#i dunno maybe if you're good enough at TK...
2hoothoots · 2 years
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"Like first off, it's super gross – and then afterwards it takes days to get my sense of balance back. I dunno, maybe that one time at camp just soured the whole experience for me..."
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paperstorm · 1 year
Have you had a chance to rewatch any Tarlos scenes from S1-3 since the latest season started airing? Has s4 changed what you get from those scenes? For me, it's added new meaning to some of Carlos' expressions and hesitations. It's made scenes like the one after the Tarlos fight in s2 (when TK tells Carlos he understands how unsafe he must have felt for such a long time) feel more impactful and meaningful. The only scene where I would say that the experience has diminished, for me, is the proposal. It used to feel like pure joy earlier, and now ... I dunno, it probably sounds dramatic but the scene feels corrupted to me, knowing that either a small part of Carlos was panicking about Iris during that moment, maybe he felt slightly guilty that he hadn't told TK till then but he didn't want to spoil the moment of the proposal (because I find it hard to believe that he didn't think of it at all when the word 'marriage' came up), and that TK didn't have any idea about this portion of Carlos' thought process during that moment. I dunno, it's taken the joy out of that scene for me. Is it the same for you? If not, I'd love to know how you're looking at it, because it was literally my favourite scene of 911LS and I want it to stay that way...
Oh sweetheart I’m sorry it’s taken the joy out of it, that really sucks. I have rewatched a lot of older scenes and it’s definitely changed some for me. It’s added a really beautiful and sad layer to some things about Carlos; his need for control, the strained relationship with his father (the interrogation scene in Bad Call? The way at the end carlos basically begs “I’ve done everything you’ve ever asked of me, please can I be good enough now?” with tears in his eyes? With the added layer of him marrying a woman so that he could fit into society?? Pls), the way Carlos has a tendency to blame himself for absolutely everything, the way he struggles with honesty and with sort of giving people what they need when that thing is something different than what he thinks they should need. It adds layers to his desire to be everything to TK and his feelings of inadequacy when he can’t be. It’s done a lot of good things for me, for earlier episodes! It’s also induced a lot of eye rolling haha especially in season one, because it’s just so clear that they did not actually have this planned all along - or if they did, it was only in a retrospective ‘Dumbledore was gay all along!’ way that doesn’t count, because it’s not a real storyline if it was just something in Tim’s head but he never actually wrote it that way. So many of Carlos’s scenes with Michelle just feel badly written now because there’s this giant elephant in the room that neither of them ever address. The way that he’s sort of very nonchalant and unbothered about Iris being missing feels kind of icky now. It has dulled the scene in 1x10 on the car for me a little, cause I’m watching them having this lovely moment and now I’m thinking “Carlos your best friend who you thought was dead was just found alive, why aren’t you going to see her and why are you going to let two full years pass before you do??” But I think I just have to let that go. I know you’re not really asking for advice but if you were, I’d say that unfortunately we just have to take what Tim has said about this and make that the paradigm. He has made it clear that he doesn’t think carlos has done anything wrong and that Carlos never told TK because it wasn’t a real marriage and he more or less had forgotten about it. Do I think that makes sense or is good writing? No. But it’s the framework we’ve been given so I have to just go with it.
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