#i forgot the names of goten's friends sorry
duhragonball · 5 months
Dragon Ball Super Manga ch.88-90
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The 2023 Dragon Ball Apocrypa Liveblog concludes with the DBS manga's adaptation of the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero motion picture.
First up, we have this three-chapter prologue/prequel thing starring Goten and Trunks in their lankey teen bodies. It's well-made, but I'm not impressed. Find out the reason why... inside!
Okay, as the image above shows, this is all about the boys' playing superheroes while they're in high school... just like Gohan did way back in Dragon Ball Z. The main difference seems to be that there's two of them doing it this time, and their motives are a little more frivolous. Gohan came up with Great Saiayaman because he just couldn't help but foil crimes, and the costume allowed him to save the day without giving away his identity. Goten and Trunks also want to keep a low profile, but they mostly seem to be doing this shtick because they're on a superhero kick lately. They call themselves "Saiyaman X1 and X2", but their act mainly imitates their hero, Cleangod, who has a franchise of movies, video games, and so forth.
The added wrinkle is that they're also trying to keep this thing a secret from their families, as Bulma and Chi-Chi wouldn't approve of the boys screwing around like this when they should be studying. I guess it was okay when Gohan did it, but times have changed, and Trunks in particular isn't doing so hot on his report cards.
That does keep things mildly interesting. For example, you'd expect the boys to use costume changing watches like Great Saiyaman had, except they don't want Bulma to find out. So Trunks asks Pilaf to make them instead, and Pilaf can't make them as quickly, so Trunks doesn't get his until chapter 88 is half-over, and Goten's isn't ready until chapter 89. And you know, it probably would make things a lot simpler for Goten and Trunks to avoid the Saiyaman stuff altogether if they don't want their moms to find out, since they've seen this trick before. But they're doing it anyway, I guess because they're just that deep into the Cleangod fandom.
However, this still feels like a retread of a storyline we've already seen. Reading this, I feel like I've gotten too old for Dragon Ball. I know that isn't true. I'm looking forward to whatever happens in Chapter 101 onward, and Daima seems promising, even if it wasn't what I had in mind. There's always something interesting around the corner... but I see stories like this one that are more interested in rehashing older material, and it just feels tired and stale. Younger fans may not mind at all, but I see this and wonder if all we have left is just rehashing ideas we've already seen before.
Besides all of that, I'm not a big fan of high school stories, and there's a healthy dose of Trumai... and let's just get this out of the way before we go any further: I'm not that interested in the whole "next generation" thing.
I know there's a lot of fans who really dig the whole idea of exploring what happens to Goten, Trunks, Marron, Uub, Bulla, and Pan. I respect that, but I've never been very invested in any of them. I liked what we got out of them in DBZ, but that's about it. Let me kind of single out Goten so I can discuss this more easily. For the sake of argument, let's just call the "next generation" concept "Big Goten", since it features the teenage or adult version of the character, as opposed to the little guy in the Buu Saga and most of Super. Trunks, Marron, and the rest can be lumped into this, but it's easier to just refer to one character.
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Basically, this 3-chapter arc is probably the best "Big Goten" story by default. Your other options are the End of Z episodes which barely do anything with him, or that one GT episode where he fights Baby and gets possessed. Or the Super Hero movie, where he's barely in it.
And yet, we have this 3-chapter arc, and Goten's basically playing sidekick to Trunks. That's not a huge problem in itself. You'd expect these two to be side-by-side, but it's mainly a Trunks story. He's trying to get Mai to go out with him, but she's part of the Pilaf gang living at Capsule Corp, and they have to be useful or Bulma will kick them out. So she's too busy repairing these "helper robots" that malfunctioned recently. Trunks thinks he can investigate the case as Saiyaman X-1 and get Mai the weekend off so she can date him. Goten's just sort of along for the ride. He enjoys the superhero bit, and he likes goofing off with Trunks, so it's all good.
And honestly, you could probably switch these two around and have Goten be the one trying to solve crimes to go on a date, while Trunks is the supportive wingman. But that's the problem. We have this one story, and they both kind of have to share it, and it really doesn't matter which one of them gets the lead.
Like, in this arc, we learn a little more about Teen Trunks. He's not doing well scholastically, he lacks Bulma's talent with computers or science, and... he's still carrying a torch for Mai for some reason. Oh, and he's afraid of ghosts now. It's not much to go on, but at least he gets something. All we find out about Goten in this thing is that he likes Cleangod, just like Trunks. Oh, and Teen Marron has a brief appearance where it turns out she really likes Cleangod too. Also several of Goten and Trunks' classmates enjoy Cleangod. And Dr. Hedo likes Cleangod. You know, that's how you develop your characters, right? You make them all like the same thing.
The point I'm getting at is that for years I've heard that Big Goten is this untapped well of great story ideas and this arc finally gets around to that and... it's pretty underwhelming. That's the big idea? Superheroes? Again? It worked for Gohan because it was a fresh idea when he did it. And it worked for Dr. Hedo because it helped set him apart from Dr. Gero. But all it does for Goten and Trunks is give them another set of clothes. Trunks is still pining for Mai and Goten is still just happy to be here. It's not enough. It's not nearly enough.
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So let's move on. The boys head into town one night to investigate the Helper Robots that are mysteriously disappearing. Turns out they've been hijacked by Dr. Hedo's Alpha series androids. Strictly speaking, the Alphas are just corpses stolen from a morgue, reanimated with cybernetics. Remember those goons working at the convenience store in the beginning of Super Hero? Well this is the same group of guys. Hedo's problem is that he's fare more brilliant than Gero ever was, but he lacks the resources and funding to make the kinds of androids that he wants to make. The Alphas are functional, but only just. Their brains are defective, and you can probably only steal so many bodies from the morgue before the cops get wise to you. So Hedo's big idea is to hijack the Helper Robots and use them to manufacture sushi packages for profit. He could build something more efficient for this, but this will have to do until he gets the cash.
Oh, I forgot to talk about how Pilaf built the Helper bots. I'm not clear on what they do, but there's a lot of them in the city, and apparently Pilaf pitched the idea to Bulma and she okayed it. At first I was surprised to read this, but then I remembered that Pilaf had his own Dragon Radar way back in the day. It wasn't as sophisticated as Bulma's, but it goes to show that Pilaf knows his way around technology. This isn't some new thing they slapped onto his character, like Trunks suddenly being afraid of ghosts.
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For a second, it looks like Goten and Trunks are discovered by the Alphas, but it turns out Trunks' pals from school have snuck into the production floor, and they're the ones who get discovered, so Trunks has to go in and save them. Except his superhero wristwatch malfunctions, so Goten has to take out the lights to cover for him.
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Trunks cleans house, even defeating Alpha 12, who was the strongest guy on Hedo's team. When Hedo himself arrives to find his base wrecked, his only clue is that it was trashed by someone who goes to "Blue Hal" High School. It's a major setback for Hedo, but what really upsets him is that Trunks took an important disc from his safe. Hedo wants to recover it above all else. Ironically, Trunks isn't even that concerned about the disc, since all he really cares about is disrupting whatever Hedo was doing to the Helper Robots. That way he can get his date with Mai, except it won't. Even more ironically, Mai still has to work on Saturday night, because she and the Pilaf Gang have to repair all the Helper Robots Trunks smashed in Hedo's base. Whoops!
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Later, Trunks tries to use Bulma's computer to access the data on the disc he took from Hedo's sushi packaging shop. He briefly sees information related to Cell, but he doesn't recognize its significance, probably because he only knows Cell from hearing about it through his family. Anyway, the disc gives the computer a virus, which Bulla removes because that's her big character defining moment in this story. She's basically a carbon copy of Kid Bulma from the Jaco manga, but at least she's not another Cleangod fan.
Anyway, Bulma had decided to start sending Mai to school along with Trunks. Apparently she realized it might be awkward if anyone noticed Mai working for Capsule Corp. and not going to school. This just now came up? I mean, the Pilaf Gang have been here for a few years at least. If anything, it would have been more awkward when Mai was younger, right? I mean, I get it, this is just a way to get Mai involved in the story, but still...
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There's also another new student in Trunks' class: Baytah. Trunks' friend Rulah takes an immediate liking to him, but this is pretty clearly a new android created by Dr. Hedo. The Alpha series was no match for Saiyaman X-1, so he created a new Beta class to infiltrate Blue Hal High School and find out who X-1 really is. Beta begins to suspect Trunks, since he displays some above-average performance on the basketball court, but he can't find a way to prove it without giving himself away.
So here we have this weird scene where they're getting soup for lunch, and Trunks is sad that he can't get extra. Then Beta pretends to trip or something, and throws his soup into the air. I guess the idea was that Trunks would have to use super powers to dodge it, or he'd get it all over his nice school clothes. But instead Trunks just sort of shifts to one side and the soup miraculously lands in his bowl. And he's happy because he gets extra soup? How does it all fit in one bowl, though? Is the lunch lady only filling them up halfway? This whole bit is really contrived, is what I'm trying to say.
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Somewhere along the way, Mai figures it out and explains it to Trunks, so they know Beta is looking for Saiyaman X-1. So he knows to be careful about showing off his powers, but Goten just picks up a truck during recess to get a tennis ball back for his classmates. See, Trunks, this is how you get the ladies. Mai is like 55 years old. She doesn't care, but if you pick up a truck or two, all these teenage girls will go wild. Right now, these two girls are thinking about how much they wish they were trucks, being held in Goten's mightly-yet-gentle hand.
Anyway, now Beta is convinced that Goten is the one he's after, and Hedo tells him to attack and get the disc.
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So Beta reveals he has a goofy superhero suit of his own, but Goten can't fight seriously because he doesn't have a transformation watch yet. Fortunately, Trunks does, so he shows up as X-1 and quickly slips Goten the new watch Pilaf must have made last night.
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I'm not thrilled with Beta's design, but I like the concept. Faced with both Saiyamen, he deploys Beta 2, which is a robotic exosuit that can separate and fight in two modules. The Betas are here for the disc, but neither Goten or Trunks has it. Mai does, because Trunks gave her his bag while he ran off to pee or whatever excuse he had to switch costumes.
So Trunks has to save Mai from the Betas, and as he catches her, she briefly mistakes him for Future Trunks, the only version of Trunks Mai seems to have any interest in. The Saiyamen clean house, and the day is saved. Trunks very nearly tells Mai that he was X-1 all along, but Goten stops him before he can spill the beans in front of the whole school.
Okay, but what's the point? I mean, Goten just lifted a truck with one hand a minute ago? More importantly, Great Saiyaman was revealed to be Goten about ten years earlier. Not that I expect these students to remember that, but that's my point: Gohan was worried about everyone finding out he had super powers, and in the end no one cared.
I mean, there's still the matter of not wanting Bulma and Chi-Chi to find out what they're up to, but that sort of doesn't matter? I mean, the moms just want their kids to study more and screw around less. It doesn't really matter if they're playing superhero or going fishing. Their moms know they aren't studying, because they've got the report cards to prove it.
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Back at Hedo's (other) base, he realizes he underestimated the Saiyamen, and realizes that he'll have to build even better androids to defeat them. And he's taken a liking to the Saiyamen's costumes, particularly their capes, so the implication here is that the Gammas' designs were inspired by Goten and Trunks' antics in this story.
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Later, we finally get to that convenience store we saw briefly in Super Hero. Hedo still needs money, especially if he plans to build something to defeat the Saiyamen, so he puts three of his Alphas to work at the "Mammal Mart". It's Krillin who makes the bust, and for some reason Mai is there too.
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Despite his lofty plans for better androids, the best Hedo can manage is to send more Beta series androids after Goten and Trunks. Beta 7 looks like an Elvis impersonator, and he intercepts Goten's school bus, but Goten changes into X-2 and beats him. Apparently this sort of thing has been going on for a while now.
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Mai takes Goten aside and reveals to him that they're being watched by a tiny spy-robot. After the Beta-1 incident at school, Mai investigated and learned that Dr. Hedo is a famous scientist in the area, and she believes he's behind all of this. Apparently he's already figured out Goten and Trunks are the Saiyamen, since he's been sending Beta androids to harass them.
Mai's plan is to defeat Hedo by using the school dance to lure him into a trap. The organizers have arranged for a live appearance by Cleangod at the dance, which... seems kind of odd for a high school dance, but nothing about this super-hero business really makes any sense to me.
Like, okay... I've been a comic book fan for over thirty years. I just read a bunch of Golden Age Captain Americas a few months ago. I think I know the genre pretty well, and nothing Dragon Ball Super does with the concept really rings true to me.
