#gochi awards
the-gochi-awards · 1 year
Congratulations to @whirlydoodle for winning Favorite Fluff art in the Gochi Awards!
Here is your prize fic, written by @gosha-chan!
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yingying-57 · 1 year
Congratulations to @capsulecorpbulletin for winning favourite AU for the @the-gochi-awards 🎉🎉🎉
Here's art of a scene from chapter 16 of Homeward ❤️
"Everyday, despite whatever is thrown at us or what we do to each other, we have a choice. And everyday, I make that choice to love you and to be with you"
Read the story here: archiveofourown.org/works/33974350
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vegetas-mustache · 10 months
I know we all like to compare Vegeta to a very expensive purebred cat or dog and Goku to a big orange thing that got lured into the house with food
But like
I think that’s the opposite of how their wives see them
Chichi: this is Goku, he’s a world champion martial artist who defeated a demon king. I had to fight in a tournament myself to get him and now he can do tricks and farm!
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Bulma: this is Vegeta, he’s a genocidal space monkey with anger management problems. I lured him into my house with shrimp on a string and now he barely even scratches the furniture!
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elisajdb · 1 year
In the Marketplace
 AN: Congratulations to @blauvixen winner for Favourte AU in the @the-gochi-awards​
Her heart raced. Her palms sweated. She was scared yet excited, and despite it all, knew this is what she had to do.
 Princess ChiChi pulled the hood of her cloak tighter as she traveled through an unguarded, hidden tunnel on the grounds of her castle. She studied the routine of the guards for weeks before finding a weak spot in security where she could escape. Her father, King Gyumao, loved her but as doting as he was to her, was a strict King with a violent temper. He wasn’t always this way but the death of her mother sent her father into a spiral of depression where his heart hardened and he became fiercely protective of ChiChi. That protectiveness led ChiChi to have a sheltered life. He won’t be happy about her running away but she hoped her decision will open his eyes to her feelings.
 For eighteen years, ChiChi felt like a prisoner in her castle. She lived as a sheltered future Queen not allowed outside the protective walls of her palace. She was not allowed to engage with people she will one day rule. Decisions of her life were made without her voice. She was dictated on what to eat, how to dress, and how to be a Princess and Future Queen.
 When her father decided to choose her husband after ChiChi’s many rejections of suitors, ChiChi reached her limit. All her suitors were pompous and rude. They were not interested in her. She was a prize because she was the heir to the throne. ChiChi wanted to marry for love but her father didn’t listen to her concerns.
 “These princes with their wealth and army will protect you, ChiChi. I failed to protect your mother. I won’t lose you.”
 ChiChi knew of the invasion that cost her mother’s life. Her father and his teacher battled King Piccolo and his minions. The castle was left with limited guards since most of the army was wiped out and the remaining soldiers were on the battlefield. While her father and his teacher seal away the wicked King Piccolo in a magical lamp, his minion, Tambourine, breached the castle walls and killed her mother.
 ChiChi used the tragedy to become a strong and exceptional fighter. Her father taught ChiChi how to fight but still had an archaic mind she should marry heirs of richer kingdoms who can provide the protection he thought ChiChi needed.
 If she were to be Queen, ChiChi wanted a life outside the palace. She wanted to know her people and choose her husband. She didn’t know of any way to do this other than running away. ChiChi always overheard the maids and cooks talk about the marketplace; how it was lively with food, people, and shops.
 It excited her so much that when she escaped her home, the marketplace was the place she went to. It was like stepping into a new world. Voices from all directions yelled for food from their booths. There were so many varieties of foods with appeasing sights and smells. People performed fire and magic tricks in the middle of the streets. People happily converse with each other as they shopped. ChiChi saw mothers with their children, kids playing and people happily going about their lives.
 Walking through the marketplace, ChiChi realized how much she missed out. Her father didn’t allow her the freedom her people celebrated every day. For her protection he said but ChiChi saw a price of that protection.
 True friendships. Natural growth. True love.
 Her stomach growled.
 And the value of money.
 ChiChi heard of money but never used it. Her status didn’t require her to use money but in the marketplace, she wasn’t Princess ChiChi of Mt. Fry Pan. She was an ordinary woman walking through the market.
 Her stomach growled again.
 A hungry ordinary woman.
 She wanted to taste the foods offered; wanted to purchase the jewelry trinkets and clothes being sold but couldn’t because she didn’t have money.
 Money was needed to live and she had none. ChiChi looked in the direction of the palace. She couldn’t sneak back for any. She made her decision to leave. She’ll have to try to make it on her own.
 ChiChi wasn’t sure how. She turned to leave and venture to another area of the marketplace to think of her next steps when a stick of meat covered in sauce jumped in her face. ChiChi stepped back startled. Where did that come from?
 “Don’t you want it? You were looking at it.”
 ChiChi turned to the voice and saw a young man looking down at her. He had unusual black spikes of hair that defied the laws of gravity, coal-black eyes that peered at her warmly, and a cute smile.
“For me?”
 “It’s on sale two for one. I was gonna eat it but I saw you staring and heard your stomach. I figured you were hungry and didn’t have any money.” He chuckled. “I’ve been there.”
 ChiChi put a hand on her stomach embarrassed she was heard. “Was it loud?”
 “I’ve got good ears.” He waved the stick of food at her. “Want it?”
 “Thank you.” It was a simple act of kindness but it touched ChiChi he did this for her.
 “I’m Son Goku,” he snacked on the greasy meat. “Who are you?”
