#i havent ever got high so this might be wildly inaccurate <3
ughgoaway · 6 months
home for christmas // day 11
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content warnings; swearing, weed and just general anxiety lol
a/n; omg the second to last fic already!! (if we ignore the 2 I haven't finished from past days...) anyway when it's a flashback the text is in italic, I hope it's clear what's happening lol <3
word count; 1.9k
(this fic takes place after they've gotten together)
12 days masterlist
“Darling, you've got everything, don't worry” Matty assures you as he locks the front door and grabs the bags from your hands, refusing to let you carry them. 
“Are you sure we have your mum's gift?” You ask chewing on your lip anxiously.
“Yes, we-”
“What about Lincoln’s gift? Do we have that, too?” you say, interrupting Matty and chasing after him as he walks down the concrete stairs to the car.
He pauses where he stands, drops the bags, and pulls you in. Wrapping his arms around your waist, Matty starts to speak but stops himself. One hand slides from your waist up to your lip and pulls it out from between your teeth.
As his hand slides back, he begins to reassure you, “My darling, we have absolutely everything. We’ve also got Louis present packed, annies ready in the car, and buzzing to see her nanny. You’ll be fine, okay? There’s no need to panic.” he gently smiles and pulls you closer. Instinctively, you burrow your head in his neck and breathe him in, matty smiles and presses a kiss to your temple.
“Sorry. First Christmas as a couple with your mum just has me panicking a little. But you're totally right, it's fine.” You mumble into Matty's jumper. Eventually, you pull your head back and shoot Matty a nervous smile. Reluctantly, you both pull away and finish your walk to the car.
“Are you excited, Annie?” You ask, reaching back and ticking her stomach lightly. You can't help the massive smile that fills your face at her excited giggles. She weakly slaps your hand away as she laughs.
As you get in, you immediately spin around to look at Annie in the back. She's sitting in her car seat with the happiest look on her face. ready with a poorly wrapped present gripped in her hands, the one she had made ready for Denise.
She insisted on wrapping it herself and wanted to keep it with her the whole journey, just to make sure it arrived safe. Next to her was a little lunchbox filled with snacks for the journey. You could tell Matty had been stuck with a screaming child in the back of his car on this trip far too many times to not be prepared.
She nods assuredly, “So excited! And im gonna stay awake the whole time to talk to you and Daddy.” she says confidently.
Despite it being 7 a.m., she was filled with enough energy to power your journey back to manchester, so you almost believed her.
Not even 1 hour later, Annie's gentle snores could be heard from the front of the car. You shot Matty a fond look, and he was already grinning to himself.
“Ooh she almost made it to an hour this time, a new record!” he joked, flicking his eyes up to the rearview mirror to catch a glimpse of his sleeping daughter. You watched his eyes light up as he looked at her. He stared at her as long as he could, but soon enough, the road demanded his attention.
Every other time he’d brought a girlfriend home he was wracked with nervousness, chewing at the skin around his nails, and quizzing her on facts about his family before they arrived. But he knew it would work with you. It always just worked with you. 
In his peripheral vision, Matty couldn't help but notice your jiggling legs. Clearly, you were still filled with nerves about spending your first Christmas with his family.
But Matty couldn't be less anxious if he tried.
Denise saw how Matty looked at you that night at the nativity play. She saw the light in her son's eyes as you spoke. She knew it was over for him the second they walked into that room, and all he did was seek you out. So she already loved you. If you made her son that happy; how could she not?
But Matty sympathised with your nerves. He decided there was only one way to really calm you down. It was time to bring out the embarrassing teenage stories, the first of many you would hear this Christmas, he's sure.
“I’m gonna tell you a story to try and calm you down, okay, sweetheart?” Matty said softly, moving his hand from the gear, resting it on your shaking thigh in an effort to stop your bouncing leg.
You look over at him with pinched eyebrows, “Okay..” You start suspiciously, “What kind of story?” Your hand slides over his on your thigh, and you intertwine your fingers without a second thought. 
“Ah now you have to promise to not laugh at me or hate me afterwards, yeah?” he says with a sly smirk on his face. Snapping his head between you and the road, Matty waits for your tentative nod to continue. 
“Okay, so this is the story of the very worst Christmas of my life, just so you realise there's nothing you could do to fuck it up worse than this.” Matty squeezed your hand as he finished in what he hoped was a reassuring gesture.
“Cmon, how bad could it be?” You say innocently,
“Well, it was the first time my mum found out I was smoking weed, so needless to say it wasn't great”
Freshly baked gingerbread sat on the kitchen side, underneath it, a decorative Christmas blanket embroidered with each name of the Healy family. 