In the first place, the Dragon Ball characters are already superheroes. I went from Batman to Superman to Marvel to Dragon Ball Z, and it was a pretty smooth transition. I never stopped liking the other stuff that came before, so it's not like my tastes changed all that much. I just see DBZ as a natural extension of the same stuff I liked in Marvel and DC.
It made sense when Gohan became Great Saiyaman because the only trope he hadn't done yet was the secret identity thing, and the only reason it had never come up before was that he'd never needed one before then. Once he got into high school, he suddenly had friends he wanted to keep secrets from, so he did the same thing Clark Kent did in 1938.
But then you have Goten and Trunks doing it because they think it's neat, and they're fans of Cleangod, who is a fictional character to them. And this is probably because Hedo was doing the same bit in the movie, where he would wear a costume and do the poses because he was imitating other fictional superheroes. So the idea seems to be less about the superhero genre as I know it, and more of this ironic "Let's be comic book nerds and do cosplay, and also we have super powers so we can do more than just pose in the suits."
Which... fine, I guess. The thing is, I don't understand the fascination with Cleangod. I mean, it makes sense for Hedo to be an enormous fanboy, because he's a nerdy scientist. I'm a nerdy scientist, so I can relate. He wants Cleangod's autograph, and I'm running an anime blog in my late 40's.
But Goten and Trunks are not nerds. Neither, it seems, are most of their classmates. They all seem like fairly normal teens, mostly interested in dates and school stuff and snooping around abandoned factories or whatever. But this high school dance is going to feature a live appearance by a man in a superhero costume. That's the sort of thing a circus would do to get small children to show up.
Is this an ironic thing? Like, did Goten and Trunks start out thinking Cleangod was cringy kidstuff, and they just kept getting deeper into the fandom until they started liking it for real? Is that what's happening?
Sorry, I was explaining Mai's plan. Okay, so Cleangod will be doing a meet-and-greet at a high school dance party. Okay. Dr. Hedo is a huge mark for Cleangod, so Mai is certain he will crash the party just to meet Cleangod and get his autograph. And she plans to be there when he does, so she can shut him down once and for all.
And she gets to go to this dance, because she's attending with...
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...Trunks. He wanted to ask her to this thing, but she asked him instead, so he's all a-flutter over this, never realizing that she's just using him to get at Hedo. Except.... she's attending this school now. She doesn't need a date to get in. Hedo is the one who has to find some way to get access to the building, because he's not a student.
I like Mai's armor in this scene, although it really never comes into play. Also, Trunks brought Hedo's disc with him, because.... I have no idea. Maybe he doesn't want to risk losing it?
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As expected, Hedo does show up for this thing, and I guess it's because Beta-1 is still registered as a student? I'm more confused about this signing event in the middle of a dance floor. This just feels like a hot mess. Trunks and Hedo bond over their mutual love of Cleangod... wait, I thought Trunks was excited about getting to go on a date with Mai? Priorities, Trunks!
Anyway, Hedo confides to Trunks that he had a Cleangod autograph before, but it was stolen, so he's here to get another one. Hold on, doesn't Hedo know Trunks is X-1? I mean, he was sending androids after Goten, so he must know he's X-2, right?
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Mai tries to get Hedo, but then Beta shows up, and Rulah explains that he got back into the school, so she asked him to the dance. I really like Rulah. She doesn't know what's going on, but there's a new boy in town and she's gonna make time with him. She's like an Archie character.
Then the cops show up. Yeah, just draw your guns in a big crowd of children, Krillin, that makes a ton of sense.
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Hedo uses a smokebomb to escape and everyone chases after him. By the time Cleangod comes out to make his big appearance, everyone is gone except Mai, who isn't impressed. That's the thing I can't square with all of this. The running gag seems to be that superheroes are both cool and uncool at the same time. People were lining up to see this guy, but the punchline is that he totally sucks? I guess? Characters will praise Goten and Trunks' costumes and then later characters will call them corny.
Like, which is it? That's the thing about superhero comics, at least from my perspective. In the real world, you either think Batman's awesome or he's a giant dork in a fursuit. Fine. But in the Batman mythos, just about everyone takes him seriously because he's a mysterious badass. I get it, Cleangod's basically Adam West working car-shows in the 1970's, but Saiyaman X-1 and X-2 are the real thing. They fought robots in the middle of the football field in front of everyone. I mean, no one called Goten corny when he lifted that truck.
Oh, by the way, Dr. Hedo's jalopy is awesome.
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Krillin (reluctantly) brings Goten and Trunks along to chase down Hedo, and he fills them in on the situation. The cops have been after Hedo because they think the Red Ribbon Army is trying to stage a comback and they want to contact him. That.... doesn't quite square with the movie, but we'll talk about that later.
Anyway, they get to Hedo's (third?) base and he's got a dinosaur android to stop them. This is the biggest, strongest one he's made so far, but it's still not very sophisticated, simply because Hedo lacks the resources to build anything better.
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It gives the Bio-Broly Buster Crew a little trouble, but Krillin disables it with a kienzan, and then Goten and Trunks take it out with a double-team move. And Hedo's going to jail.
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So what about that disc? Turns out it never mattered. Hedo memorized all the information on it a long time ago, so the disc itself had no value to him. What he wanted was the case, which contained, in addition to the disc, his prized Cleangod autograph. Remember? The one he told Trunks got stolen? They didn't know it at the time, but Trunks was the one who stole it in Chapter 88.
And that's really dumb, because Trunks did try to investigate the disc in Chapter 89. He didn't get very far, but he still had to open the case it was in, so you'd think he would have noticed the Cleangod autograph inside. I mean, another character might not have paid any attention to it, but Trunks is a huge fan of Cleangod himself.
And if Hedo truly had no use for the disc, why didn't he throw it away a long time ago? In this scene, he says he discarded it, but he must have only done that in the last few minutes, before Krillin showed up to arrest him, since Trunks had the disc before the dance. This whole thing is supposed to be clever, but it's kind of dumb.
Anyway, this whole caper explains how Hedo got sentenced to prison at the beginning of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. He could have been given a longer sentence, but according to this story, he agreed to return some of the Alphas back to the families of the corpses he built them out of. This is supposed to be funny, but it's just kind of bizarre. Like, are we saying Hedo resurrected the corpses? I thought the idea was he just used a dead body to build Alpha 12. But this seems to suggest Alpha 12 remembers his former existence. That's kind of fucked up.
Like I said at the beginning, there's a lot that is well done here. Toyotaro's art is on-point as usual, and there's some great action scene with Goten and Trunks. I think the big highlight of the arc were all of the side characters we see at their school, like Rulah and the others. Trunks' math teacher looked pretty cool. The problem is that they were never going to be the focus of this or any other story. It's taken years for Toei or Shueisha to do anything with Goten or Trunks, so their pals may never see the light of day again.
And that's what disappoints me about this arc, because it may have been the one chance of getting a good teen Goten and Trunks arc, and they blew it on this. Did we really need a backstory on Hedo's prison sentence? Did anyone leave the theater not understanding why he was in jail? Was anyone confused as to how he came up with the designs for Gamma 1 and 2's costumes? No. We didn't need this.
One of these days, there will be an official Big Goten story that gets it right. But this ain't it, chief.
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uncpanda · 3 years
The Ties that Bind: Mayhem
AN: This is the after math of Mayhem. From Season 4 episode 1 I believe. In which we get a lot of reader and Aaron friendship! 
Master List
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You’re woken up by the sound of knocking on your door. It’s the middle of the night, and you were dead asleep. The key word being were. If someone isn’t dying on the other side of that door, you’ll make it so that they are. You check the peephole, and your brow furrows, before you open it. 
You glare at your best friend, “Are you dying?” 
Aaron stares at you for a second, “I almost got blown up, does that count?” 
You blink a few times, and try to knock the sleep out of your system. That’s when you see the cuts and bruises. “Please tell me you’re kidding.” 
“I may lose the hearing in my right ear.” 
Your mouth drops open, and you pull him inside, and start looking him over. Other than what you see, there doesn’t seem to be any major damage. 
“There doesn’t seem to be a lot of physical damage. What about psychological?” He hesitates, “Aaron?” 
He sighs, “I lost a friend. Her name was Kate. She died in the explosion.” 
The hug happens without thought. You just wrap your arms around him and hold him close. He returns it immediately, almost desperately. Aaron is touch starved. You’ve known it for a while, and he’d goten comfortable with your hugs, and snuggles over the past two years. 
When you pull back, you help him shuck his jacket and tie, and then his shoes before pulling him to the couch. You know he doesn’t want to talk yet, so you settle down and tug him towards you so that his head lands in your lap. His eyes close as you run your fingers through his hair, and sort of massage the scalp. You move down to his neck and shoulders where he twists his body to give you better access. He has knots upon knots from all the stress. 
Eventually, his breathing evens out, and you know he’s asleep. You don’t try to move, you just make yourself as comfortable as you can, and eventually you fall asleep too. You wake up to Aaron moving around your apartment. There’s a blanket covering you. 
You squint, and then you realize he’s pretty much naked, or at least, you’re assuming he’s naked under one of your blue towels. He’s looking at something on his phone and hovering over his go bag. You take a moment to stare. He’s lightly muscled, but not overly so. There are a few cuts and bruises. He’s also somewhat skinny. You need to feed him more. 
“Like what you see?” 
You can feel your cheeks heat up, and beat it down with a mental bat as Aaron turns to face you. You put on a false bravado, “How in the world did that explosion make you even more cocky? I didn’t think that was possible. I’m wondering why you’re standing in the middle of my living room in only a towel.” 
“I woke up and I felt like I was still covered in gravel, and dirt. So I used your shower, and forgot my go bag out here.” 
You toss the blanket aside, stand up, and stretch, “Great. Now I feel like I need a shower.” 
“And a new couch!” 
“Send me the bill.” 
You laugh, take one more look at him in the towel and head back to take a shower of your own. Once you’re done, and dressed in fresh lounge clothes, you head back out to find Aaron in sweatpants and a tee-shirt. It’s strangely domestic. He slides you a plate of food, and you take it eagerly. You’re not even surprised when it tastes delicious. Is there anything this man can’t do? 
The two of you eat in silence and it’s as you do the dishes you ask, “How are you doing?” 
He shrugs, “I called my therapist on the car ride home and scheduled an emergency appointment along with one at an ENT. Both appointments are tomorrow.” 
“Do you want to talk about it?” 
He hesitates for a second, “I probably should, but I don’t want to.” 
“We could watch movies?” 
He smiles at you, one that says thank you for not pushing me, “Sounds good.” 
“Do we want to laugh, cry, or watch things explode?” 
Aaron follows you back to the couch, “I don’t think anything loud or with explosions is a good idea.” 
“Yeah. You lived the real life thing.” He stares at you for a second and you wince, “Too soon. Sorry. How about something historical but dramatized and in no way truly reflects actual history?” 
“Sounds perfect.” 
You settle down on the couch with him, and it isn’t long before a weigh settles against your shoulder. You look to the side and see Aaron fast asleep, with soft snores coming out of his mouth. You shift, and adjust so that his head settles in your lap, but you can still see how tense his body is. You run your fingers through his hair, and massage his scalp. You move down to his neck, and when he lets out a moan in his sleep you can fill the heat beat at your cheeks. 
You scowl, because that was the second time he’d brought out that response in you today. You keep going until the knot of tension releases and then you just absentmindedly stroke the skin there. 
“That feels nice?” 
Aaron’s gravely voice takes your attention away from the nearly finished movie, “Yeah?” 
“Yeah. You should do this for a living.” 
“Professional cuddler?” 
He huffs, and you roll your eyes, “I’ll stick with teaching. By the way, I have a bunch of multiple choice tests to grade. You want to help?” 
He snorts at that, “I have enough paper work in my own job, thanks.” 
“Spencer helps!” 
“Spencer can read 20,000 words a minute.” 
You get up and his head drops onto the cushion. You can feel his eyes on you as you put in another DVD and grab the tests that need to be graded. You settle at the coffee table and start grading. Every once in a while you feel Aaron look over your shoulder at the test. You can tell he’s studying the questions, probably answering the questions in his head. 
You’re in between movies when his hand settles on your arm. You look at him and you can see it in his eyes: He’s ready to talk. You wait. 
“Kate was a friend. I met her when I was consulting with Scotland Yard on a case. We liked the same soccer team, we were both work-a-holics, and we just sort of clicked. We were just friends, nothing else. We were both married at the time. When she and her wife divorced, she took a job with the bureau. Anytime I was in New York we’d meet up for a drink, and talk. We weren’t best friends, but we were friends. She didn’t deserve to die that way.” 
You move to grip his hand, because you can tell from Aaron’s face that it was bad. And you’re so grateful that it wasn’t him and that fills you with guilt. You sit there in silence before he moves to put in a new movie.