 “I’m……” He doesn’t know I’m the princess. “I’m Chi.”
 “Are you new here?” Goku’s lips smacked as he nosily ate his food. “I haven’t seen you here before.”
 With her cloak, ChiChi thought she blended with the other women dressed in a similar fashion. “How do you know I’m new here?”
 “If I’d seen you before, I would know it.”
 “Why is that?”
 The warm gaze Goku gave her as he said, “You stand out,” touched ChiChi more than any poetic compliment her suitors gave her. Oh, they spoke honeyed words to her but none of them looked at her the way Son Goku did.  
 Like she is the only woman in the world.
 Goku’s words felt genuine. ChiChi felt she could be a little honest with him. “I’ve been stuck at home my entire life. My Dad doesn’t want me to go out. Today, I left.”
 “You ran away,” Goku spoke the truth. “I come and go as I please.”
 The freedom to leave when one wants sounded like a dream to ChiChi. “What about your parents? Don’t they stop you?”
 “Don’t have any. I was orphaned as a baby and found by an old man. I called him Gramps. He raised me until he died when I was seven.”
 Orphan? ChiChi’s heart ached for him. “And you’ve been on your own ever since?”
 “Yeah,” Goku said it with a smile but ChiChi knew he was hiding his sadness. He had to be her heart told her.  
 “It’s fine,” Goku was aware of how his story sounded. He was used to pitying looks. He didn’t care for those looks but the way ChiChi looked at him wasn’t pity. He would say she looked at him with admiration and something welcoming; kind of how Gramps looked at him but something much deeper. She was a different kind of girl. Goku knew that because he gave her his food. Goku never did that before. On his own for years and having to fight for everything, Goku looked out for himself, but when he saw ChiChi exploring the marketplace alone, staring at the food and heard her stomach growl, he was drawn to help her.
 “Gramps taught me enough,” Goku went on. “He taught me how to fight. It helped me survive. I fight for food or money to buy me food.” He tugged the bulky tote bag on his right shoulder. “I came from a fight and I bought food to last me until my next match.”
 “You’re a fighter?” That would explain his build. All her suitors wore the finest clothes but even with fashionable clothes, ChiChi noticed they were padded and the men were skinny. Nothing was padded on Son Goku and she liked that. She also liked Goku could fight. “I can fight. My Dad taught me.”
 “Really?” Goku’s eyes lit up. “I never met a girl who can fight. Let’s fight each other.”
 Oh, she couldn’t fight him. She’ll embarrass him. She was trained by her father who fought King Piccolo. Goku was a boy from the streets. Her skills excelled his. “I couldn’t do that.”
 “If you want, I’ll go easy on you since you’re a girl.”
 ChiChi glowered at him. Oh, she didn’t like that. She didn’t want to fight him to save his pride and he insult hers!
 “If that’s what you want,” ChiChi accepted the challenge, “but I won’t go light on you for being a boy and you will regret treating me lightly because I’m a girl!”
 Impossible! How can he be so skilled?
 That was one of many thoughts running through ChiChi’s mind as she found herself knocked on her back again. She couldn’t lay a hand on him but Goku was able to flip her, block and dodge every kick and punch she threw at him.
 It was insulting that she, the daughter of King Gyumao, couldn’t beat a fighter who learned his skills from an old man on the streets. What made it even more insulting, Goku hadn’t broken a sweat, whereas she was sweating in her cloak.
 As if reading her thoughts, Goku told her. “Maybe if you remove that cloak, it would give you some speed. It’s slowing you down.”
 He was trying to be helpful with his advice but ChiChi thought it was insulting. She didn’t want to remove her cloak. She wore it to conceal herself. If she removes it, she worried Son Goku will know who she is.
 “But maybe not,” Goku thought out loud. “Even if you remove that cloak, I’ll still beat you.”
 Who cares if he learns her identity!
 “Oh yeah?” ChiChi rose and removed her cloak. “We’ll see about that!”
 Goku’s eyes widened and his mouth open slightly. He recognized her but ChiChi didn’t care. She wanted her pride back and she wanted to defeat Goku. Removing the cloak did make ChiChi faster but it still wasn’t enough. With another block and leg sweep, ChiChi was on her back kissing the rooftop.
 “You’re good.” Goku’s praise didn’t heal ChiChi’s pride. “Sorry if I was rough on ya. Gramps told me to be gentle with girls.” He took her hands and pulled ChiChi to her feet. “I really should especially because of your situation. Sorry,” Goku apologized. “I didn’t know.”
 ChiChi rolled her eyes. Being a princess wasn’t a situation. “All right. You know my secret. You don’t have to treat me differently. It’s why I left home.”
 “You’re right,” Goku agreed. “I’m poor like you, too, and I don’t want people treating me differently.”
 “Poor?” ChiChi picked up her cloak. “Why do you think I’m poor?”
 Goku pointed at her. “Because of your clothes. You’re wearing a bra.” He pointed to himself. “I can only afford a vest and pants. I can’t afford shoes.” He wiggled his bare toes to make his point. “I could substitute the money I make from fighting to buy shoes but I like eating too much.”
 ChiChi gaped at Goku. He thought she was poor because of her clothes? What about the gold bands on her wrists and ankles on her pants? What about her jeweled headband and earrings? Did he think she wore fake jewelry?
 “So, um…..” Goku rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, “you’re not mad at me?”
 And just like that, what anger ChiChi had towards Goku evaporated. How could she stay mad at him when he thought so innocently? “No. I’m not mad at you. I don’t understand how I couldn’t beat you.  My father trained me and he was trained by Master Roshi. He’s a legend.”
