#i like to think my only personality traits are horni on main and chaoticness but...damn dear šŸ˜žšŸ‘Š
dolphin-enthusiast Ā· 4 years
hello muffin!! šŸŒ¼ā˜€šŸ’— ahhh i apologize for writing so late,, i had a friend over for the night and things got quite hectic!! (it's 1:32 as i write this part) i hope your day went well darling!! please make sure that you're taking care of yourself for me since that is very important to maintain šŸ’ž (1/7?)
"you all have said lots of funny and creative things today, hmm?? also lots of sweet things too, which i greatly appreciate as always!! that matchup ask made me giggle, and i really got a kick out of that little photo you edited hehe!! my siblings liked it too šŸ’• and vogue? that's the dream!! i do hope i can make it there someday šŸŒ  (2/7?)
ahhhhhh and that mythology related ask really got me,, i love mythology so i thought that was a sweet little reference!! šŸŒŗā¤ (though if i had to choose between any sort of mythology, roman mythology is my top choice!!) oh and i'm very flattered by some of these comments~ i'm in no way charming enough to be a seducer, but it makes me feel nice to know someone thinks that haha,, and my friends really enjoyed seeing that ask for some reason!! šŸ˜… (3/7?)
my sister and i were finally able to buy eyes of heaven today!! we haven't played yet since we're setting aside time tomorrow to start the story mode together,, but it's such a dream come true!! we got the digital version 85% off, which was amazing,, awaaaaa i really can't wait to play it!! (3/7?)
we also spent a lot of time playing the sims 4 with the friend that is currently over, and it was very funny!! lots of chaos and housefires,, but eventually she and my sister tried making us??? we didn't get to play that household yet (since we had to go upstairs eventually) but it was very amusing to me, they seemed to have a lot of fun creating us hehe šŸ˜Š (4/7?)
and i do in fact adore sinatra's music!! he's one of my favorite singers ever! my music taste is pretty mixed but mostly comprised of vintage music, songs my parents grew up with, my older brother's music/songs he's shown me, and opera,, it's pretty sporadic but i like it that way!! (5/7?)
oh stars, so much going on in so little time, i would normally keep writing but i feel my narcolepsy kicking in,, i'm gonna lay down in case my body decides to go catatonic,, i'll be back tomorrow love!! - with lots and lots of love, your faithful waifu xoxo šŸ˜³šŸ’‹šŸ’ŒšŸ’žšŸ’—šŸ’–šŸ’•šŸ’“ā¤šŸ’˜šŸ˜˜ ps (1): someday we need to play eyes of heaven together amore!! šŸ˜˜šŸ’‹āœØ ps (2): i like to think that it wasn't just fate, but also the fact that your personality really charmed me, so i decided to stick around šŸ’Œ (7/7)"
Dear of corpse we would say u sEduCEd ur way into our void of a hearts that wholesome energy does wondersšŸ˜©šŸ˜© i did also like that mythology comparison as well and i had a feeling u were fond of roman mythology as well esp since ur italianšŸ‘ļøšŸ‘ļø and (as i said before) i just knew u liked frank sinatra too....my music taste is very much likely opposite ig consisting of (mainly old) rock, metal, punk and everything inbetween.....with a side of eurobeat for reasonsšŸ¤ŖšŸ‘Š
Actually playing eyes of heaven is a dream alas i dont have a console and i tried emulating it before (since thats how we play most games we die like salarymen) and it didnt work sošŸ—暟—暟—æ what i DID manage to get however was heritage of the future which is like a 90s jojo combat game just like eyes of heaven...well minus the fancy graphics and all but its got c h a r m rhdhhd
Im glad to see u once again had fun dearšŸ˜³ as for myself i just watched some old animes again since i simply adore the 80s/90s animation style and the music and then went for a walk and c o n t e m p l a t e d jddjdj
And wow saying u fell in love in love w my personality is...wig? Like i have no words jduxnsns bruh do i even show my personality around here eye literally just meme/clown around all day longšŸ¤”āœŒļø
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bbelphie Ā· 4 years
AGGHHH! That Barbatos he was great!!! Since weā€™re on the topic of side characters we obviously want to date, would you be willing to do more hc of Barbatos, Diavolo, and Solomon? NSFW or SFW?
both? both.
it looks like i went a little too much on about diavoloā€™s hcs, didnā€™t i? jehdjdj thatā€™s because i wanted to talk more about him, he has so much i want to discuss (solomon too, he has suspiciousā„¢ļø vibes)....... but letā€™s keep it short while my creativity still lasts for my others precious boys.
like i said before, barbatos will remember the little things you tell about yourself like no other. every time he does something for you in base of the small information that you donā€™t even recall saying to him, it warms your heart and you canā€™t help but smile, making him proud of himself for a trait he didnā€™t really minded before. so itā€™s like a self esteem boost for him he didnā€™t even know he needed.
heā€™s very dedicated to to your relationship. he knows he canā€™t be around all the time but that makes your time together even more special. thatā€™s why he doesnā€™t deny displays of affection in public, although likes it better when youā€™re in a secluded place, when the touches linger on his skin for more time.
heā€™s all in for cuddles with you. it may take a while to get him comfortable with it but he warms up soon, nevertheless.
