#i for one am glad that i live in a world that the lovesquare exists
wield-the-mighty-pen · 9 months
The lovesquare: *exists*
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
(Different anon) so I read the post about what you would like to see in a ship. Can you explain how the Lovesquare (in canon) fits all (or atleast some) of them?
I am so very glad you asked.
Lets go through it step by step:
1. Chemistry: Marinette and Adrien have chemistry. The two ooze it out of their being, you can see it in 90% of their interactions. From the banter of Ladynoir, to the blushy mess they are as Ladrien, to the soft caring actions of Adrinette, and the soft care and comedic dynamic of Marichat. Though most of the interactions are Ladynoir and Adrinette. For the best view of their ladynoir dynamic, I HIGHLY recommend the NY special. It captures the high and Low point of the dynamic which sells ya on it. And for Adrinette, check out ML Origins. 
2. Alchemy: The give and take that this relationship provides is astounding. Marinette and Adrien give what the other truly need. Marinette gives Adrien Care and affection, to a degree that the boy needs to grow as a person. Adrien gives Marinette support and vulnerability that she needs to come out of her shell. Vulnerability may sound like a bad thing, but allow me to explain. Marinette is a guarded person, thanks to bullying from Chloé and her klutzy nature, she felt she needed to be careful on how she expressed her feelings. In Origins, during the Umbrella scene, Adrien risked vulnerability, showing how he felt to marinette, risking getting denied and hated further just to clear up a misunderstanding, reaching out to her in a way no other person has ever done for Marinette up to this point. The marinette we see in the show was changed by this encounter, it made her the girl she is now.
As for Adrien, Marinette is someone that pushes to include him in things, goes the extra mile to help him, his first real friend. This connection is something he treasures deeply. As chat noir to Ladybug, he found someone that drove him to push outside his bubble, someone to make him want to experience more of the world. Ladybug gave him the trust and belief that he was missing in his life.
(I could write an essay on this particular topic, (and I might) about the Yin-yang of the love square. But lets move on.
3. Character: This is also important. Adrien and Marinette would still be interesting characters even if neither of them were involved with the other. Marinette is still a creative designer and a caring individual that wants to help people. Adrien is a compassionate teen that wants freedom and to live life outside of his sheltered life. They would still be heroes even if they never met, they have moments outside of their ‘Love interest’. They are fleshed out personalities that don't simply exist to be a ‘Love rival obstacle’ or have their life revolve solely around one person for their development. The love square wouldn't be interesting if Adrien and Marinette didn't have character outside of the ship.
4. Potential: The sheer amount of potential in the love square for the dynamic and interactions Without a reveal still has yet to be properly evaluated, its like the human exploration of the Ocean. There are so many ways that each side of the love square could be developed more.
And the REVEAL! We got peeks at what that would look like in Oblivio and Chat blanc, and I must say.
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Point being, the ship has so much potential.
Overall, the love square SMASHES each of my 4 criteria and thats why its in my top 10 ships of all time.
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