 Goku’s face lit up. “Gramps was trained by him! No wonder you’re so good!”
 Good? She couldn’t hit him! But that wasn’t important now. “Your grandfather was trained by Master Roshi? My Dad told me there was another person who trained with him. My Dad couldn’t beat him.” If that person was Goku’s grandfather, that explained why he’s so skilled. And why I couldn’t beat Goku.
 “So, you’re not mad I beat you?”
 Her pride will sting for a few days but she wasn’t mad. She was impressed. She didn’t think a guy could beat her in a fight. “No, I’m not, but next time,” she lightly punched his face, “I’ll beat you.”
 “I look forward to our rematch but not now. I’m starving!”
 Goku went to retrieve his tote bag. ChiChi was going to put her cloak back on but since Goku didn’t recognize her as the princess, changed her mind and tossed it over an arm. She saw lights from homes and smoke coming from the chimneys. “The view is great.”
 Goku saw ChiChi looking at the rooftops. If she liked this, he had a real view of her. “When we get to my place, I’ll show you a real view.” He pointed to two rooftops ahead of them. “Mine is right there.”
 “Where? Oh!” ChiChi gasped as Goku raised ChiChi off her feet. What was he doing she wondered as he held her with one hand under her hip. “Wha-oh!” Her right breast poke his eye. Did that actually happen?
 “Ow!” Goku chuckled as the soft flesh slapped him. “It’s okay, it’s okay, but see my place? It has the red sheet hanging outside.”
 ChiChi raised her hand to her forehead to block the evening sun. She saw a high rooftop with a red sheet hanging in front of the entrance. “I see it. Now put me down.”
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 Goku set ChiChi back on her feet. He went to a ledge and made a small jump between rooftops. ChiChi followed.  When they went to the next ledge, ChiChi noticed there was a wider jump between this rooftop and Goku’s rooftop. Goku jumped, making the leap. It was an easy leap for him since he did it every day but ChiChi will need help. He grabbed a broken beam and laid it down connecting his rooftop to the one ChiChi stood on. “It’s too far for you to jump this one but you can cross---”
 Goku’s words fell off when he saw ChiChi make a smooth landing in front of him. He looked at the ledge ChiChi jumped from and back at her speechless before he broke into a smile. “Chi, you’re incredible.”
 ChiChi felt some of her pride return as she caught Goku’s gaze. He was impressed. “You didn’t think I could make that jump.”
 “No, but I’m glad you did. Come on,” he grabbed her hand. “My home is this way.”   
 ChiChi imagined her handmaidens screaming at her and her father furious over how she behaved today with Goku. To them, this would be scandalous but ChiChi trusted her heart. This day brought her wonders and excitement she never felt before. For the first time, she could explore and do what she wanted as a young woman. She could spend time with a handsome young man she liked.
 A man who humiliated and humbled her. He was kind to her and treated her so because she is a person and not because she is a princess. He was strong with an adorable innocence she was falling for hard.
ChiChi was aware of her lack of experience but was confident she can be in control of her feelings. With Son Goku, ChiChi felt out of control and falling deeper and deeper into Goku. The more she knew of him, the more she liked and her curiosity thirsted for more.
 “Is this where you live?” ChiChi stared at the outside entrance of Son Goku’s home. It was in slight disrepair with cracked walls and a torn red sheet that was used as a door. It was smaller than her bedroom but Goku offered his place to her because she ran away.
 “Yup. It’s small but it has all I need.” Goku pushed aside the worn sheet and walked inside. “I hope it has all you need, too.”
 Inside looked smaller than outside. There was a futon in the corner, a table with two mismatch chairs, ragged pillows. No signs of indoor lighting or plumbing. Or windows ChiChi realized as she felt a light breeze blow behind her. It came from sheets being used as a window.
 “Pull it back,” Goku told her. “You’ll get a real good view.”
 Curious, ChiChi pulled the sheet to see a grand view of her home. Of all the things to see…..
 “Great view, ain’t it?”
 He would think so. Her palace represented beauty, grandness, hope and a happy life. ChiChi saw it as an oppressive domicile where she’s trapped. ChiChi pulled the sheet forward shielding her home from her view. “It’s wonderful.”
 “Are you hungry, Chi?”
 “A little. Oh!” ChiChi turned to see Goku slide an apple down his arm. He flipped his hand and jerked the apple in the air where ChiChi caught it. Goku winked at her and went to his table to finish unloading his bag. ChiChi looked at the apple touched again by Goku’s kindness but felt a wave of guilt washing over her. He had so little and was willing to give it all to ChiChi when she was a woman with everything.
 Goku went to the table and opened his bag. He pulled out a loaf of bread and a few slabs of uncooked meat. “We’ll have to cook the meat on the roof. I don’t have that seasoning stuff for---"
 ChiChi put the apple down. “I can’t eat this.”
 Goku reached into his bag for an orange. “I have an orange if---”
 “No,” ChiChi stopped him. “I can’t eat this. You need it more than me.”
 “I’m a little hungry, but….”
 ChiChi shook her head. “No. You’re poor.”  
 Goku frowned deeply at ChiChi. “I ain’t so poor I couldn’t give you part of my lunch and I wanna share dinner.” He pouted. “I was even gonna give you my futon.”
 “I didn’t mean to offend.” ChiChi tried to explain. “I’ve never met a poor person before and I know I shouldn’t take from them.”  Oh, that made it more confusing because Goku thinks she’s poor! “I’m…. I’m not poor, Goku.”