[NSFW] good job kisses are a thing with you two. theyā€™re soft and quick, leaving a trail of longing after youā€™re apart. when barbatos spends his rare days off with you, these kisses take an unexpected turn, becoming breathtaking and making you unable to open your eyes for a few moment afterwards.
it leads to a makeout session that releases all the stress of not being intimate with each other for so long.
make note that barbatos misses you greatly, so he canā€™t help but imagine about it and when the times comes, he takes his duty of pleasuring you very seriously. however, being a teasing bastard itā€™s a part of his personality, only brought to the world to the people heā€™s close with. that being said, keep in mind that youā€™re in for a long night.
precise touches and observant glances. he will be storing in his memory every corner of your body for better exploration. soon enough, he becomes an expert in making you see stars as a punishment for making him feel like he does about you.
he prepares you for him so you donā€™t get hurt. yeah, his teasing may be endless but itā€™s for a reason, the only thing heā€™s not is careless. your well being is a priority and he handles it well.
you all know heā€™s the next in line for the throne of the devildom, and thatā€™s for a reason. not only because of his father, but the power diavolo can radiates that makes people kneel for him.
a less metaphorical way of saying this is that heā€™s a powerful and influential demon. almost an idealist, he has his ways on how to make things work to acquire peace between the realms. the student exchange program was one of them, and heā€™ll destroy everything that comes his way as a obstacle to that. (sobs about the last chapter,,,)
however, diavolo has a heart with good intentions. he loves and expects the best of everyone in the devildom, including you. he just didnā€™t expect to feel so strongly about you in a short period of time.
he doesnā€™t consider it as romantic love at first, but knows youā€™ve gotten a special place in his heart. itā€™s when his thoughts always lead to your smiling face that makes him seriously think about it. why is he thinking about you so much? it couldnā€™t be really love. is it?
before he decides to confess to you, he analyzes his situation: the next demon king, busy trying to mend the bond between the realms, thereā€™s still the ones against him, considering diavolo an enemy, and many others issues. he starts hesitating, but every doubt goes away the moment you say his name. diavolo quickly tells you about his feelings, before having second thoughts about how youā€™ll be reacting to it.
a competent and reliable lover, diavolo listens to your troubles and tries to be always there for you. doesnā€™t shy away from being affectionate, he loves feeling you close to him. your happiness is one of his main concerns, itā€™s safe to say heā€™ll treat you like a king/queen. (well, you kinda are....)
respects your wishes, and is always putting you first, even in the bedroom. knows heā€™s strong and enormous, so is very careful about how to touch you. kisses also are meaningful to him, and his heart beats happily everytime he gives you one, being it soft or rough.
[NSFW] has a LOT of self restraint, and treats you like youā€™re a fragile porcelain doll. that mostly is because heā€™s aware of your human mortality and doesnā€™t want to hurt you in any way. so a better term for sex with him is lovemaking for itā€™s slow and sensual. if he ever increases his pace is because the pleasure is too much and he needs to achieve his release fast.
moments like those will leave you sore next morning. itā€™s not his purpose for doing so ā€” in fact he feels guilty and will definitely pamper you for the rest of the day ā€” diavolo just canā€™t help but gradually lets himself lose some control he has, pounding deep into you while heā€™s overtaken by his instincts. nevertheless, he express his love for you in any way he can as long as youā€™re comfortable with him.
now this one is another tease. ever since you met solomon he never faltered on making you flustered. even if you donā€™t get along at first, you end up hanging out together since you are the only humans in the devildom.
are prank dates a thing? because you had that even before developing feelings for each other. friendship with solomon is so chaotic, he has a way of bringing you with him to mess with someone, normally luke.
also damn have you seen solomonā€™s cape? itā€™s fucking beautiful. and he lends it to you whenever youā€™re cold. things like this makes it looks like youā€™re a couple in everyone elseā€™s eyes. which you disagree firmly, while solomonā€™s enjoying watching you stumble upon your words denying it.
when you get mad at him for not helping you clear the misunderstanding, he just says he doesnā€™t cares. but maybe he does. maybe, he actually likes this idea. so, after some thinking, he invites you on a date. (but you wouldnā€™t know itā€™s a date.)
the moment someone calls out on how cute you two are together, solomon instantly agrees with them before letting you speak anything. then, he proceeds to tell this person about every little thing he adores about you, while his arm goes resting on your waist.
when you ask about how he acted afterwards, he will smile softly and just say that he was telling them the truth. he loves everything about you, even the things you donā€™t like about yourself. this begins to look like heā€™s admitting his love for you, and solomon doesnā€™t mind a bit.
after that, your relationship isnā€™t much different from the time you were friends, but know thereā€™s more touching and teasing. you do so much more things together, you name it ā€” going out on dates, teaching you magic spells, tickle fights, eating together and the list continues going.
he likes giving you forehead kisses. he shamelessly implied itā€™s a good luck charm. truth be told, he just likes kissing you. your forehead, top of your head, your cheek, the tip of your nose, your neck, and his favorite: your lips.
[NSFW] as i said before, heā€™s a tease, but also adores when you tease him back. it becomes kind of a competition of making each other horny and the one who gives up resisting loses. and itā€™s really hard to make him lose. even if you or him loses, the competition stops mattering after you kiss. so much raw emotion is built up during the day and released at night, or even on the late afternoon if one of you gets impatient. nevertheless, nights likes these are the cause of sore legs and bruised lips in the next morning.
if you donā€™t think he wouldnā€™t elaborate your private times with magic, youā€™re extremely w r o n g. motion binding spells, aphrodisiac spells, spells that restore your stamina and many others. itā€™s always a surprise when solomon makes sex with you. of course he only tries them with your consent but it doesnā€™t get less thrilling.
enjoys overstimulation on you. maybe is asmoā€™s influence, but knows sensitiveness makes the pleasure 100% stronger. so thereā€™ll be eating you out and fingering you for some time before he finally enters his length inside you. thatā€™s you donā€™t need to worry too much about the wait, he makes sure to be all worth it.
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