#i have purchased a box or two of gluten free girl scout cookies
cdelphiki · 4 months
you like tagalongs but not do-si-dos??? canceled! cancelation for mother!
I don't know what do-si-dos is other than something you do in square dancing.
Being real here, I have celiac disease and don't buy girl scout cookies at all. Also I used to work in tourism in Savannah, GA and highly dislike the girl scouts because of the entitled girl scout groups I had to deal with. Also I take issue with the parents of the girls peddling the cookies on everyone rather than making the girls do the actual work. It's rare these days an actual girl goes door to door or runs the tables. It's always parents or parents at work saying 'my daughter is selling cookies here.' No sir, this is you selling cookies and I don't see how this helps your daughter develop any of the skills selling cookies is supposed to develop when its mom and dad doing all the work. Anyway there's my unpopular opinion rant I can be cancelled for. 😌
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warpweighted · 2 years
Rating The New Girl Scout Cookies
So there's a girl scout cookie alignment chart post going 'round, and as a Former Girl Scout™️ I thought it would be fun to take a look at what the cookies are like nowadays. More expensive for less product? Well, that's a given (in my day the boxes were much larger and four bucks a pop, shakes cane get off my lawn etcetera), but every few years they come out with a new cookie and shuffle others away so there's bound to be some interesting changes.
But first! A treatise on girl scout cookie brands. Y'see, what the alignment chart gets wrong is that a Lemonade would never be caught dead next to a Do-Si-Do - they're from different manufacturers! Little Brownie Bakers and ABC Bakers are two separate cookie manufacturers, and if I recall correctly each county's Girl Scout association will only purchase from one. Matter o' fact, where I was the bordering county had ABC Bakers, and we were Little Brownie Bakers, and we weren't even allowed to sell in each other's counties.
It might've been because our county operated on a pre-order system and the neighboring county was sell-what-you-got, so ABC scouts would be selling the physical cookies a lot sooner than LBB scouts which meant that an ABC scout in our LBB county could really fuck up your sales prospects.
ANYWAYS! Back in my day, the lemon cookie du jour for LBB counties was Savannah Smiles, which were introduced to capitalize on the massive popularity of Lemonades. LBB hasn't got Savannah Smiles anymore, which actually makes the alignment chart out of date, but what they do have is
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Lemon-Ups®️! I gotta be honest, I don't see how these are any different from Lemonades. Savannah Smiles kinda sucked, but at least they were original. 6/10 smart business decision at least
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I seem to remember a short-lived chocolate chip cookie counterpart to this next one, similarly gluten free. The chocolate chip one sucked so much that it was pulled after one year. 7/10 she's a survivor
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When the fuck did this happen? You leave for mumblemumble years and they change everything goddammit. I appreciate the relief sculpture thing they've got going on, tho. 5/10 I dont trust the marshmallow
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The new bitch in town! She's full-bodied, she's cool, she doesn't give a fuck, and everyone in the grocery store desires her carnally. Personally I'd do away with the chocolate drizzle, but as long as the caramel doesn't suck ass she's fucking golden. 8/10 I'd have to try the caramel first.
Now let's take a gander at ABC Bakers!
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Looks about how I remember it, slightly different recipes and names for the same basic stock, and - oh, what's this?
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Ohhhhhhhh-kay. Maybe it's a play on "toasty," like as in toasting a marshmallow or -
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1000000/10, no notes
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