 Goku didn’t react. He stared unsure he heard right. “You’re not poor? But your clothes…..”
 ChiChi heisted because she knew things will change after this and she didn’t want that. “I like you.”
 Goku smiled. “I like you, too.”
 ChiChi wasn’t sure if he will still feel that way when she tells him the truth. I can’t keep lying to him. “I’m Princess ChiChi of Mt. Fry Pan. I’ve done everything everyone’s wanted my whole life but when my father decide to pick who I marry, I couldn’t stay. I want a life of my own. I want to choose my husband.”  She doubted she made sense to Goku. She thought she sounded like a rambling blubbering mess in front of a boy she’s come to care for. “I should go,” she collected herself. “Forget we met. Forget we---”
 ChiChi’s eyes widened as Goku suddenly pressed his lips against hers. Her lips were meant for her future husband, a prince by her father’s preference. Not a poor young man but as she felt his soft lips on hers, inhaled his woodsy scent and felt his arm come around her, ChiChi wanted her lips to only belong to him.
 “I don’t care if you’re a princess,” Goku said when he pulled away. “I like you.”
 This time ChiChi initiated the kiss. And I think I love you. She hugged him feeling a heavy sense of relief Goku wasn’t going to reject her.
 “But you gotta talk to your Dad. Tell him how you feel.”
 “I did, Goku. He won’t listen.”
 “I’ll go with you,” Goku offered. “We’ll talk to him together. Maybe he’ll listen to his training partner’s grandson you should do what you want.”
 He spoke so hopeful and confident it will work. “He might listen to some things.” ChiChi knew Goku’s strength will impress her father enough to listen to him. He might give in on some things but there was one thing ChiChi wasn’t certain her Dad will give in on. “But he might not approve of us dating.”
 “I’ll fight him for that chance.” He winked at ChiChi. “And you know I’ll win.”
 It didn’t matter to ChiChi if her Dad approve. She knew in her heart today in the marketplace, she met the man she will marry.
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happygochi · 1 year
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Congratulations to @elisajdb for winning Best Humour fic for the @the-gochi-awards !!!
This is a scene from 'The Marriage Playbook' hehe go read the entire one-shot over here (ao3)
[cropped for obvious reasons, the complete vers is on my twitter]
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rocetademaiz · 1 year
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congratulations to Courtney B for winning drama written at Gochi awards!!!! , this illustration is special for her ✨💕✨💕✨💕 and this is her fanfic✨✨✨✨❤️❤️❤️
Enjoy it ✨💕
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songochiox · 1 year
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From Chapter 4 of “Are you with me?” 
Congratulations for winning the #GoChiAward at @the-gochi-awards 
you can read the story here
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robynx · 1 year
✨️GoChi Fandom Awards✨️
I know I'm a bit late to this - aren't I always?Amazingly, some decent people have nominated me for my written works! I know, right?!I know it's short on time, but if you have the opportunity, please vote. Not just for me but for your favourites across the board.
Some lovely souls have nominated me for:
Best Fluff:
Always https://archiveofourown.org/works/44899249
Best Drama:
The Heartbreak Of A Swan https://archiveofourown.org/works/43800106
Best DBZ: (Two works nominated! 😱🥰):
Time For Us
Best DBS:
The Heartbreak Of A Swan https://archiveofourown.org/works/43800106
I hope you enjoy them, thank you! 😊🤞
Voting for the GoChi Awards is now open!!
Vote here for Art
Vote here for Writing
Voting ends April 30th!!
Winners will be announced on GoChi Day May 7th!!
#gochiawards #Goku #ChiChi #GoChi
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ao3feed-gochi · 1 year
by CourtneyB
She was dying.
He knew it the moment he touched her. She was barely breathing. Her ki was too weak, the injuries too severe. He had no senzu beans left, and there wasn’t enough to time to get her to Dende or Buu.
She was slipping away, and there was nothing he could do about it.
*** Prize to Popcorn for winning Favorite Drama Fanart in this year's Gochi Awards!
Words: 923, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Dragon Ball
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Chi-Chi (Dragon Ball), Son Goku (Dragon Ball)
Relationships: Chi-Chi/Son Goku (Dragon Ball)
Additional Tags: Drama, Angst, Tragedy, GoChi Awards 2023
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/47137582
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gokufangirl · 2 years
i want the gochi awards to happen
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the-gochi-awards · 1 year
Congratulations to @miss-plum for winning Favorite DBZ Art! Here is your prize fic, written by Courtney B!
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zambomarti · 5 years
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Sorry for the immense delay!
Prize artwork for @spocketlaine for winning the “Favorite Canon Divergence” award with fanfiction "So Into you" in the @the-gochi-awards. Congratulations!  
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maiikawriter · 6 years
Are the Gochi award nominations going to be announced soon?
They’ll be released this weekend! We were waiting on some nominees who haven’t responded yet, but they may not be active or interested. Hopefully we hear from them before then, but I know everyone’s waiting, and I’m anxious myself to share these announcements!
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elisajdb · 1 year
Under the Waterfall
This story is for @happygochi winner of Favorite Sexy Times art for the @the-gochi-awards
  “Remember this place?”
 Goku looked at his wife wondering if she hit her head. “I showed you this place. I lived here for years before you.”
 “Yeah, but you haven’t been here in a while.”
 “My memory ain’t that bad, ChiChi, and it hasn’t been that long since I’ve been here.”
 “Two years,” ChiChi told him. “Two long years.”