You spend the rest of the day like that until Aaron gets a call from Haley. You listen as he reassures her that he’s okay, and then asks if he can go over and see Jack. There’s a look of relief on his face when she says yes. 
You grin as he grabs his bag and goes to get changed. When he’s done he leans down next to you, “Thank you for today.” 
“Any time. Let me know how your doctor's appointments go.” 
“I will. Promise.” 
As he reaches the door, you call out, “And remember a towel isn’t proper attire for a doctor’s office.” 
He rolls his eyes, tosses out a, “Smart Ass.” and heads out the door. You smile as he goes, glad that you could help even a little bit. 
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elisajdb · 3 years
The Red Thread of Fate
A story for (CC) Carol Winner of the @the-gochi-awards Favorite Comic
 Goku stretched his arms over his head as he woke from his nap. He groaned when he heard the sounds of rain tapping the window. It was the rains’ fault for his nap. It rained all day so he couldn’t go outside to train. He could but his new wife wouldn’t allow it. The first time he came home after training in the rain, he spread mud all over the floor. It enraged ChiChi so much she forbid him to train when it rained. Goku, not wanting to anger his new bride oblige. When it rained, Goku stayed home. Sometimes he spent it with ChiChi and other times like now, he took a nap.
 “Goku!” He turned to see his wife come downstairs. The way she said his name told Goku ChiChi was in a really good mood. Despite her temper, Goku learned his wife was generally a happy person so whatever she was in the mood for, Goku figured it must be good for both of them. “Show me your little finger.”
 ChiChi held her hand up with her pinky finger extended to him. Goku thought her excitement meant she cooked a meal for him or she changed her mind about him training in the rain. He figured his new wife was keen to teach him many things. Some he really liked (kissing, sexy times), some confused him (shopping) and some he didn’t like (work). He hoped whatever she will teach him will be something he will like.
 “Okay.” Goku extended his pinky to ChiChi. “Now what?”
 “Have you heard of the ‘Red Thread of Fate’?”
No. ChiChi looked so happy about it. If ChiChi was this happy, Goku tried to guess. He wondered if it was food. He hoped so. He wouldn’t mind having a meal now. “No. Is it something about food?”
 “NO!” ChiChi groaned exasperated. “Why do you always make everything about food?”
 “Sorry,” Goku apologized, “but you know I don’t know a lot of stuff, ChiChi. What is it?”
 “It’s an invisible line that links people to their true love. See?” ChiChi wrapped a red thread around her pinky finger and she wrapped another around Goku’s little finger. “Like this. It will connect us our whole life… until we die.”
 Goku pulled the string linking his finger with ChiChi’s. He was skeptical to believe this red string could connect them. He wanted to believe ChiChi but the string felt thin and weak. “Are you sure? It’s just a regular string. Won’t we need a stronger one? I can ask Kami for a stronger one.”
 “No,” ChiChi flexed her finger to show the string was strong enough for them. “This red string is a symbol to reflect our connection and dedication to each other. We don’t need anything else.”
 If ChiChi was sure this string was strong enough, Goku believed her. She knew more about love and marriage than him. “Okay. If you say so.”
 Five Years Later
 “What’s the matter with you, Goku?” King Kai noticed his pupil in a down mood. As upbeat and jovial Goku acted, there were times Goku was depressed. It was rare and something Goku tried to hide from the wise Kai of the North but he knew and gently tried to pursue Goku to share his thoughts. “Is my cooking that bad?” He thought the joke would crack a smile but the dead warrior merely sighed and
looked away. He must be in a sour mood to not comment about his food. Goku never held back how the meals King Kai cooked were bland.
 “King Kai,” Goku suddenly spoke, “are connections to people broken when they die?”
 So, that’s what going on. Goku missed his family. “Connections are never broken if you don’t forget about them, Goku. The connection is severed now because you are dead, but you’ll be back with them and your connection to them will be stronger than ever.”
 “Really?” Goku brightened hopeful the Kai of the North was correct. “I’ll be reconnected to ChiChi again?”
 “Of course, Goku.” King Kai assured him. “After this mess with the Saiyans, you’ll go home and be with your family for a very long time. I’m sure of it.”
 Four Years Later
 King Kai knew when Goku died again, he couldn’t leave Goku in the afterlife alone. For all his innocent, happiness and his ability to handle things alone, he had another side and learning of Goku’s time on Earth, King Kai knew Goku would be lonely. He didn’t want Goku, after making many friends in his life, to retract to that little boy left alone after his Grandpa Gohan died.
 King Kai expected growing pains from Goku this time because he knew he wasn’t returning to the living in a year. He will be dead forever and separated from his family for many years. So far, their time on the Grand Kai’s planet has been very enjoyable. Goku was happy and got along with all the fighters. He was eager to spar with them and study all the new fighting techniques they possessed. The newness of the situation took Goku’s mind off his decision to stay dead but King Kai knew the crash will come when it hits Goku on what he did.
 Which was now.
 Time passed differently in the afterlife and Goku spent several days from Grand Kai’s palace. Some fighters hadn’t noticed; some had and suspected but King Kai knew why. In Earth’s time, Goku was gone for a week. King Kai thought that was too long for Goku to dwell in his own thoughts.
 He found Goku sitting on one of the high peaks of a mountain staring at the sky. King Kai settled beside him. He knew now was not the time for his terrible jokes. He saw the sadness in the warrior’s eyes and knew he was thinking of his family and their severed connection. Being a God in his own right, the Kai of the North never needed strong ties like family. He had a connection to Bubbles and Gregory and his precious car but it wasn’t like the feelings Goku shared for his family. Spending time with Goku he understood the human emotions to it and why humans (some) cherish it.
 “King Kai, can connections be established again if it’s severed for a long time like years?”
 “Of course, Goku. You know no matter how many years you are apart, you will never lose that connection to your family. Just keep remembering them and know the next time you see them, you won’t be apart again.” He had a wife and son he thought about but King Kai knew his current feelings were for his wife. He said goodbye to his son but not to her. “Your wife, ChiChi, will be so happy to see you again.”
 Goku looked away to briefly rub his eyes. “Really?”
 King Kai patted Goku’s back again. Sometimes he really was an innocent child who needed reassurance. “I’m sure of it, Goku.”
 Seven Years Later
 It was raining again but Goku didn’t think the day was boring. Nope. Not anymore. After being dead for seven years, every day was fun and exciting even the dreary rainy ones. It sure was quiet. With Gohan at school and Goten in his room doing schoolwork, the day was very quiet but Goku didn’t mind. ChiChi was with him, sewing and talking of their precious, youngest son. Yesterday, during a hike with Goku, he ripped his shirt off a tree branch. That was the story Goten told her but ChiChi knew her son was sparring with his Daddy.
 ChiChi sorted her knitting basket pulling out balls of yarns and spools. “Oh, dear. I think I ran out of orange.” ChiChi pulled a red spool from her knitting basket. “But I think this red thread will match nicely with Goten’s shirt.”
 Red thread? It was as if a clap of thunder struck him. He has been home for nearly two months and he forgot again. He snatched the spool from ChiChi. Yup. Yup. This was it. Goku unfurled a short string and wrapped it around his left pinky. Hmm not enough he decided. Goku extended it to wrap around his ring finger. Nope. Still not enough. He wrapped it around his middle, forefinger and thumb. He looped a red thread around his wrist. The more the better Goku thought but to be sure, he wrapped string around the pinky of his right hand and ChiChi’s left pinky.
 “Goku,” ChiChi looked at the thread linking her and Goku’s hands, “what are you doing?” She was deeply appreciative Goku was back and loved enjoying his company again but there were times like now he truly confused her and she wasn’t in the mood for any games. “You suddenly took my thread. I’m fixing Goten’s cloth.”
 “ChiChi, you remember this?” The red spool of thread she bought at the market? Not really. “‘The Red Thread of Fate’?” Oh. That. It had been so long but ChiChi remembered sharing the story when they were newlyweds. Goku didn’t understand then and ChiChi didn’t think Goku really cared or remembered but he did.
 “You…..” ChiChi was awed and so happy to be wrong, “you remembered.”
 Goku confirmed with a nod. “You said this will connect us until we die….. but I died already before. I forgot to do this when I came back from Yardrat.” He felt a little silly now as he stared at his hands. Perhaps, he did go too far wrapping it. “So I used this thread to link us again. It’ll work, right?” He was optimistic it will work but he needed ChiChi’s assurance. “See? Not only the little finger but I tied my whole hand.” ChiChi didn’t speak but the tears in her eyes and her beautiful smile told him all he needed to know. It will work. “Yes, it sure will.”
 “Yes, it will work,” ChiChi choked overwhelmed with tears. He remembered. He understood. “Oh, Goku,” ChiChi grabbed Goku’s hands and linked them with hers. “Thank you. You don’t know how much it means you remember.”
 “Ah, ChiChi,” ChiChi being so happy always warmed his heart. “Don’t cry. You know what that does to me.”
 “I can’t help it. You’ve made me so happy. We’ll always be together,” ChiChi promised. “No matter what.” A silly tale or a story with seeds of truth, ChiChi knew she and Goku will always be together.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years
Let's watch the thunder together
Sam Arias x Male Reader
Request- Story starts where R was hanging out in Kara's loft and R ask who's coming for game night and kara told him who's coming and when she mentioned sam. R said "Oh fuck no man And I'm taking this" he took the wine bottle and use the interdimensional extrapolator to go to universe 7. Kara said "what just happened".
Then Goku said their goodbyes and R said "I'm am so sorry about him, I didn't think he would be more of a dumbass than he already is. Fast forward he and sam got along sort of.
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Sam moved back to National City not long ago. She is close friends with Lena and Kara and she is happy to be home. Kara invited everyone for a game night in her loft, she is excited, everyone is coming. Sam has been working hard at L-CORP, tonight she is ready to have fun with her friends.
You arrived early because you bought the food and drinks. Kara is happy that you got everything. You help her set up the drinks and food. Kara showed you the board games that everyone will play.
”Lena is coming over with her new friend Sam,” Kara said.
”I once knew someone named Sam but it didn't end well” You said.
”What happened?” Kara asked.
”Long story short, I was the punchline of a cruel joke,” You said.
Kara felt bad for you and she rubbed your arm. Kara was going to say something to cheer you up but Alex and Lena arrived with Sam. You and Sam stared at each other but you are not happy.
”Oh fuck no man and I'm taking this," You said.
Everyone is confused and wanted to ask questions, but you took the wine from Alex and used an interdimensional extrapolator to go to universe 7.
”What just happened?” Kara asked.
Sam sighed.
”We used to know each other. In high school, I went with Y/N to prom has a prank, and my friends used to bully him. I fell in love with him, when he found out that I had to go out with him on a bet well... He didn't want to hear what I had to say. Since then I haven't seen him since” Sam said sadly.
”Give him time, he will come around,” Alex said.
Sam nods and she still feels bad.
You are on universe seven. You went to see Vegeta like always he is training in the capsule corp. You start to train with Vegeta and he is always hard on you.
”What are you doing here?” You asked.
Alex came to see you.
”Vegeta, hi,” Alex said.
”Alex. You two are ruining my training section leave or join me” Vegeta said.
You and Alex looked at each other.
”So that is Sam,” Alex said.
”Remember when I told you I was bullied in high school and I dated this girl that had a bet with her stupid friends well that Sam,” You said.
”Yeah, she told us what happened and she stills feels sad about it. I think you should talk to her” Alex said.
You and Alex start to train with Vegeta, it's two against one. He won't go easy on Alex because she doesn't have powers, he wants Alex to get strong. Alex tries to dodge Vegeta’s attacks but he is faster.
”I don't want to speak with her,” You said.
You start to kick Vegeta.
”You should talk to her,” Vegeta said.
”See, even Vegeta agrees and he isn't much of a talker,” Alex said.
”I will think about it,” You said.
Vegeta punched you in the stomach and you fall.
”See, thinking about problems you didn't block my punch,” Vegeta said.
You are on the ground gasping for air.
You couldn't finish your sentence.
”Oh, and Kara will have game night this weekend so you better come,” Alex said.
Much later~
You, Alex, and Vegeta are taking a break. Bulma gave you and them more water to drink.
”Y/N, where is the four dragon ball star?” Bulma asked.
You start to think and you scratched your head.
”Somewhere on earth-38,” You said.
She started to yell at you because you're being careless with the dragon balls. You and Vegeta get scared when she starts to scream.
”You better go back and get it!! You know how hard it's to find it! If you don't get it, I will make your life a living hell!!” Bulma screamed.
