#i looooove fancy party episodes. i love it so much
finncakes · 1 year
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A Dance of Deception🎭✨️
based of J.C. Leyendecker's advertisment for Arrow (under the cut)
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princessprospit · 7 years
Volume 4 rant/review time because I couldn’t stop thinking about it!
Oh boy where do I begin? The animation keeps improving which is really great! The characters faces are a lot more expressive, the character designs are great. The voice acting has gotten better, especially Ren’s.
Okay I love Jaune, I really do. It’s been great seeing him grow from vomit boy to strong precious cinnamon roll but I wish character development had been more evenly distributed this volume. I get that it’s hard with balancing 4 story lines at once. I wish they could have focused on 2 of the main girls one volume then 2 the next, both spanning over the same time period. Then development would have made a lot more sense and the story less choppy. There are more holes in the plot this volume than swiss cheese like goddamn. 
We’ve seen Jaune mourn and its great but I wish we got to see more of Ruby working through her feelings. She’s never even mentioned seeing Penny die then Pyrrha. Ruby is the main character of the show but shes had no development this season. She got one small bit of venting before it switched back to Jaune. I mean there’s still visual development with the fact that her cloak is all tattered and the crescent rose is scratched up so obviously she picked fights probably with Grimm and fought with anger instead of strategy.
Blake’s storyline was good but there were a couple things that bugged me. Like with Sun eavesdropping on her. Yes that was bad. Then she slapped him 3 freaking times. Like what??? Then it was never mentioned again nor was there any portrayal of Blake’s actions being wrong. Mama Belladona is precious and I love her. I thought it was hilarious that the White Fang plans were basically on a google doc that they forgot to take Ghira off of. Then Blake doing a complete 180 wanting to take back the WF made no sense. I’m sure it was only for the sake of convenience for everyone to go to Mistral for volume 5
Then there was Yang. I had really high hopes for her story and I really wanted them to show her rehabilitation and shit. Like the robot arm is awesome and all but it was too soon. and I understand there was a time-skip but we barely got to see any of her working through her trauma and PTSD. It felt like more of a cop-out to me. Also the whole thing with Yang needing to put on the arm to “be normal again” was kinda gross. They should have shown more of her story and her accepting herself as she is then putting on the arm out of choice rather than needing to be “normal”. And everything with Blake was never mentioned. Again, suddenly deciding to head to Mistral was way too convenient and there was no real build up to that decision. 
Weiss’s story was probably the most fulfilling out of all our leading ladies. I loved seeing her get angry and yell at the party and defend the people of Vale. Also it gave more insight on her motives in general to leave home and go to Beacon to become a huntress. It also seemed a little to convenient that she suddenly could fully summon. Her reason for going to Mistral made the most sense. Also I hope we get to see more Qrow and Winter interactions oh my god.
The best part of this season was obviously Ren and Nora. I looooove backstories. Baby Ren was so precious and you can see that he’s the perfect mix between his dad and his mom. He has his dad’s hair but his mom’s hair color in his streaks. And he has his mom’s eyes and according to her, her sass. Then you notice that his weapons are designed similar to his father’s dagger and his emblem is all over the village. And his outfit for this volume is similar to his father’s. Then we see his semblence and it reminded me of back in volume 3 when Nora was freaking out about the tournament and she suddenly turned monochrome and calmed down. Now we know that was Ren using his semblence to calm Nora and that makes it so much more precious. The Nuckelavee was so terrifying and I loved it. Definitely the best Grimm so far. I also thought it was cool that none of their fancy hunter/huntress weapons could hurt it but Ren’s father’s dagger killed it. Also that scene was so emotional I cried. Seeing Ren get that closure was great. It was a little weird that all of a sudden Jaune’s weapon became a broadsword but oh well. Apparently some people are angry that he was able to wield it and hold down the Grimm’s arm. It’s honestly not that unbelievable. I mean hes mentioned in other episodes that the shield is heavy but since he’s been walking with it all over Anima for months it makes sense that he would get used to it and be strong enough to handle it now. I mean he’s also become the tallest in the group and he seems more tough and broad shouldered anyway so it’s pretty reasonable that hes able to carry that heavy ass sword and shield then use that to hold the arm down. I may or may not have started freaking out when Ren and Nora held hands. It was just a really pretty and cute scene. 
Also QROW LIVES!!!!! I’m so happy about that. The scene where Jaune, Ren, and Nora were leaning on each other was great. Just that one scene held a thousand words. Ruby’s monologue was neat although lengthy. Then the after credits scene oh boy. That honestly surprised me. I got really excited though. I hope they explain how Oz suddenly got inside Oscar’s head.
Also I found it a little weird that Ruby is suddenly right handed when I swear there was another time where she was writing with her left hand.
Long story short, this volume had many flaws. It had many plot holes and there were many things that could have been done better. I still loved it because I love RWBY. I mean this was their first volume since Monty’s passing and I know it was probably really difficult to continue the show without him there to guide them. There’s nothing we can do now aside from hope that they learn from this and are able to improve their writing for the next volume and hopefully tie up some loose ends. I know I’ll be anxiously awaiting volume 5. Also crossing my fingers for bumblebee but I like blacksun too *shrug*
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