 That Goku couldn’t disagree with except it had been three years. For a year, he was dead. When he returned, he went to the hospital and stayed a month before flying off into space. A trip Goku thought would be ten days turned into another year. When he finally came home, he had to begin training for a battle that will take place in three years. When he left Mount Paozu at twelve years old, he was gone for almost seven years. These last three years felt longer than the seven.
 “It’s been a while but,” Goku secured an arm around ChiChi’s waist, “it’s good we’re back here again.”
 It was great spending every day sparring with Gohan. He dreamt of this but Goku missed his wife, too. They’ve been intimate but they’ve not spent time alone as a couple since his return. He missed their walks and exploring Mount Paozu together. He missed sharing his thoughts with her and listening to ChiChi go on about things for the family.
 He missed her.
 And coming here, Goku thought was a great idea to recapture what they’ve missed.
They were enjoying a picnic in a closed-off area of Mount Paozu where the high mountains covered in thick, green moss acted as barriers to this tranquil world. Flowers with all colors of the rainbow decorated the entrance and created a path to streams leading to a large lake where loud, rushing water poured from sprouts in the mountains.
 Goku loved his son and always wanted to be with him but he loved it when it was only him and ChiChi. Alone, he’s spoiled by his wife. She’d feed him, wipe crumbs off his face and slip in kisses between bites. She’d pamper him like she’d pamper Gohan when he was younger. “I remember the first time you brought me here.” Goku opened his mouth to be fed a spring roll. “It was a month after we married.”
 ChiChi remembered that morning vividly. She noticed Goku staring at her all morning as she cleaned the breakfast dishes. The first time she caught him, Goku was so embarrassed, he fell out of bed and rambled he wasn’t doing anything. The staring was confusing but when ChiChi learned Goku never met a female until Bulma and how he was shot at and smacked by her and Blonde Lunch, ChiChi understood his curiosity to stare and worry about being caught.
 That morning after countless minutes of staring, Goku approached her.
 “Yes, Goku?”
 “After you finish, wanna walk with me? I…. wanna show ya somethin’.”
 ChiChi noticed a pink blush on Goku’s cheeks. She only saw that when they were intimate or if she stood too close to him. Is he nervous? ChiChi didn’t think it was a big deal but understood this was the first time Goku asked her to do anything with him.
 “Yes, Goku. I’d love to.”
 “I was nervous,” Goku admitted. “I’ve asked my friends to do things with me. They said no. I didn’t mind, but I didn’t want you to say no.” Years of traveling the world caused some of Goku’s memories of Mount Paozu to fade. Some included memories of his beloved Grandpa. He remembered this spot and the fun he had with his Grandpa. He wanted to show it to ChiChi because he wanted to make fun memories with her.
 “I can’t say no to you.” Even if she did, Goku always knew a way to turn her no into a yes. ChiChi looked up at the mountains. She smiled at a familiar sprout on one of them. “You convinced me to dive from that sprout.” She laughed remembering how loudly she screamed and how tightly she held onto Goku. “It must be over a hundred feet. I was so scared.”
 “You weren’t scared.” Goku dipped a spring roll in sauce and rubbed it against ChiChi’s lips until her mouth opened to be fed. “You wanted to do it again.” Some of the sauce smeared around ChiChi’s lips but before ChiChi could use her tongue to wipe the sauce Goku licked the sweet sauce for her. “I knew then you were the wife for me.”
 “Why? What happened?” ChiChi opened her mouth to be fed by Goku but he smeared her neck with sauce and wiped it clean with his tongue. Ooo. She felt his teeth nibble her neck and his hand squeezing a breast. Oh, he was in a mood today. Their picnics sometimes led to this but they haven’t finished lunch yet!
 “You weren’t scared,” he whispered his hot breath against her neck. “You had a fearless drive in ya. You were different from other girls and I liked that.”
 She was scared but after they splashed in the water, ChiChi was so exhilarated she wanted to do it again. “Maybe I enjoyed it. A little. Ooo,” she shivered as Goku smeared sauce on her neck. “Ah, Goku,” she moaned as she felt Goku suck her sauce-covered neck. ChiChi looked over at the rest of lunch. That will have to wait until after. When Goku got in the mood, he wanted it, and not even food could distract him. ChiChi was ready to submit herself to him as she tilted her neck to offer Goku better access. Her eyes looked down and saw Goku’s sauce-covered hands on breasts. “Ah, Goku!” She pushed him away to examine her dress. Sauce stains covered her breasts. “Oh, no.” She went to the lake and splattered water over her dress. “Oh, I hope I can get these stains out. I really like this dress.”
 So did Goku. It looked pretty on ChiChi, but at the moment, he wanted it off and her underneath him. He wisely didn’t say that. Instead, he stood and shoved his hands in his pockets while watching ChiChi blot the sauce on her dress.
 “Is it coming off?”
 “Yeah,” ChiChi sounded relieved. “I think so.”
 Goku noticed how wet ChiChi got the top of her dress. He licked his lips. If he plays his cards right…. “You’ll have to take that dress off so it can dry properly. “Wanna swim?” Goku suggested. “We can do that while your dress dries.”
 The top of ChiChi’s dress was wet but it wasn’t so wet it needed to air dry in the sun. ChiChi looked at her husband, suspicious of his intentions. His eyes looked at her innocently but her instincts told ChiChi to not believe those innocent eyes peering at her. “I would but I didn’t bring my swimsuit.”