”I’m sorry!!! I will go get it! Alex let's go!!” You said terrified.
You and Alex ran away from Bulma.
Before the night ended, you took Alex back to her home. And you almost forgot the 4 dragon ball star, but you had to go back to Kara’s loft. Sam is talking with Lena and Kara.
”So, you two know each other?” Lena asked.
”Unfortunately” You mumbled.
You see the dragon ball on the table you grabbed it. Before you left, you went to the kitchen and started to steal Kara’s food. It's not the first time you steal food from Kara’s Kitchen.
You left and went straight to Bulma’s house and gave her the dragon ball. You went home, you lie in your bed and think about Sam.
✫ ✯ ✧ ✬
You are jogging in the park. You caught the soccer ball and the girl walked towards you.
”I’m sorry I almost hit you with my soccer ball,” She said.
She reminds you of Sam a little bit. You see Sam walking towards you and she smiled at you.
”Hey Y/N,” Sam said.
You give back the soccer ball.
”Hi Sam,” You said.
”This is my daughter, Ruby. Y/N can we talk?” Sam said.
Ruby went to play with her friends.
”Yeah sure,” You said.
You and Sam sit on the bench.
”Y/N, I'm sorry what happened in high school. I should have done something but I didn't, I know you hate me and I don't blame you” Sam said.
”Sam, saying sorry it's not enough. But... There's no point holding a grudge against you. I forgive you and I want us to move on and start over” You said.
You and Sam smile at each other and she hugged you.
”Maybe we can go out tonight?” Sam said.
”Yeah, we can do that,” You said.
You and Sam just finished eating at a restaurant. You and Sam are having a good time and talked about everything. She is making you smile more and she can't stop smiling at you.
Trunks and Goten are eating at a restaurant, the table is being filled with empty plates. They have a huge appetite and keep eating a lot.
”Trunks, you have the money?” Goten asked.
”Money? I don't have money” Trunks said.
”We need to pay. I don't have money” Goten said.
They start to think. They sneaked out of the restaurant but the manager saw them. Now the manager is chasing Trunks and Goten. The boys just kept running without looking they crashed into you.
”You kids better pay now!” The manager yelled.
”Trunks and Goten what are you doing here!?” You said.
”We are at a restaurant and we don't have money,” Goten said.
You stand up and you offered to pay and the manager accepted the cash.
”We found the interdimensional extrapolator, we touched the button and it took us here. Is she your girlfriend?” Trunks said.
”No, I'm his friend Sam,” Sam said.
”You are pretty. You should be his girlfriend-”
”Goten shut up,” You said.
”Y/N and Sam sitting on a tree-”
Trunks and Goten kept teasing you and Sam, she just giggled. You are telling them to shut up but they won't.
You took Sam home. Trunks and Goten are jumping on your bed
”Did you ask her to be your girlfriend?” Goten asked.
”No, I didn't ask her,” You said.
They keep jumping on the bed.
”You should ask her,” Trunks said.
”Try not to break anything and don't eat my food,” You said.
You left the bedroom to take a shower. Trunks and Goten grabbed your phone and found Sam’s phone number and called her. Trunks try to mimic your voice and think Sam will fall for it.
”Sam, it's me Y/N I want you to be my girlfriend,” Trunks said.
Sam is smiling hard and tries not to laugh.
”Wow, Y/N I had no idea you want to be my boyfriend,” Sam said.
”You are pretty so you are my girlfriend. Bye! I have to give my stuff to Trunks and he is really cool” Trunks said.
He hangs up the phone. Much later, the boys fell asleep on your bed. Sam sent you a text and told you what Trunks did. You couldn't help to laugh.
You were going to spend time with Sam alone, but Trunks and Goten tagged along. Sam thinks it's cute how you get along with the boys.
”Pizza!!!” The boys yelled with joy.
You arrived at your apartment with pizza. They just grabbed it and started to eat like pigs.
”They sure eat a lot,” Sam said.
”They train a lot so huge appetites. They will leave you broke all the time” You said.
Goku arrived and he gave you a bear hug. Goten is happy to see his father, then you introduced Goku to Sam.
”Oh is this your girlfriend?
”Goku shut up!” You spat.
Sam didn't know what to say.
”Oh she is your girlfriend! Y/N she is really pretty-”
You punched Goku in the stomach. You felt he was embarrassing you.
”Take the boys with you, they are eating my food,” You said.
”Dad!!” Goten yelled with joy and jumped on his dad.
”I should take them home, Bulma and Chi-Chi are worried and angry at them,” Goku said.
Trunks and Goten are scared now and they hold on to Goku tight.
”Bye, Y/N’s girlfriend!!” They all yelled and left.
You sighed and Sam can't stop smiling.
”I'm am so sorry about him, I didn't think he would be more of a dumbass than he already is” You said.
”They are nice and funny. I don't mind seeing them around” Sam said.
✫ ✯ ✧ ✬
You and Sam have been spending a lot of time together. Your feelings for Sam.has gotten stronger and Sam wonders if you want to be her boyfriend.
You invited Sam, Ruby, and super friends to a party on universe 7. Bulma is throwing a party on the Capsule Corp ferry. You introduced everyone to each other, they are getting along. Everyone loves the food and the party is going great.
You are spending alone with the guys, you thought of an idea along with Yamcha, Master Roshi, and Oolong. Two women walked into the room, the music starts to play.
”Guys, what is going on?” Goku asked.
”Oh, you will find out in a little bit” Oolong has a huge grin.
”Y/N, are they here?” Master Roshi asked.
”The show will start now” You smirked.
The two strippers start to take off their clothes.
”Why are they taking off their clothes?” Goku asked in confusion.
You and the others are watching the two strippers dance. Goku closed his eyes then Chi Chi walked and she started to yell. Everyone blamed the idea on you, she glared and she yelled at you again.
”Chi-Chi it's harmless. Goku barely looked at them” You said.
You give her thumbs up and she gave you the finger. She smacked your head
”Hey that hurts” You whine.
You start to rub your head.
”That's what you get, Y/N,” Chi-Chi said.
She dragged Goku out of the room, while you and the other guys watch the strippers dance.
Still, on the ferry, you went to spend time with Sam alone. You and Sam stand by the balcony and watch the beautiful sunset, you take a selfie with Sam. Your hand is on top of her hand and she kissed your cheek, you blushed.
”Having fun?” You asked.
”Yes, I'm having fun. Goku is like a huge kid in a men’s body but he sure can eat a lot. Where does the food go?” Sam said.
You and Sam laughed.
”Are you dating anyone?” You asked.
”No. I have been single for a while now, what about you?” Sam said.
”I have been on dates but I haven't been in a relationship,” You said.
You and Sam stare at each other, she bites her bottom lip.
You and Sam went to check on Ruby and the others.
”How did you and my mom meet?” Ruby said.
”We met in high school, she was the popular girl and I wasn't popular. A teacher made us work together on a project, we had to take care of a game baby” You said.
”We couldn't agree on the name so we named the baby, baby,” Sam said.
Ruby laughed.
You and Sam joined the others to eat. Goku again is eating a lot and he put his arm around your shoulder.
”Can you turn Super Saiyan 4?” Goku asked.
”Why do you ask?” You said.
”Whis said you can do it. I want to see” Goku said.
”What is Super Saiyan 4?” Kara asked.
”Super Saiyan 4 is, the form gives the fighter the super strength and speed of a Great Ape, but with a calm, clever mind. But for others, it can make them very cold and aggressive. Y/N would have different hair color, also would have a tail and his body is covered in red fur. His eyes possess a shadow to trim around their eyes and over the eyelids that vary in color, such as crimson. The hair is lengthened while becoming wilder, reaching down to the middle of their back, while two long pointed bangs of hair appear on both sides of the neck. It also makes the individual considerably larger in height and muscularity ” Whis said.
”Sam and Ruby are here,” You said.
”I want to see you transform,” Sam said.
”Me too! Y/N you should do it” Kara said.
”Okay, I will do it,” You said.
You moved away from everyone, you get in your stance. Everyone watches you change into Super Saiyan 4, everyone is impressed and they like your new form.
✫ ✯ ✧ ✬
You are at work sitting at your desk, you get mail. You opened the package, you take out an old picture of you and Sam back in high school.
”I can't believe I thought that was cool,” You said to yourself.
You are talking about your fashion style. Sam sent you a text...
Sam- I found this and the old mixtape you made for me. Also, I made you a mix cd. I know its old school 😜
You take out the cd and you read the playlist. You can't stop smiling.
You come out of work and Sam is waiting for you.
”Hey, you,” You said.
”Y/N, I thought we can go on a date right now,” Sam said.
”Wow, you beat me to the punch. I was going to ask you over the phone” You said.
You and Sam smile at each other.
”I’m sorry... If I ruined the moment” Sam said.
You shake your head.
”No, you didn't ruin anything. Yes, I will go out on a date with you” You said
You and Sam can't stop smiling at each other.
”Do remember that go-kart place we used to go. We had a race and I almost won but you cheated” Sam said.
”I remember winning and it wasn't my fault that you lost,” You said.
”Well, I want a rematch,” Sam said.
”Oh, I will give you the rematch and you will lose again,” You said.
You and Sam started to race and did three laps, she won. You wanted a rematch but she didn't want the rematch. You and Sam have dinner at the snack bar.
”Best first date I had in a while,” You said.
”Me too. And no you won't get the rematch” Sam said.
You and Sam laughed. You kissed Sam and she kissed you back.
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dragonballwish · 3 years
dbwish’s About thing
Hi there~ I figured that, since I’m getting more followers/mutuals/potential friends, I would make the customary greeting / about me post.. lol
Anyways, blurb about me under the cut:
I’ve been on tumblr since like, 7-or-so years ago, but even when I was active I wasn’t really actively making posts or anything. Recently I got back into dragon ball and there just wasn’t enough content where I was looking so I turned back to the old tumblr ways and have found myself deep once again... 
sorry in advance for rambles,
Some things about the blog:
This is my main blog account, but I still try to stick to dragon ball posts exclusively. If you go back far enough in the blog, you can see where I tried really hard to be one of those aesthetic blogs and ultimately failed, because I am not much for aesthetics.
I have a few side blogs since I am unable to give up on good blog name ideas... I’m not particularly attached to them but I really can’t help myself haha
It’s probably obvious, but I am a huge Goku/Chichi stan, like, would die for them. and Gohan and Goten. Son family >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I’ve been holding back, but I usually curse a lot, sorry if that bothers you
I am training rigorously to be able to contribute to the fandom content up to my perfectionist standards for myself, so maybe one day I will post more than manga caps (and soon, probably, gifs from the anime), I won’t tell you to look forward to it, though...
Some things about me:
uh, the pleading face emojis and fingers pointing inward are a façade-- jk kinda, I am one of those types that acts different depending on how well I know people and when it comes to public stuff for cute things like bby Gohan, I get mushy hehe
DMs are cool, pls don’t be shy ??? I feed off of human interaction I wouldn’t be here if that wasn’t the case...
I wouldn’t really say I’m part of a lot of fandoms, but I am interested in other series, things usually more fantasy-like. Like Fire Emblem... also ATLA... I was into Naruto too for a long time... other things you would probably have to ask straight up since I’m not trying to rant too much this is already wordy I am so sorry
I forgot to say it but yeah call me whatever the hell you want lmao, Wish is the “name” I’m using here for now and I had a bad experience online once so I haven’t given out my name to people in a long time lmao
I’m kinda-sorta awkward idk if you can tell in all of this rambling...
Don’t be afraid to chat me up/ask me questions, even if it’s anonymously... I don’t bite or anything wild... 
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laurel-dreams · 5 years
Everyone is here!
