s Last of Us trailer and i am remaining decently hopeful 
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vendetta-ari · 3 months
Please, write an x reader about the Vs with an angel reader who they want to win over and who happens to be completely oblivious about their intentions because she is very naïve. Oh, and I would appreciate some fluff! If it's okay, I'd like Vox and Val to have romantic intentions while Velvette has platonic ones (ie: wanting to hang out with reader and show off her work). Of course, this last bit about Velvette is completely up to you! Thank you for reading! <3
my first ask back from hiatus, enjoy my dear anon! I'll be honest, I dont know how to write Valentino in a not smutty or angsty way, so I tried my best, velvette's has implications of her liking you but not dating so???
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☆ Vox found you during extermination day, you weren't an exterminator- just wanted to visit the bright red place they call hell. 
☆ took an interest in you, more specifically your naivete. he put on his business smile and led you to the vee's tower wanting to “tour hell” with you
☆ Instead he just ended up falling for you harder than he thought
☆ his original plan was to get you to sign your soul off and he'd use you as branding, something like “even angels live voxtek products!!”
☆ but he ended up liking you more than he should've, he thinks your naive and kinda ditzy, he loves it and think its adorable
☆ however, he doesn't let you leave hell, so I suppose you're a fallen angel now.
☆ no matter,  you're with Vox now. you can have everything you ever need and want
☆ And he totally didn't brainwash your brain into thinking that. 
☆ “Just don't ask questions, okay angel?”
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~Valentino saw you wandering hell during extermination, you were not killing anyone though.. what the fuck?
~But you, you looked different then the other angles he'd seen.
~He just had to have you,  I mean how could he possibly even resist! it's your fault for looking all dumb and naive like that after all. 
~He grabbed your wrist and threw you into his studio, all the explicit content and nudity made your poor virgin eyes look away and blush.
~ “Aren't you a lovely specimen my dear angel? your so much different then the others I've seen, amorcito~” His voice was tinged with lies but you were just too stupid to notice, weren't you?
~You fell hook, line, and sinker for him. you quickly signed a contract with him, he had you right where he wanted you. while him? well you were..just another worker is all. but soon you started getting popular, in videos like Ditzy angel has their first time!~
~It was all acting anyway, what was the harm in making a few videos?
~You quickly became Val's favorite. He didn't treat you badly, you'd sit on his lap while he'd direct his other workers. He'd treat them so badly though! you couldn't help but feel bad so you often calmed val down by snuggling up to him and wrapping your pretty angelic wings around him.
~Upon your touch he usually shuts up, and wraps his own wings around you too. and he would always be gentle with you. 
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-Velvette just found you waltzing around hell like it was no big deal, she was confused as hell but intrigued, you were different 
-actually, you were perfect. so she snatched the opportunity while she could.
-She ran up to you, turning up her charm and asking you if you wanted to model for her company
-She showered you with compliments, and it was more like an order and demand rather than her actually asking you.
-no matter, you excitedly agreed. you've always wanted to be a model!
-Your her top model actually,  you got a lot of popularity being an angel after all
-She dresses you up in white and blue, not usually her style but she must admit, it looks great on you!
-You never leave her side, she's very protective of you. I mean there are dangerous people out in hell and “I just wanna keep you safe my angelic dolly!~”
-Any of her advances fly right by you, not even noticing she's flirting with you, she does get pissed about it sometimes but she usually just ends up saying “You're a klutz, my dear angel. and your cute and ditzy and clearly not getting that I'm flirting with you so your clearly my type.”
-you look away from the new dress she bought you “Huh? sorry what'd you say Vel? I got distracted..”
-xoxo, Ari
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st6rrrs · 4 months
TRAITOR || rafe cameron x fem reader
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summary: the pogues find out yn's secret
warnings: cursing, arguing, soft rafe!!!, fluff?
a/n: idk if i should keep this into to a one shot or make a story!!!!