 Goku kicked off his shoes and pushed down his pants. “You don’t need clothes to swim, ChiChi.” He pulled his shirt over his head. Still the same after all this time. Goku liked that. There had been so many changes in their lives lately, and Goku was happy some things have stayed the same. Years ago, ChiChi was shy to undress. They were newly married and ChiChi was still shy about those things. Over the years, that shyness faded but since he returned from Yardrat, it return. “We’re alone and I’ve seen you naked.”
 That was true and it was feeling hot but not because of the weather.
 Goku removed all his clothes and stood before ChiChi naked. He had his back to her which gave ChiChi a chance to be the one to stare at her husband without being watched. The changes his body underwent over nearly three years were massive. Goku always had a great body but when he died, it was as if Goku returned with a new body. Bigger and more durable.
 With a wider chest and back, he had more room for muscles that were so swollen ChiChi nearly swooned when she first saw him undress. He was a buffet of muscles; big, strong and majestic. His pectorals were so big and firm that she slapped those pecs breaking out an ‘ooo’ from Goku and feasted on those large nipples with her teeth and lips strongly similar to how Goku sucked on hers.
 Mine she once thought as she sucked that firm flesh with Goku panting and writhing under her. 
 His body was a perfect sculpture unreal to be true but the body was and it was hers. Her fingers, tongue and lips glazed over each contour and curve as the wife of Son Goku thought it was her duty to familiarize herself with this beautiful body again. Nothing outshined the other; each piece of his flesh got equal love. Nothing deserved special treatment or more of her love except for that ass.
 Goku’s ass.
 That juicy firm butt squeezed as if it knew ChiChi was watching it. Mesmerized, ChiChi’s mouth watered as her eyes wouldn’t leave the firm posterior of Goku’s backside. Oh, she could just bite it!
 ChiChi was not one to fantasize or be obsessed with a particular body part of her husband. She loved all of him equally but there was something about Goku’s butt that did something to ChiChi. She wanted to get her hands on it and squeeze it. She wanted to smack it and often did when they were alone. She wanted to bite it and hear Goku groan her name on his lips. She wanted to stare at its perfection and fantasize about all the wicked things she wanted to do to it.  
 “ChiChi…. “ Goku was looking at her. When did he turn around? He had that wicked smirk on his face that read he knew what she was doing. “You’re looking.”
 Ever since Goku learned of her obsession with his butt, he wouldn’t let it go and used it to his advantage. “I was thinking.”
 Not a lie but not the full truth. “You were looking and since you were, don’t you think it’s fair you undress so I can look at you?”
 Yes, but she wouldn’t tell him that. “No. It’s not appropriate.” Oh, boy. She shouldn’t have said that. That only made Goku determined and when Goku was determined, she lost.
 “ChiChi, get undress.”
 “I’m not getting undress.”
 “Oh, yes, you are.”
 “Oh, no I’m not.” He became so cocky. What happened on Namek and Yardrat that brought out this change in Goku? It was a hidden swagger about him that oozed with confidence that made her so….. so…..
 So wet.
 Oh, no. ChiChi saw Goku wiggle his nose. He smells her. Now he knew and that always spelled her end.  
 “You’re getting undressed or I’m taking your clothes off. Trust me…..” he lowered his voice to the raw deep tone he used with her when they were intimate. “You don’t want me to undress you.”
 “Are you threatening me?”
 He smiled at her and ChiChi felt her sex tingling. Ooo, it was starting to feel good down there and she hadn’t been touched. “What I’m suggesting isn’t a threat.”
 It wasn’t a threat but ChiChi knew if Goku undressed her, she wouldn’t have any clothes to wear going home.
 I could wear his.
 But that would mean explaining to her six-year-old son why she is wearing Daddy’s shirt and what happened to her clothes. She couldn’t have that. Nor was she in the mood to see the disgust of his green babysitter who was catching on to the activities she did with Goku.
 ChiChi stepped out of her shoes. She reached under her dress and removed her underwear. Goku frowned seeing the lace garment slide down ChiChi’s legs. That should be his hands doing that. Goku pouted. “You’re no fun.”
 ChiChi frowned as she opened her dress. “I’m getting undressed.”
 “Yeah.” His eyes were on her chest as her breasts bounced free from the confines of the soft garment. “But I wanted to do it.”
 ChiChi folded her dress and neatly placed it on the grass. Naked, ChiChi shielded herself by covering her arms over her breasts. She lowered her eyes so she couldn’t see Goku looking at her.  
 That bothered Goku. Was ChiChi embarrassed?
 Goku stepped into the lake near the waterfall where the water reached his knee. He waved her over. “Water’s perfect. Get in.”
 Arms still covering herself, ChiChi got into deeper waters away from Goku until the water reached the tips of her breasts. It wasn’t the first time ChiChi was shy with him. He noticed since his return ChiChi has been shy with her body. Kissing was always welcomed but when he wanted more, ChiChi insist the lights be off. If there were daylight, she wanted him to close his eyes or they be intimate under the covers. This has caused accidents like Goku slipping and missing ChiChi in the shower and nearly cracking his head open.
 Goku went to ChiChi and pulled her away until the water reached her stomach and her breasts were on display before him. “Don’t hide from me,” he gently told her. “I wanna see you.”
 ChiChi looked away from Goku. She could feel her cheeks warming as she asked a serious question. “Goku, do you like what you see of me?”
 “Do you like my body? Does it make you happy?”
 “Yeah. You think it doesn’t?” Goku didn’t think he gave ChiChi a reason to doubt his attractiveness to her. “I touch ya.”
 “I know but you’re so different and I’m still the same.”