The rest of the day went smoothly, we were given our schedules and met the rest of the teachers. We did begin the actual lessons in math tho, but thankfully Monty was able to give me a hand with some equations. Once the recess bell rang i went to my locker to pick up my lunch and went back with the guys. They were taking to a blonde girl with green eyes. “But i do not understand.Why does Jerome want to be adressed as Jessica?”Her voice gave me chills, it sounded so robotic. “Because my name is Jessica now Penny! Could you please stop refering to me as a male? im a girl, just like you and Cindy.” my partner was trying to explain the girl her situation, but she seemed to have a hard timeprocessing it all. I don´t blame her to much tho, we all were slightly shoked when we saw Jessica. “I do not understand”The girl said again”Yet, if that is what Jerome wants, i will adress jerome as Jessica fom this point onwards.See you later, Jessica and other friends.”The girl left the scene” Well, that was really akward” said Buggs ”I know you don´t like explainig yourself Jess”It seems that Buggs and Jessica have known eachother for way more time, perhaps they went to the same school. Jessica sighted “Well,i guessrobots don´t really undertand all the “lgbtq+” stuff” “Yeah,I´m sorry about that”Added Monty” When I re-built her i didn´t think this typeof situation could happen” Cindy suddendly exclaimed “You didwhat? Dude that is quite impresive” I ageed. “Butwhy did she referedto you as “brother monty?” The ginger explained that the reason for that was just programing,Aparently he found her head laiyng on the ground and as he fixed her,sheprogramed her as a little sister so that she forgot all the things regarding her actual mother, he alsow managed to make her retain he rmemories of us. “I finished her a few years ago” he concluded. None of us knew how to respond. “So...does anyofyou know how the rest ofthe gang is doing?”Asked Cindy trying to change the subject.” Well the last time i cheked on them,Lily and Billy were studing abroad” I said” About that other kid, i have no idea of what happened” “Weird, as far as i remember you used to hang out with that other weirdo more that any of us” Buggs added. “ I bet they are just living life”Added Jessica. “Yeah,proba-” mony was cut off by some blonde dude who pushed him aside. “Get out of the way loser!” “i apologise for my brother attitude” Another guy said as he followed the bossy teenager. --------------------------------------- “I Can´t believe dad enrolled us in this fing highscool” Said Felix as he slamed thedoor of his locker. “Come on bro, it´s not that bad!” I said trying to lift his spirit up “Not that bad?Teddy we are surounded by this, scum!We were supposed to go to the HIGHEST MOST PRESTIGIOUS highscool in the country, yet here we are, surrounded by commoners.”I tried to think of a response to ease himupa bit” Wel.. yeah but dad said that by coming here we would be able to control the agency better, because of the..low class workers?” Yeah, that didn´t sound to good.”Guess what? Fo ronce in yourlife you are right my beloved brother. I will gain full controll of this idiots and father WILL be forced to see my prestigious ruling skills.Then I will inherit the company. And if anyone dares to stand in my way,they shall be eliminated.” After that discourse, he walked throw the halls probably plotting his idea, i was about to follow him, when a familiar voice stopped me. “Dude Felix needs to chillto like a six or so” A red haired guy was smiling atme while saying that “come on don´t tell me you don´t remeber your old pall Ozw-” “Ozzy!”I exclaimed as i huged him “Long time no see, how are you doing?” “Well,looks like i´m doing fine. I was about to go meet Carla and Penny, want to tag along?” I stayed in silens foramoment, not knowing what to answer, i had already los track of Felix and... “You know how independent he is, he´ll be fine.” I nooded at Ozzy´s words and we walked to were Penny and Carla were.Penny didn´t change that much, but carla´s hair had goten longer,she alsow began wearing glases to read aparently. “Wow Oz you were able to bring in one of the Huxley´s,congratullations” Her voice had alsow changed a lot, it was more delicate and soft, if those words could be used to describe a sound.
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New Mutliverse war clips till part 2(per omniverse war)
Darkness Boy: the what? Batkid: the hero killer… he is dangerous and physcopathic. Darkness boy: great we come to visit midoriya late and this is what happens. Jake: you were the one that forgot to get the universe my rift blade making us travel through long interdimensional transportation. Darkness boy: its called a portal sword and it my portal sword that I made with my two bare hands! Jake: whatever rift blade portal sword its the same thing! Batboy: that is what you get for getting here late. Robin (damian),whispered: ssh! hey! Quiet! You wana get us caught. He already sensed us once. Darkness boy: sorry. Jake: heh moron. Darkness boy: shut up. Darkness boy: … wait wheres fire pheonix. Jake: I thought he was with you. Darkness boy: I was paying for interdemensional travel how can you let him slip free! Jake: your his brother your responsible for his idiocy. Darkness boy: you… selfish jerk friends help friends and you sure call me your fricken friend all the time even though have the time you don’t act like one! Jake: whatever … I don’t have here it. Goten: hey… I see Fire pheonix… why is he talking to the hero killer. Batkid, Batboy, Robin, Boruto, Marco(Goku), Darkness boy: What!!!! Jake: whoa that idiot has guts to talk to a physcopath or he’s just retarded or both. Darkness boy: I will strangle you! You peice of… Batkid: Guys focus… we have to save Fire pheonix with out blowing our cover. Batboy: how do we do that. Batkid: have you met our father. Batboy: good point. Kai: I wonder if this will turn into a fight. Marco (Goku): really!! if it dose it would be really interesting, I love fights aw man and now I wish I was fire pheonix fighting the Hero killer I wonder how strong he is? …wait… WHAT THE HELL AM I SAYING THIS IS COMPLETELY UNSAFE !!! Marco (Goku); grabs Darkness boy by his costume. Marco (Goku): why the hell would you let fire pheonix face a criminal!!! and worse he’s five years old he’s your brother. Darkness boy: I did'nt know! He slipped of from me while I was paying interdimensional travel…(sadden face with tears)… I’m terrible brother. Jake: your worse than that vigilante boy self justice boy (imitading darkness boy), I’m going to save the world and more because I believe in my self and my next geinous idea is to make my retarded brother fight crime that will never go away hahahahahaha! Marco (Goku) gets angry and punches Jake in the face. Jake: what the hell dude! Marco (Goku): why are you laughing at Darkness boy he is twelve years old. He cares about his brother while you care about nothing but your damn self! Darkness boy payed for your interdimensional travel ticket and you did not even thank him. He has been putting up with your crap for the past two years. I can’t believe my adopted brother has the same name as you! Jake: oh wow now the safe kid is going to scold me. Marco(Goku): you bast… Batboy: guys calm down maybe the fire pheonix will not try to fight the hero killer. From a distance of there hiding place in thr city. Fire pheonix: the Hero killer thats a weird name wait… I’m a hero. You meanie I may not know what it means but I heard killing is a bad word from big brother… I’m gonna battle you MEANIE!!! Batboy: shit…
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chickpow · 7 years
The Sister I Never Knew
Chickpow here: I found an old disc/floppy disc in my attic containing a lot of very old fanfiction from authors and websites that are either gone or taken down. I am not the author but I would like to share what I’ve found. if you find the author please let me know so I can credit them properly. Thank you and enjoy
The Sister I Never Knew
He watched them from a distance, not wanting his presence known. How long had it been since he was last here? Too long it seemed. He had left this world, this time twice now and had returned a third time, just to be sure that his friends were safe. He watched them, wondering if this was a life he could have lived if the Jinzouningen had not come. It very well might have been.
He ducked further behind his hiding spot, a tree, as he saw himself, the self that might have been, coming out of the house. His counter part was a bit shorter than he, not by much, and his hair was the same as he, himself used to were it when he first came but now he had grown it out again. His younger self seemed to be in a hurry though, completely ignoring the small blue haired girl that followed him.
"Oniichan, Oniichan," she cried as he flew off. Mirai Trunks scrawled at his other self for leaving the five-year-old like that. He came out of his hiding place as he walked up to the girl. She had tripped while trying to catch up with her elder brother and was lying on her stomach on the ground, small tears forming in her eyes. He picked her up carefully and placed her on her feet, dusting her off. The child watched him, not knowing what to do.
"You look like my Oniichan," she finally said. Mirai Trunks could not help but smile at her.
"And why do you suppose that is?" he asked, kneeling beside her. She merely surged her shoulders. He studied her for a moment, she was an exact replica of his mother, only in miniature.
"I'm Bra," she introduced herself, extending a hand. "Who are you?"
"Does it matter?" he asked, dwarfing her hand in his own.
"I guess not. Do you wanna come to the park with me?" she asked as only a child could.
"Are you sure it's okay with your Okaasan and Otousan?"
"Of course, besides if anything happened to me Papa would hunt you down and kill you," she grinned. It took everything Trunks had not to laugh at the simple truth in her statement. He stood up and extended a hand to her.
"I'm not going to let anything happen to you, okay Bra-chan?" She smiled up at him before running to the side of the house to grab a small blue ball and then ran back to him, taking his hand. Bra was only able to wrap her hand around three of his fingers.
He chased his would-have-been sister around, purposely missing her as she zigzagged through the park. She laughed and giggled at him as he took pointless dives to the ground, 'missing' her yet again. The whole object of this game, which was a cross between keep-away and tag, was to get the blue ball away from each other. Bra ran backwards a few steps as she watched him stand and brush the grass off smiling at her. She turned back around and ran headfirst into a hard object knocking her onto the ground, dropping the ball. The blue haired girl looked up at the object that stopped her and saw a boy, a little older than she, standing in her way with an angry look on his face.
"H… hi," Bra said meekly. The boy looked down at her crossing his arms.
"Give me your ball," he demanded.
"NO!" she said back, quickly scooping her ball up and hugging it close.
"Oniichan!" the brown haired boy yelled over his shoulder. Another older boy came up behind the first taking the same stance. "She won’t give me her ball," the smaller complained to the new one. Bra hugged her ball tighter, more for comfort than anything else, wishing that she had her brother with her.
"Excuse me," came a deeply annoyed voice behind her. Bra looked of her shoulder and saw the purple haired man coming up to them. He did not look at her but kept a scowled at the boys, relief washed over her.
"I don’t believe that is you toy," he continued. Bra quickly ran behind her friend, peeking around his leg as he stood in her father's pose.
"Well, it's going to be, so hand it over," the elder one demanded, extending his hand.
"And what if I don't?" Trunks asked. Without further warning, the second boy lounged at Trunks. He evaded the boy's attacks by moving inches, narrowly evading punches with ease. Trunks caught the boys fist in his hand. The boy's eyes widened with fear and pain as he felt his knuckles being squeezed. The purple haired boy let go of the fist, throwing the other boy back. The older one began to run from them, followed by his equally terrified brother.
"You okay?" Trunks asked, crouching down to be at an equal high as Bra.
"Uh-huh. That was… pointless," Bra said raising an eyebrow. Trunks began to laugh, nodding his head. He then picked her up and began to walk home.
"Why would they fight over my ball, Murasaki-san?" she inquired holding it out. She had started calling him Murasaki on the account of his hair color. He did not mind it, after all, he did not give her his name.
"They're probably used to getting what they want. Besides, this could be a magic ball," Trunks said smiling at her.
"Not-uh," she giggled, "The only magic balls are the dragon balls!"
"Dragon balls?" Trunks, already knowing what the dragons balls were, faked his astonishment. "What are those?"
"Mama told me that they're seven magic balls that if you collect them all you can wish for anything you want!" she chirped.
"Oh yeah, and what would you wish for?"
She thought about this for a moment, "I'd want you to be my Oniichan instead of Trunks."
Mirai Trunks stopped walking, shocked at what he had just heard. "You… can't mean that…"
"But I do! Trunks is so mean to me! He never plays with me like you do and he never takes me anywhere unless Mama and Papa tell him to! He was supposta take me to the park today and he went to see Goten-san instead. He doesn't love me, Murasaki-san."
"Yes he does," Mirai Trunks insisted, appalled by such a notion.
"No he doesn't," Bra said sulkily. 'Murasaki' placed the blue haired girl on the ground in front of the Capsule Corp. building and knelt down.
"Listen to me, he does love you and he always will love you no matter how he acts or what mean things he does to you, understand?"
"If you say so, Murasaki-san," the girl sighed. He smiled sadly at her.
"Good. Bra-chan, I have to leave now…"
"Nani?! No!" Bra cried and hugged him attempting to make him stay. "Please stay," she whined, small tears forming in her eyes.
"Bra-chan, I can't stay here. I don't belong but I will be with you always, ne?" he encouraged wiping the tears from her round race. She nodded, somehow knowing that he was right. The purple haired man gave her a quick hug, got up and continued to walk. Bra turned to tell him good bye but when she did there was no one there.
Mirai Trunks watched her search for him from above, he always hated to leave this world but he had his own world to look after for he was the last warrior there. He sighed heavily and flew back to the time machine. It was time to return home.
The girl sat on the doorstep of her home hoping that her friend would return. She looked up hearing footsteps and saw him walking down the path to her home. Bra smiled widely but that soon faded when she noticed that it was her brother returning from the Son's.
"Hey squirt, what's wrong with you?" he asked. Bra shot him an angry look.
"You forgot!"
"I forgot what?"
"To take me to the park! But I found someone lots nicer than you to take me."
"You did what? With who? You know Mama and Papa don't like you to go anywhere alone, especially with people you don't know."
"His name's Murasaki-san and he's my friend. He took me to the park and you didn't," Bra stated.
"Murasaki? I've never heard of him… what does he look like?"
"Like you only his hair was longer." Trunks raised an eyebrow at her description of her new friend.
"And when will we meet him?"
"Dunno, he had to leave…" Bra said sadly.
