#i just want more dimensions to jack fenton than just ignorant father or bigot scientist. is it too much to ask ๐Ÿ˜”
wisecloudnightmare ยท 4 months
Can we have fucked up, toxic, old man yaoi with Jack Fenton/Vlad Masters please?
It's my brainrot that I can't cut off asdfgh
They're two mad scientists, one's carelessness changing the other's life irrevocably and the other hates him for it enough for murder attempts. Come on. You guys have to see it too.
Vlad wears a mask of a generous self-made man who'd like to reconnect with his long lost friends. But he's not that careful. What if Jack picks up on it and idk, plays a psychological game with Vlad?
What if it ends up as a poly relationship where Jack and Maddie love each other, and with Maddie's consent, Jack pursues Vlad like a wolf in the golden retriever's clothing?
More ideas under the cut
You can:
1. Add identity shenanigans where Jack feels jealous of Plasmius and Vlad's relationship
2. Make Jack act like an excited puppy around Vlad but a hunting hound when sees Plasmius. Jack knows they're the same person. But the mental gymnastics Vlad has to do to keep up the act means he accidentally trains himself to find excuses for Jack's behavior. Like any slipups from Jack's part or Jack's ...advances.
3. Make Jack put up with Vlad's murder attempts because he feels guilty and wants to bond with Vlad.
4. Make him intentionally step into traps because it makes Vlad happy.
5. Make him intentionally DESTROY the traps because Vlad looks really hot (both figuratively and literally) when he's angry.
6. Make Jack play up his clumsiness. When Vlad falls into a lake alongside him and comes out wet and miserable, Jack feels ...something.
7. Make Jack flirts with Vlad but with an excuse like, he's just affectionate with his friend.
8. Add angst to 7. by making Maddie/Jazz/Danny confront Jack about his relationship with Vlad.
8. Make Vlad try to present himself as a better husband to Maddie but make Jack fall in love with him instead.
9. Make them drunk and fall into bed together (need to tag consent issues tho)
10. Adds spice to 9. by making one of them trans
11. Make Danny walk in on them doing domestic shits like cooking together and Vlad feeding Jack to taste-test the food. (Vlad doesn't understand why Danny runs off like he sees something scandalous.)
12. Make Danny really walk in on them doing something scandalous lol
13. Make Danny cock-block them intentionally because he doesn't want Vlad as his other dad
14. Make Jazz sit Vlad down for an invasive therapy session
15. Make Vlad fall in love with Jack in the college and see Maddie as the one who stole him away (make the girls fiiiight)
16. Make Vlad fall in love with both Jack and Maddie but he's a repressed gay. So he pursues Maddie aggressively. Maddie likes him but finds his affection... fake? I mean he blushes when talking to her but there's this weird energy between him and Jack
17. Make it a really dark psychological thriller where Vlad wants a perfect family, using underhanded methods. Jack is less discreet and forcefully taking what was his; his Maddie, his kiddos, his... Vlad.
18. Make both of them halfas and their violent urges need to be met. (Have you ever read fics where sex with non-human is really violence?)
19. Make Vlad unconsciously purrs around Jack. Vlad falls asleep on the Fenton's couch and Jack picks him up, moving him to a guest room? Vlad purrs and nuzzles into his hold. Jack plays with Vlad's hair? Purrs. Sitting next to each other? Purrs. Danny comes back home to see purring Vlad arching his back so Jack can scratch it better, and quietly walks back out
20. Just do it like any other ships from Danny Phantom fandom or dpxdc crossover: create as many plotless fluff or porn (pwp) as you want. I just want to advertise the ship.
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