 “So? I still like ya and I want ya.” Grabbing ChiChi’s hand, Goku placed it on his swollen penis. “Doesn’t that tell you how much I want ya?”
 It should but ChiChi wasn’t sure. “It shows I’m attractive for you but maybe I’m not good enough for you and you’re settling because I’m your wife.”
 Guess it was time to talk about it. ChiChi didn’t want to. She accepted it because she didn’t want to hear Goku confirm it, but now it’s out, he will be insistent she tell him what’s going on in her mind. “I never felt threatened by anyone on Earth but you were dead for a year and spent a year on other planets. You came back with a different body I made love to. You were bigger and stronger….. and not pleased with me.”
 “Where did you get that idea?” Goku didn’t like being accused of something he didn’t do and he never told ChiChi he wasn’t pleased with her body.
 “You didn’t say it but I saw it in your eyes,” she told him. “The first night we were intimate after you came back, you had this look in your eyes. You look stern, kind of annoyed like you were angry with something. I figured it was me. I wondered if you still thought I was attractive. I started wondering other things like your reason for refusing Porunga’s wish.”
 “I told you I had to control being a Super Saiyan.”
 Maybe if he hadn’t given her that look, she would believe him but she couldn’t and sought another reason for her husband’s delayed return. “I can compete with women on Earth but I’m not sure I can compete with beautiful dead women or alien women stronger than me.”
 “Ya ain’t competing with anyone but you, ChiChi.” As for how he looked at ChiChi their first night together, there was a reason but Goku didn’t know he was doing it. He’ll have to explain that. “Is this the face you saw?”
 ChiChi gazed at Goku and saw his face changing. He had that stern, annoyed look again. “That’s it.”
 “It wasn’t because of you, ChiChi. It was because of me. When I came back, I thought I had my new powers under control. Then I tapped ya and learned I didn’t. When you let me touch ya, I realized I missed an area to control.”
 He spoke in riddles. His eyes and voice were in pain. ChiChi reached out to gently touch his face. “What do you mean?”
 Goku closed his eyes as he prepared to show ChiChi.
 The lake shook as if suffering a small earthquake, but ChiChi didn’t move. She kept her hand on Goku’s face. She still didn’t move it despite feeling his skin heat up. She saw his hair flowing and his eyes flickering between the coal black she knew and the teal she didn’t know. She hadn’t meant to pull away but the sudden burst of light and explosion of heat bursting from Goku pushed her away. ChiChi shut her eyes from the blinding light before slowly opening one eye at a time.
 She saw her husband glowing as bright as the sun. What the……?
 “This…..” Goku gave her that same gaze she saw that night. “….is a Super Saiyan.”
 ChiChi heard about it from Gohan but in her mind, she never thought of a physical change to Goku’s eyes and hair. She only thought it was a physical change with his body.
 And oh, my did it swell!
 “On Yardrat, I would suddenly change. A lot of times I was triggered by my fight with Freeza. I would get angry, lose control and cause damage until I got control of myself.”
 From how he looked, ChiChi believed it. He looked so intense and raw with anger. “That’s why you didn’t come home.”
 “Yeah. I thought I controlled it but when I saw you that night, I was triggered in a different way. I remembered what happened when I tapped ya so I thought if I blew up I could hurt you again.” He depowered to his base form. “So, when I looked like that, I was forcing myself to calm down. I’ve been working on it.”
 “I see.” So, that was why. ChiChi couldn’t stop the smile from growing on her face. It wasn’t what she thought. She was so happy. ChiChi took Goku’s hands and moved them closer to the waterfall where the water reached their knees and Goku had a full view of ChiChi’s beautiful body. “Sorry, I almost cause you to blow up that night.”
 “No, you’re not.” She was smirking at him! Now ChiChi knew she could make his body blow up into a lightbulb, Goku grinned knowing his wife’s ego will grow from this. Not that he minded. In terms of looks, his ego was big, too, thanks to ChiChi’s constant praise of him. “You’re feeling good, ain’t ya?”
 ChiChi pressed her body against his. “I am.”
 She was rubbing herself against him, deliberately stirring his body. “Ya gonna take advantage of this, too.”
 ChiChi nodded as she raised herself to be kissed. “I will,” she promised.
 “Good.” It was how he wanted it, too.
 Goku kissed ChiChi without hiding how he felt for her. ChiChi opened her mouth and Goku gave her his tongue. There was a gentleness in his assault but undeniable need as he groaned low in his throat and swept his tongue past her teeth commanding her surrender.
 Goku’s right hand pressed against ChiChi’s back while ChiChi’s fingers clamped tighter in Goku’s hair. He angled his head to one side for deeper contact and kept a firm grip on ChiChi’s leg that hooked on the left side of Goku’s waist. In return, ChiChi felt the hard length of Goku’s erection. Their tongues thrust together, hungry and needy for each other as blissful heat build in each other that even the cool waters lapping at their legs couldn’t cool them down.
 Somehow ChiChi thought Goku felt hotter and bigger. This sudden heat sent pleasure to ChiChi’s center. Her sex tingled; her body trembled and she felt burned. In a good way. Opening an eye, ChiChi saw Goku glowing again. She smiled. She did have that effect on him.
 While ChiChi grinned with glee, Goku worried. If he wasn’t careful, the raging inferno inside him will burst free and burn ChiChi. He didn’t want to hurt ChiChi or scare her from him in this condition.
 As if sensing his dilemma, ChiChi broke the kiss but still held Goku close to her. He was worried; fearing he will harm her. She needed him to calm him. “Give me your heat, Goku. I’ll control it.”