"Listen, I'm sorry that I forgot to take you to the park, but.." a sly smile spread across his face, "what would you say if I took you to get the biggest ice cream cone you ever saw?"
"Ice cream?! Hontou??" Bra asked as she smiled twice as brightly. Trunks nodded his response also smiling.
"Arigatou, Oniichan!" she said hugging him. "But I'm still not happy that you forgot about me."
Trunks laughed at his younger sister as they flew away to get some ice cream.
The End
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chickpow · 7 years
Romeo and Juliet
Chickpow here: I found an old disc/floppy disc in my attic containing a lot of very old fanfiction from authors and websites that are either gone or taken down. I am not the author but I would like to share what I’ve found. if you find the author please let me know so I can credit them properly. Thank you and enjoy
Romeo and Juliet
Okay, lets get started. First and foremost, I don’t own anything and I am completely broke. But thanks to DBZ there is a story, and thanks to dear old Shakespeare, it is almost original. Now this story is rated NC-17. Get some lemonade, it’s hot. Yaoi, Goten/Trunks, and lots of fluff. Be warned.
 Romeo and Juliet
By: Melly-chan
 Junior Hopkins High School for boys. The dubbed, Hell on Earth. It is a nice campus, if one cared what a prison looked like. To the students, it is ultimately a joke. All the classes are ride through and even a jock can pass.
Why the school is announced as pristine is beyond me. It sucks. The teachers suck, the classes suck, hell even the students sucked. But who am I to say that, I am one of the students.
One good side that the school possesses, is that Gohan had not attended. It is all I need to spend another year in his shadow. Constantly being sold as the ‘let down’ of the family.
"Chichi is such a nice woman and Gohan is so intelligent. I wonder what went wrong with that youngest though. He is a strange one."
Okay so I never exactly heard anyone say that, but I know they thought it. How could they not? In all truth, I am the strange one. My mother, the kind loving soul who hit people with frying pans. My brother, the nerd who loved
books more than freedom. Goten, myself, the strange one.
I admit, I have done some things in my life that do not constitute my family. Scaling the side of skyscraper being one. Braking into people houses being another. But I didn’t steal anything, I only rearranged the furniture.
Sometimes I can’t help but wonder if they had actually liked it better that way. . .
Mother had heard about the ‘great’ school and had signed me up.
"The curriculum will be hard. Maybe that will get you to study more. For one thing, it will keep you out of trouble."
Yeah right.
The only other good part about the lame ass school, is that Trunks shares in my boredom. Bulma had taken mom’s advice and had enrolled him. It they thought that would solve the problem, they forgot one thing, the only reason
we got in trouble in the first place was because we were together.
Solve it, right. Like enrolling us in some lame school is going to beat us into being their little puppets. Some children that they can shape to there will. Mom had been lucky with Gohan, but she would get no such satisfaction out of me. I am my own man.
So here I am, at school. Again. The sky is blue. The grass is green. What more description do you need?
Trig; snoozer. History; tu forte? French; Bonjour un sucer. Who cares.
Theater Arts. Now there’s a class. You could literally fall asleep and maintain that perfect A. The teacher didn’t care, so long as you participate when needed. That is why the class is last period. All the snoozers, like
me, would join just to goof off for the last period of the day before we goofed off at home, or wherever our fancy leads us.
The best part is that Trunks is in my class. We are the clowns you see, we upset the class, speak ‘shocking’ and always get away with it. Who didn’t love us. Plus, out teacher was about the only female on campus. And we are
the hottest guys. Get my connection?
It wasn’t like that really, but she did have some interesting thoughts in her head.
That’s for damn sure.
Today is like all other days. She talks we pretend to listen. And then she hits us, with the killer, the ultimate ki blast, the mother of all shockers.
"We," she meant this class, "are putting on a play. It will be Romeo and Juliet."
"Alright!" Some one yelled. "Your gonna bring in some babes for us to kiss!"
"Wrong. This is an all male school and so this will be an all male production."
I couldn’t have heard her right. She wanted us, a bunch of teenage boys, to perform in the most romantic, tear jerking, dramatic love story of all time, and she wasn’t going to grant us the knowledge of a female role? No! This
was not happening. Men do not kiss men. Men only kiss girls. Is she demented or something?
Why ask, she is.
The classes response ranges like my own.
"Why that one?"
"The school insists on Shakespeare."
"But why that one? Why not Hamlet?"
"They are not going to accept violence in the school. So no wars."
"But Ms. Keene, that is just sick!"
"I don’t want to hear another word. I have already decided. And knowing you, I have already selected the roles. They are posted in the back you can read them on the way out."
With that, the bell rings. I have no intention of checking that list. I do not what to be a part of this play. As far as I am concerned, I would prefer being a stagehand, or even a light person. There was no way they were going
to get me on stage, and in tights no less.
Several boys leer at me on their way out the door. Their expressions ones of amusement and humor. What crawled up their butts?
Trunks enters my line of sight, and I glance over to him. He is relaxed, waiting for the crowd to diminish before he attempts to read his part. He is calm and laid back. I don’t know whether that is because he is confident he
knows what part he is getting, or if it is just the way he feels today.
Only a few scragglier are left behind, and Trunks and I move forward. The list is long, given the size of the class and the number of parts. Near the bottom, I find Trunks’ name. Romeo. No surprise. Then I find my name.
"JULIET??????? You have got to be kidding me!!!!!! I am not going to play some girl! There is now way, you can’t make me!!!"
"Goten, calm down." Ms. Keene says. I pant furiously. How dare she cast ME as the girl. The one that has to kiss. . . . Gulp.
I’m going to to have to kiss Trunks.
The room suddenly starts spinning.
"Goten!" Trunks calls as he grabs my arm, attempting to steady me. I’m going to have to kiss him. . . .
"Goten, It’s not that bad. Your best friends right? Your friendship should be able to pull you through this. Come on, this is nothing."
Nothing she says. I am going to have to kiss my best friend. Several times. On stage. In front of everyone!
Hell no everything is not okay.
How do they expect me to take this? They are going to put me in a dress, stick me on stage and demand that I kiss Trunks. The world is ending. It must be. Since when did the schools come up with such perverted ideas. Making two boys kiss in public like that. What do they expect, a Grammy?
Hello no. Even Steven Spielberg wouldn’t go this far.
My life is hell.
Have I already said that? No? Well then here, I will say it again, my life is hell.
I look at Trunks’s unemotional face. One of his many features that he had inherited from his father. He revealed nothing. Even his eyes showed nothing but a dank emptiness. His reaction was a mystery. Well, he is on the
receiving end. He has to be feeling something. At least he doesn’t have to wear a dress.
"I suggest you boys sleep on it. You will be more comfortable with it in the morning."
Bloody hell, no.
The next day, I feel worse.
"And how is Juliet feeling today? Getting ready for that big smacker?"
"You say one more word to me, punk, and you wont have a smacker, or a life force for that matter."
"Oh, my sweet little kissy pooh." He obviously had heard the recent conversation. "Why not share a kiss? I’m sure ol’ Mr. Hefty would love to let you do a little number on his science desk."
This time, I do hit him. But not hard. Well, not by Saiyan standards.
He doesn’t speak again for a few more weeks.
Theater class is even harder. Ms. Keene hands out our scripts. "Now, I want you to be fully dedicated to these parts." She says. "I know it will be difficult for you, but the play is not that hard. You will get it. Trust me."
Trust her. Ya right, she cast me as the girl.
"Goten, I know this will be exceptionally hard for you, but just know that it is all acting. It is fake. And you have no way out of it."
Kissing noises come from behind me. Satisfaction would be to throw a large ki blast at them and see them wallow in their misery. The bastards.
"Rehearsals will start on Monday. Have a nice weekend."
Bitch. Nice weekend in deed. What weekend do I have to look forward to? Life is hell, this is my hell.
There is no way I am telling my family. Then they would want to come to the play and I’ll be damned if I let them see me in a dress. I was better off saying nothing. If I am lucky, they won’t say anything.
The weekends are always too short, and the week too long. But this time, it feels like it will never end, and for once, I am not happy about that.
Trunks decides to show up early Saturday morning. He’s dressed to spar, and I don’t need to ask. We know.
Mom on the other hand, does not.
"Oh, Trunks. It’s nice to see you. What will you be needing today?"
"I came over to spar with Goten."
"Is that all everyone ever does. Spar? You know, I am getting very tired of hearing that. All you men ever want to do is spar. Can’t you think of any better way to pass your time, like studying."
"I’m sorry Chichi, but we can’t help it. It’s in our blood."
"Oh, just get out of here, the both of you. And you better not come home all bloody again."
"Yes mom."
After living with a Saiyan, and two half Saiyans in her house for so many years, is she still yet to realize that it is our nature to fight. There is nothing we can do about it. It is an impulse.
We land in a clearing, deep inside the forest. We don’t come often to this particular spot, but is has been used several times. All one needs to tell that is to look around. The clearing is wider then it should be, trees that
were pulled up and tossed aside. A memory comes to me, one where Trunks had used a tree as a baseball bat, and my head as the ball.
Sure we could get vicious, but it was all in good fun. Nothing more.
Trunks lands in the center of the clearing, and removes his CC jacket. The coat is mindlessly tossed aside, and Trunks crouches into a fighting stance. I follow his example, and the battle is on.
We fight for hours, neither getting the best of the other. We are equally matched. Trunks lands a blow in my cheek, I feel the skin tear slightly, but I shake it off. He is rewarded with a jab in the stomach. You know, basic,
fun fighting. Nothing too bad.
Afterward, we are bruised and bloodied. So much for mom. I lay on my back and stare up at the trees. The day is slowly fading into night. The blue sky turns red and orange. The stars begin to sparkle.
"What are we going to do?" Trunks asks.
"I don’t know. Prissy Ms. Keene decided we would be perfect for the roles, and it looks like she has her fat heart stuck on it."
"It’s going to be so weird."
"Tell me about it."
"Promise me one thing."
"It won’t. . . It won’t damage our friendship. You know, we’ll be cool with it."
"No prob."
On Monday, there was a problem.
"We will not be learning the play straight through, we will be learning it sections at a time, and I have already mapped out the schedule. Since we have four weeks to do this play, we will be practicing for an hour every day
after school. That will give us over an hour and a half every day. Now, there are five scenes in Romeo and Juliet. For your benefit, I shall label them. First, there is the party. And yes, this is the kissing scene. We will
be doing this scene the last week before production. Second, the balcony scene. Now I have checked, and it never mentions them kissing, so you get out of it. Unless you annoy me and I change that. Third, the battle and the
honeymoon. No comments there. Fourth, the fake death, and Five, the dramatic end. This week, we will start with the death and end. They are the shortest scenes and I want to get you in the mood. Then the balcony scene, the battle and then, yes, the kissing scene. We will meet on Saturday before opening night for a dress rehearsal. The play will run for a week. Got that cleared up? Good, now I’m tired of talking, start."
God, that woman could talk. She spent most of class period belting out that little monologue.
I am not thrilled about this at all. How the Hell am I suppose to act like a woman? I don’t want to! If things had turned out to my liking, I would be one of the lucky few who were placed in charge of the set. They didn’t have to memorize lines, they didn’t have to wear a dress, they didn’t have to kiss their best friend.
My life is hell.
For a week, I get to play dead. For a week, I get to memorize stupid lines for a role I don’t want. Not to mention that this friggin’ Juliet has about a million lines in these scenes. God, who cares. Do we really need to listen
to this chick talk to herself? Give me a break!
Unfortunately, life did one of its twists. They say that times goes by when you’re having fun. Ya right. Whoever said that needs to be drug into a dark alley and shot. I was most definitely not having fun, but time flew by. It
was like time had decided to get the easy stuff over with, and bring on the parts I could live without.
All too soon, it is week four.
The dreaded week.
The poisoned week.
Monday, was cool, we spent most of our time setting up the props on the stage. No prob. Tuesday, we memorized lines. Wednesday, walk through. Thursday, day off to get fitted. Oh, the agony, I look like a girl in that dress. They even bought a wig! Sure the wig was nice, it looked real, but it was going to be on me! And I was going to be in a dress! With makeup! My life is hell.
Friday, the last day. Tomorrow will be the dress rehearsal, and then, the play. Can I just curl up and die right now?
Today, she decides to act through the scene. Straight through, she says, no breaks.
The kissing is at the end of the scene.
I do well in spite of myself. Maybe acting is my thing, but then, that doesn’t mean I have to like the role.
Trunks is good. He maintains his unemotional façade, untouched by events. Some times, I wish I had that ability. To remain so cool, so calm, so calculated. To not have anything effect me, to be indifferent. You have to
admire that about Trunks. He could look like an emotionless bastard on the outside, but you just know that inside, he is screaming.