Part 2
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you and rafe were in his bed talking when you realized what time it was, 5:29pm
"Shit rafe i gotta go" you said
you jumped off of the bed and quickly put your clothes on
"where are you going?" he asked getting off the bed also
"i gotta go to the chateau to meet up with the pogues"
he groaned.
you grab your backpack and head to the door but before you could open it rafe got in front of you.
"do you have to leave" rafe whines
"yes rafe, i'll be back in a couple of hours" you say
"fine" he groans again but louder this time, he walks back to the bed laying on it getting his phone out, you roll your eyes and exit the room.
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you get on your bike and start pedaling towards the cut.
you and rafe have been dating for a couple of months now but you guys haven't told anyone yet. if the pogues find out that you and rafe have been dating they would be PISSED
thats one of the reasons you dont wanna go public, rafe honestly doesn't give a shit if anyone finds out because he will still love you and you would still love him.
you arrive at the chateau and you see the pogues on the front porch, Sarah was sitting next to john b? why was Sarah here?
kie disliked Sarah for as long as you can remember. When kie and Sarah were friends Sarah threw this party without inviting kie and kie got mad and called the cops.
"you know we were all extremely comfortable until you brought her."
you hear kie say as you approach them
"stop talking about me like im not here" Sarah says
"then leave."
"umm whats happening?" you mouth to pope and jj passing kie, Sarah, and john b them to busy arguing to notice you. You walk over to sit in between jj and pope.
"john b is banging Sarah" jj says while laughing
"WHAT" you almost yell
"oh look y/n is here, why dont we ask her opinion is on this" kie says
"please don't" you whine "but if im being honest i dont think its a good idea"
Sarah's scoffs
"oh you can talk" she says looking at you
"what?" you laugh
"like you aren't fucking my brother" she says rolling her eyes and looking away
you immediately go pale.
"is that true y/n?" kie ask you in disbelief
you don't answer her
jj gets up from beside you and just looks at you in disbelief. you look over at pope his hand on his forehead and he's shaking his head disappointed.
"you cant be fucking serious!" jj yells at you "he beat up pope with a golf club and then jumped us with topper and kelce"
jj has had a crush on you ever since you guys were 14 but you didn't feel the same way. Everyone always shipped you guys together but you wouldn't force yourself to date someone you didn't like You only liked jj as a friend but he never really listened to you.
"i-i-im sorry!! but he's different with me" you try to explain to them
"hes just gonna use you like he does every other girl on this island" Sarah says
"no he-" but before you could finish your sentence pope interrupted you
"just leave y/n." he said annoyed not looking at you
"g-guys please!"
"JUST FUCKING LEAVE JEEZ!" jj yells at you, you have never seen him this angry in the whole 7 years you knew him.
tears rolled down your cheeks as you looked at him. He had no remorse for what he said he was very angry and you could understand why but none of them even gave you a chance to explain yourself. You quickly grabbed your bag pack and left without looking back.
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you open the front door to the camerons household, rafe gave you the key when you guys started dating. the house was so quite and cold, you walk up the stairs to rafe room still sobbing.
you open his room door and hes sleep on his bed, it was sometime pass 7 you didn't want to wake him and you were exhausted yourself so you just laid next to him and got under the covers still sobbing quietly. you couldn't believe that jj would ever say that too you, it wasn't like him
you hear rafe groan awake
"y/n is that you" he says in his sleepy voice
"are you crying?"
"im fine go back to sleep rafe."