 What was she saying? She couldn’t control this. She wasn’t a Saiyan. “ChiChi…. I can’t.”
 ChiChi wouldn’t take no for an answer. She rubbed her moistening sex against his stiff penis. Sensual friction. Intense pleasure spread into Goku. He groaned at the heady sensations ChiChi sparked in him. His body was getting hotter; the intensity of being a Super Saiyan was growing. “ChiChi…..” he groaned begging her. “Don’t.”
 She kissed him again with her surprising assault taking over his mouth. “Give.”
 “No.” Dammit. She was rubbing him faster, kissing him harder and oh no, her hand was sliding down his back to his weak spot. “ChiChi…..” her name ripped from his throat wanting ChiChi to keep going but also wanting her to stop for her safety. “Don’t.”
 “Trust me,” she implored him as her fingers pressed that weak spot. Goku felt his body snapping and his control relinquishing to ChiChi. A calmness came over him as he felt ChiChi take over their lovemaking. His body was hot but not burning. He felt depowered but waffling between his base form and Super Saiyan. He didn’t worry about ChiChi being burned. Somehow she took his heat. Did she calm him or absorb some of his heat into herself? He wasn’t sure but when he opened his eyes he was shocked to see ChiChi’s hair still black but elevating.
 Was she? Did she?  
 “Goku,” ChiChi murmured between their kisses.
 That soft murmur spurned his body to prickle in delight and need for her. He returned to kissing her but his body wanted more of ChiChi. He still kept a hand on ChiChi’s thigh to hold her up but the hand on her back moved to knead a breast.
 The moan that came from ChiChi had his thickening penis pressing tighter against ChiChi’s opened sex for some relief. The moisture pooling from between ChiChi’s legs drenched the head of his cock. He needed to get inside her. He needed to wrap himself in that warm, wet and tight heat.
 Their kisses didn’t break as Goku grabbed ChiChi’s hips and hiked her feet over the water to dangle in the air. “Straddle me,” Goku commanded.
 ChiChi obeyed settling her legs around Goku’s waist and placing the tip of his cock against her sex. The sensation of hard flesh against slick flesh rocked ChiChi. She wanted him in her as much as him but instead of plowing in her deep, Goku pushed her up until her breasts were perched above his hungry mouth. Still with black hair, Goku gazed his wicked teal eyes at ChiChi as he captured a nipple in his mouth. He sucked. He licked. He bit. He drove ChiChi mad with need, forcing her to ride against his cock without penetrating. She arched and strained against it, wanting, needing him inside her.
 With wicked eyes, Goku captured her other breast and bestowed upon it the same treatment of sucks, licks and bites, leaving ChiChi to rub harder and faster against him. “Goku….” she whimpered against him. “Don’t tease…. Give….”
 Her back arched and her words broke out in a cry as Goku suddenly slammed himself into ChiChi all the way to the hilt. No more foreplay was needed. No going slowly. They were both too far gone for that. What they wanted, what they needed was raw, hard and fast loving. Goku pulled out and pushed in. Hard. Over and over. In and out. They were kissing each other again with their tongues battling for dominance. Their nipples rubbed against each other’s chest in delicious friction. Their bodies were getting so hot. They were getting so close. Savoring Goku’s frantic thrust, ChiChi opened an eye. Because of her worries, they loved each other in the dark. She couldn’t see Goku or the emotions on his face as he made love to her. Now ChiChi wanted to see it. She wanted to watch his face; see his concentration of driving himself in her body; see the need and love in his eyes as he gave himself to her.
 She saw a glimpse of the Super Saiyan in Goku. She saw his raw need and strength; glimpses of the beast he kept hidden. It excited ChiChi and sent her sexually stimulated body over the edge. She screamed his name as her sex squeezed Goku’s; her slick and heated nectar saturated his hard length, spasming until she pulled Goku with her.
 “ChiChi….” Goku ground out as erupted inside her. He muffled his roar by clamping his mouth onto her neck and sunk his teeth into her skin as his twitching cock filled ChiChi’s with his potent, Saiyan cream.
 Afterward, Goku maintained the strength to keep them upright. ChiChi slumped against Goku in pure satisfaction. Her face pressed against his shoulder and her eyes gaze lazily at the waterfall behind them. The coolness of the water was what her still-heated body needed.
 “Wanna go for a real swim?”
 “Mmm,” ChiChi shook her head and pressed a kiss against his mouthwatering chest. “I rather stay in your arms.”
 “Hmm,” Goku murmured. ChiChi smiled when she felt Goku’s lips press against the top of her head. “ChiChi,” he spoke seriously, “this Super Saiyan may not be the only change I undergo. I may have more transformations in me but I’m gonna only want you. You got that?”
 Oh, she got that. Never again would she doubt Goku’s feelings for her but soaking in her husband’s heat, having his strong arms hold her, ChiChi felt she needed another lesson of assurance. “Could you show me one more time?”
 Goku grinned at his love. “I’ll show you ten more times if I have to.”
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happygochi · 6 years
Favorite Crossover Award Art
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For this year's winner of the favorite crossover category, @maiikawriter and her story, "For Her Father, For Her Country", mulan x gochi au featuring our faves, Milk and Captain Son :) 
Congratulations once again and thank you and every single one involved for making @the-gochi-awards a success! 
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songochiox · 3 years
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Price for the winning writer @elisajdb of the #GoChiAwards, scene from Life with You Chapter 13, link below 
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