"Alright, here we go. The last section. Boys, and Goten, get prepared for the kissing scene."
She really is sick.
I stand in my spot, waiting. I do not want to do this. With everyone around, everyone watching. I do not want to kiss him in front of them. Not in private. . .
Whoa, Hello! Where did that thought come from? God, this stress is getting to me. I just implied kissing my best friend in private. What is wrong with me? Okay, shake it off, here we go.
"If I profane with my unworthiest hand,
This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss." Trunks acted.
"Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,
Which mannerly devotion shows in this;
For saints have hands that pilgrims’ hands do touch,
And palm to palm I holy palmers’ kiss."
"Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?"
"Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer."
"O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do.
They pray; grant thou, lest faith turn to despair."
"Saints do not move, though grant for prayers’ sake."
"Then move not, while my prayer’s effect I take."
Trunks move in closer. His lips right above mine, close.
I laugh. The mood is broken, I know, but I laugh. The boys with the sets had stopped to watch, the extras in the seats, they all laugh. I can not help myself. My face turns red. I bend over, holding my stomach. I laugh.
"ENOUGH!" Ms. Keene bellows. The laughing dies down. "I will not put up with this. You have one day, one day to get this right, and if you laugh again," she points to me, "You will get a drop F."
Talk about initiative, my mom would flip if I failed the class. I had to talk her into it in the first place, now I might lose my freedom of choice, forever. I can not fail the class.
I look over to Trunks, as always, a mask of indifference. He had not laughed.
The theater empties, soon only Trunks and I are left.
"I don’t want to fail." I say.
"I know, I don’t either." He looks at me, "We are going to have to get this right."
"What should we do?"
He sighs, "Practice, I guess."
Practice? He wants to practice kissing me? You have got to be kidding me! Wait, what about that thought I had had earlier, in private. What did that mean? Do I want to kiss him? Do I want him to kiss me? I furrow my eyebrows, thinking.
"Let’s get out of here. It’s depressing."
I shrug.
We fly above the town. I follow Trunks. When we land we are at the edge of a cliff. The desert is spread out before us, we are alone. Trunks walks to the edge of the cliff and sits, dangling his feet over the edge. I follow.
We sit, silent. Nothing, but the sound of the air, the day.
"We are going to have to do this."
"I know." I say.
Neither of us move, and time stands still. I don’t want to make the first
Trunks looks at me with his emotionless eyes. His jaw is set. He looks into my eyes, and I wander. I have never realized how very blue his eyes are. Dull, yes, emotionless, yes, but strikingly blue. Blue like the sky, when
the rain has cleared and the sun pours through. Blue like a waterfall, that cascades over a cliff and into the murky river. Blue.
How could I not have noticed? His eyes were always there. As far back as my memories go, he was there. I eyes, his hair, his lips.
His lips.
He moves closer, and I am silent. My breath is in my throat, and I wait. His lips touch mine, so slightly. Feather soft, hesitant. I close my eyes.
He kisses me. His lips pressed to mine, almost forcefully. His hand at my neck, pulling me closer.
My blood is rushing. My head is soaring. Electricity is shooting through my veins. I grab his shirt, my knuckles white.
The kiss goes on. His hand on my back, on my neck. His lips on mine.
His mouth opens, his tongue rubs my lips, pleading.
I open.
His tongue enters my mouth, hot and dominating. I melt. Our tongues dance, rubbing, tasting, demanding. So good.
My eyes shoot open and I pull back. I am breathing hard, and so is he. He looks at me, questioning.
His eyes, God, his eyes. The emotionless veil had been lifted, and in his eyes, I see everything. At the forefront, love.
I feel faint. He loves me? When did that happen?!?
"Goten. . . I, I wanted to tell you. I did. I know that you are not that way, but please, listen. I have loved you for as long as I can remember. I never dated because no girl ever compared to you. You are everything to me. Please, I know you don’t feel the same, but remember, you did kiss me back."
"We. . . we were practicing. . ."
He looks at me. I feel small. What am I to say? He is holding his heart out
in his hands and I, the blubbering idiot, can not think of what to say!
"Trunks. . ."
"This got weird didn’t it?"
I look up, "Huh?"
"We promised it wouldn’t get weird, it did. I’m sorry." His eyes were emotionless again. Trunks stands up, gives me one last look, and flies off. I can not make a sound.
I sit for long hours. Thinking. About the play, our promise, and Trunks. It had felt so good to kiss him. I could melt into a puddle of eternal bliss. I have never felt this way before. I have kissed girls, many. But this was
new. This was like a romance novel. You never think I could possibly be as good as they describe, but this, it is. In so many ways, if not better.
I can still taste him in my mouth. Still feel the aftermath of his kiss. If I try, I can feel his tongue touching mine. Savoring me.
When did I get these feeling? Just days ago, hell just hours ago, I refused to kiss him. I protested, loudly, but now, all I want is his lips on mine.
Romeo. Trunks.
The play. I open my eyes. I will show him tomorrow at rehearsal. A smile spreads across my face. Life is good.
I get there early. The early bird gets the worm, well the early Goten gets his man.
Trunks is late. Fifteen minutes, he is late.
I have already been stuffed and prodded into my dress and wig. Thankfully no makeup today. Where is that boy? If I must suffer through wearing a dress, the least he can do is show up to kiss me.
Half an hour.
"Where is Trunks?" Ms. Keene asks redundantly. Right, like I hadn’t noticed.
"He better get his scrawny ass here soon. . ."
Scrawny? No way Ms. Bitch, his ass is not scrawny.
Where is he?
The back doors fly open, and Trunks enters. Fashionably late.
I nearly faint. He is wearing form fitting black pants, a tight black tank,
and his favorite CC jacket. He looks hot, as usual.
"Well, Romeo finally decides to show up. An excuse maybe?"
Trunks flashes her a grin. "Nope."
His eyes scan the stage, they go right over me. A frown is on his beautiful face.
"Well lets get started." Ms. Keene says. Trunks disappears into the back to get dressed.
Rehearsal starts. It goes smoothly. No mistakes.
Then I enter. Trunks looks at me. Does a double take, and his eyes widen. I guess he didn’t recognize me.
I say my lines.
He speaks, like in a trance. His eyes never leave me. Everyone thinks he is
acting. Pretending to be love struck. But I see his eyes. He is.
He loves me.
I lean forward, and he kisses me. Line, kiss, line kiss. Three kisses. Each
as soul shattering as the last.
The boys chuckle off stage. The play continues.
I die and he holds me in his arms, sorrow in his voice. He cries over me and
for a moment, I fancy the truth. Would he cry over me, if I really died?
The play ends, my head is on his chest, in death. He can not fake death, his breathing is fast and obvious.
The curtain closes and I stand up. Trunks follows. I look at his eyes and for a moment, I see a flash. Pain?
"Trunks. . ."
The curtain opens and the rest of the boys climb onto the stage.
"Good, that was actually good. Do it like that next week, and you will all get A’s. Dismissed."
I glance at Trunks before I head into the changing room. It feels good to get out of this ridiculous dress.
Trunks is waiting at the door when I exit. He turns, silent, and walks. I follow. We walk across the city, the long way to his house.
He turns.
"I need to talk to you. About yesterday."
He flinches and turns away from me.
"I. . . I know I hurt you. I didn’t mean to, really. I didn’t know. I had no
clue. But now. . . now I can see it. I know you love me and. . . I love you
"As a friend right?"
He turns back to me, his face full of hope.
"I love you Trunks. It took your kiss for me to figure it out. But I do love you, as a boyfriend, a lover, a husband. Whatever you want."
Trunks stairs at me. His breaths are slightly labored, and his lips are parted. I see doubt cross his eyes. I grab his hand and take off for a more secluded area. We end up in the park. Trees surround us. I pull him into my
arms, and kiss him with all my might.
His hands wrap around me and he takes over. His tongue delves into my mouth like it had before. The kiss is deep and intimate. The kiss of lovers. Two star-crossed lovers.
I smirk, maybe the play wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
Now, on opening night, I am dead nervous.
I feel like vomiting. My dress feels too tight, my head is dizzy, I am miserable. Trunks comes up behind me and puts his hands on my shoulders.
"Breath, just breath. Everything will be okay. Calm down."
I take his advice and breath. It does help. Trunks wouldn’t lie to me, everything will be okay.
"Hey guys!" Some kid says. "Everyone is here! The play is packed! Hey, Goten, I can even see your family."
I hadn’t told them anything about the play. They couldn’t have known. I stick my head slightly out the curtain and look into the audience. Sure enough, there they are. Mom, Gohan, Videl, Pan, and little Goku, the newest
addition to the family, sitting next to Trunks’s family in the middle of the auditorium.
I start to hyperventilate. I can’t breath. My family is here. They will see me in a dress, as a girl, on stage. Kissing Trunks. Okay, so I had planned to tell them some time, but not so soon! Even Vegita was out there!
"Whoa, Goten, are you okay?" Trunks says.
"Do, I look, okay?" I gasp.
"Well, no. You look like you are hyperventilating. What’s wrong?"
"My family is here!"
"You didn’t want them here?"
Trunks’s face turns red. "Um, well, I, um, well, that is. . ."
"I kinda told them."
"Shhhhhh." Numerous people call, finger to mouth.
"You invited my family to see me in a dress???"
"It wasn’t like that! The subject kinda came up one time and I mentioned that you had a lead role. They said they wanted to come."
"Did you tell them what the play was?"
"Well, no, I-"
I almost faint. My head swoons and I am on my way to the floor. Trunks catches me, of course, but how could he? He told my family to come, but didn’t mention I was playing the girl?
"Goten! Goten! Come on, come on, wake up. Your okay, everything is okay. Wake up."
I groan. "I’m gonna kill you Trunks." I slur.
"Okay, okay, you can kill me later, but right now you have to wake up. They
play is about to start."
I groan. I don’t want to do this anymore. My life is hell.
I sit in a chair, my head between my knees, trying to compose myself. I didn’t go on until the end of Act 1, but that was the important scene. The scene where I kiss Trunks.
I by time I get myself composed, it is time to go on. I pull my head up, and enter the stage.
I murmur goes up among the crowed. I hear some people commenting on what a pretty girl Juliet is. I hear my family gasp. I hear Vegita laughing.
I hear myself dying.
I deliver my lines perfectly, the way I am suppose to. Get your mind off the crowd and do your job, I tell myself. Easier said then done.
Trunks enters, wearing his tights and tunic. His legs are shown off perfectly and for a moment I feel jealous that all of these people get to see him like this, and not just me.
I hear Vegita laugh again.
The moment has come. The kiss. I can almost hear my mother holding her breath. She knows what is suppose to happen.
We kiss. Once, twice, three times. The kissing scene is over. We lived.
After that, I lost myself in the play. The words envelop me and I can see nothing but Trunks, and me, and the stage. Nothing else matters.
We lay dead at the end, the curtain falls.
Cheers rise up from the audience and I pull myself up off Trunks’ chest. We line up for our bows, and the curtain rises. Everyone is on their feet, cheering. Even my family, Trunks’ family, and Vegita. It was exhilarating,
to be up in front of so many people. To be cheered and loved for the performance. The experience is deafening. I feel alive and excited. All to soon, it is over.
I remove my costume quickly, making sure to get every dab of makeup off.
I exit the auditorium, and mine and Trunks’ family are waiting for us on the corner. Trunks is leaning against the wall, waiting. I give everyone a nervous smile.
"Goten, you did great." Gohan says.
"Ya, uncle Goten, you did real good as a girl, he he he."
"Pan, stop that." Gohan said to his young daughter.
A smirk is on Vegita’s face. But he remains silent.
I feel incredibly nervous. "I hadn’t meant for you to come."
"Why not honey?" Mom says.
"Um, well, I, didn’t really want you to see that."
"Oh, it’s okay honey, you were only acting."
That’s what she thinks. I meant every word.
Talk about your acquired situation. What are you suppose to say when your family has seen you perform as the opposite gender? Have a nice day? See you later? Austa Lavista?
I can not wait to get out of here.
By the end of the week, I finally felt better. With each performance, I felt more comfortable, and the pre-performance jitters disappear by closing night. The crowd response became even more exhilarating. It quickens my heart and swells my head. I did good, and they were open to show it. I didn’t mind so much that they though me a girl, but their response, wow. I feel alive with their praise. It would almost be as good to get the praise
from Trunks.
Or perhaps better.
As it is, the play is over. No more after school practices. No more stolen kisses in front of an audience, no more Ms. Keene getting kinky ideas.
I am going to miss it.
