#lured him out of the gutter with shrimp on a string
vegetas-mustache · 10 months
I know we all like to compare Vegeta to a very expensive purebred cat or dog and Goku to a big orange thing that got lured into the house with food
But like
I think that’s the opposite of how their wives see them
Chichi: this is Goku, he’s a world champion martial artist who defeated a demon king. I had to fight in a tournament myself to get him and now he can do tricks and farm!
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Bulma: this is Vegeta, he’s a genocidal space monkey with anger management problems. I lured him into my house with shrimp on a string and now he barely even scratches the furniture!
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edtwtbutnot · 2 years
dog owners: this is my precious angel boy who i payed $3,000 for last november and i finally got him today hes my everything.
cats owners: this is my trash gremlin she was stuck in a gutter across the street and i lured her out with shrimp on a string.
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furbearingbrick · 3 years
ALSO not to tell on myself as a michael self shipper who has strong opinions on this topic but I think Michael’s way of being a thoughtful partner is probably like
kind of like a stray cat you fed and ultimately let live in your house, and it every so often lets you pet it or cuddles you, but it will mostly forgo physical affection in favor of bringing you “presents” bc it wants to make sure you’re provided for and hanging out in your general presence and listen to you talk even though it doesn’t understand bc it likes your voice, or sleep with its belly visible (but you know you’re special to that cat despite it not being the cuddliest because it won’t even let other people touch it—in fact, with strangers it’s more likely to disappear or bite)
Like it’s not the traditional way of being a good/thoughtful partner (and I think Michael is aware of that) and requires a lot of patience, but the minute he meets someone who respects his touch aversion and need for space sometimes and doesn’t force him to talk, he’ll absolutely be the most loyal mothefucker on the planet. And the clingiest—not in the touchy way, but in the way where he’s never too far away from his partner if he can help it and misses them a lot if they’re not there.
Tldr you may have to slowly lure Michael out of a gutter with a piece of shrimp on a string but once you do you have his love and affection for life
mmm good shit
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