#i feel like sebek would unironically fight ace or deuce if they kept dragging their feet about asking each other out
yuri-is-online · 4 months
Ruggie 🤝 yuu 🤝 jamil
Being tired of everyone's shit.
They can be polyarmory or something. Of you're so tired you're ready to just fall over? Idk bitch have a cuddle and a quick nap. The two others can watch your respective spoiled little shit for you. They can all feed eat each other their cooking while screaming about their uncertain futures. Making plans to try and stay together while all silently acknowledging that it may all be for naught. But hey, if it does all go to shit, at least they had these moments of peace and freedom while they lasted. (They all breathe a huge sigh of relief when, years later, they're standing at an altar with matching rings and trying not to cry).
On another note. Adueceyuu is one of my favorite ships unironically. Classic friends to lovers trope with a big ol' slice of possible angst. Just going through the whole "What are we" anxiety stage and them not wanting to put a label of it because, "what if yuu leaves?" "What if we all drift during internships?" "What if we all hate each other next year?" "What if our entire dynamic changes as soon as we acknowledge this thing we're doing for what it is?" And they're trying to save themselves the heartache.
And then it all just boils over at a party when they start making out in the heat of the moment or something stupid like that. Have fun dealing with the consequences of those actions ace! Cause duece is ready to commit and do the honorable thing and yuu already rearranging their entire lifes future in their head to stay with their stupid stupid boys.
Grim looks on in utter disgust
>Grim looks on in utter disgust I live for this dynamic with him because it literally only applies to Ace and Deuce. He is ok with everyone else, just not those two. He knows what you are. (idiots)
I'm not the biggest fan of poly ships if I am being honest, I'm strictly monogamous so writing for poly stuff well/at all is hard for me. But for some reason literally none of that applies to Adueceyuu, I unironically love them all together. I think Deuce is the first to realize his feelings for Yuu, but he struggles with his feelings for Ace. He knows they're there of course, but he also has this image of Ace in his head as his rival he isn't fully willing to give up. Ace makes such a big deal of how lame romance is Deuce isn't willing to deal with the humiliation of being rejected and made fun of. Ace on the other hand... he knows what he's feeling but he is going to deny it for as long as he can for all of the exact reasons you listed. He loves so deeply and is so protective of both of them, but he cannot say it out loud because then that makes it real. So all three of them do this awkward dance that's just painful for the other members of their friend group to watch because they know that the card trick trio aren't together together, but try telling that to the rest of the school. You can't.
Que a fourth year graduation party where Ace opens his stupid bratty mouth and suddenly he's getting tagged teamed with open mouth kisses by both Deuce and Yuu, and wakes up the next morning with Yuu squished firmly between him and Deucey. Good luck getting out of this one Ace.
He totally pretends he was the one who asked them both out and made it official but all you have to do is glance at the look his partners faces to know that's not the truth.
I like the situation you wrote for Jamil and Ruggie, they clearly have mutual respect for each other in GloMas and both are deeply sympathetic to Yuu's situation. I could see them planning together for the future behind Yuu's back and discussing if they should encourage Yuu to stay, unfamiliar with the feelings of guilt the idea brings. It would be such a relief for them when things work out for them without any underhanded tactics.
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