#i just want soft sukuna 🤧💞
lovelytarou · 3 years
strawberry flavored
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pairing: ryōmen sukuna x reader
genre: fluff, a lil suggestive?? kinda
tags: sukuna and strawberry food !! also sukuna has his own body here, set in modern times
word count: 1.3k
a/n: two of my favorite things combined 😌 this is mostly thanks to @sakeomi who asked me to feed her soft sukuna content and @hanniemilk who joined me on my sukuna brainrot!
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warm curtains of golden light cascaded between the shades of old trees, their leaves swaying along to the melody provided by the cool breeze. the sun is high up in the sky beating down on the village and its people. 
it's a perfect weather to be having a little adventure by yourself. picking up the small basket filled with items for a picnic, you grabbed a big blanket and decided to head out of the house. you smiled and breathed in the air – the sunlight making you look as if you're glowing. 
you trudged along the path, swaying the basket lightly as you hummed to yourself, paying no mind to people who gave you judging looks or onlookers who are wondering what got you in such a good mood. 
the path you took lead straight to the woods and up the mountain. it's a long walk but it was worth it. 
the infamous shrine the villagers told horror stories about around a flame to their children and family stood before you. some of its pillars are broken, paint somewhat fading as if it too was being abandoned by time itself. the building itself was dim and gloomy – the sunlight never reaches this part of the mountain, always dark and away from all things light. 
the unknown always intrigues you, it's kind of weird how this looming infrastructure straight out of a scary movie seems comforting to you and provided peace when you wanted to get away. you love it here, it's just you and nature. 
“you again,” the voice that spoke from behind you made you jolt in surprise, halting your movements as you prepared your things. 
turning around, you saw the pink-haired man (at least, you believe he is) wearing a white kimono, his hands hidden inside the sleeves. he raised his eyebrow at you in question, clearly not surprised that you're here. 
“sukuna!” you beamed at him, waving him over from where you're sitting on your picnic blanket. he eyed you for a moment or two before giving up and walking over. 
“what is this?” he nodded to the assortment of food, or more like red and pink foods laid out in front of you. he can't lie that most of them smelled sweet, he wonders what you're up to today setting up in his shrine like this.
“oh, i thought we could have a picnic together!” you gestured to the food, oblivious to his confusion and slight irritation. you pat the spot next to you, “come sit.”
although reluctant at first, sukuna went and sat next to you. a little too close, to be exact. he can feel how warm your body is and how much he had craved feeling someone next to him. not that he'd told you that. 
you reached for a jar filled with red jam, opening it and lathering it evenly onto a bread you brought with you, topping it with another bread before handing it to him.
sukuna stared at you then back at the sandwich. at first, you would've thought that he's mad at you for giving him food that he doesn't like (not like he needed to eat anyways) but in reality, he's just thinking what the hell do you want him to do with a sandwich.
“go on, try it!” you urged him, pushing the sandwich a bit closer to his mouth. 
slowly, he took the food from you and took a bite. he was chewing with a frown on his face as he couldn't see what the fuss is all about until the taste hits his tongue and exploded inside his mouth. he's left there staring at nothingness. he has reached oblivion and he's not coming back. 
glancing at his dumbstruck face, you giggled to yourself because that's exactly what your reaction was the first time you tasted strawberry. you watched as sukuna wolfed down the whole sandwich in amusement as you ate yours.
“good, isn't it?” you asked, already knowing the answer.
“i've had better.” he grunted, looking away as if bored by the whole ordeal and he did not just inhale the sandwich you made. but, you'll play along with his little game.
“then, perhaps, this will satisfy you?” you offered a donut with strawberry icing and sprinkles on top, wiggling it in front of him with a wide smile.
he hummed thoughtfully, “what is this circular food called?” 
“it's a donut,” you spoke through your mouthful of your own, munching it with delight. sukuna can't help but smirk at how much of a messy eater you are. mouth and cheeks covered with crumbs, your hand decorated with strawberry jam and the pink frosting. 
you're too entertaining and endearing to look at. he doesn't really get bored of your presence and you always have something new to show him every time you visit him. 
he felt his once cold and dead heart skip a beat when you reached over to him with your hand, a furrow on your eyebrows as you wiped away a stray sprinkle on the corner of his lip before popping it inside your mouth. he suddenly felt hot and sweaty even though the sun isn't glaring down on the two of you. 
the feeling of your thumb left his skin tingling from the spot you touched. he knew it was a simple act, yet his heart raced inside his chest like it's about to bust out of his body. he can't help but look over at where you're sitting, happily eating your food as you spoke from time to time about whatever you can think of. 
you truly are a sight to behold. 
“try this one next, it's my favorite.” he snapped out of his thoughts when he felt something touching his lip only to realize it was a plastic straw from a small box you held in your hand. 
leaning down, he closed his lips around it and took a long sip. you made a mistake of watching him as he gazed up at you through his lashes, pools of crimson staring through your soul and making you feel like you've been lit on fire. he pulled away with a smirk, his lips a glistening a little from the drink. 
with your face feeling hot, you looked away from him and started to clean up a bit since it was the last food you brought. you swiftly gave him a tissue too to clean himself up, gaze not tearing away from you.
cute, he thought. 
when you're done, you breathe in the air and closed your eyes. it really is peaceful up here. no one to bother the two of you, practically hidden from the hustle and bustle of the world. it's like being someplace that is forbidden yet magical. 
part of the reason why you love coming up there is because of sukuna. when he wasn't being his bratty, grumpy self, he can be serene and a lovely company to have.
before he could react, sukuna felt you cling to his arm and your head slotted itself on his strong shoulder. he felt tense at the moment, not knowing what to do. he could smell your shampoo and your perfume, and just you. he didn't know if the harsh beating he was feeling was from you or him. maybe it's both your hearts beating together. 
“i like hanging out with you, sukuna.” you admitted out of the blue, eyes closed as you relaxed against him. 
his arm lifted up to wrap around your shoulder, bringing you closer to him.
“why–” before he respond, you cut him off.
“even though you're a grandpa at times.” you chuckled. he was about to push you off because of your statement but you held tight on his kimono. 
“i guess you're tolerable,” he mumbled, leaning down to give you a kiss on your forehead, “brat.”
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general taglist: @chibishae34 @behan @zukuroo @nakizumie @kirakirasaku @duhsies @marksflvr join my taglist!
© lovelytarou 2021
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