#i have to do this for a.rju toooo
sundescended · 2 years
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𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚅𝙸𝙴𝚆. ( repost, don’t reblog )
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NAME:  Karna, Vasusena, Anga-raja, and Radheya
ALIAS:  Hero of charity, lancer of red, son of the Sun God, launcher, Karna, hero of benefaction.
AGE:  There’s not really a canonical age that Karna has as a servant but physically he’s been summoned as a young adult
FAMILY:  Kunti (biological mother) , Surya (father) , Radha (adoptive mother) , Adhiratha (adoptive father) , Arjuna, Nakula, Yudhishthira, Bhima and Sahadeva (Pandava brothers) and Karna’s brothers from the side of Radha and Adhiratha.
SIGNIFICANT OTHER:  as a servant none.
SINS:  greed  /  gluttony  /  sloth  / lust  /  pride  /  envy /  wrath.
VIRTUES:  chastity  /  charity  /  diligence /  humility /  kindness  /  patience  /  justice.
PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE:  Protecting history, being of service, offering help to those who need it, keep honing his skills
KNOWN LANGUAGES:  As a servant, all languages
SECRETS:  Not really. Everything one needs to know about Karna can be found in his epic. Him not saying certain things doesn’t equal to him keeping secrets, as a lot of the times its just that the matter has never been asked and/or he doesn’t know when the timing is right to explain certain things
SAVVIES:  skilled archer, knowledge in martial arts and different weaponry, rider skills (son of charioteer), ruling qualities (king of Anga), etc.
BUILD:  scrawny  / bony  / slender /  fit /  athletic  /  curvy  /  herculean  /  pudgy  /  average.
HEIGHT:  178 cm
SCARS / MARKS:  Aside from the torn skin around his chest area from when he tears his armor off, nothing else to note. Headcanon wise, there is a mark around his neck from when he got decapitated by Arjuna during the Kurukshetra War.
ABILITIES / POWERS:  skilled archer, knowledge in martial arts and different weaponry, rider skills (son of charioteer), inhumane speed (agility rank A), high resistance (being able to endure fatal hits for some time), being able to endure the intensity of the sun, etc.
RESTRICTIONS:  Class advantage applies here as a servant, so currently as lancer, he is more vulnerable to sabers. If he were to be summoned under the archer class, he would be more vulnerable against lancers, and finally if he were to be summoned under the rider class, he would have a disadvantage against assassins. In regards to his noble phantasm, technically he would only be able to use it once, however since we are taking in consideration the setting of f.g.o he can spam it anytime he gets sent to a singularity/different space setting. He also has another skill that is said that it cannot be used on an oponent stronger than himself.
FOOD:  birthday cakes are quite fascinating to him. Although he enjoys healthy food, due to Jinako’s habits he’s gotten the opportunity to try fast food and he’s grown to find it quite tasty (just look at these two ce’s heehee 1; 2)
DRINK:  tea of any kind, sodas have a curious and unique taste to him so he tends to enjoy those
PIZZA TOPPING:  whatever is offered to him tbh
COLOUR:  black, gold, red, yellow, white
MUSIC GENRE:  nothing in particular. So long it sounds harmonious or if the individual playing said music is doing his best, it is enough to him.
BOOK GENRE:  poetry , historical , philosophy 
MOVIE GENRE:  historical , movies about friendship
SEASON:  summer
CURSE WORD:  Although in the past he’s used bad words, as a servant he rarely would ever use them. In all honesty, his sharp observations tend to cause the same effect.
SCENT(S):  ash, gold, clean pressed clothes. Not much can be mentioned here, though it is not completely impossible to get him to wear cologne or perfume for certain occasions.
BOTTOM OR TOP:  Usually top, however this matter seems not to be of much concern to him and thus he would not mind to switch.
SINGS IN THE SHOWER:  nope! just silent showers
LIKES BAD PUNS:  Does it count if he’s the one who says them tho unfortunately, as how Jinako put it ‘he can’t make a joke’. Now whether he likes them- he finds a certain charm on them even if it might prove to be quite difficult to get him to laugh out loud
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