“Boys! Gingerbread!” Denise shouts up the stairs, midday on Christmas meant it was time for both her boys to run off to their rooms and use all their new gifts, Denise has been hearing the strumming of Matty’s new guitar all day.
Matty comes tumbling down the stairs, obviously excited at the prospect of freshly baked cookies. He takes in the living room, which his mum had been cleaning in preparation for visitors later. The Christmas tree sat in the corner, covered in a mixture of homemade decorations and ornate ornaments.
It was Louis job at the tinsel, so it was a bit haphazard, but he's pretty sure his mum adjusted it once Louis walked far enough away. Warm lights string around the room and the tree, creating that Christmas arua his mum strived for. Finally, sitting atop the tree was a slightly wonky angel, put on by Louis as Matty held him up. Denise didn't have the heart to adjust that one.
Right now, all the lights just looked hazy to Matty. Maybe it was the christmas spirit! or maybe it's because he was stoned out of his mind..
Ross had hooked him up with some nice stuff for Christmas, and Matty had decided what better time to smoke it than just before Christmas dinner. Just as the munchies kicked in, Matty could swoop in and eat his weight in turkey and stuffing. Then he would go up to his room and fall asleep in a food coma, overall a very solid plan.
He didn't, however, factor in his mum's early baking mixed with his lowered inhibitions. He also forgot to factor in his mum wasn't an idiot and when he came down stinking of weed with red eyes, she would connect the dots.
Just as he was reaching for a gingerbread man, he felt his hand get slapped away, and Denise snatched his wrist. She pulled him in and grabbed his face between her hands, smooshing his cheeks as she did. 
Of course, hearing that also sent his dad running in from the sofa, a newspaper still in hand. And soon enough, both his parents were standing in front of him with their hands on their hips, waiting for an answer.
Matty simply smiled a dopey smile at her, his red eyes blinked heavily as he looked at her face. But before long, that grin was wiped clean off.
“MATTHEW HEALY. ARE YOU HIGH RIGHT NOW!” his mother shrieked out.
Matty weighed up his options; is he honest about being high and risks his mum never speaking to him again, or does he try and figure out a way to lie and hopefully get away with it? I
f he gets caught lying, he's sure he won't be alive to see next Christmas, but if he gets away with it, then he can happily go back up to his room and finish his zoot.
Apparently, his stilted silence and shifty eyes answered any question his parents could've had. Pretty soon, he felt the wallop of a rolled-up newspaper on the top of his head.
As he tries to way his options, the smell of gingerbread is the only thing on his mind, the munchies kicking in earlier than he thought. The warm spices fill his nostrils as he imagines the feeling of biting into a warm soft biscuit. 
“Oh my god! What happened after that?” you asked laughing in disbelief, sure you knew young Matty would've been a twat but god you wouldn't have guessed something that stupid.
“Well needless to say that Christmas was ruined. My dad shouted at me for a good 15 minutes, you know the usual parent stuff. The dangers of illegal drugs, the addictive nature, how bad smoking is for your lungs all of that. But the real kicker was my mum.” Matty said, glancing over at you, the wicked smile he had whilst telling the story had dropped into a sort of sad but fond one.
Matty lightly giggles at your response, “No no, that was the worst part. She did nothing. She didn't go mental, she didn't threaten to kill me or Ross. She simply stood by my dad until he finished, shook her head, and walked away. In total silence.” Matty flicked his eyes over to you only to see you with your mouth dropped open. 
“What did she take away your new guitar or something?” You ask, sitting up in anticipation of Denise’s response. You knew she was a fiery woman, so you were expecting the worst.
“ooh or did she ban you from seeing Ross? You didn't dob him in, did you?” You gasped at the scandal that was unfolding before you. 
A few seconds of silence fill the car before you say, “Well… karma is a bitch I suppose” with a shrug. Matty can't help but burst out laughing at your blase reaction. 
“Too right it is sweetheart. But you'll be happy to know she got her own back soon enough. She found my stash in my room, and instead of just taking it, she swapped it out for oregano. The next time George and I tried to get stoned, we were sorely disappointed.” Matty chuckles as he remembers his mum's petty antics. 
“But yeah, obviously I still smoked weed after that, but I always made sure to at least try and cover it up” Matty recounted as if he was doing his parents a favour. 
You can't help but roll your eyes at his response, “oh how chivalrous of you Matthew” you sarcastically say, lightly pushing at his shoulder. 
“Hey! At least I wasn't ruining her house with the stench of weed anymore. Although that was particularly good weed from memory… I wonder if Ross remembers where he got it from?” Just as he was mulling over the idea of phoning Ross, Matty heard the worst thing he could possibly imagine. 
A small voice piped up from the back and simply said, “Daddy, what's weed?”
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