#i have been eating chinese dumplings since birth and it has shaped me as a man
gingerbreadmonsters · 8 months
kushikatsu time.. 🥳🥳
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dommesticpet · 5 years
Lullaby in Paradise
It was a pretty good weekend.   A radio station streamed all of Woodstock* with the announcements, which has never been done before as these recordings were largely ignored for five whole decades - I listened to a lot of that.  Echo and I tried a new place for lunch on Sunday where we were spoiled for choice.  She was kind enough to take me to the record shops... I’m very excited to check the new arrivals out.  But that’s not what I’m here to tell you about.  I’m here to tell you about the draft.  (Wait, I mean kink.)
Sunday is seemingly our kink day - you can almost set your watch to it.  I stay up extremely late, this week it was due to catching Johnny Winter and CSNY on the aforementioned stream, and Echo wakes up before the sun.  On Sunday morning she returns to bed and sometimes she falls back asleep and sometimes she has a plan of events.  She has needs, and it’s my job to see to it those needs are met. Sometimes awkwardly, or with the use of strange hardware from the Harbor Freight plugged in to a thing that vibrates, because as one of my co-workers once noticed I am incredibly fond of plugging electronics into other electronics to see what happens.  
In this case, it’s screaming and moaning, more than once.  I sometimes worry it happens too quickly, but that’s why I try to go for the encores, but I am sometimes thwarted by pseudo-cramping and other issues stemming from prolonged pleasure purveyance.
After this, it was time for the Nova Pro 100.  I remember some lights and sounds, but the light-and-sound machine tends to do a pretty good job of making me unable to recall much of how it ran. I know there were noises and more lights than usual, but that’s it.   I don’t know if it’s submission, exhaustion, or all of the above, but I seem to not have the capacity to remember if I was hyper-focused.  Something is happening.  I’m being told to do something.  What is it? I’m not sure. 
Afterward I am a little fuzzy. I think I did some stuff to her.  I know she did stuff to me - @friedcherryblossomprincess posts a lot about denial, so we did a teeny bit of that.   I get a little twitchy, but there’s a cure for thinking about being turned on without release too much - and it’s eating too much Chinese food at a new place.  Look I am not going to waste food and the leftovers wouldn’t survive the drive home in this weather.  The dumplings had to be eaten! All of them!
After dinner, I continued to be stuffed but we got home and she wanted to do some more stuff upstairs.  Echo brought out the hood. There was kneeling, moaning, sucking, squealing, smooshing, and all of the things you might want if you are a sub my age who is me.  I was feeling a little overfed, but she was saying my stomach was hard and in amazing shape for her.  I’ll take the compliment.  
In short, it wasn’t a particularly long bout of denial.
* - Rhino Records put out an obscene 38 CD, $800 set of Woodstock. All the bands, all the announcements, books, and all sorts of nonsense.  Since the WXPN stream was “live” it meant a lot of the show was on while I was sleeping, so I missed a lot of it.  It was really cool but clearly marketed to boomers in their lux retirement, and not gen xers and millennials and xennials who don’t pay $800 for CDs.
The stream was the CDs, censored because of certain words they don’t take too kindly to on the public-funded airwaves in 2019.  I would very much enjoy hearing what I missed but this seems unlikely without a low-end cheap reissue or digital dump.  It was a rare treat to hear voices reach out from the past, though.  The announcer would share news of births, marriages, missing insulin, calls for kids to pick up a pay phone and call their moms, it was a delight.
If the means to hear this are made available to you, check it out.  38 hours of audio history form half a century ago just seems like strange magic.
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