#i forgot the middle panel💀
jet-starrz · 1 month
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Showing off your korok torture devices to people who have never played a zelda game in their life
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ambrosialdesire · 2 days
Prepare for my funeral im dying fr. IM SO DISTRAUGHT ABT MY HUSBAND SHIGARAKI. This man has been my obsession since middle school. IM ABT TO BE REAL DELUSIONAL
I FORGOT YOURE LIKE WAY YOUNGER THAN ME SO YOU WATCHED IT IN YOUR EARLIER YEARS RATHER THAN IN HIGH SCHOOL 😭😭😭 at least horikoshi gave a panel of shiggy looking decently good 😭💀
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otakusparkle · 2 months
That one shot hentai manga that is wholesome but I fucking forgot the title 💀
So the female MC are a normal business woman who suddenly felt something strange with her client. The client always come to her everyday only to have a talk to her. But that's not the end. She always felt someone was stalking her
But what's more creepy is that the client said to her "I finally found you" everytime he sees her
The MC had enough and drink so many alcohol in her home before she fell unconsciously and out of nowhere, she was in a castle, in the middle of a court to be exact
She was being judged of accusations of trying to killed the king, when suddenly a man appears in front of her only to make her punishment to be exiled for the next 3 days. But, when she sees the man, she felt something familiar
Then, everything went very wrong
When she was in her secluded chamber, she heard scream from the outside. The knights decided to let her go because there's suddenly a fire all around the kingdom, as well as huge massacre
She tried to run away everywhere but there's literally fire everywhere. Until she stuck in middle of the king and his own son. Looking at the devastated expression of the prince, she suddenly moved by herself to protect the prince
And then she's awake and think it was a strange dream, when suddenly there's a man behind her
It was the client!
The client kneel down in front of her as he cried for forgiveness and how he missed her so much. Of course the MC doesn't know anything
Until the man explain to her
She was actually a princess from a very small kingdom and the client is actually a prince. The prince's father doesn't agree if his son married to her. And the son went mad
He's the one who do the massacre and burn his own kingdom. The princess, aka the MC, was protecting him from the king and she died, but before she died, she yelled to him that he's a tyrant and a betrayal
Turns out, after she died, the prince killed the king before he killed himself, only for the deity to make his wish come true by reincarnated both of them to the modern world
The prince was so so so in love with her that he make a promise that he will destroy the world so that he can life happily ever after with the MC. He's very willing to do that because he loves her so much and never want to let her go
And turns out the king was actually the real antagonist because he killed his own queen, doing corruption, and being so much egoist
The MC cried because she was still afraid to be with "The tyrant" only when the man hold her in his gentle embrace
Before they fuck ofc 😂
And the last scene was actually open ending, but it still carved deeply into my head so much 😭
After they fuck (aftercare moment), both of them are laying breathlessly on the bed as he held her in his arm while she's asleep. Quietly, he put a ring on her finger and himself, making both of them a married couple
And the last panel of this one shot manga is the man saying "Even if we go to different time again, I will find you and never let you go again, my wife"
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