#i guess because I'm taking about family flaws i should tag it huh?
unseenthewriter ยท 4 years
Just something I've noticed fairly recently but the way I write fanfiction has changed a bit? I'm not sure why lol. It's not bad I haven't been doing it long enough to say if it's good for me either but you know...
I'm like basically the definition of a pantser. I might have a vague sense of the overall plot (LOOKING AT YOU FAMILY FLAWS) but like for the most part I just kinda write whatever and the come back later to decide if it's shit or not. Anyway I think around Chapter 5 of Family Flaws I just kinda stopped trying to find a good ending point for chapters I just kept writing more scenes. I'll like eventually get to the point where I'm like "I moved on from the main plot point of that chapter a few scenes back I should probably end the chapter back there huh?" And then you know do that.
I USED to be so tied up in having to figure out the perfect way to end EVERY chapter. Which is fine but idk having cliffhangers every chapter can be a little annoying lol. Some of the ends of chapters are really meh but like eh it's fanfiction I'm doing this for fun and practice.
I'm also doing a LOT more jumping from one WIP to another than I ever used to but that's a completely different topic lol
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