"no.,whats wrong come here" he gestured so you could lay on his chest
you gave in and sobbed in his chest for a while until you fell asleep.
part 2?
this might be bad but i tried 😪 👍🏻
@bbsxsaa @xxbutdaddyilovehimxx @drewstarkeyslut @stvrkey. @blondbrat @sevenwivesofrafecameron @tracymbcm
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technicallyvivi · 19 days
yeo puts a vib on you until he’s done showering
you weren't gonna lie, you were so horny right now. your pillow between your thighs head thrown back as you grind down onto it, your small and sweet puppy whimpers filled the room. you missed yeosang on these nights more than ever. but he was so busy. and so were you, a little too busy pleasuring yourself that you didn't hear the door unlock. or yeosang's footsteps moving closer and closer towards your shared room. in fact, you didnt even realize he was in the house until your bedroom door opened. your whole body stilled and the orgasm you had worked so hard to get up had left you entirely. and what was even worse was that yeosang catching you getting yourself off got you so wet, you kept going, not caring that he was in the room. he stood there for a couple seconds, thinking of how to approach this situation. but it didnt take him long to start walking to where you were on the bed and grab your hips, stopping you completely. you groaned in frustration. "baby." he said, his voice deep and soft. "what did i tell you about touching yourself when im not home." you climbed off the pillow and attempted to sit on the edge of the bed next to him, but he pulled you into his lap still waiting for an answer to his question. "hm? use your words. or is your dumb puppy brain too fucked out to speak?" you shook your head and whimpered "y-you said im not allowed to touch myself if youre not home." he nodded kissing your neck slowly, licking and nipping at the skin. "that's right." he whispered. "and what did you do?" you already knew what was about to happen, and although yeosang hated giving his sweet pup punishments, it was needed sometimes. "i disobeyed you sir." he nodded once more. "do you wanna know what's gonna happen now?" you buried your head in his neck and he stroked your hair softly. and you nodded. beecause as much as you hated punishments and preferred to be praised and pampered, yeosang's punishments always turned you on. and he would always make sure you were okay before starting, and that you could take it. he reached into the nightstand cabinet and pulled out a vibrator, your favorite one. "since you wanna be such a desperate slut, and not even wait for me to come home from work so i can make you feel good, why dont you just cum over and over again?" he grabbed your chin so you could look at him, tears brimming your eyes. "you think you deserve that?" he asked you and you nodded. "im sorry sir, ive been bad, i deserve whatever you give me" he smiled moving your messy hair out of your face and kissing your temple. "i'll be in the shower. and when i come back you better be ready for more, since you wanna be such a whore, im not done with you." he lifted you up and set you down on the bed moving your knees apart with a tight grip and shoving the vibrator up your tight cunt quickly, leaving you shaking on the bed and gripping the sheets. yeosang walked into the bathroom, to be honest, he was a little worried; he always is when he does these types of things. but he shakes it off and hurries to finish showering so he can finally feel your sweet pussy wrapped around his cock. and your yeosang being able to hear your loud noises from inside the bathroom didn't make his dick any softer. you on the other hand, were struggling to keep up with your orgasms, it had already been 15 minutes since yeosang started showering and you had already cum 3 times. your thighs were sticky and your legs were shaking violently but you kept telling yourself it would be over soon, and yeosang would take care of you properly. you told yourself you had been a bad girl, so you took it until he finally came out. he didnt even have a towel wrapped around his waist, you closed your eyes shut as tight as you could and moaned his name like a mantra. he leaned over your body and held your trembling body, watching as your fourth orgasm crashed down on you. he slipped the vibrator out of you carefully and lifted you to sit up he moved onto the bed and sat behind you so you were sitting on his lap now.
"shh my baby, you did so good. that was hard wasnt it?" you nodded a small sigh escaping your lips. "are you tired?" you nodded again leaning back to put your head on his shoulder. "we dont have to do anything else puppy, you did so good." he said rubbing your tummy slowly with one hand and grabbing a towel from the night stand to clean you off with the other. "but i wanted to make you feel good too..." you breathed out and he smiled "its okay pretty girl, lets just sleep, you can make me feel good tomorrow yeah? wouldnt wanna turn your little puppy brain into mush even more?" he picked you up and set you on the bed, your eyes basically closing by themselves. he lied down right next to you and whispered sweet nothings into your ear until you were both peacefully asleep.