I roll onto my side, a Saturday morning. The sun creeps in through my window, pertaining to the wondrous day. I pull my arm up over my head, not wanting to wake up. My bed is warm, comforting. I can spend the day there.
My door bangs, loud enough to make the wood split and take my ears with it. I roll onto my stomach, not wanting to acknowledge it.
"Goten!" Mom calls. I put my pillow on my head.
"Goten! Get up, it’s a beautiful day, don’t spend it in bed!"
"Goten! Trunks is here to see you."
That got me. I leap out of bed and race to my dresser. Cloths fly, I search for clothes, good clothes, sexy clothes, anything! The banging has stopped. I hear a click behind me, the door opens.
"Mom, I’m-" I blush. It’s Trunks.
His eyes examine me, take me in. I am only wearing boxers. He licks his lips; my blush deepens. He shuts the door behind him, and walks toward me. His eyes flash.
He wraps his arms around me, muscular, strong. His lips reach mine and our eyes close.
I breathe him in. Musk and life. Our tongues touch, a mating dance of their own.
My door bangs again. We pull away from each other quickly, and face the door.
"Goten, get outside. The day is too beautiful to waste." Mom again. Do you think she suspects? Does she know?
Most definitely not, she would faint.
I turn back to my dresser. I still need clothes. I open the drawer and search through the neatly folded stacks. Trunks reaches around me and pulls out his own selection.
He presses himself against my back.
"Wear this." He whispers in my ear. Tingling. His hand is on my bare chest, his mouth at my ear. My pulse quickens, my breath harder.
His tongue is at my ear, kissing, caressing. I shudder and lean my head back. His tongue traces my ear, his mouth nibbles the lobe. My eyes are closed.
He pulls away. My eyes shoot open and I look at him.
"Get dressed."
I get dressed, I hop into my clothes as fast as possible, Trunks stands there, watching. A blush is on my cheeks.
I pull my shoes on and Trunks opens the door.
We fly. We fly out into the forest away from everything. Are we going to spar?
We land in the woods, not our typical fighting grounds. There is no clearing, just trees. Trees all around us, towering above us.
Trunks leaps. He catches me off guard and knocks me over. Only he falls with me. My eyes widen. He is on top of me, pinning me down. His legs are straddling my hips, his hands on my chest.
His eyes are clear, full of love. They burn with intense emotion.
He kisses me. Urgent, needy.
His warmth surrounds me, hot and pulsing. His hands move on me, tracing and touching. I moan into his mouth. He un-tucks my shirt from my pants and slips his hands inside, against my skin.
"Maybe you shouldn’t have dressed at all." His voice is thick and hot. Passionate.
He pulls my shirt up and off. His mouth is on me again, on my chin, my neck, my chest. I loose myself in his touch.
My hands are on his neck, encouraging. His mouth kisses me, his tongue leaves wet trails against my skin. His mouth covers my nipple and I scream out with pleasure, jutting my hips. He smirks, nips, hardening and
caressing. He moves to the other. My pleasure is intense, consuming.
His mouth moves lower, tracing my stomach, circling my navel. I shudder.
His hands are at my hips, at my waistband. My pants are opened and removed, my boxers follow.
I am left naked, and loving it. I am breathing hard, and so is he.
He licks me, I moan. His tongue surrounds me, lapping and consuming. My hands dig into his hair, my hips jerk. He takes me into his mouth and sucks. I cry out and thrust my hips.
His hands go to my hips, holding me down, his pulls back and his tongue is on me, creative and hot. The fire inside of me is building and it consumes me, growing, engulfing. I reef against the ground, consumed by the intensity of the presser growing in my groin. The fire grows, scorching my soul and spreading.
I lose myself.
I spill my seed into his mouth. I cry out.
He swallows as much of my seed as he can, then licks my skin.
I start to descend from my high, my sexual ecstasy. I look into his eyes. Love.
I pull myself up onto my elbows.
"Your still dressed." I smirk.
I pull him into me, kissing him. I can taste myself in his mouth. My hands travel along his back, and down to his tight ass. I squeeze. I break the kiss and move along his skin, his neck, his ear. I undo the top button of his shirt and my mouth moves to the revealed skin. Down, down.
He is on his back, breathing hard. His shirt is open and I pull it off. I kiss him once again. His hips press against mine and I feel his throbbing need. Time to take care of that.
I slip my hand inside his pants and caress his ass.
He moans, his eyes close and he tilts his head back. I open his pants and shove them down his hips. He wiggles, moving his pants lower down his legs. His manhood is pressed against his boxers, aching.
I press my lips against his stomach, just above the waistband, teasing. He groans, clutching my hair, encouraging me to continue. I play with the waistband, just to torture him, before I remove the remainder of his clothes.
He is laying naked before me, glowing in his sweat and need. He is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Perfect in every way.
I lower my mouth to his hardness, taking him deep into my throat. Trunks shakes under me, jerking his hips.
I suck for a few minutes before pulling away. He groans at the loss and looks up to me.
I smile softly and lower my mouth to his. We kiss deeply, lovingly.
"Goten, I-"
I cut him off by straddling his hips. His breath catches in his throat and
he looks up to me.
Words are lost, and he enters me. His length fills me, hurting for a moment, but then I am lost in my pleasure, my completion of being joined by my love. We move together, lost in our rhythm. Lost in our pants, cries, and growing exhilaration.
I feel myself building again, climbing the age-old ladder of ecstasy, the fire building inside of me, growing and spreading once more.
With a final thrust of his hips, I am sent over the edge, I cry out. Trunks looses it at the same time, he pushes deep inside of me and empties his seed, he screams.
We collapse, a jumbled heap of limbs, in the aftermath of our love. I feel whole.
At school we are forced to act indifferent, separate, from each other. It is nearly too hard. To act like friends, and nothing more. To be distant and lost in my schoolwork. How am I to survive without screaming to the world
that Trunks belongs to me. Without threatening everyone who gets to close?
I can feel his presence in the school, and it nearly undoes me. To have my love so close and not be able to be near him. To listen to lame ass teachers lecture about history. I can’t wait until school ends, and then maybe Trunks
and I can go out, alone.
Lunch is the only reprieve I can get. We sit in a corner, separate from everyone.
"So what should we do about dad?"
"What do you mean?"
"I don’t know how my dad is going to react to this. At least your mom is predictable, Chichi will probably faint, but my dad, I don’t know. We are either going to be excepted or beaten."
"I don’t know what to tell you Trunks. He never mentioned his beliefs before."
"Ya, I guess we will just have to tell them, and see. But we can tell your family first."
"Mine? Why not tell your family first, they would probably take it better."
"Well, I want to see your mom’s reaction."
"You already know what will happen. What about your dad?"
"That can wait. Now your family, they are the ones that get emotional about stuff."
"Well your family are cold, ruthless bastards."
"We are also royal."
"Royal pain in the asses."
"You know you like it."
"You know you want it."
"You suck."
"Well, you swallow."
That got him. A blush set on his cheeks. He stands up and grabs my arm, pulling me from my seat. I stumble to get my footing.
He drags me out of the cafeteria and into the hallway. As I am pulled down
the hall, the warning bell rings and students begin to rush to class. But still, Trunks continues.
"Trunks, the bell, we are going to miss class."
No answer, save for a small grunt. We reach the end of the hall and the tardy bell rings. So much for classes.
Trunks pulls a door open and shoves me inside. It’s a janitor’s closet. It is almost large, but narrow. Surely bigger than what they are rumored to be.
He pulls the door closed behind him and locks it from the inside.
"Don’t say things like that unless it is an invite."
With that, he leaps at me, grabbing me around the waist and capturing my lips. His hands are busy at my clothes.
"Trunks. . . school. . ."
"Like I care."
With that, off come our clothes. My back is pressed against the wall and Trunks’ tongue is all over me, tasting, touching. My protests die away, I submit. His mouth covers my throbbing need and I stifle my moans.
His hands roam my skin; I melt. My hands reach his shoulders, pulling. He moves from me, making me gasp at the loss. I look into his eyes.
"We don’t have the time."
He kisses me, and lowers us to the floor. The coldness is against my back. His hand presses my thigh, pulling it up, I move my legs up and around him. Silent, he thrusts into me. I bite my lip.
He moves, faster and faster. I grit my teeth to keep from crying out. The moment is getting closer. I pull his head in for a kiss, we reach our climax. His scream is lost in my mouth.
"Trunks." I pant. Slowly, my head begins to clear.
The doorknob shifts. My head snaps up. A curse is heard through the door and footsteps, walking away. Trunks and I exchange a glance.
We jump to our feet and scramble to our discarded clothes. We pull them on frantically. Trunks finishes first, I hop to the door, pulling my shoe on.
Trunks peaks out the door, then pushes it open. I run past him and down the hall. He locks the door, from the inside, before he follows me.
Minutes later, the janitor arrives with a set of keys.
We decide to tell our families as soon as possible. Basically, that means in as many days as we can dare keep a secret from them.
We settle on Friday, the end of the week and a whole weekend to get use to it.
I can’t tell whether the day came too fast, or not fast enough. On one hand, I want to push the day away, dreading what would happen, people’s reactions. On the other hand, I want to get it over with so I can get back to being
with Trunks. I other words, I am miserable.
Trunks decides to go out on Thursday, just to get our minds off the inevitable. I knock on his door to pick him up, Vegita answers.
"What do you want, brat?"
"Trunks and I are going out."
Oops, bad choice of wording. Vegita doesn’t notice.
He scowls at me, and walks away from the door. I walk in behind him.
A few minutes later, Trunks comes down the stairs, beautiful as always.
We turn and head for the door.
"Trunks! Get over here brat!"
Trunks stops, grimacing, and turns to his father. Taking a deep breath, he walks over to Vegita. He is sitting in his favorite chair, apparently relaxed.
I follow Trunks to his father.
"Now brat, you should know better than to keep a secret from me. Don’t think you can fool me for one instant. But if you are going to do something like that, then don’t forget," he looks at us, "how to mark your mate."
I pale. He knows. How did he figure it out? How long has he known?
He turns away from us, closes his eyes, and begins his meditations. I turn to Trunks, the color is gone from his face and he is just as shocked as I am.
Wordlessly, we leave.
"How. . ."
"I don’t know. I didn’t think dad had figured it out."
"What did he mean, by ‘mark your mate’?"
"I don’t know."
Something in the back of my mind begins to bother me. Something I should now, should remember. But it is out of my reach.
Later that night, as I lay in Trunks’ arms in the moonlight, I remember.
"What, is he coming?"
"No, I just remembered. After Gohan got married he came home with a mark on
his neck."
"What kind of mark?"
"A bite mark."
"Why would Videl bite him? I mean it is kinda kinky and all, but was is necessary?"
"Your dad mentioned marking your mate, Gohan came home with a bite on his neck. Do you think that could be what your dad meant?"
Trunks looks at me, searching my eyes. He tilts his head, reveling his neck.
I gulp and lower my head to the base of his neck and lick the offered skin.
I bite. My teeth delve into his skin, bringing blood. I shudder. Something inside of me fills, like it was filling the whole of my soul.
Trunks bites my neck as I lick at blood from his wound. We are now life mates.
Friday comes, as it usually does.
I bring my family to Trunks’ house. We decided to tell them together. They sit in their living room, chatting.
I take a deep breath, preparing for what is going to happen.
"Mom, I’m in love." I announce.
"Oh, honey, that’s nice, but is this the place to be telling me?"
"Yes," Trunks interrupts, "because he’s in love with me." He takes my hand, reassuringly.
The room is silent. Then the eruption.
"But, what, Goten, this can’t be, you can’t be, no! I won’t allow this!" Mom says, she looks faint.
"On Vegitasei it was customary for members of the same genders to mate. And as you can see, it is too late." Vegita pulls Trunks’s collar away from his neck, reveling his bite.
Mom faints. Gohan catches her before she reaches the ground.
Overall, Everything has gone as planned.
Trunks and I leave the commotion of the house. We fly up to the roof and sit, gazing at the stars.
"Goten, I was thinking. By Saiyan tradition, we are life mates. But in human tradition, we are not excepted. But even so, I would like you to be my husband." He pulls two wedding rings out of his pocket and holds them out to
I smile softly. "Trunks, I love you. Of course I will marry you."
"Then, by yonder blessed moon I vow, That tips with silver all these fruit-tree tops-"
"O, swear not by the moon, the’ inconstant moon
That monthly changes in her circled orb.
Lest that thy love prove likewise variable."
"What shall I swear by?"
"Do not swear at all
Or, it thou wilt, swear by thy gracious self,
Which is the god of my idolatry,
And I’ll believe thee."
"If my heart’s dear love-"
"I love you."
"I love you."
0 notes