#i forgot what my schu tag was lmao
seizingfate · 6 years
CL Meta, S2E9: A World Without Circles
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So I just rewatched s2e9 bc i was trying to figure out what the hell the Moonlight Musik actually does, and holy hell the character interactions in that episode are So Good I felt the need to type words about them. The writeup will be mostly centered around Beet, tho, because, well, you know.
First we got Choppin’, the insecure shut-in who’s probably more aware than any of the Classicaloids about their legacy, because he’s so insecure (nice consistency! logical! i love it!!), discovering that people think he ripped off one of his Musiks, one of his essential parts of himself, from another Classicaloid, who he Does Not Like and Never Liked That Much in the past (as compared to literally every other Classicaloid who came after Beet lmao). And fortunately, no one in the mansion knows about it, and Beet seems to have forgotten about this piece, so it might be Ok? People online might shit talk, but no one he interacts with in real life is gonna think he’s a rip-off/fraud?
And then. Beet starts being weird about circles, and Chopin picks up on what Beet was trying to remember within, like, 5 seconds, when it takes Beet himself a day and a half and a Deus ex Mom to figure it out (although tbf, the “moonlight” sonata wasn’t “inspired by moonlight,” that was a music reviewer’s invention and the title stuck). Has Chopin been watching out this entire damn time?
And then there’s Beet’s point of view here - imagine how goddamn frustrating it would be to look down at your breakfast one day and be like ...do i remember something from my past life? what the fuck?? is up with circles??? No one around me will shut up for one damn second while i try to remember through a haze of memories to something that may or may not have happened in my past life? And now someone has stolen my goddamn breakfast?????
And then Chopin, in good ol’ panic mode, steals everyone’s stuff (sidenote I love how Liszt knows she can get him out of his room with his favorite food) and rains on first everyone, and then when he appropriately gets yelled at, just on Beet. What a good exchange for all involved.
Liszt: if u got shit with Beet have it out with him, don’t rain on us Chopin: ... *rains on Beet* Beet: Why Are You Doing This Chopin: ... Beet: Ok You Can’t Stop Me From Circles
And, contrary to stereotype, Beet isn’t really that angry at Chopin!
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Look at him this is just a 3 or so on the Beet Anger Scale. He’s more frustrated and determined to get to the bottom of this. It’s sort of the positive side of him not caring about people - even if you’re directly attempting to prevent Beet from reaching his goal, he’s not necessarily going to be angry at you, just determined to overcome the obstacles you put in his way. I mean, he’ll be irritated - he’s annoyed the scene before the Musik and when Mozart suggests forgiving Chopin and making peace he finds it ridiculous - but both times he shrugs off the irritation in pursuit of what he’s trying to figure out. Unstoppable force indeed.
Sidenote: Chopin’s music might be mostly triggered by fear, but he can control it really well (refining the target area, keeping it up for an entire damn night). 
ANYWAY SCHUBERT. One of the best parts of s2 were Classicaloids acknowledging each other’s Musik! and Schu is So Good here!! this ep almost singlehandedly makes me want to believe in schupin. Even when he doesn’t know that Chopin’s fear is basically exactly what Schu himself struggles with, he tries to help and honestly almost hits the nail on the head, it’s just that Chopin’s probably not thinking too clearly at this point seeing as he’s stayed up ~36 hours stealing stuff and Musiking.
And after Deus ex Mom triggers the climax, oh man what a resolution. Chopin’s voice actor pulls off a great performance of sincere panic and fear. And Chopin pretends he don’t care about the other ‘loids BUT HE DO !!!
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And then SCHU!
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SWEET CHILD...! Who’s struggled thru his entire past life of people calling him a rip-off! (i mean in classicaloid canon only, didn’t really happen irl BUT ANYWAY.) Now, if only someone could say the same to him or he could get some validation OH WHAT’S THAT, SENPAI ACTUALLY-
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Anyway Beet’s entire speech is 1. bangin’, because on a meta level it sort of works as an explanation of what Musik is? I mean, we learned that the entire damn reason the Classicaloids are, uh, themselves is Kyogo played them music pieces, which somehow imbued them with the composer’s soul and also Musik powers - so some of their souls *magically* transmuted themselves into the music itself, makes sense. 2. It shows Beet’s really pretty egalitarian theory of music in general, and 3. Beet’s music itself is a great example, from his general use of mastering and then bending sonata form and later tonality itself to greater express content, and also more specific examples of him using inspiration from another piece (Mozart 40!) to create one of his own (the Fifth!)! TL;DR I want to print this speech out and staple it to the forehead of everyone who shit talks sonata form!!!
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 Anyway Schu canonically brings Chop breakfast and worries/cares about him, thank u for your time here’s an extremely #blessed image of chopin with a lil bun
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