#i hope your kfc gets bombarded with more bread
todayisafridaynight · 5 months
edging to the top 100 list wont be able to finish until you make it to number one </3
yeah i got you bro DONT YOU WORRY o7
100. the little ridge on his nose
99. his moles from y3 <3
98. his moles from y7 <3
97. how round his head is during the ps3 era
96. how spikier his hair was in the original y2
95. that fuckin puffer From Y2
94. his weird grunting and moaning after he gets tied up in y2
93. how his immediate concern after gettin tied up is to get maccas
92. baby daigo's dumbass lil bow tie
91. baby daigo's dumbass lil bowlcut
90. how crusty he looks in y5
89. his lucky gun
88. how he didnt want to bring his lucky gun to the brawl with ryuji. and got arrested for firearms possession anyway
87. his reptile dress shoes as chairman <3
86. the fine lines on his chairman suit
85. his tie that sometimes looks like a brassy green but its actually supposed to be silver but the green looks better on him anyway
84. how malnourished he looks in comparison to shinada when they brawl on the roof
83. the sad lost-dog reaction he gets to kiryu in gaiden
82. his sassy I Told You So moment in gaiden
81. his goofy lil fisherman outfit
80. his leather jacket //miku_emote//
79. his stray hairs for when his slicked-back hair gets messy :))
78. his voice. enough said.
77. not enough said tho how he never raises his voice above two decibels <3
76. his dedication to the tojo even if they bully him every three seconds
75. how he chose to not open the bottle mine left for him because it wouldnt be the same without him there to share it
74. his laugh that can only be heard in cut content <3<3<3<3
73. the complicated feelings he has about his worthiness as a leader and wanting to live up to kiryus standards
72. how he managed to Not Die in the thirteensome years he was as chairman
71. his thuggish fighting style <3<3<3<3
70. the progression of his character from being whiny brat to realizing His Whining is a result of parental neglect and how he sincerely wants friends in y0 to how he grows into a man so tired of everyone around him after his dad is killed and now he wants to be shut off and left alone because he's lost hope in people as a whole in y2 to becoming a man that cares so much about the people he was forced to care for by his only real father figure who he idolizes so much and how he struggled to accept that role not just as a mantle he was competent to carry but how his anger from his previous misanthropy nearly jeopardized his succession and how he had to learn to overcome it
69. his huge penis
68. he's good with kids
67. how he's so proud to refer to kiryu as his father and respects kiryu's wishes to not go to war over him (even if kiryu self admittedly has been cringe at being a father figure to him)
66. how there's a pocket circuit trophy with his name on it
65. how he says banzai <3<3<3<3
64. how he used to be belligerent during y2 but now it takes more to get a rise out of him
63. his stubble <3<3<3
62. the little frown line in the center of his nose ridge and his eyebrows
61. his berry-banger shade lips <3
60. his grumpy little frown and perpetually stern expression
59. how his sideburns have a sort of feather-out look to them
58. the way his cheeks are round like his mom's (and how he look like his momma in general)
57. the shape of his eyebrows and how they end in a point Like That
56. the little buckle on his shoes in y2
55. overall his berries-and-cream-looking-ass outfit from y0
54. how he knows it's kiryu driving his taxi even if he's wearing sunglasses and a mask and doesnt say a word to him
53. his terrible tendency to prioritize kiryus needs over the tojo's
52. how he sent mine to okinawa to look after kiryu (bonus points for summer mine :miku_emote:)
51. how he invited mine to a date drink at the bar, laughed at his joke, asked him if he was single, and then snuck out through a bathroom window all because he thought kiryu was in danger
50. his ability to take criticism and even valuing it and not wanting people to mindlessly follow him
49. his glower in that One Frame in the rain from that pre-fight cutscene with him in y2 you know the one
48. how he got mad at ryuji after he was asked out on a takoyaki date
47. how he's touched by the fact that mine bought a share in every taxi company in kamurocho just to find him
46. how even with his hair slicked back as chairman it still looks so soft
45. daigo's goofy ass smile he gives kiryu in y3
44. god help me the small smile he gives mine moments before mine decides to kill himself
43. how daigo was more concerned about mine's safety than why exactly he was on the rooftop in the first place
42. how even though daigo was upset with mine and kanda's scheming that didn't stop daigo from not only giving away billions of yen but also taking a bullet for mine even when mine was green to the clan at the time
