#i have a whole series planned out where j.d. and turk used to drunkenly hook up in college
throttlegainwell · 5 months
Might be time to do a Scrubs rewatch and finally finish all the poly Turk/J.D./Carla and threesome fics (Jordan/J.D./Perry) I've got partially written.
Jordan is sure that Perry is convinced the appeal for him lies in seeing the two of them as a pair of hunters skillfully taking down a helpless gazelle and sharing a still-warm meal. Any idiot could see, though, that what he’s really enjoying is watching Jordan sink her teeth into the kid; and that whether he’s getting off on it or not, a significant part of his attention is taken up just watching out for the skinny klutz and making sure that, while she gets her fill, she doesn’t nick an artery. He’d deny it, of course. And he’s certainly not gentle or sweet with Dorian. But, then, Perry’s never been one to show his love with soft things.
Still 100% convinced, btw, that Turk/J.D./Carla was borderline canon. They were very much in a relationship, all three of them, sex or no sex.
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