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satansindexfinger · 2 years
Giving the Brothers the Cold Shoulder After an Arguement
Warnings: self-deprecation and allusions to depression (Levi)
Summary: After getting into a heated arguement with your demon partner, you decide ignoring them is the best way to handle it. When do forced to interact you remain cordial but it's obvious to anyone you aren't letting up.
Lucifer; Mammon; Levi; Satan; Asmo
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Two can play that game. If you think Lucifer, the representation of pride himself, is going to break and come crawling back to you? You've got another thing coming.
He's more than willing to reflect your withdrawn attitude, and he does it exceptionally well. If nobody knew about your relationship prior they would think you're just mere acquaintances.
Of course, he will keep up the appearance of formality by engaging in minimal conversation like, "MC, would you pass the salt?", "Diavolo mentioned he wanted you to attend today's council meeting.", "Don't you think it's too late for you to be roaming the halls?"
But nobody can miss the ruby glare, that he convinces himself is subtle, he sends your way every time.
Unfortunately it will take awhile for Lucifer to get over his ego enough to properly address the situation. The more stubborn you are at ignoring him, the more irritated he gets, and the more determined he is to keep the apathetic facade up.
It's the accumulation of small things that eventually get him to reconsider. How empty his bed feels when you're not in it. How listening to music isn't nearly as relaxing without his human leaning their head on his shoulder. How the coffee tastes bitter when not prepared by you. How your avoidant gaze makes his heart sink.
His brothers, and even Diavolo, can feel the anger seeping through his skin as they would get the brunt of it.
After a surprisingly long amount of time, Lucifer will break. He'd make up some valid excuse that involves you visiting his study, and once you go in he will make sure you are not getting out. Not until you hear him out.
"How much longer are you planning on handling this like a child?! Is this how you deal with confrontation? By avoiding it?"
The demon catches himself and his stern glare almost instantly turns into a regretful pout. He recognizes it's his pride and ego that got you both to this point with a shake of his head. He stares at the floor for a few beats before lifting his head up with furrowed brows.
"I... I'm sorry. It's not your fault. I never thought I would be affected by some human ignoring me but this only made me realize you're not just some human to me. I should've insisted we talk about this properly before resorting to this. So, would you allow me to make things right? Let's talk... I can't bare to be apart from you like this."
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He's quick to pout and exaggerate how much he's ignoring you back. Verbally.
"Pfff, as if I'd care if MC doesn't wanna talk ta me. Can someone tell them how much I'm ignoring them and how I dont wanna see their stupid face ever again? 'Cause I don't!"
It only lasts for a day. It takes Mammon going up to your door, about to break in and excitedly drag you out somewhere, as usual, until it hits him that oh shit. You're still meant to be mad at each other. His hand hovers over the door knob for a bit until he sulkingly leaves.
Getting ignored by you is honestly killing him. As much as he tries to act like he doesn't care, it's beyond obvious how much he's trying to get your attention back. The lingering looks and his overall childlike whining is more than enough to indicate he is missing you. His brothers are beyond tired of his complaning, too.
He can't restrain himself from busting your door down and demanding you stop giving him the cold shoulder. It's been three days! Surely you aren't mad at him anymore and you can go back to cuddling, right?!
"C'mooooon, MC! I'm sorry I made ya mad, I'll make up fer it! Anythin'! So just stop ignorin' me already.. I miss you."
He's aware of how desperate he's being and it makes him red from embarrassment, but he'd rather be honest than go through this torture. He'll keep one in mind to be more considerate in the future so it wouldn't resort to him being avoided by you ever again.
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Levi's the one who would take it the hardest out of everyone. Boy's self-esteem is fragile enough as it is and getting ignored by you would just shatter whatever remainder he had of it. Don't expect to see him out of his room for awhile.
Henry's getting a front row seat to Levi's self-deprecation galore. Of course he made you so mad you don't want to talk to him! He's surprised you even spent time around him in the first place! Why did he ever think you'd stick around his gross, annoying, socially inept otaku self? He did this to himself, right, Henry?!