41. the lil 'text' updates you get from him in rggo thanking you and saying you're helping the clan be better <3
40. how daigo not only helped the schoolkids with their raffle event and deal with gangsters but also personally attended and made sure everyone was havin a good time
39. to add on to him barely yelling (sins the time when mine jumped off the roof </3</3 and when he shouts banzai <3) when he interrupts people he still doesnt yell and sounds so calm while doing it
38. his decision to '''''''disband''''''''' the tojo clan despite how hard he fought for it in kiryus name
37. how he considered the lives of the yakuza and what would happen to them, making sure they had a safety net in the security company before going through with the plan
36. how he was able to play the long game and use his decision to disband the tojo to his advantage in the first place and fuck over aoki's own plans even if it meant hiding out for twosome years
35. how he canonically gives 'i'm not mad i'm just disappointed' lectures
34. how daigo sits legs spread while kiryu sits Respectfully in the seiza position during their visit to the omi and he looks like a grumpy teenager being dragged to a parent/teacher conference
33. how daigo acknowledges his reckless behavior by the end of y2 and now wants to do better for kamurocho
32. daigo's very blink-and-you-miss-it moments where he's a snarky little shit
31. the shade of brown his eyes are and how they arent totally pitch black
30. his sassy little hand-on-hip pose he does for his poundmate summon
29. the necromancy
28. how he just looks miserable during his introduction scene at the cabaret when he's supposed to Allegedly be a party animal
27. the cute lil outfit he wore for the dead souls substory <3
26. that render of him with the shotgun and he's not even holding the handle
25. his goofy ass 'wauUUGGH' he makes when you hit him because He Never Raises His Voice so him getting hit sounds like the most unnatural thing possible
24. him having such a dramatic intro in y5 (and genuinely being one of my fave intros to a game in the franchise) only for us to find out he just wanted to help a homie out with some cash
23. him willing to go to juvie For Said Homie and the team so him and their baseball team could achieve their dreams
22. the disappointed mother energy in him having to tell shinada not to announce to the entirety of japan he's the tojo clan chairman
21. his impeccable accuracy
20. how he has no qualms with shooting or killing people
19. how he unloaded a whole clip into shindo after dude macks on his mom and only stopped shooting when kiryu told him to stop
18. daigo having the energy of an angry dog whenever ryuji's on screen and kept getting his shit rocked (bonus points for ryuji not remembering tits about him)
17. his silly little fists-on-hips pose he does when you take a selfie with him in yk2
16. how he was concerned about mine's relationship with money and wanted to get closer with him without feeling like he was only interested in mine because of his money or other material possessions
15. the fact that Apparently he still puts his puffer on from time to time as chairman
14. his awful posture in dead souls, especially in comparison to how straight he stands later on
13. how he's so upfront with kiryu about how strong of an influence he was on him
12. the goofy as hell disguise he wears in y5
11. the lil blue hospital outfit he wears in y6 <3
10. his ability to draw people together
9. how you can bash him with noodles in a NG+ file on YK2. the way he flops over.. </3
8. him and haruka being cemented as kiryus kids by both of them being kidnapped in the same game
7. how even while daigo has a calm and empathetic demeanor he doesn't object to things such as yubitsume and he doesn't strictly follow the whole honor system going on in rgg
6. how his comment on being slaves under the government in y7 can be gleaned from the fact he was practically a slave to the police in y4 and following their whim. if not that just being a hilarious progression of circumstances
5. just how cool his tattoo is and the depth of the meaning to it.... (really such big bonus points for the fact a dragon there in addition to. Everything Else about it)
4. how he just gonna stand next to majima smiling and happy at the end of y4 as if he didnt throw him to the wolves (or the pigs ig GOTTEM)
3. how five seconds after he gets out of prison in 2017 for a fire he didnt commit he has to deal with tokyos new bitch ass governor cracking down on yakuza laws and As Aforementioned navigated that situation swimmingly
2. despite him being driven places for the most part he can still drive
1. his gargantuan balls (both metaphorically and physically)
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