At this point Levi's forgotten what you two even argued about; he's too busy holing himself up in his room and trying to distract racing thoughts with games and anime. It doesn't feel the same without his player two though. He's just going through the motions without paying full attention to what he's playing/watching.
It goes on for a week or so until one of the brothers has to step in and convince you to go check up on him. As mad as you are at him still, everyone knows you're the only one Levi will answer the door to. He's been falling behind on his assignments, not even coming out for meals (thanks to his snack stash).
You're surprised to find his door unlocked. You spot him in his bed/bathtub, clutching at a pillow, looking absolutely miserable. He lifts his head up to chew you out for bargning in until he realizes it's you. He gets up so suddenly he almost falls over.
"M-MC?? What are y-you doing here?! Did my brothers send you here...? Because I know you'd rather die than see me; I screwed up so you're finally tired of me. You don't have to try to make me feel better. Just go tell them I'm fine."
Just looking at him makes you feel bad, no matter how pissed you were. It takes a lot of convincing that you do not wish he was dead and that you just want to talk. Levi will be apologizing every few words, possibly cry, but after a thorough conversation he will calm enough to reevaluate what started this.
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Satan will be furious enough during your heated exchange as it is; so much so he would force you out of whichever room you're in so you don't have to witness him tearing it to shreds. He's already feeling guilty for losing his composure around you but after you start ignoring him completely??
Man's going to need a two hour session of letting out pent up rage in his room every day this goes on for. Of course, he will not let any of it show in public. Especially around you.
Much like the eldest, he will remain cordial with you. Not so much to save face as to prove that he is a-okay without you, and that this doesn't bother him at all. Even though he is absolutely not okay and it bothers him to an absurd degree.
Unlike Lucifer, however, it takes him much less time to swallow his pride and talk to you. He recognizes you're both dealing with a silly arguement in your own childish way and have to deal with it by having a civilized conversation.
Definitely not because he looked up heaps of books and resources on couple disagreements and how to fix them.
"Listen. This has gone on for far too long, so don't you think it's about time we settle this? I'm sorry I lost my temper. It wasn't right of me. I don't like this distance we have right now.. let's fix it. I will hear you out properly this time. As long as you can do the same for me."
Surpsingly very mature and understanding about not just the cause of the arguement, but why you chose to avoid him. He promises to do better and give you both time to cool down if you were to ever have an arguement again so it doesn't end in you taking these drastic measures.
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This is just a phase, right? You were just being overdramatic in the moment and you'll be back to showering him with attention soon! Right? How could you stay mad at his beautiful face for long?
Asmo will delude himself into believing the above so strongly. He will continue to act as he normally does around you, all cuddly and affectionate, thinking your attitude is you just playing hard-to-get.
"Awwww, cmon, MC! You can stop acting upset now! Although your pouty attitude is really cute~"
When you keep making it clear you want nothing to do with him for the time being, the avatar of lust is internally shattering. He thrives off of your attention. Having it taken away is worse than withdrawal. Not that he will make it obvious the first few days.
Seeing that clinginess isn't helping him, he will attempt to make you jealous by alluding to his fanbase and how lucky any one of them would be to have him. Ironically this backfires as it turns you even colder to him. He is at a loss and at his breaking point. What else can he possibly do?!
It all boils down to Asmo getting tipsy at a party one night and seeking you out. Crying, clinging to your clothes, blubbering about how lonely he is without you, and what he would do to get your grace back.
"Darling, please!! I miss you so much, I don't think I can take it! I love you so so much, just please look at me in the eyes again! You still love me more than anything, right? Whatever I did to make you mad I'll show you I didn't mean it! Just let me. I want to feel your love again... can't be myself without it."
It's a shame he has to be under the influence to spill what he's really thinking, but it manages to soften your resolve enough. Expect to get pampered and spoiled to hell for weeks as that's his way of making things right.
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